单词 | 引申 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 引申 —extend (the meaning of a word, an analogy etc)less common: derivation Examples:引申义—extended meaning (of an expression) • derived sense
因此,缔约国不得援引申诉人 的犯罪记录而 不执行暂停规定,将其遣送回一个他可能遭受酷刑的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, the [...] State party cannot invoke the applicant’s criminal record [...]to justify derogating from the moratorium to return [...]him to a country where he is at risk of being tortured. daccess-ods.un.org |
生命权是引申出所 有其他人权的原始权利;忽视它或否认它减损了其他人权的价 值。 daccess-ods.un.org | The right to life is the original right from which all other human rights are derived; its omission or denial detracts from their value. daccess-ods.un.org |
法院的裁决包含上文提及的林德案的引文,法院还申明,从欧洲 人权公约中“很难”引申出一 项普遍的获取政府文件的权利。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The decision included the quotation noted above from Leander, and also noted that it was ‘difficult’ to derive from the ECHR a general right to access administrative documents. unesdoc.unesco.org |
這些條文涉及警察 在某些樓宇搜查贓物的權力;從支票不能兌 現 引申 出 發 票㆟不誠實的推斷;在㆖訴法院 ㆘令重審時判㆖訴㆟繳付訟費;非法藏有攻擊性武器及夜間集會的罪行;以及對被裁定 經營或管理無牌按摩院罪名成立的違法者判處較重刑罰的權力。 legco.gov.hk | These relate to the power of the police to search certain premises for stolen goods; presumptions of dishonesty against the drawers of dishonoured cheques; the award of costs to an appellant when an appeal court orders a retrial; offences of unlawful possession and assembly at night-time; and the power to impose an enhanced penalty on an offender convicted of operating or managing an unlicensed massage establishment. legco.gov.hk |
根據該些指引,申請將 姓名重新列入註冊名冊的人 士,在申請獲得批准前必須完成若干時數的持續專業發展活動。 smp-council.org.hk | Under these guidelines, applicants for restoration [...] would have to fulfill a certain amount of continuing professional development [...]before their applications would be approved. smp-council.org.hk |
现代国际公务员制度独立于任何特定国家的 [...] 概念是从国联第一任秘书詹姆斯·埃里克·德拉蒙德爵士的远景计 划 引申 而 来并 写入了贝尔福报告(1920 年),其中指出,国联秘书处的工作人员一旦被任命就不 [...] 再是他们是公民的国家的公务员而是国联的公务员,应给予永久的或至少是稳定 的职位。 daccess-ods.un.org | The concept of the modern international civil service as independent [...] from any particular State is derived from the [...] vision of Sir James Eric Drummond, [...]the first Secretary of the League of Nations [...]and embedded in the Balfour Report (1920), which noted that the staff members of the League Secretariat, once appointed, were no longer the servants of the country of which they were citizens, but servants of the League and ought to be provided with a lasting or at least a stable position. daccess-ods.un.org |
试图从健康权中引申出新 的权利引起一些人 的关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | Attempts to derive new rights from the right to health raised some concerns. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 通过普遍重视“联合国可持续发展教育十年”头五年所获得的学习成果和见解并 将其引申到公 众认识政策和计划以及各种形式的非正式学习中,提高公众对可持 续发展和可持续发展教育的认识和理解,其中应包括推动媒体促进公众认识和对 可持续性问题的理解的作用和贡献。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (b) Increase public awareness and understanding about sustainable development and ESD, by mainstreaming and expanding the learning and insights gained in the first five years of the DESD into public awareness policies and programmes and various forms of informal learning. unesdoc.unesco.org |
控制系统进一步引申出这样的音乐隐喻:网络服务器将合奏组联系到一起,向四台办公室打印机发出同步打印信号,控制其各自开展打印任务,演奏各自的打印设备。 shanghaibiennale.org | The control [...] system further extrapolates the musical [...]metaphor: a network server conducts the ensemble, synchronizing and [...]dispatching print jobs to the four office computers that play their printer instruments. shanghaibiennale.org |
