

单词 引言

引言 noun ()

introductory n


从其他语言中引入 v

borrow v

External sources (not reviewed)

第 1部  導言,這部分引言,當 中載述新條例的 名稱、其生效日期、《公司條例草案》所使用各詞語和詞句的 [...]
Part 1 --
[...] Preliminary, is an introductory part that [...]
sets out the title of the new Ordinance, its commencement date, the
interpretation and definitions of various terms and expressions that are used throughout the CB.
正如引言中所 述,WSDL 所直接支持的交互模型仅仅是同步或无关的异步交互的无 状态客户机/服务器模型。
As noted in the introduction, the interaction model that is directly supported by WSDL is essentially a stateless client-server model of synchronous or uncorrelated asynchronous interactions.
编者按:引言外,本文为 Albert Ungerer的原始日记摘录。
Author's note: all texts with the exception of the introduction are original extracts from Albert Ungerer's diary.
此外,那些越过边界进入南苏丹的人不是平民,而是我在本信 引言 中 提及 的在两个地区造成混乱的战斗人员。
Furthermore, those who crossed the borders and went to South Sudan are not civilians but combatants, who play havoc in the two areas as I alluded to in the introduction of my message.
会议向秘书处指出,某些方案可继续保留,比如 C/5 批准本不要刊载那些列举参 与执行每项计划的合作伙伴的关系网图,而是在网上登载这些信息;此外,单独出版总干引言和每个重大计划引言合订 本可便于纵览(对各国决策者尤为如此)教科文组织一个年 度的优先事项、指导方针和行动的精髓。
It was indicated by the Secretariat that some options could be pursued, such as the non-publication in document C/5 Approved of the context maps which list the partners involved in the execution of each programme and to place this information instead online; furthermore, the separate publication of the Director-General’s introduction and the introductions to each major programme combined could provide a handy overview on the essence of UNESCO’s priorities, orientations and actions for a biennial period, especially for national decision-makers.
建设和平委员会第五届会议报告 一. 引言
Report of the Peacebuilding Commission on its fifth session I. Introduction
特别委员会尤其审议了以下问题:我们是否应提出两份报告,即 177 EX/46 号文件第 I 和第 II 部分;它们是否应作为两份报告先提交给执行局,再提交给大 会,或者这两份报告是否应合并成一份报告,即将第 I 部分变引言部分 ;抑或是第 I 部分 应成为执行局主席介绍第 II 部分的依据,而第 II 部分则是根据第 33C/92 号决议(建议 13) 起草的执行局报告;以及 177 EX/46 号文件第 I 部分是否应是主席的报告,或者它是否应是 执行局的报告。
The Special Committee considered, among other details, whether we should have two reports, 177 EX/46 Parts I and II; whether they should be presented first to the Executive Board and then to the General Conference as two reports, or whether the two parts should be merged into one report, with Part I being converted into an introduction; or whether Part I should form the basis of the introduction used by the Chairperson of the Executive Board to introduce Part II, which will be the report of the Executive Board prepared in response to 33 C/Resolution 92 (recommendation 13); and whether 177 EX/46 Part I is a report by the Chairperson or whether it is a report by the Executive Board.
年度报告引言详细 阐述了报告所述期间安理 会的活动及其处理的所有问题。
The introduction to the annual report [...]
sets out in detail the Council’s activities during the reporting period and all the issues it addressed.
答1:為了確保被訪者不受此因素影響評分,我們的訪員歷年來都在訪問 引言 中 強 調民意研究計劃是中立的研究組織,並提醒被訪者切勿因為我們屬於香港大學而影響其本意。
A1: In order to ensure the interviewers are not affected by the above-mentioned factor, our interviewers have throughout the years emphasized that HKU Public Opinion Programme is a neutral research body, and reminded the respondents not to make any decisions based on the fact that we are affiliated to the University of Hong Kong.
第二個主題稍後會 做再進一步說明,不過這個對運動處方的簡 引言 將 可 以作為未來自我評估運動 的背景介紹。
