

单词 引爆装置

See also:


a fuse
cause to burn

装置 n

equipment n
unit n
system n
rig n

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 两种或两种以引爆装置,而 其中至少一 引爆装置 可 充 当自毁装 置
(c) two or more initiating mechanisms, at least one of which functions as a selfdestruction mechanism.
他们还 在发射地点附近发现并拆除另外三枚火箭,这些火箭已经装上定时器,准备射向 以色列,还发现了用于火箭发射后炸毁发射地点 引爆装置。
Close to the site, they discovered and disarmed three more rockets that were equipped with timers and ready to be fired in the
direction of Israel, as well as detonators
[...] that were set up to destroy the launch site after the rockets had been fired.
他 们还从梭罗市一家普通电器店买了材料,在附近的稻 田里练习制引爆装置。
They also had a couple of practice
sessions making detonators in a nearby rice paddy, with materials purchased from an ordinary
[...] electrical supply store in Solo.
2012 年 4 月 22 日,在 Judaydah 地区的叙黎边界过境点,一辆黎巴嫩车从黎 巴嫩开往叙利亚,车牌号为 118893,司机是 Nidal Tarad Shuman(1977 年生于
Suwayri,黎巴嫩人),车上随行人员是 Jamil al-Sadiq bin Hasan(1954 年生于 Idlib,叙利亚人),在审查这辆车时发现车内藏有武器,其中包括 1
[...] 枚火箭榴弹、 1 个火箭榴弹发射器、53 个遥引爆装置、多 把军用左轮手枪和多发弹药。
On 22 April 2012, at the Syrian-Lebanese border-crossing point in the Judaydah region, during the search of a Lebanese vehicle, licence plate No. 118893, coming from Lebanon to Syria, driven by Nidal Tarad Shuman (born in Suwayri in 1977, a Lebanese national), accompanied by Jamil al-Sadiq bin Hasan (born in Idlib in 1954, a Syrian national), a cache inside the vehicle was discovered to contain a rocket-propelled
grenade, a rocket-propelled grenade
[...] launcher, 53 remote detonators and a number of [...]
military revolvers and rounds of ammunition.
2011 年 6
[...] 月,在尼日尔境内截获了一支从利比亚来的车队,安全部队与之发 生暴力冲突,缴获了大量塞姆汀塑胶炸弹(640 千克)、435 个引爆装置和 90 000 美元。
During the interception of a convoy in the Niger arriving from Libya in June 2011, which resulted in a violent
exchange with security forces, significant
[...] quantities of SEMTEX explosive (640 kg), 435 detonators and $90,000 [...]
were seized.
此类初级的简易爆炸装置日益被更复杂装置所替代,包括使用移动电话作引爆装置以及 利用人弹制成车载简易爆炸装置或人体携带简易爆炸装置。
Such basic improvised explosive devices have increasingly given way to more sophisticated devices, including the use of mobile phones as trigger mechanisms, and suicide bombers to deliver vehicle-borne or person-borne improvised explosive devices.
[...] 获取广泛提供的货物方面的挑战,例如柴油和化肥以及往往用 引爆装置 的 移 动电 话、遥控器、红外或磁性引爆器。
Regarding commercially available materials used in the preparation of IEDs, delegations had discussed the challenges faced in monitoring, tracing or restricting access to widely available goods such as diesel fuel and fertilizers and
the mobile phones, remote control units and infrared or magnetic triggers that
[...] were often used to set off such devices.
2004 年第一次将这些标准提交给政府专家组:所有地 雷均应配备自毁装置,或至少配备自失效或自失能装置;可用一般的探测器探测 出来;不应配备防排装置;不应配备敏 引爆装置 , 以 致于在人员一旦出现、接 近或接触即引爆。
He wished to take the opportunity to recall the position of the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) with regard to the minimum standards that should ideally be adopted for mines other than anti-personnel mines, which he had first presented to the Group of Governmental Experts in March 2004: all such mines should be equipped with a self-destruct mechanism or at least a self-neutralization or self-deactivation mechanism; they
