

单词 引起...的注意


引起对...的注意 v

advertise v

See also:

引起 (...) v

cause v
arise v
result v
bring sth. v
pose v
generate v
trigger v
elicit v


lead to
give rise to

注意 n

attention n
note n
regard n
focus n
caution n

External sources (not reviewed)

而且也没有任 何证据表明,他在瑞典逗留期间参与的任何活动会在他离开阿塞拜疆多年以引 起阿塞拜疆当的注意。
Nor is there any evidence that while in Sweden he has
been involved in any
[...] activity which would attract the interest of the same authorities several years after [...]
he left Azerbaijan.
代表团认为,不应忽略这次会的收 益,建议食典委成 员国将这些问题带到相关法典委员会 引起注意。
The Delegation was of the opinion that the benefits of this
meeting should not be lost
[...] and suggested that members of the Commission bring these issues to the attention of relevant Codex committees.
表面上是为了打击恐怖主义,其实是蓄意针对阿拉 伯人和穆斯林,这是一个应 引起注意的 严 重 问题。
The systematic targeting of Arabs and Muslims, ostensibly to combat terrorism, was a
[...] significant issue that deserved attention.
援助效率问题,尤其是司法部门方案的援助效 率,引起了政府和国际社的关注。
The issue of aid effectiveness, especially in justice sector
[...] programmes, had also caused concern for the Government and [...]
the international community.
从防范虐的角度来看,这引起 人们对已经显示紧张迹的系统严重 注。
From the standpoint of preventing ill-treatment, this raises serious concerns for a system already showing signs of stress.
他一直在坚定地呼吁 更多注意所遇的问题,这此呼吁已 引起注意。
He has been unwavering in his calls
[...] for greater attention to be paid to the problems encountered, and these calls have been heeded.
鉴于缔约国承认将第一申诉人的背景及其指控的性质 起 来 考虑,第一、第二和 第三申诉人会引埃及当局的注意, 所以委员会认为,在提交本来文时,如果将 第一、第二和第三申诉人遣返回埃及,他们可能面临可预见的、真实的人身危 险。
In the light of the State party’s acceptance
that it was likely
[...] that the first, second and third complainants would attract the interest of the Egyptian authorities, taken together [...]
with the first
complainant’s background and the nature of his allegations, the Committee concludes that the first, second and third complainants have established a foreseeable, real and personal risk of being tortured if they were to be returned to Egypt at the time of submission of the communication.
督察还负责对是否以与马尔代夫《宪法》和适用法律、马尔代 夫已经成为缔约国的国际公约及政府政策相符合的方式,并根据拘留法规,处理
[...] 与在押人员有关的所有问题,进行监测,并指出需要改进的领域,向部长汇报, 以及采取必要步骤纠正需 引起注意的 问 题
The Inspector is also mandated with monitoring whether all issues related to detainees are conducted in a manner consistent with Constitution of the Maldives and applicable laws, the international conventions to which the Maldives is a State Party, Government’s policies, and according to regulations governing detention, and note areas that require
revision, and report back to the Minister, as well as undertake necessary steps to
[...] correct issues that require attention.
如果详细介绍许多成绩可能会使这一部分的内容显得更 全面、更平衡,特别是在与计划有关的方面,但为了言简意赅,这部分有意侧重了需 引起 注意的问题 ,将评估和审核的意见作为今后改进工作的指南。
Dwelling on the many positive aspects would certainly provide a fuller and more balanced picture, particularly in the programmatic dimension, but for the
sake of conciseness,
[...] this section deliberately focuses primarily on that which is in need of attention, building on evaluations and audits as a guide for future [...]
特别引起注意的是 在 设有顺序阀和动作确认压力开关的系统中,如果出现高于 设定压力值的回路内压,则系统不能成立。
In particular, in systems with sequence valves and pressure switches if the pressure rises above the setting pressure the system will cease to function properly, so attention is required.
已经建的渠道继续用于提请审计 注意引起 关 切之事以及对不当 行为提的指控
The established channels continue to be used to bring concerns and allegations of misconduct to OIA’s attention.
以色列在被占的叙利 亚戈兰持续地非法实施 以色列法律、司法管辖和行政权,值得国际社会立引起注意。
The continued illegal
[...] imposition of Israeli law, jurisdiction and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan warranted the international community’s immediate attention.
特别引起注意的是, 在设有系统阀和动作确认压力开关的系统 中,如果出现高于设定压力值的回路内压,则系统不能成 立。
Especially, as for systems with sequence valve and pressure switch for action confirmation, if the inner circuit pressure is over the setting pressure, the system may break down, which should be taken into full consideration.
