单词 | 弹子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 弹子 noun, plural —marbles pl弹子 —towrope • billiards • slingshot pellet • playing marbles 子弹 noun —bullets plExamples:子弹药 n—submunition n 子弹头 n—bullet n 原子爆破弹药—atomic demolition munition 子母炮弹—artillery cluster bomb 内爆法原子弹—implosion atomic bomb 弹子锁—pin tumbler lock • spring lock 子弹火车—bullet train 子母炸弹—cluster bomb 原子爆弹—atom bomb 中子弹—neutron bomb 拨子弹—plectrum 原子弹—atomic bomb • A-bomb • atom bomb 子母弹—shrapnel • (military) cluster bomb See also:弹 n—bullet n • ball n 弹—shot • flip • flick • play (a string instrument) • impeach • pluck (a string) • (of cotton) fluff or tease • spring or leap • crossball • shoot (e.g. with a catapult) • elastic (of materials)
不过, 军事武器的销售,包括炮弹、子弹和 枪 支仍在继续。 crisisgroup.org | However, sales of military equipment including [...] artillery shells, bullets and guns have continued. crisisgroup.org |
参与投资及制作的电影包括「証人」(获得7项影帝殊荣)、「綫人」(获得第30届香港电影金像奖最佳男主角)、「逆战」(2012年香港最卖座华语贺岁电影)、「新少林寺」、「大魔术师」、「DIVA华丽之后」、「消失 的 子弹 」 、「 让 子弹 飞 」 、「十二生肖」、「一九四二」、「王的盛宴」及「叶问 [...] - 终极一战」。 fso-createhk.gov.hk | Films financed and produced include "The Beast Stalker" (won 7 acting awards), "The Stool Pigeon" (won the Best Actor Award in the 30th Hong Kong Film Awards), "The Viral Factor" (Hong Kong’s top-grossing Chinese-language film during Lunar New Year in 2012), [...] "Shaolin", "The Great Magician", [...] "DIVA", "The Bullet Vanishes", "Let The Bullets Fly", "CZ12", [...]"Back To 1942", "The Last Supper" and "Ip Man - Final Fight". fso-createhk.gov.hk |
美国在第二次世界大战趋近结束时向日本投放了两颗 原 子弹 : 一 颗是未经试验的枪式 原 子弹 “ 小 男孩”,于1945年8月6日在广岛投放;另一颗是投放前一个月首次在阿拉莫戈多试验的内爆型 原 子弹 “ 胖 子 “ , 于8月9年在长崎投放。 un.org | The United [...] States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan towards the end of World War II: one an untested gun-type fission bomb called “Little Boy” on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945; another implosion-type bomb tested at Alamogordo for the first time a month earlier and called “Fat Man” on Nagasaki on [...]9 August. un.org |
(c) 不向除国家或经授权可接受此种转让的国家机构以外的任何接受者转 让任何集束弹药或子弹药 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) not to transfer any cluster [...] munition or submunition to any recipient other than a State or State agency authorized [...]to receive such transfers daccess-ods.un.org |
在确保控制顶甲板的行动中,以色列士兵在15 [...] 分钟内从三架直升飞机上 降落。71 直升机上的士兵和降落到甲板上的士兵发射了 彩 弹 、 橡 胶 子弹 和实 弹。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the operation to secure control of the top deck, the Israeli forces landed soldiers from three helicopters over a 15-minute period.71 The [...] Israeli forces used paintballs, [...] plastic bullets and live ammunition, fired by soldiers [...]from the helicopter above and soldiers [...]who had landed on the top deck. daccess-ods.un.org |
15 据政府消息称,警察没有动用催泪弹、喷水枪、 橡皮子弹或其它特殊的手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many peaceful demonstrators were reportedly beaten with batons and injured.15 [...] According to Government information, the police did not use tear gas, water [...] cannon, rubber bullets or other special means. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然他们进行的是和平示威,但为了驱散学生,警察使用了催 泪弹,警棍和橡皮子弹。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the demonstration was peaceful, the police used tear gas, [...] truncheons and rubber bullets to disperse [...]the students. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据联利特派团的统计,从 2010 年 2 月 1 日到 4 月 8 日的两个月内,联利特派 团部队或利比里亚当局报告,发现九件小武器(两支 AK-47 步枪、七枚火箭榴弹)、 约 60 [...] 个爆炸装置(未爆弹药、榴弹、迫击炮弹)以及 2 500 发各种口径的子弹。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to UNMIL statistics, in a period of two months from 1 February to 8 April 2010, nine small arms (two AK-47 rifles, seven rocket-propelled grenades), around 60 explosive devices [...] (unexploded ordnance, grenades, mortar [...] shells) and 2,500 bullets of various [...]calibre were reported by UNMIL troops or Liberian authorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
