单词 | 张自忠 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 张自忠—Zhang ZizhongSee also:忠adj—loyaladj 忠—devoted honest
根据证劵及期货条例第 [...] XV 部规定,Farnham、周文轩先生 及周忠继先生各自均被视为於所有由华大置业有限公司实益持有之本公司股份中拥有权益。 wingtaiproperties.com | Under Part XV of the SFO, each of Farnham, Mr. Chou [...] Wen Hsien and Mr. Chow ChungKai are deemed to be [...]interested in all the shares in the [...]Company beneficially owned by Gala Land Investment Co. wingtaiproperties.com |
如果「多页进纸」管理或「纸张用尽」的「自动解决」动作无法正常运作,则表示可能 已意外停用此选项。 graphics.kodak.com | If the Multifeed management or Out of Paper Auto Resolve is not working, this option may have been accidentally disabled. graphics.kodak.com |
(d) 货物中载有航空零部件这一事实值得关注,因为自实施武器禁运以来,忠于科特迪瓦前总统的部队就不断努力,试图得到修复其军事航空资产的零部件 [...] 和技术援助(见下文第 95-104 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) The fact that the cargo contained aeronautical parts should be [...] considered worthy of [...] attention, due to repeated effortsby forcesloyal to the former President [...]of Côte d’Ivoire to obtain [...]parts and technical assistance for the rehabilitation of its military air assets since the imposition of the arms embargo (see paras. 95-104 below). daccess-ods.un.org |
自从我2009 年 11 月忠告安全理事会以来,我从 1990 年代在前南斯拉夫毁 灭性解体期间所发生暴行的受害者那里得到了许许多多积极的回应。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since my exhortation to the Security Council in November 2009, I have received a [...] wellspring of positive responses from the [...]victims of the atrocities that were committed during the destructive dissolution of the former Yugoslavia during the 1990s. daccess-ods.un.org |
不管是对发表咨询意见的请求,还是对诉讼案 件,国际法院在处理一事项(咨询事项或诉讼案件)时,有义务忠实履行自己的司 法职能。 daccess-ods.un.org | This latter, when seized of a matter, - either a request for an Advisory [...] Opinion, or a contentious case, - has [...] a dutyto perform faithfully its judicial functions, [...]either in advisory matters or [...]in respect of contentious cases. daccess-ods.un.org |
eCA 应签发一张自签凭证(Self-Signed Certificate),此凭证经政策 [...] 管理委员会确认内容无误後,依照 6.1.4 节规定将凭证传送给信赖凭 证者。 epki.com.tw | eCA shall issuea Self-SignedCertificate [...] and after the Policy Management Committee verifies the contents are correct the [...]certificate shall be delivered to the relying party in accordance with stipulations in section 6.1.4. epki.com.tw |
要显示的潜力有多大,这种精密的技术,崇德已经推出了专门目录为液压扩 张自定义解决方案。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | To show how big the potential of this precision technology, Schunk has launched a catalog specifically for [...] hydraulic expansion custom solutions. en.developmentscout.com |
在这种情况下,被摄物 体将变暗,所以本功能会经由自动增亮整张图片来补偿背光。 en.leica-camera.com | This function compensates the backlight by [...] brightening the whole of the picture automatically. us.leica-camera.com |
致力推动本地马球文化的香港马球发展及推广协会日前正式成立,为隆盛其事,香港马球发展及推广协会於今日下午举行了盛大的成立典礼暨新闻发布会,并邀请了国际马球联合会(Federation of International Polo, FIP) [...] 及多位嘉宾出席支持,包括香港马球发展及推广协会副主席李 自忠先生、国际马球联合会执行委员Asad Jumabhoy先生和国际马球联合会大使及市务委员Roderick [...]Vere [...]Nicoll先生, 以及中国香港体育协会暨奥林匹克委员会副会长余国梁MH太平绅士等聚首一堂,共襄盛举。 snowpoloworldcup.com | In attendance were Mr. Harvey Lee, Vice Chairman of the [...] HKPDPF along withMr. Asad Jumabhoy, Executive Committee, [...]Federation of International Polo [...](FIP), Mr. Roderick Vere Nicoll, FIP Ambassador and Marketing Committee, and Mr. Tony Yue, MH JP, Vice-President of HK Sports Federation and Olympic Committee. snowpoloworldcup.com |
他为我们留下了一部铭刻自己特性和忠于非洲的人类历史哲学,而又切合各国人民 “使人道关爱普遍深入人心”的愿望。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He has handed down to us a philosophy of history, rooted in his own [...] identity, markedby loyaltyto Africa, but which [...]meets the aspirations of peoples [...]to “anchor the humanist issue in the context of the universal”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
b. 结 果 : 她 的 衰 落 令 土 耳 其 人 难 以 再 有 效 地 操 制 其 邦 国 , 卒 令 巴 尔 干 各 邦 国 有 机 会扩张各自的势力 , 亦 令 列 强 有 机 会 向 巴 尔 干 半 岛 扩 张 。 hkahe.com | b. Result: Her decline made her ineffectively control her states and so she gave a good chance for the expansion of Balkan states and also the European powers. hkahe.com |
周文轩先生及周忠继先生各自均有权於 Farnham 之股东大会上行使 50%之投票权。 wingtaiproperties.com | Mr. Chou [...] Wen Hsien and Mr.Chow ChungKaiare each entitled [...]to exercise 50% of the voting power at general meetings of Farnham. wingtaiproperties.com |
刚开始的时候,安沛(Yen Bai)对新环境和新的声响有些谨慎和紧张,但始终是对自己的 新窝兴奋得不得了,到处爬上爬下玩弄他的新玩物。 animalsasia.org | At first Yen Bai was a little cautious and slightly nervous about his new surroundings and the new sounds but nevertheless, was super-exited about his den, climbing all over the place and playing with his new toys. animalsasia.org |
经常超时工作的主要原因是工作太多,84%的受访者表示工作量太多,不能在正常工作时间内完成;此外,近30%表示超时工作的原因是希望向上司表现自己对 公司的忠诚和勤奋,或者不想第一个下班离开公司。 hkupop.hku.hk | Heavy workload is the main factor for high overtime levels. 84% of respondents indicate they have too much work to do and cannot keep up with their workload during normal working hours; nearly 30% indicate they work overtime as a means of showing commitment to their superiors and companies or because they do not want to be seen as the first person to leave the office. hkupop.hku.hk |
正是通过改正自己的不足,并忠诚地 遵守《联合国宪 章》,本组织才能在世界人民面前表现出它是公正、 公平和真正致力于国际和平、安全和发展的典范。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is precisely [...] by correcting its deficiencies and byfaithfully adhering to the United [...]Nations Charter that it will be [...]able to present itself to the people of the world as a model of justice, equity and genuine commitment to international peace, security and development. daccess-ods.un.org |