

单词 弥合


弥合(分歧) v

bridge v

See also:

brimming or overflowing


close adj

External sources (not reviewed)

其他发言者感到突尼斯(WSIS)会议后 弥合数 字鸿沟将继续是一至关重要的问题。
Other speakers felt that bridging the digital divide would continue to be an issue of critical importance to address after the Tunis WSIS.
各国政府必须表现出政治意愿,加强法 制弥合法律 上的平等与实际上的歧视之间的鸿沟,包括采取平权行动。
Governments must show political will to enforce the rule of law and bridge the gap between de jure equality and de facto discrimination, including by affirmative action.
Furthermore, development of this sector should help to bridge the digital divide and technology gap in support of rapid poverty eradication and sustainable development.
小组委员会称,它可通过该项目积极倡导努 弥合 空 间气 象研究领域的现有差距。
The Subcommittee noted that it could, through that item, serve as an important advocate for efforts to close existing gaps in the space weather research field.
与会者承认,如同 32 C/5 计划资金比例大幅度 下放所反映的那样,已取得一些进展,但还应继续作出努力 弥合 总 部 外人员编制与职位削 减大环境之间存在的差距,他们认为,只有为总部外单位提供更加充足的人员和计划资金这 种实实在在的下放,才能使教科文组织在国家一级具有实际意义,也才能促进机构间的各项 工作。
While recognizing that some progress had been made, as reflected by high decentralization rates of programme resources of document 32 C/5 and also the continuing efforts to fill the gaps in field staffing against an overall context of post reduction, participants considered that only a substantial decentralization, which would provide field units with more adequate staffing and programme funding, would ensure that UNESCO was relevant at the country level and could contribute to inter-agency efforts.
外层空间方案在灾难管理和应急行动领域成功开展了工作,以促进使用这一 领域的所有各类空间信息,在空间图像提供者、人道主义组织和国家灾难管理当 局之弥合差距
The programme on outer space worked successfully in the field of disaster management and emergency response in order to facilitate the use of all types of space-based information in this field by bridging the gap among space-imagery providers, humanitarian organizations and national disaster management authorities.
14.53 在 2012-2013 两年期,为了更好地满足成员国的需要,特别是在病人的医疗照射、能源生产产 生的辐射水平和影响、自然辐射源的照射以及低剂量辐射照射的影响等方面,为了应对科学发 展及全球通信的快速节奏和日益增加的复杂性,将继续在 2008-2009 年期间启动的若干战略转 变,即:(a)
精简委员会的科学评价进程;(b) 加强数据收集、分析和传播的机制;(c) 改善 与其他利益攸关方基于成果的规划和协调;(d)
[...] 在决策者和公众中提高对委员会及其基本研究 成果的认识,以帮弥合科学 与政策之间的空白,确定在管理辐照的健康和环境影响领域内的 [...]
14.53 In the biennium 2012-2013, in order to respond better to the needs of Member States (in particular with respect to the medical exposure of patients, radiation levels and effects of energy production, exposure to natural sources of radiation and the effects of low-dose-rate radiation exposure) and to the rapid pace and increasing complexity of scientific developments and global communications, several strategic shifts initiated in 2008-2009 will continue, namely: (a) streamlining the Committee’s scientific evaluation processes; (b) enhancing mechanisms for data collection, analysis and dissemination; (c) improving results-based planning and coordination with other stakeholders; and (d) raising awareness of the Committee and its
essential findings among decision makers and the
[...] public to help bridge the science-policy [...]
gap and identify any changes needed in
the management of the impacts of radiation exposure on health and the environment.
我们重申,我们打算 认真努力弥合分歧和实现民族团结,这对实现我们 的合法民族权利来说至关重要。
We reaffirm our intention to work hard and seriously to heal the divisions and to achieve the national unity so vital to the achievement of our legitimate national rights.
为补充国家一级的努力,有关国际和区域机构以及来源国的适当机构必须增 加对私人外国投资的支持,协助发展中国家及转型期经济国家发展基础设施和其 他优先领域,包弥合数码 鸿沟的项目。
To complement national efforts, there is a need for the relevant international and regional institutions, as well as appropriate institutions in source countries, to increase their support for private foreign investment in infrastructure development
and other priority
[...] areas, including projects to bridge the digital divide in developing countries and countries with economies in transition.
一些成员表示看法认为,协商增进了对中国所面临挑战的理解,促进 弥合 在 资金 方面各方立场之间的差距。
A number of members expressed the view that the consultations had improved understanding of the challenges faced by China and had assisted in bridging the gap in positions with regard to funding.
我呼吁各种不同信仰的地方宗教领袖彼此间展示开放 的态度,参与不同信仰间的各种活动,我还呼吁国际社会向那些可以 弥合 族群 之间的现有分裂方面发挥积极作用的宗教领袖提供支持。