在首次使用原子弹造成 难以言述的痛苦近 70 年 之后,原子弹对许多国家而言仍然是国家安全政策的 核心支柱。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nearly seven decades after the first use of atomic bombs, which inflicted untold sorrow, that is [...] still a mainstay of national [...]security policy for a number of States. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列占领军还继续对抗议不人道政策的巴勒斯坦人 [...] 民过度使用武力,本周在“Ofer”拘留中心附近用催泪瓦斯霰弹和橡 皮 子弹 袭击 一群示威的学生,造成至少 20 名巴勒斯坦人受伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Israeli occupying forces also continue to use excessive force against the Palestinian people protesting this inhumane policy, attacking one group of student demonstrators [...] this week near the “Ofer” detention centre [...] with tear gas canisters and rubber bullets, injuring at [...]least 20 Palestinians. daccess-ods.un.org |
一名黎巴嫩军队士兵因以色列敌军的炮火受轻伤,而且黎巴嫩军队阵地的水 箱被中等口径的子弹击中。 daccess-ods.un.org | A Lebanese Army soldier was slightly injured [...] by the Israeli enemy army gunfire, and the water tanks at the Lebanese Army position were [...] hit by mediumcalibre bullets. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 由设计用以撒布或释放多枚爆炸性 子弹 药 但非自推进爆炸 性 子弹 药 的 机载弹 箱组成的弹药,包括其中的子弹药。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) a munition consisting of a container, affixed to an aircraft, which is designed to disperse or release multiple explosive submunitions, other than self-propelled explosive submunitions, and includes those explosive submunitions. daccess-ods.un.org |
攻击步枪,如 [...] AK-47 型或 M-16 型步枪,可无限期使用;只要填充 子弹。 daccess-ods.un.org | An attack rifle, such as the AK-47 or the M-16, can last [...] indefinitely; it just needs ammunition. daccess-ods.un.org |
进入20世纪,英国取得了前所未有且超乎想象的科技进步,其开创性成就不胜枚举:艾米—马尔科尼公司(EMI- Marconi)发明了电视;英国广播公司(BBC)成立;英国细菌学家亚历山大•弗雷明发现并命名了青霉素;对原子结构的探索使得 原 子弹 和 原 子 能 发 展成为可能。 visitbritain.com | Among the ground-breaking achievements of this period were: the invention of the television by the EMI-Marconi Corporation; and subsequent founding of the British Broadcasting Company (BBC); the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming; and insights into the structure of the atom, which led to the development of nuclear weapons and energy. visitbritain.com |
他们手持卡拉什尼克夫冲锋枪,子弹 像 雨点一样打下来。 unicef.org | They had [...] Kalashnikovs and the bullets came down like rain. unicef.org |
(b) 为那些负责“死亡区”警戒任务的狱警配发橡 皮 子弹 , 并要求他们在任何 情况下都要坚持适度运用武力的原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) The guards assigned to surveillance of the “dead zone” be [...] provided with rubber bullets, and the principle [...]of proportional use of force should be observed at all times. daccess-ods.un.org |
您可以使用创新的运动框架随时间推移不断激活您的数据,在专题地图上制作地理空间数据,并从计量表 和 子弹 图 表 中收集进一步的信息。 evget.com | You can animate your data over time using the [...] innovative Motion Framework, plot geospatial data on thematic maps, and glean further [...] intelligence from gauges and bullet charts. evget.com |
日本已开始任命原子弹爆炸幸存者担任“建立无核武器世界特别宣传员”, 请他们把遭受核武器的使用所造成的悲惨后果的亲身经历告知世人和子孙后代。 daccess-ods.un.org | Japan has started to [...] appoint Hibakusha, atomic bombs survivors, as [...]“Special Communicators for a World without Nuclear Weapons” [...]to ask them to pass on their first-hand experience of the tragic consequences of the use of nuclear weapons to the world and to future generations. daccess-ods.un.org |
塔伦先生制定了他们全面的视觉形象并且参与了著名的 T G V 子弹 头 列 车和欧洲之星的设计。 iontime.ch | Monsieur Tallon developed their comprehensive visual identity and he was also involved in the [...] designs of the famous bullet train TGV and the [...]Eurostar. iontime.ch |
本校医学院细胞生物学讲座生物化学专攻的武藤哲彦讲师、五十岚和彦教授的研究小组,与本校国际高等研究教育机构、广岛大学 原 子弹 放 射 线医学研究所等小组合作,把转录因子Bach2和Blimp-1基因结合,发现通过控制这一结合能抑制浆细胞的分化和抗体的产生。 tohoku.ac.jp | A research group led by Professor Kazuhiko Igarashi and Senior Assistant Professor Akihiko Muto at Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine discovered that Bach2, [...] a transcription factor, represses [...] Blimp-1gene to inhibit plasma cell differentiation [...]and to promote antibody class switch. tohoku.ac.jp |
换言之,在欧洲每吸食一细条可卡因就相当 [...] 于毁掉一平方米安第斯热带雨林,所消耗的这笔钱 可在西非购买 100 发 AK-47 步枪子弹。 daccess-ods.un.org | Or, to put it another way, consider this: a line of cocaine [...] snorted in Europe destroys one square metre of Andean rainforest and buys [...] 100 rounds of AK-47 ammunition in West Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
