单词 | 强烈的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 强烈的 adjective—intense adjless common: lively adj Examples:一阵强烈的情感 n—flush n 最强烈的 adj—ruling adj See also:强烈—(violently) strong 烈 adj—intense adj • upright adj 烈—achievements • fierce • exploits • ardent • stern • give one's life for a noble cause
将欢迎对关于两性平等和工资差别的建议作出 更强烈的反应。 daccess-ods.un.org | It indicated that stronger responses to recommendations on gender equality and the pay gap would have been welcomed. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴西、挪威和瑞士代表团在这方面也表达 了 强烈 的保留意见。 codexalimentarius.org | The delegations of Brazil, Norway and Switzerland also expressed their strong reservation in this regard. codexalimentarius.org |
这种情况在参与诉讼程序的受害人当中造成了越来越 强烈的不信 任心理,致使受害人在努力组织起来时再次受害。 daccess-ods.un.org | This situation has caused, among the victims who participate in the process, increasing scepticism, re-victimization and fractures in their efforts to become organized. daccess-ods.un.org |
决议草案无意创 建新的机制或程序,而是发出强烈的 信 号 ,表明必 须停止当前的侵权和暴力行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | It did not aim at creating any new mechanisms or procedures, but to send a strong signal that ongoing violations and violence must come to an end. daccess-ods.un.org |
代表团看到面对这种不平等有某种程度的 敬重或顺从,尽管一些囚犯确实表达 了 强烈的 不 公 平感。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation observed a degree of deference or resignation in the face of this inequality, although some prisoners did voice a strong sense of injustice. daccess-ods.un.org |
议员们希望,多哈会议能够发出 强烈的 信 息 ,表明需要在各种市场力量与调控之 间建立更好的平衡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Parliamentarians were hopeful that the Doha Conference would send a strong message about the need for much better balance between market forces and regulation. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然欧共体代表团不反对通过该标准,但在一些添加剂,特别是酸度调节剂、颜 料、防腐剂和增稠剂的使用上表达了 强烈的 保 留意见,因为没有正当的技术理由在标准 涵盖的产品中使用这些添加剂,而这些产品由特定群体大量消耗,尤其是儿童。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of the European Community, while not opposing the adoption of the Standard, expressed its strong reservation on the use of some additives, particularly acidity regulators, colours, preservatives and thickeners, as there was no technological justification for their use in the products covered by the Standard and these products were consumed in large amounts by certain population groups, especially children. codexalimentarius.org |
日本代表团对秘书长原来在大会第六十三届 会议(也即在正常预算周期以外)提出的预算 (A/63/605),已经表示强烈的保留意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | His delegation had expressed strong reservations about the budget that had originally been proposed [...] by the Secretary-General (A/63/605) at the sixty-third [...] session of the General Assembly, outside the regular budget cycle. daccess-ods.un.org |
其他 一些答复者要么认为不存在单一发可持续森林管理筹资方法,要么称自己对两个 选项(专用基金或促进机制)没有 强烈的 倾 向。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some others either expressed the view that there was no single approach to financing [...] sustainable forest management or that they [...] do not have a strong view on either option [...](dedicated fund or facilitative mechanism). daccess-ods.un.org |
小岛屿发 [...] 展中国家还是许多土著族群的家园,他们保持着有活力的文化、1 000 多种独特 的语言、以及强烈的对土 地和海洋的传统依恋。 daccess-ods.un.org | Small island developing States are also home to a [...] large number of indigenous family groups, [...] who have retained robust cultures, more [...]than 1,000 distinct languages and strong [...]traditional attachments to the land and the sea. daccess-ods.un.org |
谈到另一点时,托尔伯特先生表示 人们越来越强烈的希望 加强监督机制,确保国际法现有的将袭击学校、教师及其 [...] 他人道主义工作人员的行为定为犯罪行为的各项准则切实得到遵守。 daccess-ods.un.org | On another note, Mr. Talbot stated that there was a growing [...] desire to see a strengthening of monitoring [...]mechanisms of compliance to already existing [...]norms of international law that made it a crime to attack schools, teachers and other humanitarian workers. daccess-ods.un.org |
