单词 | 弹尽粮绝 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 弹尽粮绝 —out of ammunition and no food left (idiom); in desperate |
由于许多人是在粮食贮存全部消费殆 尽 的 最 终 绝 望 之 时才上路, 使之在离家出走时没有任何资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | The death toll of displaced Somalis [...] continues to increase as [...] many travel in last-minute desperation when food reserves have run dry, leaving [...]them to make the journey with no resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管这绝不是新的问题,50 但随着近年来世界市场主要的粮食价 格特别是 大米、玉米和小麦价格的暴涨以及经济衰退,这一问题已急剧恶化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the problem is by no means new,50 it has become dramatically worse since the explosion of world market prices for staple foods in [...] recent years, in particular [...]for rice, maize and wheat, as well as the economic downturn. daccess-ods.un.org |
据今天的报道,占领国以色列轰炸了在加沙的一 所圣城医院——那里有 500 多名病人正在接受治疗, 以及近东救济工程处的主要建筑,包括使用了白磷炮 弹,致使粮食仓库和车间陷入火海。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has been reported today that Israel, the occupying Power, has bombed Al-Quds hospital in Gaza, where more than 500 patients are being treated, and the main compound of UNRWA, including by using white phosphorus shells that have set food warehouses and workshops on fire. daccess-ods.un.org |
提高农业生产力能够直接增加依靠农业的大 多数贫困人口的经济收入和就业水平,也有助于为城乡的贫困人口(相对 或 绝 对 地 )降低 粮食价格。 iprcommission.org | Raising productivity in agriculture can directly increase the incomes and employment levels of the majority of poor people dependent on agriculture. iprcommission.org |
而对于那些数额相对比较小的预算项目, [...] 哪怕在预算额上只有很小的偏差,在表示为“开支率”时就有可能产生很大偏差 , 尽 管 从绝 对值意义上这种偏差的影响实际上是可以忽略不计。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For budget lines with relatively small amounts, minor variations in the budget may give [...] a large deviation in the “expenditure rate”, even though the impact of such a [...] deviation is negligible in absolute terms. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因此,有的船会在途中散架, 或在海上漂几天或几周而船上的移徙 者 粮尽 水 绝。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result, boats have broken apart in the water, or have drifted for days or weeks while [...] migrants on board ran out of food and water. daccess-ods.un.org |
案文没有包括对二次故障安全机制的要求,这种机制是为了确保按计 划引爆弹药,尽管一 些这类武器具有不可接受的高失败率,即使配备单一失效安 全机制亦如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | The texts included no requirement for secondary [...] fail-safe mechanisms to [...] ensure that the munitions detonated as intended, despite the fact that [...]some such weapons had unacceptably [...]high failure rates, even when equipped with a single failsafe mechanism. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 在符合军事要求的情况下,只使用未爆 炸 弹 药 发生 率 尽 可 能 低的集束 弹药。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) use only cluster munitions with the lowest possible unexploded ordnance rate, consistent with military requirements. daccess-ods.un.org |
本函转递格鲁吉亚外交部就俄罗斯联邦与阿布哈兹傀儡政权在能源领域和 拒绝世界粮食计 划署进入格鲁吉亚被占领土达成的所谓协议发表的声明(见附件 一和附件二),谨请将本函及其附件作为大会第六十四届会议议程项目 14 的文件 和安全理事会文件分发为荷。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would like to request your kind assistance in ensuring the circulation of the present letter, transmitting statements by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia regarding the so-called agreements between the Russian Federation and the proxy regime of Abkhazia in the field of energy and the denial of access to the World Food Programme into the occupied territory of Georgia (see annexes I and II), and its annexes, as a document of the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly, under agenda item 14, and of the Security Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
守则》论及弹道导弹,但没有论及其他种类的 导弹,尽管这些导弹也至为重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Code refers to ballistic missiles but not to other kinds [...] of missiles, in spite of their importance. daccess-ods.un.org |
