单词 | 引着 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 引着 —igniteless common: kindle
作为世界科学论坛的一个传统,每届论坛都 吸 引着 若 干与世界科学论 坛有关的全球科学活动在其会议地点举办。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As it is a tradition of the World Science Fora, each Forum attracts several global science events, taking place in its venue in conjunction with the World Science Forum. unesdoc.unesco.org |
各国政府采取的应急措施本身又使人们对不公平的扶持机制感到 关切,例如,政府的担保保证金吸 引着 金 融 系统其他方面的资金。 daccess-ods.un.org | The emergency responses of Governments themselves created concern about unfair [...] support mechanisms, with Government-guaranteed deposits, [...] for example, attracting funds from other [...]parts of the banking system. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,中国 [...] “无附加条件”的政治方法和经济合作模式也 吸 引着 朱巴 以外的非洲大陆国家,不仅仅是那些资源丰富 [...]急于迅速发展的国家。 crisisgroup.org | Furthermore, China’s “no strings attached” [...] political approach and economic [...] cooperation model is as attractive in Juba as it [...]has proven elsewhere on the continent, not [...]least in resource-rich states eager to develop fast. crisisgroup.org |
尽管布城是一个新兴的城市,它仍有不少有趣的景点, 吸 引着 不 少 游客来感受高科技的未来与传统的马来西亚建筑、文化和自然美景。 shangri-la.com | Although Putrajaya is a very young city, it has a number of interesting attractions. shangri-la.com |
上海是中国最具影响力的金融、文化以及科技中心, 吸 引着 众 多 游客前来感受中国现代化发展的脉搏。 shangri-la.com | Shanghai is the most influential financial, cultural, science and technology centre in China. The city draws many tourists who come to experience the pulsating development of modern China. shangri-la.com |
在联合国纽约总部的导游业务和团体参观每年都 吸 引着 来 自 世界各地的近五十万人。 un.org | Manages the guided tours operations and group programmes [...] at United Nations Headquarters in New York [...] which every year attracts nearly half [...]a million people from around the world. un.org |
在网络上,联合国电视台通过新闻部的网播服务对于联合国纽约总部的会 议、新闻发布会和各种事件的实况报道的仍然 吸 引着 越 来 越多的观众,网播服务 还为一系列的档案视频提供便捷的收看方式。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the Web, United Nations Television’s live coverage of meetings, press briefings and various events at United Nations Headquarters continued to draw growing audiences through the Department’s Webcasting service, which also provided easy access to a wide array of archived videos. daccess-ods.un.org |
受欢迎的休闲活动如帆船、皮划艇和钓鱼继 续吸引着游客 来到这个风景如画的海滨地区。 paiz.gov.pl | Popular recreational activities including windsurfing, kayaking and fishing [...] also continue to attract tourists to this [...]picturesque coastal region. paiz.gov.pl |
发展账户的一个根本性目标——确保发展中国家的能力建设 指 引着 项 目 的 设计和就交付手段作出的决定,是评估项目效果的标准之一。 daccess-ods.un.org | A fundamental goal for the Account — to ensure capacity-building in developing countries — is guiding the design of projects and decisions on the means of delivery and is one of the criteria to assess the impact of projects. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为一个魅力不凡、阳光灿烂的旅游目的地,劳德代尔堡 吸 引着 大 量 的游艇爱好者,整座城市共有42000艘游艇和100个小船舶和船坞。 msccruises.com.cn | Now a glamorous, sunny holiday destination, Fort Lauderdale attracts a sophisticated yachting crowd, with its 42,000 resident yachts and 100 marinas and boatyards. msccruises.com.au |
