

单词 引路

引路 ()

show the way


给...引路 v

lead v

External sources (not reviewed)

在近 16 年的业务工作中, 法庭已表明,国际司法能够起作用,法庭在杜绝有罪 不罚文化方面起引路作用
During the nearly 16 years of its operation, the Tribunal has shown that international justice works, and it has led the way in putting an end to the culture of impunity.
建材再利用不只是為了再利用,強行將材料加諸於建築物上,而是依循永續原則,取代原本要使用的新材料,還能夠 引路 人 注 意。
Material reuse clearly is not just a simple task of force-fitting a material into a building for the sake of reuse: it is a viable, sustainable
alternative to incorporating newly created materials, and can be done so in
[...] ways that are attractive and appealing to passersby.
鉴于这种现状,如何从经济的,社会的,技术的,甚至美学的理念发展出全新 引路 灯 , 这个问题具有很重要而特殊的意义。
Given this new situation, special attention has to be given to how new paradigms evolve from economic, sociological, and even aesthetic concepts.
位置、阶梯升降机和斜道;为视障人士而设的触引路带、 点字标志和载客升降机广播装置;以及为听障人士而设的感应圈系统 等。
Besides, barrier-free access facilities such as designated seats/spaces for audiences in wheelchairs,
stair lifts and ramps for wheelchair
[...] patrons, tactile guide path, Braille signs, [...]
speaking message to passengers in the passenger
lift, etc. for persons with visual impairment, induction loop system for persons with hearing impairment, etc., have also been provided at many cultural venues.
主因乃接獲國內訂單,為一幢商業大廈供應及安裝盲 引路 徑 , 以及落馬洲支線管制站摸讀地圖等訂單。
The Major contributions of this sizable increase were
orders from China, Supply and
[...] Installation of tactile guide paths for a commercial [...]
building and Supply Tactile Maps for Lok
Ma Chau Spur Line Control Point.
[...] 求當局繼續改善經進一步修訂的《設計手冊》,包括提高公用 地方的最低照明度、在建築物內提 引路 徑 、 擴大殘疾人士廁 所的內部淨空間、加設適當標誌引領殘疾人士使用暢通易達的 [...]
入口和在主要入口安裝自動門、就不當使用殘疾人士設施採取 執法行動,以及容許殘疾人士使用客用升降機。
They strongly requested further improvements to the further revised DM, including raising the minimum
illumination level in common areas,
[...] provision of tactile guide paths in buildings, enlarging [...]
the internal clear space inside
toilets for PWDs, installation of proper signage leading to entrances accessible to PWDs and automatic doors at major entrances, taking enforcement actions against improper use of facilities for PWDs, and allowing PWDs to use passenger lifts.
你可以组织一次到壮丽的弗马纳湖区(Fermanagh Lakelands)的特别旅行,或者组织一次步行假日(walking
[...] holiday)探索,当然会有夜间休息的床铺、行李托运和一名合格导游为 引路。
You can organise a specific tour of the area’s glorious  Fermanagh Lakelands  or explore on foot with an organized  walking
holiday  , which will ensure you’ve got a bed for the night, luggage transfers
[...] and a qualified guide to show you the way.
热情的志愿者将提供本地化的个人服务,为 引路 并 确 保您的问题得到翔实的解答。
Enthusiastic volunteers will provide the local personal touch and ensure that you find your way around and that your questions receive informative answers.
通过本专业学习为 “项引路计划”的附属部分。
This program is affiliated with Project Lead the Way.
为便利村内人流,包括伤健人士的活动,房委会设置了无 障碍通道,并铺设触引路径连 接住宅大厦及屋村的主要设施,例如运输枢纽、 商业、福利及社区设施等。
To facilitate movement of all people including persons with disabilities within the estates, the
Housing Authority has provided
[...] barrier-free access route and tactile guide path connecting [...]
domestic blocks to major estate
facilities such as transportation nodes, commercial, welfare and community facilities, etc. It has also commenced building improvement works in stages to improve the barrier-free facilities of existing buildings.