以上两种新产品的应用领域均为那些对防火性能要求高, 同时又需要有机硅特有性能, 如耐热、 耐老化、 耐天气影响, 低温弹性或电气绝缘等要求的场合。 wacker.com | Possible applications for both products can be found wherever processes require not only high levels of fire protection, but also properties typically associated with silicones, such as elasticity at low temperatures, electrical non-conductivity and resistance to heat, weathering and aging. wacker.com |
尽管导弹转让控制制度应具有普遍性, 但是,目前只有 34 个会员国成为伙伴。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the Missile Transfer Control [...] Regime ought to be universal, only 34 Member States are currently partners. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管粮农组 织在本部分所做分析中预计了另外49个国家的船队 [...] 规模,但没有预计从来没有数据报告和估计数的剩余18个国家的情况,而这类国 家对全球捕捞船队的贡献可忽略不计。 fao.org | While FAO has estimated the [...] fleet size for another 49 countries for the analysis in this section, no estimation has been [...]made for the remaining 18 countries for which data have never been reported or estimated and whose contribution to the global fishing fleet is considered to be negligible. fao.org |
乌干达和刚果的官员宣布,部署在上韦莱的 1 186 名乌干达国防军 士兵和 3 496 [...] 名刚果(金)武装力量士兵参加了联合行动,有效摧毁了上帝军的几 个基地,切断了粮食和弹药供应,并摧毁了该股势力的指挥控制结构。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ugandan and Congolese officials have announced that the joint operation, which involved 1,186 UPDF and 3,496 FARDC troops deployed in Haut Uélé, was [...] effective in destroying several LRA [...] bases, cutting off food and ammunition supplies and disrupting [...]the movement’s command-and-control structure. daccess-ods.un.org |
PAULSEN 先生(挪威)注意到大家对有关集束弹药的授权和对决定草案的 工 作 越 来 越 重 视 , 也注意到联合 [...] 国 、 国际红十字国际委 员会、许多国家和人道主 义组织都想尽快解决这些弹药引起的人道主义问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Paulsen (Norway) noted the increased interest in a mandate on cluster munitions, the related draft decision and the determination of the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and various [...] States and humanitarian organizations to resolve, as a matter of urgency, [...] the humanitarian problem posed by those weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于在国外实施的其他罪行,《刑法典》第 9 条规定,巴拉圭刑法只适用于符合 [...] 两国共认罪行之规定的情况,且须满足以下条件,即行为人在犯罪时(a) 拥有巴 拉圭国籍或在犯罪后获得国籍;或(b) [...] 不是巴拉圭国民但却身处巴拉圭境内且引 渡已被拒绝,尽管根 据犯罪性质本可依法允许;这一规定也应适用于犯罪地没有 [...]规定惩罚的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Concerning other offences committed abroad, under article 9 of the Criminal Code, Paraguayan criminal law shall apply only when the dual criminality requirement is met and if at the time of commission, the perpetrator (a) held Paraguayan nationality or acquired it after the offence was committed; or (b) was not a Paraguayan national [...] but was present in Paraguay and [...] extradition had been refused even though the nature [...]of the offence would have made it legally [...]permissible; this provision shall also apply where there is no provision for punishment in the place of commission. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管粮农组 织获得的信息不足以按性别进行分析,但据预计,2010年直接从事 渔业初级领域工作的妇女至少占总数的15%。 fao.org | Although the information available to FAO does not allow [...] detailed analyses by gender, it is estimated that, overall, women [...]accounted for at least 15 percent of all people directly engaged in the fisheries primary sector in 2010. fao.org |
对 IPSAS [...] 和机构资源规划(ERP)预算现有的但不太可比的数据的分析表 明,较大的组织,如,开发计划署和 粮 农 组 织, 在 绝 对 数 上有大量的实施预算 (鉴于其规模和许多实地办事处),而较小的组织,如,气象组织、国际海事组织 [...](海事组织)和万国邮政联盟(邮联),其 [...]IPSAS 加 ERP 的预算占了总的年度预算的 很大一部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | The analysis of available but not quite comparable data on IPSAS and ERP budgets shows that while [...] larger organizations such [...] as UNDP and FAO had substantial implementation budgets in absolute figures (given [...]their size and their [...]many field offices) the IPSAS+ERP budgets of smaller organizations such as WMO, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the Universal Postal Union (UPU) represented a significant portion of their overall annual budgets. daccess-ods.un.org |