於發行任何新股份之前,本公司可通過普通決議案決定首先以面值或溢價 向任何類別股份之所有現有持有人按與其各自所持有各類別股份數目盡量 接近之比例提呈發售相關新股份或其任何部分,或就發行及配發該等股份 作出任何規定,但倘並無任何該等決定或該等條文之適用範圍不 得 引申, 則該等股份應由董事會處置。 mmg.com | The Company may by ordinary resolution, before the issue of any new shares, determine that the same, or any of them, shall be offered in the first instance, and either at par or at premium, to all the existing holders of any class of shares in proportion as nearly as may be to the number of shares of each class held by them respectively, or make any provisions as to the issue and allotment of such shares, but in absence of any such determination or so far as the same shall not extend, such shares shall be at the disposal of the Board. mmg.com |
申請人 可於社署網站瀏覽相關資料,網址為 www.swd.gov.hk【公共服務>社會保障>公共福利金計劃《公共福利計 劃 申請 指引[申請資 格(普通高齡津貼申請人的入息及資產限額) ]》】。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Applicants may browse the relevant information on the SWD website: www.swd.gov.hk [Public Services> Social Security> Social Security Allowance Scheme: Application for Social Security Allowance Guidance Notes (Eligibility Criteria: Income and Assets Limits for Normal Old Age Allowance applicants)], and the SWD hotline is 2343 2255. housingauthority.gov.hk |
在這種經典的宗教浮雕式的構圖中,宗教崇拜這一概念也 被 引申 出 來。 christies.com | The notion of religious adoration is also brought forth in this classical tondo format. christies.com |
寫字樓商業空間,展示廳 / 陳列室設計是最有挑戰性的地方,在於它必須結合並闡示商品(或店舖) 的形象;現當社會已至世界已是推向極高尚的商業,甚至是{文化}活動,加入設計design必然容納更多改良空間及實用原素,增加啟發力量;裝修設計 合而為一,我們所作的重新強化,著重空間設計space design,引申出現 代甚至前衛的形象,吻合客戶心中所想。 officedesignhk.com | Commercial office space, showroom / showroom design is the most challenging areas is that it must be combined and explain merchandise display (or store) the image; be now the world community has to have a very high into the business, even (cultural) activities on the design improvement of design must accommodate more space and practical elements, inspired by the power increase; decoration into one, we re-strengthen the emphasis on space design space design, modern and even avant-garde raises the image of match customer's mind. officedesignhk.com |
缔约国认为,根据《公约》的目标和宗旨用普通的含义来考虑《公约》第 十八条,其中并没有任何内容可以被解释为其规定明确表明“有依良心拒服兵役 的权利”或从中可以引申出这种权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party believes that when an ordinary meaning is given to article 18 of the Covenant, in light of the object and purpose thereof, nothing therein can be construed as suggesting that any ―right to a conscientious objection‖ is explicit in its provisions or may be derived from it. daccess-ods.un.org |
奢侈品消费阶层中所谓的"蓝血贵族",在美国被称作"Prepp y" , 引申 为 一 个阶层和该阶层的生活方式。 ne-tiger.com | The so-called “blue-blood noblemen” in the class of the luxuries consuming is called Preppy in USA, this word has been extended to the class and the life style of the class. ne-tiger.com |
所有The 8th Estate Winery的品牌名稱均為本公司獨家擁有的知識產權,任何在此網站上的内容都不可 以 引申 義 、 禁止反言或其他形式被詮譯為未經本公司書面同意而採用本公司品牌名稱的許可或權利。 the8estatewinery.com | All brand names of The 8th Estate Winery are our sole intellectual property and nothing on this website should be construed as granting (by implication, estoppel or otherwise) any license or right to use our brand names without our express written permission. the8estatewinery.com |
拉丁文中的 Dominus 具有相同的基本意义(征服者),并自 然 引申 到 指 “主人、 所有者、地主、业主、拥有者”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Dominus in the Latin carries the same principal [...] meaning (one who has subdued), extending naturally to signify “master, [...]possessor, lord, proprietor, owner”. daccess-ods.un.org |
从这一政策处方中引申而来 的是,联合国的支助角色已经发生演变,超出了 联合国政治部和维持和平部传统的冲突管理的范围局限。 daccess-ods.un.org | Emanating from this policy prescription, the role of United Nations support has evolved beyond the confines of conflict management that had been the traditional purview of the political and peacekeeping departments of the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