[...] [...] 2.0般,讓觀看者具備內容編輯權力,但對擁有者與觀看者來說,都是一種全新體驗,擁有者(通常是企業)透過互動式數字告示的輸入裝置,與使用者產生了直接連結,例如:設計互動遊戲,當觀看者闖關成功後,就列印出一張實體折價券,或是經由2.5G、3G網路傳輸出觀看者的手機中,讓觀看者持這張虛擬折價券至附近店家消費,而觀看者在與數字告示互動的同時,還可能 引路 過 民 眾的目光並聚焦於此,順利達到營銷效果。
from unidirectional to bidirectional, digital bulletin information class direction change, although is not look like Web 2.0, lets the viewer have the content edition authority, but to the owner and the viewer, is one kind of brand-new experience, the owner (usually is enterprise) by the interactive type digit bulletin input device, produced with the user has linked directly, for example: Design interaction game, when after the viewer overcomes an obstacle successfully, leaves an entity on the series printing to give a discount the ticket, perhaps by way of 2.5G, the 3G network transmits in viewer's handset, lets the viewer hold this hypothesized to give a discount to expend the ticket to the neighbor shop owner, but viewer while with
digital bulletin
[...] interaction, also possibly attracted the passing by [...]
populace's vision and focuses in this, achieved the marketing effect smoothly.
如果上海想为中国其他城引路,它 应该努力规范和协调很多事情,不仅包括突然涌现的众多花节,也包括近些年突然出现的许多其他旅游景点。
If Shanghai wants to lead the way for the rest of China, it should make an effort to license and coordinate not only the numerous flower festivals that have burst on the scene, but also the many other tourist attractions that have popped up in recent years.
此样新产品就是拉霸机同步感应系统,它可以在闲置的拉霸机的屏幕上以及联机彩金系统显示器上播放广告、电视节目、音乐频道等同步功能,进而 引路 过 的人群;只要有玩家接近机台,感应系统就会感应,自动把屏幕画面变换回原先的机台游戏画面。
This new product is a slot machine sync sensing system which offers the synchronization function of playing advertisements, TV programs and music channels on the monitors of idle slot machines and linked jackpot system displays in an attempt to attract passersby.
中心亦常安排視障學員參與測試有關的設施,如引導徑及通道設施等,確保新設施能迎合視障人士的需要,於二零零七年一月十八日於葵涌、於二月二十八日石硤尾偉智街及同日於天水圍天逸輕鐵站實地視 引路 徑。
The Centre also arranged and co-ordinated trainees to take part in evaluation of new access facilities and installations, such as tactile guide paths and other access facilities in government buildings and public areas, such as tactile guide paths at Kwai Chung Estate on 18 January 2007, Wai Chi Street at Shamshuipo on 28 February 2007, Tin Yat LRT station on 28 February 2007, braille signages and colour contrast of the facilities at Star Ferry Pier on 20 October 2006, the facilities of the public transport interchange at North Point and Chai Wan on 16 March 2007.
这款全新器件在故障保护方面优势显著,采用了防止引脚间 路 、 引 脚 对地短路、开路短路以及外部元件短路的设计技术。
This new device has significant fault protection advantages including design techniques to address pin-pin shorts, pin-ground shorts and open and shorted external components.
将瞬态踏板连接到外接控制输入上,可以控制四种不同特性中的任何一个 引擎 1 旁路, 引擎 2 旁路,引擎 1+2 旁路或拍击速度。
By connecting a momentary pedal to the External Control Input, you can control any one of four different features: Engine 1 bypass, Engine 2 bypass, Engine 1+2 bypass or Tap Tempo.
关岛因在陡坡上修筑主要路,引起 土 壤侵蚀, 所造成的沉积导致了岸礁珊瑚群的死亡。
In Guam, major road building on steep slopes has caused erosion [...]
and the resulting sedimentation has killed coral colonies on fringing reefs.
8 时 30 分,一个武装恐怖团体在 Jisr al-Shughur-Ariha 公路引爆了 爆炸 装置,并向执法人员发射火箭榴弹,导致三名人员受伤。
At 0830 hours, an armed
[...] terrorist group detonated an explosive device and launched rocket-propelled grenades at law enforcement personnel on the Jisr al-Shughur-Ariha [...]