I appeal to the local religious leaders of different faiths to demonstrate openness towards each other and participate in inter-faith events, and to the international community to support those leaders who can play a positive role in bridging the existing divide between the communities.
(g) 建立一个以人为中心、包容性强的信息社会,为所有人民提供更多数字 机会,以便有助弥合数字 鸿沟,挖掘信息和通信技术潜力,为发展服务,并落 [...]
实信息社会世界首脑会议日内瓦阶段的成果,确保将于 2005 年 11 月在突尼斯举 行的首脑会议第二阶段取得成功,以此迎接信息社会的新挑战;在这方面,我们
( g ) Building a people-centred and inclusive information society so as to enhance digital opportunities for all people in order to help bridge the digital divide, putting the potential of information and
communication technologies at the service of
[...] development and addressing new challenges [...]
of the information society by implementing
the outcomes of the Geneva phase of the World Summit on the Information Society and ensuring the success of the second phase of the Summit, to be held in Tunis in November 2005; in this regard, we welcome the establishment of the Digital Solidarity Fund and encourage voluntary contributions to its financing.
但在过去十 年里,由于缺乏政治意愿,而且也因为难 弥合 分 歧, 委员会无法做到这一点。
Due to a lack of political will and to difficulties in bridging differences, this has not been the case for the past decade.
在致辞中,鸠 山由纪夫首相敦促《条约》的所有缔约 弥合 分 歧 , 为实现没有核武器、原子能仅用于和平目的的世界 铺平道路。
In that message, Prime Minister Hatoyama urged all parties to the Treaty to bridge their differences in order to pave the way for a world without nuclear weapons in which atomic energy was used only for peaceful purposes.
行动方案》还强调,教育是通过必要的知识和技能增强妇女力量、使之充 分参与发展进程的关键手段(第 4.2 段),并且吁请各国政府确保女孩和青年妇女 尽量广泛和尽早地接受中等和高等教育以及职业教育和技术培训,以便在 2005 年底以弥合初等 和中等教育的性别差距(第 11.8 段),这些目标符合千年发展 目标 3 所提出的至迟于 2015 年在初等和中等教育中消除两性差距的具体目标。
The Programme of Action also stresses that education is a crucial means of empowering women with the knowledge and skills necessary to participate fully in the development process (para. 4.2) and urges Governments to ensure the widest and earliest possible access of girls and young women to secondary and higher levels of education, and to vocational education and technical training so as to close the gender gap in primary and secondary education by 2005 (para. 11.8), objectives consistent with the target of eliminating gender disparity in primary and secondary education by 2015 under Millennium Development Goal 3.
作为裁军谈判会议的成员国,哥伦比亚认为,弥合核武 器国家和无核武器国家之间现存的分歧,有 必要通过一项有关消极安全保证的具有法律约束力 的文书。
As a State member of the Conference on Disarmament, Colombia believes that, in order to overcome existing differences between nuclear and non-nuclear-weapon States, there is a need to adopt a legally binding instrument on negative security assurances.
此外,缔约国还进一步了解了心理支持包括同伴支援的重要性和跨领域性质,认 为有必要更加重视这一组成部分,以协助地雷幸存者和遇难者或受伤者家 弥合 地雷 爆炸造成的心理创伤,并促进其社会福利。
However, the States Parties have increased their understanding of the importance and cross-cutting nature of psychological support, including peer support, and the need to raise the profile of this component to assist mine survivors and the families of those killed or injured to overcome the psychological trauma of a landmine explosion and promote their social well-being.
这些中心对弥合发 达 国家与发展中国家获取信息和传播技术方面的差 距至关重要。
The centres were vital in bridging the gap between developed and developing countries in terms of access to information and communications technology.
此外也有成员 强调需要拟定对性别问题有敏感认识的指标,以追踪贸易援助基金的使用,从而 确保如《部长宣言》中强调的那样, 弥合 执 行差距提供资源。
Emphasis was also placed on the need to develop gender-sensitive indicators to track the use of aid for trade funds to ensure resources are available to close the implementation gap, as stressed in the ministerial declaration.
(d) 加强和加紧努力,支持少数民族学生,特别是马来亚族学生的学业发 展,例如,推行特定的暂行平权行动方案等方式, 弥合 现 行 差距;和
(d) Strengthen and accelerate efforts to support minority students, particularly Malay, in their
academic development, for instance, through special temporary affirmative-action
[...] programmes to bridge existing gaps; and
他评述称,就该署的任务而论,这是一项相当克制的预算, 而且今后几年内亦不可弥合预算 缺口。
He commented that it was a fairly restrained budget compared to the Office’s mandate, and that the gap would probably not be closed in the next few years.
为支持本次级方案的执行工作, 亚太经社会将与次区域其他主要政府间机构和发展行为体建立战略伙伴关 系,并按照本组织“力求取得协调一致”的精神,以连贯和协调划一的方式 制订和执行方案,同时利用联合国发展系统在次区域和国家两级的整体资源弥合在发 展方面存在的那些重大差距。
