

单词 弹尽援绝

External sources (not reviewed)

尽管受灾国有斟酌 的余地,但如果绝接受援助而 损害了受灾个人根据国际法享有的权利,该国最 终将为拒绝而承担责任,可能构成国际不法行为。
While the affected State would be allowed a margin of appreciation, in the final analysis it bore the responsibility for its refusal to accept assistance, which could lead [...]
to the existence of
an internationally wrongful act if such refusal undermined the rights of the affected individual under international law.
巴西认为,作出一切努力争尽可能高效和快速地提 供这援助是绝对必要的。
In Brazil’s view, it is absolutely essential that
[...] all efforts be made to provide such assistance as efficiently and expeditiously as [...]
审查应在首次拒绝提供 信息时进行,之后再定期开展,以确保公共当 援 引 的 拒 绝 交 流 的必要性 依然存在。
This review should be available at the time of the initial refusal to provide information, and then on a regular basis to
ensure that the reason for the
[...] necessity that was invoked by the public authority to refuse to communicate, [...]
remains present.
也有人指出,草案第 12 条不应被解释为意味着允许干涉受灾国的内部事务:它只是反映了向受灾国 提供它可以绝之援助的 一种权利(草案第 11 条)。
It was also pointed out that draft article 12 should not be interpreted to imply permission to interfere in the internal affairs of the affected
State: it merely reflected a
[...] right to offer assistance, which the affected State may refuse (subject to [...]
draft article 11).
决心尽全力援助集束弹药受害者,包括因集束弹药的使用而丧失生命或身 心受创、蒙受经济损失、处于社会边缘或权利的实现严重受阻的人及其受到影响 [...]
Resolved to do their utmost in providing assistance to the victims [...]
of cluster munitions, who include persons who have been
killed or suffered physical or psychological injury, economic loss, social marginalisation or substantial impairment of the realisation of their rights caused by the use of cluster munitions, as well as their affected families and communities
变 化不定的全球经济前景可能继续影响援助预算,致使人们对今后几年援助计划的 可预测性感到担忧。19 经合组织对捐助国 2012 至
[...] 2015 年远期开支计划的调查报 告预测,2013 年之后几年,官方发展援助可能停滞不前 尽 管 预计 2012 年援助 流动会出现弹。
The uncertain global economic outlook is likely to continue to affect aid budgets, thus raising concerns about the predictability of planned aid in the years to come.19 The OECD survey on the forward spending plans of donors for
2012-2015 forecasts that ODA is likely to stagnate in
[...] the years after 2013, despite an anticipated rebound in aid in 2012.
[...] 哪怕在预算额上只有很小的偏差,在表示为“开支率”时就有可能产生很大偏差 尽 管 从绝 对值意义上这种偏差的影响实际上是可以忽略不计。
For budget lines with relatively small amounts, minor variations in the budget may give
a large deviation in the “expenditure rate”, even though the impact of such a
[...] deviation is negligible in absolute terms.
由未编织的羊毛聚酯和聚酯塑料薄膜联合而成 弹 性 绝 缘 材 料。
Range of flexible insulation materials deriving [...]
from the coupling of a polyester not woven fleece with a polyester plastic film.
注意到缅甸政府同包括联合国在内的国际社会合作,向受“纳尔吉斯”气旋 影响的人们提供人道主援助,尽管 其 最初 绝 允 许 援 助 进 入造成广泛的痛苦, 并有可能使更多人丧生,并吁请缅甸政府为了缅甸人民的利益予以合作,允许人 [...]
道主义援助进入联合国、其他国际人道主义组织及其合作伙伴仍然难以向处境艰 难者送交援助的该国所有其他地区
of the cooperation of the Government of Myanmar with the international community, including the
United Nations, in
[...] delivering humanitarian assistance to the people affected by Cyclone Nargis despite its initial denial of access, [...]
