单词 | 引证 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 引证 —citeless common: quote • cite as evidence
特别是在贸易政策自由化和世贸组织的加入问题上,这一视角受到 引证。 daccess-ods.un.org | This was particularly cited in the matters [...] of trade policy liberalization and WTO accession. daccess-ods.un.org |
关 于灭绝种族问题,他强调预警系统的重要性并主张 通过到国家参观、提交报告和引证侵 犯 人权的信函 来防止出现新的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In relation to genocide, he highlighted the importance of early warning systems and recommended [...] that new problems be prevented by means of country visits, reports and letters with [...] allegations of human rights violations. daccess-ods.un.org |
许多有关的专利申请中对先前技术的 引证 是 不 完整的,因而很难判断各专利之间的 [...] 关系。 iprcommission.org | The citing of prior art in many patent [...] applications appears incomplete, so that it is difficult to relate one patent to another. iprcommission.org |
另外,考虑到她收到的有关对女性人权捍卫者施 暴的众多引证,她 希望与理事会决定在其有关结社与 和平集会权的第 15/21 号决议中任命的特别报告员以 及根据该项决议组建工作组的五位独立专家合作,为 消除对妇女的歧视性法律的优秀做法进行交流提供 [...] 便利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, in the light of the [...] numerous allegations she received concerning violence against women defenders of human rights, she looked [...]forward to collaboration [...]with the Special Rapporteur appointed by the Council in its resolution 15/21 on the rights of peaceful assembly and of association and with the five independent experts of the working group created by that resolution to facilitate the exchange of best practices regarding the elimination of laws that discriminated against women. daccess-ods.un.org |
我引 证的数字是全球数字,而兰先生引证 的 数 字也许只是 索马里海盗行为的损失。 daccess-ods.un.org | The figures I cite are global figures, in contrast to the figures cited by Mr. Lang [...] were perhaps for the cost of Somali piracy alone. daccess-ods.un.org |
省高等法院认为,尽管上诉所针对的判 决也援引了与《民法》第 1124 [...] 条(因违约而解除合同)有关的西班牙判例法, 但这种判例法与《销售公约》第 25 条相一致,其中规定,如果发生严重和根本 [...] 违反合同,买方可宣布合同无效,而无 需 引证 未 能实施后续或补充行为,因为 这些行为不是至关重要的,并未妨碍债权人获得促使其缔结合同的财务结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Provincial High Court considered that, although the judgement appealed against also cited Spanish case law in relation to article 1124 of the Civil Code (Discharge by breach), such case law was along the same lines as article 25 of CISG, which provided that the buyer might declare the contract avoided where [...] the breach was serious and fundamental, [...] without needing to adduce the failure to [...]perform secondary or complementary actions [...]that, not being of vital importance, had not prevented the creditor from obtaining the financial result that had prompted it to conclude the contract. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会重申,某个国家存在严重、公然和大规模侵犯人权的现象并不 [...] 足以构成确定某人返国后将面临遭受酷刑的危险的原因;还必 须 引证 其 他 理由, 以证实当事人将会面临危险。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee reiterates that the existence of a pattern of gross, flagrant or mass violations of human rights in a country does not as such constitute sufficient reason for determining that a particular person would be in danger of being subjected to [...] torture on return to that country; additional [...] grounds must be adduced to show that [...]the individual concerned would be personally at risk. daccess-ods.un.org |
除非另有说明,对血液、血浆或血清而言不存在像尿液那样的完备性 检查或数据,因此,有关这一内容的 引证 应 予 删除。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Unless otherwise stated, there is [...] no blood, plasma, or serum equivalent to the urine integrity test or [...] data, and any reference to this should be [...]deleted. unesdoc.unesco.org |
最后,我谨引证巴勒 斯 坦诗人易卜拉欣·纳斯鲁拉写的诗“家园”。 daccess-ods.un.org | I shall conclude by quoting from “Homeland,” [...] by the Palestinian poet Ibrahim Nasrallah. daccess-ods.un.org |