should be detectable by
[...] commonly available detection equipment; and they should not be equipped with anti-handling devices or with sensitive fuses that could [...]
be triggered by the presence
of, proximity to or contact with a person.
鉴于非国家行为者使用简爆炸 装置引 起 的 人道主义问题,他欢迎主席之 友关于简易爆炸装置的报告。
In the light of the humanitarian problems stemming from the use of IEDs by nonState actors, he welcomed the report of the Friend of the President on improvised explosive devices.
5-1.2 产品设计、包装和装箱要满足,在一 个独立的运输包装中,当一装置引燃 时 ,其装置不会同时爆炸。
5-1.2 Product design, packaging, and case packing must produce a finished shipping case in which simultaneous explosion of all the items does not result from ignition of one item in the shipping case.
当我们听到“圣战行动”这样的字眼时,我们脑海里 浮现的是一群游击队引爆简易爆炸 装置 , 或 者 对敌人发动壮烈的自杀爆炸袭击,因此当我们希 [...]
望开展行动时,我们大多数人专注于策划此类行 动,并由此认为我们需要周到精细的计划:人 员、后勤支持、藏匿点、策略等等。
When we hear the words “jihad
operation”, we have in our minds a
[...] group of mujahidin exploding an IED or spectacular suicide [...]
bombing against the enemy, so
that if we have the desire to undertake an operation, most of us are focused on an attack of this kind.
大多数死亡事件是简爆炸装置引起 的 ,涉及 5 岁至 14 岁的儿童。
A majority of incidents of death due
[...] to improvised explosive devices involved children [...]
aged 5 to 14.
2009 年,有 64 起伤亡事件,其中有 7 人死亡和 28 人受伤,都是由受害引 爆的地雷、简爆炸装置及手 榴弹和土制弹 引 爆 炸 弹等其 爆 炸 装置爆 炸 造成 的。
In 2009 64 casualties, including 7 deaths and
28 severe
[...] injuries from victimactivated explosions caused by mines, improvised explosive devices and such other explosive devices as hand grenades [...]
socket bombs, were documented.
2012 年 7 月 12 日 00 时 20 分至 00 时 30 分,1 个武装恐怖分子团伙引爆了 安放在
[...] al-Quriyah 西部经过 Mahqan 区域输油管上的 1 个爆炸装置,引起爆炸地 点起火,输油管输油暂停。
On 12 July 2012 at 2230, an armed terrorist group detonated an explosive device on the oil pipeline passing through the area
of Mahqan, west of Quriyah,
[...] setting fire to the location of the explosion and causing [...]
the cessation of pumping in the pipeline.
小组委员会认为,在 2011-2012 两年期应继续开展下列领域的工作:不敏爆炸物和氧化性固体的分类;与灰 爆 炸 危 害有关的问题;腐蚀性标准(审议点 蚀问题以及 C.1 检验对固体的适用性);进一步调整《全球统一制度》的标准以 使其与《示范条例》的标准相一致;对涉及皮肤腐蚀/刺激的章节进行文字修订;引发毒 性的评估;执行问题;进一步改进《全球统一制度》附件 1、2 和 3;编 制小装标签的进一步指导。
The Subcommittee considered that the work in the following areas should be continued in the biennium 2011-2012:
classification of desensitized explosives and oxidizing solids; issues
[...] related to dust explosion hazards; corrosivity criteria (consideration of pitting corrosion and suitability of tests C.1 for solids); further alignment of the criteria in the Globally Harmonized System with that of the Model Regulations; editorial revision of the chapters addressing skin corrosion/irritation; assessment of water-activated toxicity; implementation issues; further improvement of annexes 1, 2 and 3 of the Globally Harmonized System; and development of additional guidance for the labelling of small packagings.
里约集团敦促谈判会议全体成员表现出必要的 政治意愿,确保毫不拖延地开始实质性的工作,通过
并执行一个推动核裁军议程的平衡和全面的工作方 案,包括谈判一项核武器公约,一项有关向无核武器 国作出消极安全保证的普遍、无条件和具有法律约束
[...] 力的文书,防止外层空间的军备竞赛,以及一项禁止 生产用于核武器或其他爆炸装置的 裂 变材料的多 边和非歧视性的条约。