which resulted in widespread
suffering and increased the risk of loss of lives, and calling upon the Government of Myanmar, in the interest of the people of Myanmar, to cooperate on humanitarian access in all other areas of the country where the United Nations, other international humanitarian organizations and their partners continue to experience difficulties in delivering assistance to persons in need
(c) 若尚不存在,按照本国程序编制一项国家计划,其中对提供充分援助作出规
[...] 定,包括确定开展这些活动的时间表,以期将其纳入适用的国家卫生保健、残 疾、发展与人权框架和机制,同时尊重有关行动者在集 弹 药 受 害者 援 助 和康 复方面的具体作用和贡献
(c) develop, where it does not already exist, in accordance with national procedures, a national plan, with provision of adequate assistance, including timeframes to carry these activities, with a view to incorporating them within applicable national health, disability, development and human rights frameworks and mechanisms, while respecting the
specific role and contribution of relevant actors in
[...] the field of assistance and rehabilitation of victims of cluster munitions
(d) 在符合军事要求的情况下,只使用未爆 弹 药 发生 率 尽 可 能 低的集弹药。
(d) use only cluster munitions with the lowest possible unexploded ordnance rate, consistent with military requirements.
案文没有包括对二次故障安全机制的要求,这种机制是为了确保按计 划引弹药,尽管一 些这类武器具有不可接受的高失败率,即使配备单一失效安 全机制亦如此。
The texts included no requirement for secondary
fail-safe mechanisms to
[...] ensure that the munitions detonated as intended, despite the fact that [...]
some such weapons had unacceptably
high failure rates, even when equipped with a single failsafe mechanism.
目前的概念与提供技援助有关,尽 管 它 可 能不完全符合准则的规定,但或许对其他低消费量国家有益。
The current concept related to
[...] providing technical assistance and, while it might [...]
not fully meet the guidelines, it might
be of benefit to other LVC countries.
关于在国外实施的其他罪行,《刑法典》第 9 条规定,巴拉圭刑法只适用于符合
两国共认罪行之规定的情况,且须满足以下条件,即行为人在犯罪时(a) 拥有巴 拉圭国籍或在犯罪后获得国籍;或(b)
[...] 不是巴拉圭国民但却身处巴拉圭境内且引 渡已被绝,尽管根 据犯罪性质本可依法允许;这一规定也应适用于犯罪地没有 [...]
Concerning other offences committed abroad, under article 9 of the Criminal Code, Paraguayan criminal law shall apply only when the dual criminality requirement is met and if at the time of commission, the perpetrator (a) held Paraguayan nationality or acquired it after the offence was committed; or (b) was not a Paraguayan national
but was present in Paraguay and
[...] extradition had been refused even though the nature [...]
of the offence would have made it legally
permissible; this provision shall also apply where there is no provision for punishment in the place of commission.
The Code refers to ballistic missiles but not to other kinds
[...] of missiles, in spite of their importance.
因此,受灾国有责 任根据条款草案保护其领土上的个人,同时有权 绝 境 外 的 援 助。
Accordingly, the affected State had the duty to protect
individuals on its territory in accordance with the draft articles, while retaining
[...] the right to refuse assistance from abroad.
轻武器弹药上的标记在大 部分情况下不能可靠辨识可能来自什么国家和生产年份,而专家小组几乎在所有 案件中都有记录的突击步枪和机弹 药 壳上 则 绝 大 部 分有制造商和生产年份标 记。
The markings on the ammunition for light weapons did not, in most cases, allow for reliable identification of the possible States of origin and years of production.
受灾国绝援助和 没有 按照第 11 条第 3 款草案在一个合理的时间框架内作出决定可能被视为武断。
Both the refusal of assistance, and the failure [...]
of an affected State to make a decision known in accordance with draft article
11, paragraph 3 within a reasonable time frame, may be deemed arbitrary.
援助绝不能 只局限于 在与联合国各公约有关的领域的技术援助和培训,而必须扩大到适应和缓解气候 变化等领域,并承认多米尼加在贸易方面的特殊和有区别的地位。
This must not be limited to technical assistance and training [...]
in the areas relevant to United Nations conventions, but must
also extend to the areas of adaptation and mitigation to climate change, as well as recognition of Dominica’s special and differential position with regard to trade.
[...] 时,有人建议,在条款中更加明确地界定受灾国可以 绝援 助 的情况,并确保它 有这样做的适当自由。
At the same time, it was proposed that the provision more clearly define the
circumstances where an affected State could
[...] reject offers of assistance and ensure that [...]
it has the appropriate freedom to do so.
