

单词 弱势社

See also:

弱势 n

disadvantage n

弱势 adj

underprivileged adj
weak adj


weak adj
young adj
feeble adj

External sources (not reviewed)

弱势社会群体,特别是妇女和青年,手工艺具有提高生活水准和保护文化遗产这 双重潜能。
For disadvantaged social groups, especially [...]
women and youth, handicraft has the double potential of raising living standards
and preserving cultural heritage.
及时播报明确的天气资讯是帮弱势社区规 划生计活动的必要因素,资源是扩大 社区筹备工作的必要条件。
Timely and clear weather information was
[...] necessary for vulnerable communities to plan livelihood [...]
activities, and resources were
necessary to scale up preparedness at the community level.
他指出,其政府设想利用可自行决定的支出中 的缩减节余来扩大弱势社群的 社会安全网。
He stated that his Government envisioned using savings from reductions in discretionary
[...] spending to expand social safety nets for the vulnerable.
社会保护制度和安全网是管理自然灾害的重要工具,不仅为国家防灾和应 灾提供了平台,还铸造弱势社区的 复原能力。
Social protection systems and safety nets are important tools for managing natural hazards,
providing a platform for national preparedness and response, as well as building
[...] resilience among vulnerable communities.
本报告所述期间初期的主要优先 事项为:(a) 通过包容各方的对话和完成这轮选举解决政治分歧;(b) 扩大政府
[...] 权力;(c) 加强海地国家警察、司法和刑法机构;(d) 改善大多弱势社区的社 会经济条件。
The main priorities during the beginning of the reporting period were: (a) resolving political differences through all-inclusive dialogue and the completion of the election cycle; (b) extending State authority; (c) strengthening the Haitian National
Police, judicial and penal institutions; and (d) improving the socio-economic
[...] conditions of the most vulnerable communities.
尽管如此,必须努力确保这一增长导致减轻 贫困,造福于多数边缘弱势社群。
This notwithstanding, efforts must be employed to ensure that
this growth translates into poverty alleviation and benefits the
[...] majority of the vulnerable and marginalized communities.
由联合国 系统、马达加斯加政府和其它合作伙伴支持的促进所有马达加斯加儿童接受基础教育的联合
[...] 计划,加强了全国全民教育的协调,培养了能力、提出了有利于弱势群体的新政策、加强了 合作伙伴关系、编写了教育资料、覆盖面达到了贫穷 弱势社 区 , 为他们提供了优质基础教 育。
The Joint Programme for the Promotion of Basic Education for All Malagasy Children, supported by the United Nations system, Malagasy Government and other partners strengthened national coordination of EFA, built capacity, formulated new policies favouring disadvantaged groups, strengthened partnerships,
developed education materials, and reached
[...] the poor and disadvantaged communities, providing them [...]
quality basic education.
借助于上一个双年期工作取得的成果,该项目已开始在各地区扩大:预计在中美 洲、加勒比、非洲和亚太地区开展的活动,主要针 弱势社 会 群 体,尤其是妇女和青年。
Drawing on the results of the last biennium’s work, the project started to expand regionally: The activities
scheduled in MesoAmerica, the Caribbean, Africa and
[...] Asia-Pacific targeted disfavoured social groups, especially [...]
women and youth.
自2007 年,民政事务总署向较多内地新来港定居人士 弱势社 群 的地区提 供资源,让地区组织举办小区活动,例如:工作坊、兴趣班、探访、亲子营及其 [...]
Since 2007, the HAD has allocated resources to those districts with a
higher concentration of new
[...] arrivals and the disadvantaged in the community, to facilitate [...]
district organizations to organize
activities (such as workshops, interest classes, visits, camps and other activities) to assist those newly arrived in Hong Kong to integrate into the local community as soon as possible.
[...] 道主义和紧急援助、恢复经济活动以及建立改善治理 并包含所有利益相关者特别是弱者 弱势社 群 的政 治和行政机构同时并举。
The process of implementing a peace agreement must run along with the provision of humanitarian and emergency assistance, resumption of economic activity and the creation of political and
administrative institutions that improve governance and include all stakeholders,
[...] particularly the weak and the underprivileged.
[...] 感到关注,担心在获得基本社会服务方面的不平等现象将妨碍属于 弱势社 区和 家庭的儿童实现他们的生存权和发展权。
This has led to widespread concern that
disparities in the access to basic social services will prevent children