各部提议在如下领域开展新举措:维和部,法治和安全机构领域(评价地雷 行动方案,关于武器和弹药管 理的授权有所扩大);外勤部,后勤领域(审查和更 新《燃料作业手册》;财产基准研究;制定国际标界手册);管理事务部,采购领 域(审查企业道德和合规情况;采购培训)和人力资源领域(审查通用职务说明); 监督厅,检查和评价领域(多层面特派团/专题评价和检查问题咨询小组)和内部 审计领域(法治和安全机构;废物管理);道德操守办公室(制定评价标准和道德 操守问题电子学习单元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | New initiatives are proposed by: DPKO, in the area of the rule of law and security institutions (evaluation of mine action programmes, [...] with an expanded mandate [...] on weapons and ammunition management); DFS, in the area of logistics (review and update of the Fuel Operations Manual; property benchmarking study; development of international boundary demarcation handbook); the Department of Management, in the areas of procurement (review of corporate ethics and compliance; procurement training) and human resources (review of generic job profiles); OIOS, in the areas of inspection and evaluation (advisory panel on multidimensional mission/thematic evaluations and inspections) and internal audit (rule of law and security institutions; waste management); and the Ethics Office (development of evaluation criteria and an e-learning ethics [...]module). daccess-ods.un.org |
第一宗原子弹轰炸恐 怖罪行的罪魁祸首应受到历史的唾弃。 daccess-ods.un.org | The perpetrators [...] of the first atomic bombardment, [...]a crime of staggering proportions, were among the most loathed in history. daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国已 [...] 经开始认识到,在《公约》范畴内为受害者援助拟订的框架也同样适用于处理包 括未爆炸集束子弹药在 内的其他战争遗留爆炸物的受害者的权利和需要,相关国 [...] 际人道主义法律文书所采取的办法是一致的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The States Parties have come to recognise that the framework developed for victim assistance in the context of this Convention is equally applicable to addressing the rights and needs [...] of victims of other explosive [...] remnants of war, including unexploded cluster submunitions, [...]and that the approaches taken [...]by relevant instruments of international humanitarian law are congruent. daccess-ods.un.org |
同样,有优点和缺点,不应当被认为是“魔术 子弹”。 fao.org | As such, they have strengths and weaknesses and should not be [...] considered a “magic bullet”. fao.org |
上届专家组在其最后报告(见 [...] S/2009/521,第 90 至 91 段)指出,2009 年 9 月 10 [...] 日科特迪瓦国防部告知专家组,科特迪瓦政府已订购 4 000 支 9×19 毫米手枪、 20 万发 9 毫米口径手枪子弹和 50 000 枚催泪(催泪瓦斯)弹,总额为 170 万美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | The previous Group of Experts noted in its final report (see S/2009/521, paras. 90-91) that, on 10 September 2009, the Ivorian Minister of Defence informed it that the Government of Côte d’Ivoire had ordered 4,000 9 x 19 mm [...] pistols, 200,000 9 mm [...] pistol-calibre cartridges and 50,000 lachrymatory (tear gas) grenades for the sum [...]of US$ 1.7 million. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天,在东耶路撒冷,几十名巴勒斯坦人被占领军打伤,报告称,受伤人数 可能至少 60 人,包括一名巴勒斯坦妇女被一枚橡 皮 子弹 击 中头部,目前已入院 治疗,伤势严重。 daccess-ods.un.org | Dozens of Palestinians were injured by the occupying forces today in East Jerusalem, with reports that at least 60 people may have suffered injuries, [...] including one Palestinian [...] woman who was shot in the head with a rubber bullet and is currently [...]hospitalized in serious condition. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为唯一遭受过原子弹轰炸的 国家,日本严肃看待核裁军问题,并一直参加—事实 [...] 上它也将继续参加—旨在建立一个没有核武器世界 的各种实质性活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Japan, as the only country to have [...] suffered from atomic bombings, takes [...]nuclear disarmament seriously and has been engaged [...]— and indeed will remain engaged — in substantive activities to achieve a world without nuclear weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
返航的大帆船为马尼拉带回了办公用品,军用绳索、 硝石和子弹,以 及可可豆、玉米和烟草,年复一年,这些植物丰富了菲律宾的植物群和烹饪 术。 unesdoc.unesco.org | On the return trip, the galleons carried office supplies for Manila, rope, saltpetre and lead for the military, and cacao, maize and tobacco, which through the years enriched Philippine flora and cuisine. unesdoc.unesco.org |