[...] 务的严重侵入,何况是官员所属国本身希望调查,并在正当的情况下起诉本国官 员,或者国家尽快援引豁免,以免其官员陷入过分的尴尬或者痛苦。
It was noted, however, that it had to be recognized that there were times when immunity may be invoked to avoid the possibility of a serious intrusion into the internal affairs of a State, not to mention that the State of the official might itself wish to investigate and, if
warranted, prosecute its own official or a
[...] State may wish to invoke immunity quickly, [...]
in order to avoid undue embarrassment
or suffering on the part of its official.
援助的绝大部 分使那些掌权者富裕起来,而没 能惠及那些有迫切需求的人们。
The vast majority of aid enriched those [...]
in power, rather than benefiting those desperately in need.
PAULSEN 先生(挪威)注意到大家对有关集束弹药的授权和对决定草案的 工 作 越 来 越 重 视 , 也注意到联合
[...] 国 、 国际红十字国际委 员会、许多国家和人道主 义组织都尽快解决这弹药引起的人道主义问题。
Mr. Paulsen (Norway) noted the increased interest in a mandate on cluster munitions, the related draft decision and the determination of the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and various
States and humanitarian organizations to resolve, as a matter of urgency,
[...] the humanitarian problem posed by those weapons.
尽管导弹转让控制制度应具有普遍性, 但是,目前只有 34 个会员国成为伙伴。
Although the Missile Transfer Control [...]
Regime ought to be universal, only 34 Member States are currently partners.
[...] 告(A/CN.4/643 和 Corr.1),讨论了在超越受灾国家的本国应对能力时寻求援助的 责任问题,受灾国不得任意绝外来 援 助 的 义务,以及国际社会表示提供援助的 权利。
In relation to the topic “Protection of persons in the event of disasters”, the Commission had before it the fourth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/643 and Corr.1), dealing with the responsibility of the affected State to seek assistance where its national response capacity is exceeded, the duty of the affected State not to
arbitrarily withhold
[...] its consent to external assistance, and the right to offer assistance in the international [...]
部长未判定他在古巴的婚姻关系是否仍有效,但认为他违反同古 巴医学合作中心的合同义务的行为不可原谅,可能会对圭亚那和古巴两国政府之 间的良好关系产生不利影响,而且可能会“导致中断对圭亚那的进一步援助,特 别是对圭亚那人民的医援助” ,因此 绝 将 他登记为圭亚那公民或援予工作许 可。
Without determining whether or not his marriage in Cuba was still valid, the Minister refused to register him as a Guyana citizen or to grant him a work permit, arguing that the breach of his contractual obligations towards UCCM could not be condoned, as it could adversely affect the good relations between the Governments of Guyana and Cuba and could “lead to a cessation of further assistance to Guyana, particularly in the area of health provision to Guyanese.
但是,这一时期捕捞渔业 总产量数据显示,到目前为止现行的管理机制下,或尽管有这些机制,就产量和 产值而言,资源系统有着惊人弹性 , 尽 管 在 单位努力量渔获物量(CPUE)方面 捕捞已经越来越无效率。同时也存在一个很强的社会理由要对自然资源的收益利 用最大化,以及明确对食品的需求,它们为资源的最大可能的、与再生能力相应 的捕捞水平提供证据。
There is also a strong societal argument for maximizing beneficial use of natural resources, and the clear need for food, which would justify the fullest possible level of harvesting consistent with the ability for these harvests to be sustained.
调查发现尽管箭弹瞄准 并击中了开阔地的恐怖分子,但箭弹撒出的飞镖 可能意外地击中了 Al Dayem 吊唁帐篷附近的平民。
The investigation found that, although the shells were aimed at and hit the terrorist squad in open terrain, darts from the flechette shells could have incidentally struck civilians near the Al Dayem condolence tent.
尽管大会部的工作人员很弹性,会 尽 最 大 努 力提供所需的优质服务,但这些工作条件可能影响他 们在高峰需求之时及时交付所有法定产出的能力。
While the Department’s staff were resilient and would do their best to provide the required highquality services, those working conditions might affect their ability to deliver all mandated outputs in a timely fashion at times of peak demand.




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