[...] belonging to the most vulnerable communities and families [...]
from realizing their rights to survival and development.
以下章节从人权视角审视各国正在设计和实施的一些具体措施,突出论述 了这些措施会如何对弱势社会群 体享有经济、社会和文化权利构成威胁。
The section below looks through a human rights lens at some of the specific measures that States are designing and implementing, and highlights the ways in which they
may pose a threat to the
[...] enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights of the most vulnerable sectors of societies.
已经证明,此类措施是改善边缘 弱势社 会 群 体生 计的重要工具。
Such measures have proven to be important tools for improving the livelihoods of
[...] marginalized or vulnerable social groups.
在 2010 年国际文化和睦年背 景下,与普及所有人权、尊重文化多样性和身份,以及实现所有人,特别是最脆弱和 弱势 社会群 体的文化权利有关的问题尤其相关。
The issues related to the universality of all human rights, respect for cultural diversity and identity, and realization of cultural
rights for all,
[...] especially the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups of society are particularly [...]
relevant in the context
of the 2010 International Year of Rapprochement of Cultures.
这些项目集中在位 于边界一带的社区和紧靠可取自然资源的社区弱 势社区周围。
The projects were
[...] concentrated around vulnerable communities, such as communities [...]
along borders and those in close proximity
to desirable natural resources.
专责小组会 继续协调政府的工作,以及探讨可协 弱势社 群 及 有需要人士的新计划及措施。
The TFP will continue to coordinate the Government’s efforts
and explore possible new initiatives and measures to
[...] assist the disadvantaged groups and [...]
people in need where necessary.
教科文组织继续与人道主义教育小组和儿童保护工作组合作,支持拟订一项联合应对 计划,其内容包括弱势社区提 供教育和儿童保护,制定迅速向这类应对措施提供支持的需 求评估框架以及协调暑期教育与儿童保护联合计划的制定工作(包括确 弱势社 区 的 优先级 别、现有和计划开展的干预行动的数据收集、制定干预行动的标准以及与国家权力机构的协 调)。
UNESCO continued cooperation with the humanitarian Education Cluster and Child Protection Working Group has supported the development of a joint response plan that incorporates education
and children protection
[...] programming for vulnerable communities; the development of a needs assessment framework to support such response in the first instance; and the coordination of joint education and child protection programming over the summer holidays (including the prioritization of vulnerable communities, data collection [...]
on current and planned
interventions, establishment of standards of intervention and coordination with national authorities).
这些因素对人民尤其是对弱势社会 群体的收入、财富和 生活条件造成了重大不利影响。
They have a significant negative impact on the income, wealth and living conditions of populations, in
[...] particular the most vulnerable social groups.
教科文组织继续与人道主义教育小组和儿童保护工作组合作,支持拟订一项联合应对 计划,其内容包括弱势社区提 供教育和儿童保护,制定迅速向这类应对措施提供支持的需 [...]
UNESCO’s continuous cooperation with the humanitarian education cluster and child protection working group has supported the development of a joint response plan that incorporates
education and children protection
[...] programming for vulnerable communities; the development [...]
of a needs assessment framework
to support such response; and the coordination of joint education and child protection programming over the summer holidays.
教科文组织实施的部分主要侧重于增加当 弱势社 区 参 加教育和文化活动的机 会。
The UNESCO executed component will
focus mainly on improving access to educational and cultural activities for the
[...] benefit of local vulnerable communities.
深为关注最近几年来自然灾害、疾病和农业虫害的数量和规模及其日益严重 的影响,这给世界各地特别是发展中国家 弱势社 会 造 成了严重的生命损失和长 期的不利的社会、经济和环境后果
Expressing its deep concern at the number and scale of natural disasters, diseases and agricultural pests and their increasing impact in recent years, which have resulted in a massive loss
of life and long-term
[...] negative social, economic and environmental consequences for vulnerable societies throughout the [...]