同样,若采用通过加息来收紧货币,而此时其他经济体尚未采取类似的加息措施, 便会吸引证券组 合投资流入、增加通货膨胀压力,而且会对名义汇率造成上行压 [...] 力,从而破坏恢复出口的前景。 daccess-ods.un.org | Likewise, monetary tightening through an increase in interest rates, [...] in the absence of similar rises in other [...] economies, could attract portfolio flows [...]that would increase inflationary pressures [...]as well as exert upward pressure on nominal exchange rates, thereby dampening recovery prospects for exports. daccess-ods.un.org |
注意智利、 巴拿马、危地马拉和秘鲁所提交的材料 中 引证 的 双 语教育经验。 daccess-ods.un.org | Note the experiences with [...] bilingual education cited in submissions [...]from Chile, Panama, Guatemala and Peru. daccess-ods.un.org |
保留本身就具有条件的性质,因此由于许多理论上的定义而处于优越地 [...] 位,其中包括哈佛法学院的定义(哈佛法学院国际法研究,《条约法公约草案》,A.J.I.L., 1935 年,补编第 4 号,p.843;同时参阅 Frank Horn, [...] 《多边条约的保留与解释性声明》,同 前(上文脚注…),p.35 以及所引证的例子)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The inherent conditional character of reservations is stressed in numerous doctrinal definitions, including that of the Harvard Law School (Research in International Law of the Harvard Law School, “Draft Convention on the Law of Treaties”, A.J.I.L. 1935, [...] supplement No. 4, p. 843; see also Frank Horn, Reservations and Interpretative Declarations [...] to Multilateral Treaties, op. cit. daccess-ods.un.org |
全民教育合作伙伴应充分关注各国在监测和评估全民教育进展方面的能力建设, [...] 包括收集和利用能反映地方现状的、经过处理的分类数据的能力,将其作为在国 家和地区一级制定政策和引证最佳 做法的依据。 unesdoc.unesco.org | EFA partners ensure that adequate attention is given to further building the capacity of countries to monitor and evaluate progress in EFA, including the collection and use of disaggregated and [...] improved data which capture [...] sub-national realities, as evidence for formulating policy [...]and documenting good practices at [...]the country and regional levels. 20. unesdoc.unesco.org |
全书的主要参考文献共 64 篇,除一篇前苏联学 者的文章和一篇香港报纸外,其余均是中文文献,没有一篇外文文 献 引证。 metasequoia.org | He also told E. D. Merrill of his plan to distribute seeds to Chinese institutions in different provinces and to institutions at Kew, Edinburgh, Toulouse, and other countries (AAA). metasequoia.org |
6.7 根据缔约国的论点,缔约国有权要求将可否受理的程序和处理来文案情的程 序分开,提交人引证了《 议事规则》第 97 条第 2 款,该款规定“出于案件的特 殊性,工作组或特别报告员可以只要求做出关于可否受理问题的书面答复。 daccess-ods.un.org | 6.7 With regard to the State party’s argument that it is entitled to ask for the admissibility of the communication to be considered separately from the merits, the author refers to rule 97, paragraph 2, of the rules of procedure which states that the “working group or special rapporteur may, because of the exceptional nature of the case, request a written reply that relates only to the question of admissibility”. daccess-ods.un.org |
7.1 2009年1月23 [...] 日,提交人指出,缔约国当局并未 引证 任 何 额外的论点支持 他们的主张,即他没有权利参加和平集会,即纪念活动,或公开表达他对苏维埃 [...]俄国政治迫害的见解。 daccess-ods.un.org | 7.1 On 23 January 2009, the author submits that the State party‟s [...] authorities have not adduced any additional [...]arguments in support of their claim that he [...]did not have the right to take part in a peaceful assembly, i.e. the commemoration, or to publicly express his opinion about the political repression in Soviet Russia. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 当显然无法引证任何 证明剥夺自由的法律依据时( 例如对一个人的拘留 超过其刑期或无视对其可适用的赦免 )( 第一类); (b) daccess-ods.un.org | deprivation of liberty (as when a person is kept in detention after the completion of his sentence or despite an amnesty law applicable to him) (category I) daccess-ods.un.org |
不规范可更正的,主管局多数情况下都将更正,但注册人将得到 [...] 更多时间来分析驳回理由,还可以与被依职 权 引证 的 在 先权权利人或对国际 注册提出异议的权利人开始谈判。 wipo.int | In most of the latter cases, that Office will remedy the irregularity, but the holder will have had more time to analyze the grounds for refusal and perhaps to start [...] negotiations with holders of prior rights [...] which have been cited ex officio or who [...]may have opposed the international registration. wipo.int |