饥荒预警系统网表明,苏丹南方的粮食安全状况会因去年降雨不足、连续几 次歉收或绝收及高粮价等 肇因而急剧恶化。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Famine Early-Warning System Network indicates that food security in Southern Sudan will worsen sharply as a result of [...] the combined impact of inadequate rainfall last year, several [...] consecutive poor or failed harvests and high food prices. daccess-ods.un.org |
首脑会议还指出,尽管该区域粮食生产和提供情况有所 改善,但获得粮食以及家庭营养不良的现象仍是挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Summit noted that while food production and [...] availability had improved in the region, access to food and household malnutrition remain a challenge. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,这一时期捕捞渔业 总产量数据显示,到目前为止现行的管理机制下,或尽管有这些机制,就产量和 产值而言,资源系统有着惊人的弹性 , 尽 管 在 单位努力量渔获物量(CPUE)方面 捕捞已经越来越无效率。同时也存在一个很强的社会理由要对自然资源的收益利 用最大化,以及明确对食品的需求,它们为资源的最大可能的、与再生能力相应 的捕捞水平提供证据。 fao.org | There is also a strong societal argument for maximizing beneficial use of natural resources, and the clear need for food, which would justify the fullest possible level of harvesting consistent with the ability for these harvests to be sustained. fao.org |
由未编织的羊毛聚酯和聚酯塑料薄膜联合而成 的 弹 性 绝 缘 材 料。 coveme.com | Range of flexible insulation materials deriving [...] from the coupling of a polyester not woven fleece with a polyester plastic film. coveme.com |
调查发现,尽管箭弹瞄准 并击中了开阔地的恐怖分子,但箭弹撒出的飞镖 可能意外地击中了 Al Dayem 吊唁帐篷附近的平民。 daccess-ods.un.org | The investigation found that, although the shells were aimed at and hit the terrorist squad in open terrain, darts from the flechette shells could have incidentally struck civilians near the Al Dayem condolence tent. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合王国断然拒绝所谓这种导弹演习 违背“无意外”政策、显示联合王国扩 大在南大西洋军事存在的说法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United [...] Kingdom firmly rejects the assertion that such missile practice runs [...]counter to the “no surprises” policy or [...]represents an expansion of the United Kingdom’s military presence in the South Atlantic. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管在粮食短 缺情况下解决脆弱群体的迫切需 求十分重要,但是解决造成粮食不安全长期难题的结 [...] 构性问题同样重要,例如商品生产者经营中的供应能 力限制因素,需要一个有利的环境,包括建立一个公 平、可预测和以规则为基础的国际体系。 daccess-ods.un.org | While it was important to address the [...] immediate needs of vulnerable populations in the event of food shortages, it was equally [...]necessary to tackle structural issues responsible for the long-term problem of food insecurity, such as the supply capacity limitations under which commodity producers operated and the need for an enabling environment, including an equitable, predictable and rules-based international trade system. daccess-ods.un.org |
上述对当前各项工作的审查表明,尽 管 各 投资 于 粮 食 危 机或受其影响的利益 攸关方之间的协调和交流水平有所提高,但这些进程的势头能否对发展中国家贫 [...] 困小户农民成功地产生有意义的长期变化影响,特别是能否对此类国家当前需要 粮食援助的女性产生影响,仍有待观察。 daccess-ods.un.org | A review of the many efforts currently under way, as set out [...] above, suggests that while the level of coordination [...]and communication has increased [...]among stakeholders invested in and affected by the food crisis, it remains to be seen whether the momentum of such processes will succeed in effecting meaningful, long-term changes for poor smallholder farmers in developing countries, especially for women in countries that currently require food assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
33 在维也纳,所有窗户的替换是一项重大 成就。尽管经费紧张,粮农组织还是进行了房舍整修,目的是通过新的暖通空调 系统提高废物管理、污染控制和能源节约方面的环境绩效。 daccess-ods.un.org | FAO has implemented the refurbishment of premises to improve its environmental performance in waste management [...] and pollution control, [...]as well as energy saving through new HVAC systems, despite its financial stringency. daccess-ods.un.org |
轻武器弹药上的标记在大 部分情况下不能可靠辨识可能来自什么国家和生产年份,而专家小组几乎在所有 案件中都有记录的突击步枪和机枪弹 药 壳上 则 绝 大 部 分有制造商和生产年份标 记。 daccess-ods.un.org | The markings on the ammunition for light weapons did not, in most cases, allow for reliable identification of the possible States of origin and years of production. daccess-ods.un.org |
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