The second topic will be covered later in the course, but this brief introduction to exercise prescription is provided as a background to your upcoming self-assessment exercise.
我不想在此用各种报告引言来烦扰安 理会,但我们要查阅报告的话,只要看看欧洲联盟委 [...]
员会去年的进展报告就可以了。报告证实科索沃在政 治标准和生活的其它领域取得了重大进展。
I am not here to bother the Council
[...] with reports and quotes, but if we refer [...]
to a report, we should simply refer to the
European Commission progress report of last year, which confirmed that Kosovo had made significant progress in political criteria and other fields of life.
各个子类的主要玩具特 征引言中使用圆点标记排列,图表中使用星号标记。
The primary toy characteristics for each subcategory are bullet
[...] listed in the introductory text and are [...]
identified with asterisks in the charts.
為了確保被訪者不受影響,訪員在訪問 引言 中 已經強調民意研究計劃是中立的研究組織,並要求被訪者不要因為我們屬於香港大學而影響其本意。
In order to ensure that the interviewee will not be affected, our interviewer has already emphasized in the introduction that POP is a neutral research body, and requested the interviewees not to distort their original intent because of the relationship between POP and the University of Hong Kong.
有关历史上的领土主张,请参见第一部分 引言 ”。
For the discussion of historical claims, please see Section I “Introduction”.
应该在引言”的 开头部分简单介绍您所研究的问题、假说 或学术活动领域的主要背景。
The Introduction should begin with concise description of essential background to the problem, hypothesis or area of scholarly activity being researched.
尽管不反对在步骤5通过《原则和准则》拟议草案 引言 , 第 1-3节),但是一 些代表团提出部分内容需要进一步讨论,包括定义和某些原则,如本届会议上提出的书 [...]
A number of delegations, while not opposed to the
adoption at Step 5 of the proposed draft
[...] Principles and Guidelines (Introduction [...]
and Section 1-3), noted that some parts
needed further discussion, including definitions and some principles, as indicated in the written comments provided at this session.
引言 4:23 耶穌走遍加利利、在各會 堂裡教訓人、傳天國的福音、 醫治百姓各樣的病症。
And he healed every kind of disease and illness.
根據下引言和你 的社會科學知識,回答問題 第20題。
Base your answer to question 20 on the quotation below and on your knowledge of social studies.
正 如 新 規 則引 言 ( c ) 段 所 述 , 一 切 頇 依 法 行 事 , 已 作 出 的 陳 述 , 唯 有 是 屬 於 自 願 方 可 獲 納 為 證 據 , 而 自 願 的 意 思,是 這 些 陳 述 並 非 經 由 有 權 力 的 人 施 加 威 嚇 或 利 誘 以 令 人 懼 怕 受 到 損 害 或 希 望 有 所 得 益 而 取 得 , 亦 不 是 通 過 壓 迫 而 取 得 的 。
As stated in paragraph (c) of the introduction to the new Rules, it is the law that answers and statements made are only admissible in evidence if they have been voluntary in the sense that they have not been obtained by fear of prejudice or hope of advantage, exercised or held out by a person in authority, or by oppression.
如果引言部分 不能吸引观众的 注意力,让他们对你所宣讲的信息产生兴趣,那么你这次的讲道就是在浪费时间。
If, in the introduction, you don’t gain the attention of the audience, and their interest in the message you are presenting, you are really wasting your time preaching.
该书的内容包括一引言、八 个有编号的章节以及一篇呼吁保加利亚人进行教学改革的编后记。
It is comprised of an introduction, eight numbered sections, and an afterword with an appeal to fellow Bulgarians for pedagogical reforms.
引言 « I 和J管 »往往很难施用传统的防腐系统,如漆或安装阳极等,...因此,密封装置通常安装在管底部,来封闭I和J管、电缆/软管 之间的环形空间。
The inside surface of an I/J-Tube is often difficult to coat with traditional anti-corrosion systems, such as paint or application of anodes, etc. Hence a sealing device is often installed into the bottom of the tube, in order to seal the annulus between the I/J-Tube and the umbilical/flexible pipe and then the annulus is filled with corrosion-inhibited water.
