单词 | 弟子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 弟子—discipleless common: follower 弟子noun—disciplespl子弟noun—childn子弟—the younger generation弟弟noun—brothernExamples:关门弟子—last disciple of a master 故家子弟—descended from an old family 梨园子弟—Chinese opera performers See also:弟—younger brother junior male I (modest word in letter)
the Shepherd》之後,UNDER COVER的撮影工作亦会交给弟子守本胜英(N. Hoolywood御用摄影师)君延续,将巴黎的时光一直记录下去。 think-silly.com | After ‘the Shepherd’, Katsuhide Morimoto (the official photographer of N. Hoolywood) will take over to record Under Cover’s future in the making. think-silly.com |
UNDER COVER向来跟写真家富永YOSHIE先生合作无间;自富永氏引退後,工作便交由 弟子守本胜英担当。 think-silly.com | UNDER COVER regularly collaborated with photographer Mr. Yoshie Tominaga. think-silly.com |
然而,在他的敦促下他的 500 多名弟子移居巴勒斯坦;此次移民被人们认为是现代犹太人定居以色列的开始。 wdl.org | However, more than 500 of his disciples moved to Palestine at his urging; this immigration is considered the beginning of the modern Jewish settlement of the Land of Israel. wdl.org |
Pustaha 这种书描述的是魔法,只有巴塔克人的精神领袖和他们的 弟子才能 使用。 wdl.org | Pustahas were books describing magical practices, and were intended for use only by Batak spiritual leaders and their disciples. wdl.org |
他在世时将惹琼巴的口耳传承(Nyengyu)一起并入教法中,将密勒日巴尊者二大弟子(即冈波巴与惹琼巴) 的教法结合在一起。 utbf.org | During his time, the Whispering Lineage (Nyengyu) of Rechungpa was also integrated into the tradition, thus bringing together the teachings of two main students of Milarepa. utbf.org |
因此,我荣幸和骄傲地保证,要遵循这位对话 与和平的使徒弟子所提倡办法的足迹。 daccess-ods.un.org | I am therefore honoured and proud to make a commitment to follow in the footsteps of the approach promoted by that apostle disciple of dialogue and peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了上述这些有父亲的一些猜测,包括以前的着作,在“宪法”和“大炮的使徒”,而工程派驻戴奥尼夏Areopagite,谁,但自己是 弟子的使徒,是不是作者的作品他的名字命名。 mb-soft.com | In addition to these there were formerly included apocryphal writings of some of the above Fathers, the "Constitutions" and "Canons of the Apostles" and the works accredited to Dionysius the Areopagite, who, though himself a disciple of the Apostles, was not the author of the works bearing his name. mb-soft.com |
通过对任期延长至包括现存的课外典型的分使徒时代的文学,它是向包括“牧羊人”的hermas,新约先知,谁被认为是一提到圣保罗(罗马书十六,14),但其中一个更安全的传统,使我的教皇皮乌斯(约140-150)兄弟的,由帕皮亚的“主的话语博览会”微薄的片段,谁可能被 弟子的圣 约翰(依,高级。 mb-soft.com | By extension of the term to comprise the extant extra-canonical literature of the sub-Apostolic age, it is made to include the "Shepherd" of Hermas, the New Testament prophet, who was believed to be the one referred to by St. Paul (Rom. xvi, 14), but whom a safer tradition makes a brother of Pope Pius I (c. 140-150); the meagre fragments of the "Expositions of the Discourses of the Lord", by Papias, who may have been a disciple of St. John (Irenaeus, Adv. Haer., V, 331-334), though more probably he received his teaching at second hand from a "presbyter" of that name (Eusebius, Hist. Eccl., III, 39); the "Letter to Diognetus", the unknown author of which affirms his discipleshipwith the Apostles, but his claim must be taken in the broad sense of conformity in spirit and teaching. mb-soft.com |
归元寺的主要吸引人之处在于其数量众多的佛家 弟子雕像,各有独特造型及表情。 shangri-la.com | Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, commonly known as the First Bridge, is the first [...] double-deckbridge built over the Yangtze [...]River in 1957. shangri-la.com |
或被他的弟子尊称 为「格西拉」)设计了三种特殊的精神修行课程来为我们在现今世界上提供有系统地学习和练习噶当佛法,分别是:普及课程( GP )、基础课程( FP )和导师训练课程( TTP )。 meditation.hk | Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, or 'Geshe-la' as he is affectionatelycalled by his students, has designed three special spiritual programs for the systematic study and practice of Kadampa Buddhism that are especially suited to the modern world: the General Program (GP), the Foundation Program (FP), and the Teacher Training Program (TTP). meditation.hk |
龙门石窟于公元五世纪和六 世纪在洛阳南部 16 公里的伊河岸边的悬崖峭壁上被挖掘和开发,在石窟内共有 10 万尊佛 祖和弟子的造像。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2000, these grottoes, which were dug or adapted in the fifth and sixth centuries in a cliff overhanging the Yi River some 16 km south of Luoyang, contain more than 100,000 statues of the Buddha and hisdisciples. unesdoc.unesco.org |
多年来向全国各地输送教练员、保安保镖、武警、交巡警、表演队员、影视武打演员及各大体院、公安警校、师范院校深造等六千余人;所培养的学生参加国家级、省、市级比赛,均获佳绩,战果辉煌;并参加《笑傲江湖》、《大漠恩仇》、《天龙八部》、《快活林》等十几部电影、电视剧的拍摄、省运会和国际少林武术节大型文艺汇演;表演队曾应邀赴东南亚、欧洲等十几个国家和地区进行文化交流、访问演出;并吸引了来自韩国、美国、法国、德国、澳大利亚、越南等许多国家的洋 弟子前来 学武,受到国内外各界人士的广泛赞誉。 cngongfu.com | Many years to all over the country conveying the coaches and security guards, armed police patrolmen, performance, film and television kung-fu actor and players, each big skill-studying, public security police, normal universities study more than 6,000; etc. They develop students attend national, provincial and municipal game, all get success, splitting brilliant, And to participate in the "smile", "desert EnQiu", "eight guardians", "happy Lin" dozen movies and TV series filming, ShengYunHui and international shaolin WuShuJie large art performance, Unedited she was invited to southeast Asia, Europe and more than 10 countries and regions for cultural exchange, visiting performances, And attracted from Korea, the United States, France, Germany, Australia, [...] Vietnam and so on many countries XueWu [...] YangDiZi came by all circlesboth at home [...]and abroad, and the widespread praise. cngongfu.com |