road, wounding three officers.
8 时 15 分,一个武装恐怖团伙在 Turshan 地区 Q usur 环路引爆一个爆炸装 置,当时有一辆执法巡逻车经过那里。
At 0815 hours, an armed terrorist group detonated an explosive device in the Qusur quarter-Turshan district as a law enforcement patrol vehicle was passing.
它们也可以消除由接地路引起的 测量误差。
They can also eliminate
[...] measurement errors caused by ground loops.
将循环路引回到各自的 A、B 组份供 料桶。
Route circulation lines back to [...]
respective component A or B supply drum.
儘管須為 P2 路預留足夠的土 地以應付日後全面發展,專家小組仍建議政府研究在 P2 路引進臨 時的交通平靜措施,以及在此期間綠化 P2 路預留用地。
While it may be necessary to reserve sufficient land
for the full-scale
[...] development of Road P2 over the longer term, the Government should explore introducing pro tempore traffic calming measures on Road P2 and greening [...]
the reserve area in the meantime.
这些价值观也是创立 Samtec 的基石,路引领公 司登上今天的高度。
These are the values that Samtec was founded upon that have gotten us where we are today.
許多原先未購買卡特彼勒引擎的車隊,現在指定要購買ACERT產品,因為ACERT技術和競爭產品相比,在節約燃料和可靠性方面更具優勢,」卡特彼勒 路引 擎 營 銷部主管 Steve Brown 說道。
Many fleets that traditionally haven't bought Cat engines are now specifying ACERT for its fuel economy and
reliability advantage over competing engines," said Steve Brown, director of marketing
[...] for Caterpillar On-Highway Engines.
The tiger-tooth motif is believed to have the power of subduing.
黃宏發議員維 持他曾 在交通事務委員會及工務 小組委員會會議席上表達 的意見 ,認為由於東行 連路 引 起 廣 泛 的 爭 議 ,因此 深港西部 通道工程計劃(759TH) 及 后海灣幹線工程計劃(736TH)應 分開表決。
Mr Andrew WONG maintained his view expressed at the Transport Panel meetings and PWSC meeting that the SWC project (759TH) and the DBL project (736TH) should be voted on separately in view of the strong controversy about the ELR.
他们表示愿意用一切手段支持这个政府,为制定一部 新宪法并举行总统选举和大选铺平 路 , 引 导 该国走向民主过渡。
They expressed their willingness to support this government with all means to pave the way to formulate a new constitution and to conduct the presidential and general elections that shall lead to a democratic transition in the country.
更多 信息可见危机组织报告,《缅甸报告:少数民族政治》和《缅 甸:通向大选路》,引用如前;Win Min,Zaw Oo,《评价 [...]
For more information see Crisis Group Reports, Myanmar Backgrounder: Ethnic Minority Politics and
[...] Myanmar: Towards the Elections, both op. cit.
然而,其中一些建议由于之后的活动和新的 所需条件的出现,尤其是业务连续性中央管理股的设立而时过境迁,该 股的目的是在全联合国更广泛的基础上处理业务连续性问题,同时考虑 到预防大流行病规划和其他非信息和通信技术方面(见 A/64/472 和本补 编第 A/64/7/Add.8 号文件),以及在因基本建设总计划 引 起 迁 移的情 况下建立 1 个新的二级数据中心的需要(见 A/64/346/Add.1)。
However, some of those proposals have been superseded as a result of subsequent events and the emergence of new requirements, in particular the establishment of a central business continuity management unit to address business continuity issues on a broader, Organization-wide basis, taking into account pandemic planning and other non-information and communications technology aspects (see A/64/472 and document A/64/7/Add.8 in the present supplement), as well as the requirement for a new secondary data centre in the context of the relocations due to the capital master plan (see A/64/346/Add.1).
或然負債亦可能是因已發生的事引致之 現有責任,但由於可能不需要有經濟資源外流,或責任金額未能可靠地衡量而未予 確認。
It can also be a present obligation arising from past events that is not recognised because it is not probable that outflow of economic resources will be required or the amount of obligation cannot be measured reliably.




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