world, in particular in developing countries
77 国集团加中国认为,主张实施可能损害在危机时期保护 弱势社会 成 员的政策空间、安全网和政策的顺周期政策或附加具有同样效应的条件,将适 [...]
The G-77 and China believe that advocating pro-cyclical policies or including conditionalities which may compromise
policy space, safety nets and policies to
[...] protect the most vulnerable members of the [...]
community in times of crisis are counterproductive
and increase the costs of the crisis.
[...] 应当严格遵守国际法和国际准则,包括遵守使所有 人,尤其是弱势社会群体,都能经过适当程序接受 处理的原则。
Similarly, domestic justice system should abide strictly by
international laws and standards, including respect for due process for all,
[...] especially the most vulnerable sectors of society.
教育部在儿童基 金会支持下,重新弱势社区学 校里的儿童提供社会心理帮助,共帮助了 50 000 名儿童。
The Ministry of Education, with the support of UNICEF, re-established the
provision of psychosocial assistance to
[...] children in schools in vulnerable communities that reached [...]
some 50,000 children.
又回顾《2005 年世界首脑会议成果》,1 重申世界减灾会议通过的《兵库宣言》、2 《2005-2015 年兵库行动框架:建 立国家和社区的抗灾能力》3 和主题为“印度洋灾害:减少风险,共创更安全的 未来”的特别会议的共同声明,4 又重申其在实施联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议成果方面提供政策指导的 作用, 深为关切近年来自然灾害次数多、规模大,后果日益严重,造成巨大生命损 失,对全世弱势社会造 成长期的社会、经济和环境后果,并有碍实现可持续发 展,尤其是在发展中国家
Expressing its deep concern at the number and scale of natural disasters and their increasing impact in recent years, which have resulted in massive loss of life and long-term negative social, economic and environmental consequences for vulnerable societies throughout the world and hamper the achievement of their sustainable development, in particular in developing countries, Expressing its deep concern also at the increasing challenges facing the disaster response and preparedness capacity of Member States and the United Nations system as a result of the combined impacts of current global challenges, including the global economic and financial crisis, climate change and the food crisis,Emphasizing that disaster risk reduction, including the reduction of
如果家庭处弱势社会地 位,可给予进一步优惠。
Further preferences may be granted if
[...] the family is in a socially disadvantaged position.
加强边缘化弱势社会群 体认识并主张有尊严的生活的人权的能力,从而带来持 久的社会变化。
To bring about lasting social change by strengthening the capacity of marginalized and vulnerable sectors of society [...]
to become aware of and claim
their human right to live life in dignity.
全国团结和家庭部的设立是为了通过法律和通过支助包容性发展的多 方面方案建立和发展全国对弱势社 会 群 体的支持。
The Ministry of National Solidarity and Family was established to develop and sustain,
by law, national solidarity
[...] with the most vulnerable categories of society through multifaceted [...]
programmes that support inclusive development.
秘书长指出,在短期到中期内,速效项目 的目标将是在国家复苏进程中取得进展;改善农村和偏远地区的进出情况;为法治
[...] 的功能及在以下领域为地方当局和民间社会提供支助:教育、妇女赋权、保健、农 业、供水设施、卫生设施、培训和能力建设以及 弱势社 区 创造短期就业机会。
According to the Secretary-General, in the short to medium term, quickimpact projects will be geared towards demonstrating progress in the national recovery process, improving access to rural and remote areas, providing support for rule of law functions and to local authorities and civil society in the areas of education, women’s empowerment, health, agriculture, water facilities,
sanitation, training and capacity-building, and the creation of short-term employment
[...] opportunities in vulnerable communities.
菲律宾调动政 府的资源,通过增加对社会福利方案、教育、紧急食品和医疗用品、卫生服务和 适当的住房等方面的拨款,以保障 弱势社 会 群 体。
The Philippines mobilizes government resources to protect the most vulnerable sectors of society by increasing allocations for social welfare programmes, education, provision of emergency food and medical supplies, health services, and adequate housing and shelter.




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