维罗纳城由于其地处本国和欧洲各交通要道的汇合地,也由于它在历史和文学方面的 魅力,每年吸引着无数 的游客,因此,把它作为从事歌剧和诗歌的机构和艺术家的参考中心 [...] 显然非常合宜。 unesdoc.unesco.org | By virtue of its geographical situation at the crossroads of the main national and European routes of [...] communication and its historic and [...] literary aura which attracts hundreds of [...]thousands of tourists every year, the city [...]of Verona may be regarded as a particularly appropriate location for a centre of excellence serving institutions and artists working in the fields of opera and poetry. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这个地区悠久的历史及巨大的潜力一直 吸 引着 意 大 利。 antinori.it | The long history and important potential of this area have always fascinated Italians. antinori.it |
这个美国乐透彩票以起始奖金4000万美元 吸 引着 全 球 的注意力!事实上,美国强力球彩票的普及已经导致英国、新西兰、澳大利亚和南非建立了自己版本的著名强力球彩票形式。 thelotter.com | With a top prize that starts at $40 million, this American lotto [...] is a global attraction! In fact, the [...]US Powerball's popularity has resulted in [...]the UK, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa all setting up their own versions of the famous lottery format. thelotter.com |
Speno型轨头打磨列车在前部有一个Matisa机器车, 牵 引着 三 辆 轨头打磨车,在后部是一个带有驾驶员舱的修理车。 voith.com | Speno rail head grinding train with Matisa machine car at the front, pulling three rail head grinding cars and a repair wagon with driver's cabin at the rear. voith.com |
此次国际海洋节作为青岛的一次盛会, 吸 引着 大 量 的海内外游客,大大提高了夏季青岛机场的客运量。 samdecaux.com | Meanwhile, this event is also part of the major events taking place [...] in Qingdao, attracting each year a large [...]number of tourists from China and abroad, [...]considerably boosting the passenger traffic in Qingdao Airport in the summer season. samdecaux.com |
随着中国人口和收入的增长,中国已成为全球的主要市场, 吸 引着 各 国商家争相涌入。 sccci.org.sg | With the big population and rising income for Chinese people, China has become a major market in which every company would like to have a share. english.sccci.org.sg |
对我们来说,这份报告的主要价值不在于它是一份诊断书,而在于它是 一张路线图,指引着我们在民主制度内为实现持久变革而不断努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | For us, the primary value of this report is not as a diagnosis, but rather as a roadmap for our ongoing work within our democratic system to achieve lasting change. daccess-ods.un.org |
早在电影《星际迷航》里的Spock先生(嵌入图所示)出现之前,19世纪到20世纪早期的很多天文学家都曾设想过一颗名叫“祝融星”的行星存在,它在水星的轨道内侧绕太阳运行(其经过太阳时如主图所示), 牵 引着 水 星,导致了水星独特的运行轨迹。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Long before Star Trek's Mr. Spock (inset), many astronomers during the 19th and early 20th centuries thought a planet named Vulcan circled the sun inside the orbit of Mercury (shown transiting the sun, main image) and tugged on the latter, accounting for peculiarities in Mercury's motion. chinese.eurekalert.org |
可容納1,500人的Astra夜總會,加上被認為非常酷的數處地方如Route 66、Flix和Show Room,吸引着喜歡 瘋狂逍遣的一群(10-minute [...] taxi from Petchaburi MRT)。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | Brash and chockablock, this is the designated party strip for the [...] young local crowd, featuring the 1,500-capacity [...]Astra nightclub and oh-so-cool hangouts [...]Route 66, Flix and Show Room (10-minute taxi from Petchaburi MRT). homeandaway.hsbc.com |