2010年8月4日,《上海证券报》报道称( 无 引证 ) ,中国可能在未来10年间向新能源汽车产业投入1000多亿元人民币(约合148亿美元)。 tipschina.gov.cn | On August 4, 2010, the Shanghai Securities News [...] reported (without citation) that China may [...]invest more than 100 billion Yuan [...](approximately US$14.8 billion) in the alternative-energy vehicles industry during the next 10 years. tipschina.gov.cn |
2011年5月3日,商评委作出商评字〔2010〕第07765号《关于第3752691号“Y3”商标异议复审裁定书》(下称第7765号裁定),认定:被异议商标指定使用的游泳衣、袜和手套(服装)商品 与 引证 商 标 核定使用的服装、鞋类和帽类商品在功能、用途、生产部门、销售渠道和消费对象方面都有较为明显的差别,一般不判为类似商品。 dragonip.com | After the examination of the TRAB, the TRAB held that the goods of “swimsuit” used by the opposed mark [...] are different with the goods “clothing” [...] designated by the cited mark in function, [...]use, production and sale channel; the co-existence [...]of the two trademarks will not mislead the consumers. dragonip.com |
监督厅的调查队引证的其 他证据进一步证 实,其中许多接触涉及到未满 18 岁的女孩,有的才只有 13 岁。 pseataskforce.org | Many of these contacts, which were further confirmed by evidence from others adduced by the OIOS team, involved girls under the age of 18, with some as young as 13. pseataskforce.org |
被引证作为 延误注册成为职业工程师的主要原因。 multilingolegal.ca | The need for the one year of Canadian engineering work experience under the direct supervision of a Professional Engineer is cited as a major cause of delay in becoming registered as a Professional Engineer. multilingolegal.ca |
每周发表的最新经济及企业数据均 引证 一 个无可避免的事实:由于全球经济复苏前景欠明 朗,西方企业必须加倍努力,才可推动业务增长、提高销售额及削减成本。 marketexpansion.com | Each week new economic and corporate data appear to confirm an inescapable truth: Companies in the West are having to work harder to grow, increase revenues and cut costs as the global economy struggles to recover. marketexpansion.com |
联合工作组或由情报、警察和其他有关执 [...] 法机构的代表组成的机构间“情报汇总”中心及时交流威胁评估和反恐行动信息, 被引证是防 备和挫败恐怖活动的良好做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The timely exchange of threat assessments and operational counter-terrorism information by means of joint task forces or inter-agency “fusion” centres — comprised of representatives of intelligence, [...] police and other relevant law enforcement [...] agencies — has been cited as a good practice [...]in anticipating and disrupting terrorist activity. daccess-ods.un.org |
意大利知名奢侈品牌商普拉达有限公司(下称普拉达公司)日前通 过 引证 其 子 品牌“MIU MIU”在中国的相关商标权益,在一起商标异议复审行政诉讼案件一审中胜诉,自然人陈某申请的婚纱等商品“Miu Miu”商标(下称被异议商标)被认定与普拉达公司的 3 件 引证 商 标 (指定使用商品主要为2501类)构成相同或类似商品上的近似商标。 rouse.com | The owner of the well-known [...] Italian luxury brand ‘Prada’, Prada Limited Company (Prada), recently succeeded in trade mark opposition proceedings against applications for registration of the mark ‘Miu Miu’ in relation to wedding dresses (2513) and masquerade clothing (2505), filed by an individual named Chen. rouse.com |
中国对美国政策动机的怀疑不是微不足道的,有官 员引证在华 盛顿的亲南苏丹偏见,还有一些人猜测 [...] 美国是否支持南苏丹公投,以及独立是否不仅仅是 迈向喀土穆政权更迭目标的一步,而且可能也意味 着对抗中国在苏丹和该地区逐渐增强的经济实力。 crisisgroup.org | Chinese suspicions about U.S. policy motives are not [...] insignificant; officials cite a pro-South Sudan [...]bias in Washington, and some wonder whether [...]American support for the referendum and independence was not only a step toward a goal of regime change in Khartoum, but possibly also meant to counter China’s growing economic prowess in Sudan and the region.88 This is indicative of an anxiety about U.S. foreign policy that extends well beyond the two Sudans. crisisgroup.org |
主席讲话之后,消委会管制处官 [...] 员靳和吉先生讲述了正在进行的消 委会管制程序.引证了为何消委会 将大多数的精力集中在非美标测试 [...]的烟花上,靳先生表示在2005年只 有5%的美标测试样品被发现有重 大违规项,与之相比的是非美标测 试的36%. afsl.org | Citing the reasons why CPSC focuses [...] most resources on non-AFSL tested fireworks, Joholske stated that in 2005, 5% of AFSL [...]tested samples had significant violations compared to 36% of non-AFSL tested samples. afsl.org |
eXpressApp框架带有一个强大灵活的验 证引 擎 和 大量现成可用的验证规则。 evget.com | The eXpressApp Framework includes a powerful and flexible validation engine and a large number of ready-to-use validation rules. evget.com |