本研究報告分為四個章節:引言部 份 外,第二章勾劃出過去本港城 市發展的問題與市區衰敗的情況;第三章概括陳述過去十年市區重建過程中出 [...]
現的林林總總的問題;第四章介紹本智庫改革市區重建策略的建議,從整全的 角度出發,倡議復修優先策略,建立一套讓市民廣泛參與的市區更新模式,使
各界社會人士均能分享到市區更新的成果,並且有助香港建設成世界上最宜居 城市之一。
The  next  chapter  sketches  urban 
[...] development  with  reference  t o  both the past and latest policy that lead to the  problem of urban decay and shed light  [...] [...]
on  the  further  deterioration  of  cityscape.
历史书中没有告诉我们在安东尼家族酿酒之前,以前那些拥有过这片庄园的贵族们是否也做过同样的事情,但我们很容易就可以猜到。在卡罗西历史和艺术指南 引言 中 ,提到各个不同派系的冲突以及一段时期的战争后,“新发现一个安静幽雅富饶的地方,慷慨的大自然将她的快乐赐予了这里,令它成为一个欢欣,放松,休息的好地方,同时也是一个农业天堂。
History books do not tell us whether the various families which succeded one another at Tignanello before the Antinori also produced wine there, but it is easy to think so, given that in the introduction to Carocci’s historical-artistic guide, referring to the end of a lengthy of wars and conflict between opposing factions, speaks of “a newly found quiet and tranquil opulence which the delights of a generous nature have given to this spot, transforming it into a pleasurable place of repose and relaxation and an agricultural paradise”.
Russell Crowe 的这引言直奔本届商业论谈的主题:通力协作,以求在新的金融格局下取得成功,而 [...]
SWIFT 英国与爱尔兰执行总监 Arun Aggarwal 的开幕致词进一步阐述了这一主题。
The Russell Crowe quote spoke directly to the theme [...]
of the Business Forum – Collaborating for success in the new financial
landscape – and opening, Arun Aggarwal, Managing Director, UK & Ireland, SWIFT, elaborated further on this theme.
第三部分介绍了两位编者于2009年春 季和夏季在中国项目区进行的两次研究之 旅的结果 图1-5 引言部分对中国农 业生物多样性的主题做了说明 接下来 的5个分章结构相同 背景部分介绍了当 前的特定主题 报道部分描述了农村地 区的实际情况 每个特写部分选用一人 阐述主题 此外 项目参与人员和项目 专家还在访谈过程中对更多方面进行了 调研 页边的地图为读者指明方向 5个 分章分别论述了5个独立的主题 各主题 环环相扣 粮食安全 水稻 小麦和大豆 及其野生近缘植物对粮食安全的重要性 传统知识 保护区及其他保护作物野生近 缘植物的策略
The background text serves as introduction to the particular theme at hand, the reportage depicts the situation in the villages, each portrait uses an individual to illustrate the theme and, in the interviews, people involved in the project and experts explore further prospects in agrobiodiversity conservation.
手稿以泥金装引言和刻 有颂赞辞 (basmalah) 的标题开篇,其深褐色皮革封面采用金色的背景,中央有带垂饰的叶状椭圆形图案,四角印有阿拉伯式花饰图样。
The dark-brown leather binding has a central lobed oval with pendants and corner pieces with arabesque designs on a gold ground.
k) 任命了下列区域协调员:喀麦隆(非洲)、日本(亚洲)、波兰(欧洲)、 哥斯达黎加(拉丁美洲和加勒比)、黎巴嫩(近东)、巴布亚新几内亚(北 美和西南太平洋); 段引言
k) Appointed the following regional Coordinators: Cameroon (Africa), Japan (Asia), Poland (Europe), Costa Rica (Latin America and the Caribbean), Lebanon (Near East), Papua New Guinea (North America and South-West Pacific); and
這有助減少發生由言引起的 擠提以及在金融危機出現時防止擠 提情況蔓延至其它銀行,因而可促進銀行體系的穩定。
This will help reduce the likelihood of
[...] the occurrence of rumour-driven runs and [...]
bank failures, and the spreading of a bank
run across the system in times of crisis, thereby helping to promote banking stability.
为了使各国政府更加切实地重视《保护所有人不遭受强迫失踪言》引起的 相关义务,工作组根据与各国政府来往信函的经验,决定对可 [...]
With a view to focusing the attention of States more
effectively on the relevant obligations
[...] deriving from the Declaration on the Protection [...]
of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance,
the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances decided to adopt general comments on those provisions of the Declaration that might need further explanation.




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