这是微妙的对比,但王习三不经意地给诸门弟埋下了失败的种子﹕只有他能写实而入化, 弟子呢,能用精巧的技术写实的不少,然升堂入室, 则罕其人矣。 e-yaji.com | Wang was sufficient of an artist to overcome this reliance on reality and still paint transcendent masterpieces, while many of his followers did not have that inner, aesthetic spirit to lift their technical and realistic paintings into the realms of art. e-yaji.com |
在为期三天的展览中,十位“艺术大师”(Maîtres d’Art )及其弟子将为参观者展示其亲手制作的旷世杰作,以及巧夺天工的精湛工艺。 vacheron-constantin.com | During these three days, ten “Maîtres d’Art” (Art Masters) and several of their students will present some of their exceptional creations and will offer demonstrations of their skills to the public. vacheron-constantin.com |
本人同意敝子弟參加「新來港学童适应班」,并会督促敝 子弟遵守新來港学童适应班的 要求,跟进其学习进度。 csshk.edu.hk | I have noted the details of the After-School [...] Adaptation Class for Newly [...] Arrival Children, and I □ agree my son/daughter to participate in the Class and I will remind him/ her to obey [...]the classroom regulations. csshk.edu.hk |
(d) 在公共援助、补贴与免税方面,对外国人学校及在缔约国居住的韩裔 与华裔子弟的学校给予不同待遇 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) The differential treatment of schools for foreigners and descendants of Korean and Chinese residing in the State party, with regard to public assistance, subsidies and tax exemptions daccess-ods.un.org |
举例来说 , 寄宿学 校可以使许多农家子弟上学成为可能。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Boarding facilities, for example, make schooling [...] for manyrural childrenpossible. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些书包会公平地分发到该区域的民工 子弟学校。 ycis-bj.com | The backpacks will be distributed evenly to numerous migrant schools in the area. ycis-bj.com |
为了确保罗姆人子弟得到高等教育的机会,2003 年教育和青年事务部在每 个公立高等教育机构,为罗姆人子弟保留了 2 个预算资金资助的名额和 2 个预算 外资金资助的名额。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to ensure access to higher education of thechildren of Roma origin, in 2003 the Ministry of Education and Youth reserved 2 places with budgetary [...] and 2 places with extra-budgetary [...]financing therefore at each higher education state institution. daccess-ods.un.org |
随后,在 2004-2007 年期间,依照“关于大学入学考试的组 织和管理专门规定”,罗姆人子弟中的 考生也可在高等教育机构入学考试方面享 受一定的优惠待遇,目前罗姆人子弟在预算资金资助的大学入学考试计划下的各 专业录取总名额中占 15%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subsequently, in the period of 2004–2007, through [...] special regulations on [...] organisation and management of the matriculation process, the Roma children were included in the category of candidates enjoying preferential treatment [...]in accordance [...]with the Regulations on the organisation and management of the matriculation process at the higher education institutions, having a share of 15% out of the total number of places for each specialisation/field and form of studies planned in the budgetary financing matriculation plan for a list of categories, including Roma children. daccess-ods.un.org |
做到这一点的办法就是从事企业社会责任,无论是帮助人们找到绑架或失踪儿童的互联网项目,或只是捐钱买书籍及用品给民工 子弟或孤儿的学校。 embassyusa.cn | The way you can do that is to engage in corporate social responsibility, whether it’s the internet project to help people find [...] kidnapped or missing [...] children, or whether it’s just donating money to books and supplies to schools that educate migrant kidsororphans. eng.embassyusa.cn |
为此,今年的音乐节将首次安排20场系列公益演出,走进故宫博物院、农工 子弟学校、居民社区、企业等城市不同角落,且全部免费。 norway.org.cn | This year the festival will for the first time arrange 20 additional non- commercial concerts, bringing music out of the theater and into schools, museums and hotels. norway.cn |
选择民工子弟小学来进行图书的捐赠除了可以实现教育孩子与环境和谐相处,还在一定程度上协助了民工 子弟小学 完善其课外阅读书库的愿望。 rhodia.com.cn | Donating books to migrant schools had [...] not only achieved the aim of teaching childrento live in harmony with the environment, it also fulfilledthe childrenwishof having more books to read in the [...]school library. rhodia.com.cn |
应挪威鳕鱼肝油生产企业美乐思公司(Møllers)邀请,挪威王国驻上海总领馆总领事博雄先生于2012年9月27日访问了紫罗兰民工 子弟小学,以庆祝美乐思公司今年在中国推出其鳕鱼肝油产品。 norway.org.cn | Mr. Bjørn Blokhus, Consul General of the [...] Norwegian Consulate General in [...] Shanghai, visited Ziluolan migrant elementary school on 27 September 2012, by invitation from Møllers, Norwegian Cod Liver Oil producer, who are launching [...]their cod liver oil product in China this year. norway.cn |