私营标准在全球农产食品价值链的食品安全管理方面越来越 重的角色已经引起对透 明度和标准制定程 的 关 注 , 不仅是私营标准,包括法典标准。
The increasing role of private standards in food safety governance in global agri-food value chains had served to further heighten concerns about the transparency and inclusiveness of the standard-setting process, not only in private organisations but also in Codex.
政府负责处理可能由第三方对教科文组织、其工作人员或地区中心雇用的其他人员提出的任 何索赔,并使教科文组织和上述人员不因地区中心根据本协定开展的业务 引起的 索 赔 或债务而 受到损害,但经教科文组织和政府商定,属于上述人员严重玩忽职守或 意 行 为不当所造成的索 赔或债务除外。
The Government shall be responsible for dealing with any claims which may be brought by third persons against UNESCO, against members of its staff or against other persons employed by the Regional Centre, and shall hold
UNESCO and the
[...] above-mentioned parties harmless from any claims or liabilities resulting from operations of the Regional Centre under this Agreement, except where it is agreed by UNESCO [...]
and the Government that such claims or liabilities arise from the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of such persons.
又表注意到 2 006 年领土政府恢复了内部宪政审查进程,宪政和选举改革 委员会开展了工作并于 2006 年 8 月编写了报告,于 2007 年举行了公开会议和其 他协商会议讨论准备提交管理国的拟议宪法修正案,以及 2008 年决定成立由领 土政府官员、议会议员和律师组 的起 草 小 组,起草将以内部自治为基础的新宪 法,提交公开协商后同管理国讨论,以寻求实现全面内部自治
Taking note also of the internal constitutional review process resumed by the territorial Government in 2006, the work of the Constitutional and Electoral Reform Commission, which prepared its report in August 2006, and the holding of public and other consultative meetings in 2007 on proposed constitutional amendments to be presented to the administering Power, as well [...]
as the 2008 decision
to set up a drafting team consisting of territorial Government officials, members of the House of Assembly and lawyers to draft a new constitution, to be based on internal self-government for public consultation and subsequent discussion with the administering Power, with the aim of seeking full internal self-government
普遍定期审 议进程在挪引起了广泛关注,有 关许多问 的 讨 论肯定会继续下去。
The universal periodic review
[...] process had received considerable attention in Norway and the discussions on [...]
many of the issues raised would surely continue.
应避免泛泛地指出要遵守国家法律,应同时详细地指出哪些国家规定需 引起 注意。
General statements that national laws must be complied with should be avoided or accompanied by details of national
[...] provisions which require attention.
医学博士Valeria Calvi教授表示:“大多数心衰患者有各种症状,这些症状可能会突然加重,必须立 引起注意。
Most heart failure patients suffer from
a variety of symptoms which can suddenly escalate and may
[...] need immediate attention," commented Prof. Valeria [...]
Calvi, MD.
这些抢劫犯还未 作案就被逮捕,他们的组织也被破获,但多 的 计划引起注意,因 为圣战文籍认为从压迫者手里解救 同志是极具重要性的任务,而且时常就此进行讨论。
The robbers were caught and the group exposed before the attack could take place, but it is worth flagging Toni’s plans, because there is high importance attached in jihadi literature to rescuing detained comrades from the hands of thaghut, and discussions periodically have taken place about trying to do so.
宣布此类活动的载体有激进 媒体、周五祷告会传单、Facebook 和其它社交网 站,因此需要通过这些载体驳斥极端思想,但由 于这些媒体的受众大多已经被激进化,所以任何 提出根本异的人会立即引起注意。
They are announced in advertisements in radical media, in flyers distributed at Friday prayers, and on Facebook and other social networking sites.
这样看来,倘若国家加入了众多国际条约而 所有这些条约又都载有这样或那 的引 渡 或起诉义务,这就有力地表明国家意 受引渡或起诉义 务的约束,且表明这一义务正在形成为习惯。
Thus, if States became party to a large number of international treaties, all of which with a
variation of the obligation to extradite or prosecute, there would seem to be strong
[...] evidence that States were willing to be bound by the obligation to extradite or prosecute and pointing to the emergence [...]
of the obligation as custom.
往往,媒体和消费者组织或企业提供的非技 术信息引了处于风险中的公 的注意。
Often, non-technical information provided by media, consumer groups
[...] or industry captures the attention of the general public exposed [...]
to the risk.
制造所需的大量制冷剂 提高了制造商持续购买 HCFC-22