況且,有關行政長官選舉中極其重要和敏感的『民主提問程序』和 所 引申 的 『 預先篩選機制』,綠皮書都沒有使用同樣方法詢問巿民,導致政府建議的『五問各三選』方法有所不足。 hkupop.hku.hk | As a matter of fact, the Green Paper did not use the same method to ask people for opinion on the very important and sensitive issue of 'democratic procedures of nomination' and the 'prior vetting mechanism' relating to it. hkupop.hku.hk |
Joe Morton 在鐵人競賽贏得的數項獎牌也可引申 為 他 縱橫商界的方式,Joe 總是先設定目標,克服中途種種挑戰。 xango.com.tw | While living in Southeast Asia, Joe Morton’s discovery of the mangosteen fruit as a global product opportunity inspired the launch of XANGO® Juice and a new category of nutritional supplements. xango.co.uk |
总而言之,解决方案来自于对于中国文化力量和其相 关 引申 意 义 在独特的中国市场的重视,以及对于品牌识别创作所选取的谨慎,规范而正确的战略。 labbrand.com | All in all, the solution comes from not underestimating the power of cultural belief and associated meaning prevalent in this unique Chinese market and carefully formulating the right strategy for brand identity creation. labbrand.com |
這個研討會既剖析《一個國家的誕生》為何影響其後每一部電影的敘事技巧,更就DJ 幽靈Remix如何重構《一個國家的誕生》的影像風格及內容 所 引申 的 政治意義,探討美國的「重生」。 hkac.org.hk | The seminar will centre on the reasons behind the far-reaching influences of The Birth of a Nation on the technique of filmic narration in history, and how the concept of American “rebirth” is expressed aesthetically and politically in DJ Spooky’s audiovisual remix of The Birth of a Nation. hkac.org.hk |
但是,法院认为根据《纽 约公约》第五㈡条(乙)项,这种状况不能 被 引申 为 拒 绝执行。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Court held, however, that this position could not be extended to the denial of enforcement according to Art V (2) lit. b NYC. daccess-ods.un.org |
从这个角度,我们可以引申出这 样一种看法:《残 疾人权利公约》将建立对残疾人保护的一种社会模式。 daccess-ods.un.org | From this definition it may be inferred that the Convention adopts the social model of disability, including the persons mentioned but without excluding others who may be protected by national legislation. daccess-ods.un.org |
位元堂不承擔所有由其網站內容所 引申 出 來之保証,特別是對其網站內提及之資料或材料之準確性、質量、適用性之保証。 waiyuentong.com | Wai Yuen Tong disclaims all warranties arising out of the contents whether express or implied of this website, in particular any warranty as to the accuracy quality fitness for a particular purpose given in conjunction with any information or materials mentioned in this website. waiyuentong.com |
后来,人们由刘秀信中“愿因将军兵马旗鼓相当 ” 引申 出 “旗鼓相当”这个成语,但意思有了很大改变,现在这个成语用于比喻势均力敌或力量不分上下。 chinesestoryonline.com | Later, people derived the idiom of "Resist With Flags And Drums--Qi Gu Xiang Dang" from this letter, but its meaning had been changed a lot. chinesestoryonline.com |
它不仅能够发挥作用,而且能够在近期的相关游戏上很好地发挥作用,从而证明了该技术能够完美兼容常用的游 戏 引擎 (引申开来,还包括其修改程序)。 nvidia.cn | Not only does it work, but it actually works very well for the most recent and relevant games, proving perfectly compatible with all the common engines (and their mods, by extension). nvidia.com |
如果在陈述的前面、后面和中间加上 “相信、预期、计划、期望、估计”或类似的字眼,表明此陈述所言并不是既定事实,而存在一定的风险和不确定性,可能导致由此声 明 引申 出 的 结果、性能或成就与真实情况有所偏差。 bksv.cn | Statements that are not historical facts, including statements preceded by, followed by, and that include the words "believes, anticipates, plans, expects, estimates, or similar statements, are forward-looking statements that are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such statements. bksv.dk |
3 该研究报告还呼吁就一些问题继续开展辩论,“其中包括下述问题: 获得安全饮用水和卫生设施是一项独立权利还 是从其他人权引申的权 利;不同水 用 途 之间的优先次序 安 排 问题;与国际法(包括贸易和投资法)其他领域的 互 动问 题。 daccess-ods.un.org | 3 The study also called for continued debate on several issues, including “whether access to safe drinking water and sanitation is a self-standing right or is derived from other human rights; the prioritization among various water uses; interaction with other areas of international law, including trade and investment law”. daccess-ods.un.org |