谨请你以最强烈的措辞谴责这种以种族主义、仇视伊斯兰教和不容忍为表现 的亵渎行为,并敦促所有国家禁止这种行为或加强现行法律,以便不让那些坚持 [...] 从事煽动仇恨和暴力的邪恶运动的人为所欲为。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would like to request you to [...] condemn, in the strongest terms this act [...]of sacrilege as a manifestation of racism, Islamophobia [...]and intolerance and urge all States to outlaw such acts or reinforce the existing law in order to deny free hands to those who persist in their evil campaign of incitement to hatred and violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于安全理事会正在进行谈判,拟在没有具体证实对厄立特里亚的指控的情 况下通过对我国的严厉的经济和金融制裁,我不得不再次给你写信,作为我 2011 年 10 月 7 [...] 日信函(S/2011/623)的后续行动,并以最 强烈的 措 辞抗议加蓬提出的 决议草案。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the light of the ongoing negotiations at the Security Council on the adoption of severe economic and financial measures on my country without concretely substantiating the allegations levelled against Eritrea, I am, once again, compelled to write you this letter as a follow-up to my letter of 7 October 2011 [...] (S/2011/623) and also to present my Government’s [...] protest, in the strongest possible terms, about [...]the Gabonese draft resolution. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于恐怖主义犯罪 的性质一般具有强烈的政治意图和影响,也由于一般与恐怖主义有联系的人的性 质,必须在工作人员及其联系人面临真实危险的极其微妙的环境中展开调查步 骤。 daccess-ods.un.org | Owing to the nature of terrorist crimes — generally fraught with political intentions and influences — and of the persons generally associated with terrorist groups, investigative steps must be pursued in an extremely delicate environment, amid real dangers for staff and their contacts. daccess-ods.un.org |
过去几年全球捕捞量下降,全世界被过度捕捞的鱼类种群百分比增加以及 未完全开发的物种比例下降传递了 强烈的 信 息,即世界海洋渔业状况正在变坏, 对渔业产量有消极影响。 fao.org | The declining global catch over the last few years together with the increased percentage of overexploited fish stocks and the decreased proportion of non-fully exploited species around the world convey a strong message – the state of world marine fisheries is worsening and has had a negative impact on fishery production. fao.org |
例如一些光源会发出强烈的紫 外光谱范围的光线,对这些光源的色温测量并不包含紫外部分,因为人眼对波长短于 [...] 400 纳米的光没有感觉。 motion.kodak.com | For example, some [...] light sources emit strongly in the ultraviolet [...]region of the spectrum; the color temperature of such a [...]source does not measure this portion of the emission because the eye is not sensitive to radiation below 400 nm. motion.kodak.com |
由于这两 个分部门有强烈的联系 (见附图),均依赖健康的水域环境以及均受 到其他开发活动的影响,需要形成伙伴关系。 fao.org | The two subsectors need to form partnerships as both are strongly linked (see [...] accompanying figure), both depend on healthy [...]aquatic environments, and both are affected by other development activities. fao.org |
报告没有清楚指出这些袭击是恐 怖主义分子攻击,尽管秘书长在其文件 S/2009/585 中 [...] 强烈谴责这种攻击是“毫无意义的滥杀行为”,安全理 事会新闻稿 SC/9775 用最强烈的言词谴责这些攻击,并 且说它们是一系列的恐怖主义攻击。 daccess-ods.un.org | The report does not clearly mention that these were terrorist attacks, despite the fact that the Secretary-General strongly condemned the attacks in his report contained in document S/2009/585 as “senseless and indiscriminate” and that Security [...] Council press release SC/9775 condemned these [...] attacks in the strongest terms and described [...]them as a series of terrorist attacks. daccess-ods.un.org |
他的30张黑白照片拍摄于1976年和1983年间,这些照片意在捕捉生命力、能量和城市内的喧嚣,捕捉城市边缘生存的悲悯和美丽,以及富裕和赤贫之 间 强烈的 差 别 ,这只是孟买的真实生活。 shanghaibiennale.org | Thirty black and white photographs shot between 1976 and 1983 capture the vitality, energy, and chaos of the city, the pathos and beauty of existing on the margins of society, as well as the intense disparity between wealth and abject poverty that is a simple fact of life in Mumbai. shanghaibiennale.org |
国家合作伙伴通过支持这些讲习班和培训班,包括提供实物和人 力资源捐助,以促使亚太信通技术培训中心的方案制度化地纳入长期 的国家能力建设框架中,展现了 强烈的 主 人 翁责任感。 daccess-ods.un.org | National partners took strong ownership for supporting these workshops and training sessions which included contributing in kind and human resources that promoted the institutionalization of APCICT’s programmes in long-term national capacitybuilding frameworks. daccess-ods.un.org |
在最 强烈的突击 搜捕中,7 000 多人被拘留在林德拉,几千人被驱逐出境,尽管媒 体报导说,许多人在驱逐进程中逃出拘留中心”,这是一封给两位南非部长的 信中所说的。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the height of the raids, more than 7,000 persons were detained at Lindela, and thousands were presumably deported, although the media report that many escaped from detention in the course of the expulsion process, according to the letter sent to two South African ministers. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别是1978年以来,上海的改革开放力度不断加大,上海人民 以 强烈的 进 取 精神,解放思想,与时俱进,大胆实践,走出了一条具有中国特色、体现时代特征、符合上海特大型城市特点的发展新路,使上海经济和社会发展的各个领域发生了历史性的大变革,已成为我国最大的经济中心和国家历史文化名城,并正向建成国际经济、金融、贸易和航运中心之一的目标迈进。 shanghaibiennale.org | Dynamic, audacious and practical Shanghainese people went to a new development direction respecting Chinese particularities and reflecting the specificities of the period while being appropriate to the characteristics of a huge city like Shanghai. The consequence is that each part of Shanghai benefits of these historic reforms in terms of economic and social development. shanghaibiennale.org |