In support of the implementation of the subprogramme, ESCAP would build strategic partnerships with other key intergovernmental institutions and development actors in the subregions, and develop and implement programmes in a coherent and coordinated manner in line with the efforts of the Organization to “deliver as one”, utilizing the full assets of the United Nations development system at the subregional and national levels to bridge key development gaps.
报告强调的其他问题有多语环境和六种正式语文需 要实现平等,包括在本组织网站上;联合国新闻中 心工作的重要性;需要做出更积极的努力 弥合数 字鸿沟以及需要除现代技术外继续利用传统媒体以 便向各国有效传播本组织的信息;新闻部在促进不 同文明间对话中的作用;以及该部开展外联活动的 重要性,包括同民间社会、教育工作者、学生、名 人和私营部门建立伙伴关系。
Other issues emphasized had been multilingualism and the need to achieve parity among the six official languages, including on the Organization’s website; the importance of the work of the United Nations information centres; the need for more vigorous efforts to bridge the digital divide and the need to continue to utilize traditional media alongside modern technology so as to communicate the Organization’s message effectively to all countries; the role of the Department of Public Information in promoting dialogue among civilizations; and the importance of the Department’s outreach activities, including its partnerships with civil society, educators, students, celebrities and the private sector.
法律由 于能弥合国际 标准、政策行动与当地价值这三个之间的差距,能够从内部调动 变革的力量,因而能够得到真心的支持,从而作为预防方面的真正力量而发挥作 用。
Bridging international standards, policy action and local values, and motivating change from within, legislation has been supported as the fruit of true conviction, gaining traction as a genuine deterrent with preventive effect.
出版了题为弥合上帝 所造天地万物创 伤”的书籍及关于水、能源、农业、气候变化和企业社会责任的宣传册;(f)2007 [...]
年,驻联合国的英国圣公会观察员兼坎特伯雷大主教的私人代表作为专题讨论小 组成员,参加了与非政府组织和民间社会举办的联合国发展筹资高级别对话全体
A book entitled “Healing God’s Creation” and
[...] advocacy fact sheets on water, energy, [...]
agriculture, climate change and social corporate
responsibility were published; (f) the Anglican Observer and Personal Representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury at the United Nations served as a panellist at the opening plenary of the United Nations High-Level Dialogue on Financing for Development and associated General Assembly Hearings with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society held in 2007.
信息中心将提供关于各种事件的准 确、公正的信息,这将可望帮助公众逐步参与对过去的公开讨论,并通过这些讨 论弥合他们的分歧。
Information Centres would provide accurate and unbiased information about the events, which would hopefully assist the public to progressively engage in open discussion about the past and through those discussions reconcile their differences.
第 39 条草案显然是为此目的而设计,并试 弥合 以 下 两方面之 间的差异:一方面是要创设一项义务,由成员国集体为它们的组织提供手段,以 有效赔偿因违反国际法的行为而受到伤害的各方;另一方面是要追求避免使成员 国承担附属责任的利益。
Draft article 39 is obviously designed to serve that purpose in trying to bridge the discrepancy between the creation of an obligation for the collectivity of member States to provide the organization with the means to effectively compensate parties injured by its violation of international law and the interest in avoiding the implication of subsidiary responsibility for member States.
正如本雅明在此文的第三篇论文中写道,人类的救赎在于接受我们的所有过去留下的借鉴,克莱尔•方丹组合(Claire Fontaine)的作品希望喻示救赎的可能,但也揭示了灾难的无 弥合。
As Benjamin writes in the same text, in the thesis III the redemption of mankind will be to receive all our past as citable, this work of Claire Fontaine wishes to allude to the possibility of redemption, but points out to the irreparable catastrophe.
[...] 这一理念体现了许多参与者所认定的论坛取得的根本成就, 弥合 利 益 攸关方之 间的文化差异,以一种灵活、开放的形式讨论重要的因特网资源、接入、多样性、 [...]
The theme of the meeting was “Developing the future together”, a concept embodying what many participants perceive to be a
fundamental achievement of the
[...] Forum, namely bridging cultural differences [...]
among stakeholders to discuss, in a flexible,
open format, critical Internet resources, access, diversity, security, privacy and the many other important matters at hand.
但是,至少在发达国家与发展中国家之间在收入、生活质量、人 类发展指数、贫穷和匮乏程度等方面的巨大差距得 弥合 之 前,持续的经济增长 是绝对必须的。
However, continued economic growth is absolutely essential, at least until the large differences between developed and developing countries — in income, quality of life, human development indicators and levels of poverty and deprivation — are bridged.




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