[...] 的能见度,而竭尽全力通过维修市场获得 HCFC-22 可能 会对市场产生足的影响,从 引起注意 , 导 致制冷剂成本大幅增长,并因频繁更换瓶子 [...]
The large amounts of refrigerants needed for manufacturing increase the visibility of continued purchases of HCFC-22 by a manufacturer, while an elaborated effort to obtain HCFC-22 through the service market would
possibly influence the markets
[...] significantly enough to raise attention, lead to substantially [...]
increased refrigerant cost and
to higher handling cost at the manufacturers site due to frequent bottle changes.
此后不久,所有的注意力被吸引到 令 人十分遗憾的1号门事件:一些蒙面 者在那里对检查站建筑物进行纵火。
Soon thereafter, everyone’s attention was drawn to a highly [...]
regrettable incident at Gate 1, where masked individuals set
fire to the checkpoint buildings.
尽管安理会作出了上述值注意的努 力来满足 成员国和非成员国的期望,但非洲集团经过深思熟虑 的观点是,这些措施不够深远,不足以使安理会担起负有 联合国主要责任的具有代表性、透明、民主和 负责的决策机构的道德义务,而安理会的一些决定对 所有会员国都具有约束力。
Despite the
[...] aforementioned noteworthy attempts of the Council to live up to the expectations of its members and non-members, it is the considered view of the African Group that the measures are not farreaching enough to endow the Council with sufficient capacity to deliver on its moral [...]
obligations as a
representative, transparent, democratic and accountable decision-making body charged with the principal responsibility of the United Nations, and some of whose decisions are binding on the entire membership.
一些值注意的主动 行 动包括:向全国农民提供技术和培训支持;向农民提供提供种子、肥料和农具; 与公共工程部合作,确定人口和农业中心,以便修建支线公路,将农业生产集中 的地区与利比里亚市场连起来; 提供独立的仓库和与技术中心相连接的仓库, 以便安全储存农产品;认识到农业部门所有领域都缺乏训练有素的人员,因此, 为农业部工作人员提供了有关规划、收获、食品储存和渔业现代技术方面的广泛 培训。
Some noteworthy initiatives include: providing technical and training support to farmers around the country; providing seeds, fertilizers, and farming equipment to farmers; in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works, identifying population and agricultural centers to build feeder roads connecting [...]
areas with high agricultural production
with Liberian markets; providing freestanding warehouses and warehouses connected to technology centers for the safe storage of agricultural products; and, appreciating the lack of trained personnel in all areas of the agricultural sector, extensively training Ministry of Agriculture staff in modern techniques relating to planting, harvesting, food storage, and fisheries.
然而,对于鼠标而言,CPI是一个动态的移动概念,而扫描仪等设备的DPI则是一个静态的概念,所以将CPI和DPI当成同一个概念在严格意义上来讲是不严谨的(我们《用这么高的DPI,你需要吗》作为标题就是为了刻意地误导一下,从而起到让大 引起注意 目 的 )。
For the mouse, however, the CPI is a dynamic concept of mobile, and devices such as scanners DPI is a static concept, and so will the CPI and DPI as the same concept in the strict sense, it is not rigorous, we
"with such high DPI, do you need it, as the
[...] title is to deliberately mislead the aim was to let everybody pay attention to).
[...] [...] 則」下的權力及權利而招致的所有責任、索償、要求、損失、損害、稅項、成本、收費及任何種類的支出(包括按十足賠償基礎計算的 法律費用及相關支出,及任何有關當局向「「生」追索有關「會員」任何應得利潤或收益的稅項),及可以向「「生」、其高級人員及 雇員任何一方採取的所有行動或法律程序,向「「生」、其高級人員及雇員作出賠償,但因「「生」、其高級人員及雇員的疏忽或意 違約行為引致者除外,並僅以由此直 引起的 直 接 及可合理預見損失及損害(如有)為限。
The Cardmember shall indemnify Hang Seng, its officers and employees against all liabilities, claims, demand, losses, damages, taxes, costs, charges and expenses of any kind (including legal fees on a full indemnity basis and related expenses, and any claims by any relevant authorities on Hang Seng for tax in respect of any profits or gains attributable to the Cardmember) which may be incurred by any of them and all actions or proceedings which may be brought by or against any of them in connection with the provision of the Card or any services in connection with the Card to the Cardmember or the exercises or preservation of Hang Seng's powers and rights under these
Terms, unless due to the
[...] negligence or wilful default of Hang Seng, its officers or employees and only to the extent of direct and reasonably foreseeable loss and damage (if any) arising directly and solely therefrom.




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