当前,人们对于企业的 性质和作用,对于企业与社会的关系更有了新的认识,企业经营者普遍认同“优 秀企业家一定具有强烈的社会 责任感”,即企业在创造利润的同时,也要为社会 创造财富、促进国家的发展。 switch-china-sme.eu | Enterprise operators generally accept that “excellent entrepreneurs must have a strong sense of social responsibility”, that is, besides making profits, enterprises must also create social wealth and promote the whole nation’s development. switch-china-sme.eu |
这次审查的 结论是由政府与民间社会和国际伙伴一起做出的, 显示出强烈的主人 翁意识,这种意识对该国发展努 力的成功和可持续性是必要的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The conclusions of the review had been reached by the Government in conjunction with civil society and its international partners and revealed a strong sense of ownership, which was necessary for the success and sustainability of the country’s development efforts. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着时间推移,发展中国家之间渔业贸易可能将紧随以下情况而 增加:新型经济体可支配收入的提高;逐步的贸易自由化;WTO成员国的扩大以及与 水产品贸易强烈相关的大量双边贸易协定的生效而降低高进口关税。 fao.org | Over time, fishery trade between developing countries will probably increase in the wake of rising disposable incomes in emerging economies, gradual trade liberalization and a reduction in the high import tariffs following the expanding membership of the WTO, and the entry into force of a number of bilateral trade agreements with strong relevance to the trade in fish. fao.org |
2005 年特设小组和 35 C/43 号文件的报告提出了进行一些实质性变革的可能性:前者 建议执行局进行更多专题辩论,并认为教科文组织应利用自己的聚会能力,使大会成为能够 [...] 吸引广大公众和媒体关注,“有名望的专家或部长”以及各代表团团长有机会表 达 强烈 政治 意愿的活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Ad Hoc 2005 and the 35 C/43 reports seem to open up possibilities for substantial change: the former suggests more thematic debates in the Executive Board and that UNESCO should use its convening power to make the General Conference an event capable of attracting the public at large and the interest of the media, where [...] “renowned experts or ministers”, as well as heads of delegations, have an [...] opportunity to deliver strong political messages. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在该项目范围内开展的具体活动已经表明,该项目以当地特定的贫困结构为研究重 点,因而能够产生更富创造性和更具成效的脱贫战略,在详细了解信息需求、家庭结构、经 济发展方面的能力和强烈愿望 以及贫困者的交流技能等情况的基础上,将信息和传播技术纳 入当地的社会进程和网络。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Specific initiatives within the project are already demonstrating how the project’s research process, focusing on specific local structures of poverty, can generate more creative and productive poverty-reduction strategies, fitting ICTs into local social processes and networks on the basis of a detailed knowledge of information needs, household structures, economic capabilities and aspirations, and communicative skills of the poor. unesdoc.unesco.org |
阿塞拜疆共和国政府强烈抗议 亚美尼亚方 面 的 挑 衅行为和言论,认为侵略者 的无礼行为显然表明,其罪行仍然没有受到惩罚,并认为亚美尼亚领导人发表放 [...] 肆言论只有一个目的,即给当前的冲突解决进程抹黑,误导国际社会,并转移本 国公众对该国日益严重的内部问题的注意力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan strongly protests against [...] provocative actions and statements of the Armenian [...]side, finds the aggressor’s insolent behaviour as obvious manifestation of impunity for its crimes and considers the defiant rhetoric of the Armenian leadership as having the sole purpose of discrediting the ongoing conflict settlement process, misleading the international community and drawing its own public’s attention away from the country’s aggravating internal problems. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别是由于它是波斯的影响力,这个世界之间的反差,在这种邪恶,死亡和罪恶盛行,和未来世界“,这是完全好”(Tamid立法会),是如 此 强烈 地 强 调 , 和流 行 的 观 点认为从一个过渡到其他可以通过一个巨大的危机带来了约,仅仅是一个垂死的世界和生育的一个新的阵痛衰退的迹象将迎来成立。 mb-soft.com | It was particularly owing to Persian influence that the contrast between this world, in which evil, death, and sin prevail, and the future [...] world, "which is altogether good" [...] (Tamid lc), was so strongly emphasized, and the view prevailed [...]that the transition from the [...]one to the other could be brought about only through a great crisis, the signs of decay of a dying world and the birth-throes of a new one to be ushered into existence. mb-soft.com |
会议闭幕时,各方协商一致通过了一项政治宣言(大会第 63/1 号决议),其中表达了非洲决心把握自身未 来 的强烈 信 号 以及国际社会重申支持 非洲发展的讯息。 daccess-ods.un.org | That meeting concluded by adopting by consensus a political declaration (General Assembly resolution 63/1), which conveyed a strong signal of Africa’s commitment to its future and the renewal of the international community’s support for Africa’s development. daccess-ods.un.org |