作为缅因州的政府赠地大学及缅因州大学体系的旗舰机构,缅因大学是东北部最全面的高等教育机构之一, 吸 引着 美 国 各地及 60 多个国家/地区的学生前来就学。 china.blackstone.com | As Maine’s land-grant university and the flagship institution in the University of Maine System, it is among the most [...] comprehensive higher education institutions in [...] the Northeast, attracting students from [...]across the U.S. and more than 60 countries. blackstone.com |
尽管Audemars [...] Piguet的制造厂之后硕果累累,但激励创立者们的高标准精神、创造力和制表热忱依然得到坚持,并每天 指 引着 公 司作出各种选择。 hautehorlogerie.org | While the Manufacture Audemars Piguet has developed considerably since then, the spirit of high [...] standards, inventiveness and watchmaking passion that drove its founder still [...] persists, daily guiding the company in [...]its choices. hautehorlogerie.org |
自2009年11月位于德国阿尔布施塔特和Lautlingen镇之间的世界上最长的纺织品加固混凝土桥梁落成以来,这座100米长的以产业用纺织品为施工材料建成的地标性建筑就一直 吸 引着 人 们 的目光。 groz-beckert.pl | Since November 2009, a landmark project for technical textiles in Albstadt-Lautlingen, Germany, has been impressing experts from all over the world– a 100-meter-long bridge made from textile-reinforced concrete, the longest of its type in the world. groz-beckert.pl |
时值飞行先锋盛世,该品牌吸引着此 时 的冒险家们,打造着包含特殊的磁场保护的飞行表。 hk.ashford.com | Pioneers in the world of flight, the brand appealed to adventure-seekers of the time, crafting pilot’s watches that included special protection against magnetic fields. ashford.com |
在上海举办的ITMA亚洲展览会中,业界所表现出的浓厚兴趣已经清楚地说明,过滤毡用刺针继续 吸 引着 全 球 无纺布行业的眼球。 news.groz-beckert.com | The great amount of interest shown at the ITMA ASIA in Shanghai has made it [...] clear that felting needles for filter felts are [...] continuing to capture the attention of the worldwide [...]nonwovens industry. news.groz-beckert.com |
举世无双的 IWC 潜水表也吸引着任何 着迷于卓越设计的人,它已成为品牌家族的一部分,秉承惊人不断的手工机械优良传统。 hk.ashford.com | Inimitable IWC watches for divers, and for anyone who subscribes to superior design, have become a part of the brand’s [...] family; a legacy [...]of handcrafted mechanicals that is nothing short of magnificent. ashford.com |
尽管许多中国的消费者,无论是在上海还是其他中国城市,仍在为150美金的月收入苦苦奋斗,但中国的富有阶层顾客群同样日益壮大,这一高利润市场无疑 吸 引着 国 内外品牌的眼光。 labbrand.com | Although many Chinese consumers, in Shanghai and elsewhere, still struggle to earn 150 USD per month, the wealthy market segment represents a growing and highly lucrative consumer group that both foreign and domestic brands may choose to target. labbrand.com |
上海国际MBA走的精英教育之路,使其在成立的短短几年内就跃升为全球EMBA [...] 50强(2008年英国《金融时报》EMBA全球排行榜第37位),并 吸 引着 越 来越多的职场精英。 simba-tongji.com | The way to elite’s education of SIMBA makes it be the top 50 among the [...] global EMBA with only few years (SIMBA was ranked 37th by [...] “Financial Times”) and attracted more and more business elites. simba-tongji.com |
我们的品牌价值一脉相传,有着悠久的传统,这是我们如此引以为豪的另一个原因 - 这些价值观是多卡文化的基础,是我们的“指南针”,在我们与客户的日常合作中时刻 指 引着 我 们。 doka.com | Our brand values go hand-in-hand with a long tradition, which is another reason why we are so proud of them – they are the foundation of the Doka Culture and give us a 'compass' to guide us in day-to-day work with our clients. doka.com |
两年一次的上海车展将于4月21日至4月29日举行,做为中国年度盛事,车展印证了中国依旧是最为活跃最具潜力的汽车市场,并 吸 引着 业 内 的广泛关注。 samdecaux.com | As one of the most important event in China with a very impressive gathering each year, the car show will on top, enjoy this year the rapid development of the car industry in China, bringing the attention of all the market, from home and abroad. samdecaux.com |