The Rio Group urges all members of the Conference to demonstrate the political will necessary to ensure the start, without delay, of its substantive work through the adoption and implementation of a balanced and comprehensive programme of work that moves the nuclear disarmament agenda forward, including negotiations on a nuclear weapons convention, a universal, unconditional and legally binding instrument on negative security assurances for non-nuclear-weapon States, the prevention of an arms race in outer space and a multilateral and
non-discriminatory treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear
[...] weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
古巴支持裁军谈判会议通过工作计划,并多次表示愿并行地谈判一项关于销 毁并禁止核武器的条约、一项禁止外层空间军备竞赛的条约、一项为古巴等不掌
[...] 握核武器的国家提供有效安全保证的条约、一项禁止生产用于核武器或其他爆 炸装置的裂变材料的条约。
Cuba supports the adoption of a programme of work in the Conference on Disarmament, and has said on various occasions that it is prepared to negotiate in parallel a treaty which eliminates and prohibits nuclear weapons, a treaty prohibiting the arms race in outer space, a treaty providing effective security assurances for States which, like Cuba, do not possess nuclear weapons,
and a treaty which prohibits the production of fissile material for nuclear
[...] weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
政府建议采取一系列措施,以应对户外灯 装置引 起 的 关注,特别是提升有关装置的能源效益及减少滋扰。
The Government proposes to adopt a series of measures in addressing concerns on
external lighting, specifically to enhance energy efficiency and minimize the
[...] extent of nuisance caused by external lighting.
[...] 有武器或军事装备的水面和水下海军舰只;制导或非制导导弹和导弹系统;小武 器和轻武器;地雷和其爆炸装置; 供上述任何武器使用的弹药;对上述任何武 器特别或专门设计的零件或部件;为发展、制造或维护上述任何武器而特别和专 [...]
Regarding items to be covered, the United Kingdom agrees that the scope of the treaty should include all conventional weapons, including, at a minimum, manned or unmanned weapons; tanks; other military vehicles; artillery systems; military aircraft and helicopters; surface and submarine naval vessels armed or equipped for military use; missiles and missile systems, guided or
unguided; small arms and light weapons;
[...] mines and other explosive devices; munitions for [...]
use with any of the above; parts or
components specially and exclusively designed for any of the above; and technology and equipment specially and exclusively designed and used to develop, manufacture or maintain any of the above.
满意地认识到,在不扩散核武器条约缔约 国 2000 年审议大会的《最后文件》中,审议大 会承诺坚定不移地努力实现《条约》普遍性的目 标,呼吁尚未加入《条约》的国家加入《条约》,
[...] 从而接受具有法律约束力的国际承诺,不获取核 武器或爆炸装置,接 受原子能机构对其所有核 活动的保障监督,并强调《条约》必须得到普遍 [...]
遵守,以及所有缔约国均须严格履行《条约》规 定的义务”。
Recognizing with satisfaction that, in the Final Document of the 2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Conference undertook to make determined efforts towards the achievement of the goal of universality of the Treaty, called upon those remaining States not
parties to the Treaty to accede to it, thereby accepting an international legally binding commitment not to acquire nuclear
[...] weapons or nuclear explosive devices and to accept Agency [...]
safeguards on all
their nuclear activities, and underlined the necessity of universal adherence to the Treaty and of strict compliance by all parties with their obligations under the Treaty”.
当地时间上午 7 时 30 分,两枚自杀式恐怖主义 炸引爆了大 马士革一个平民人口稠密的街区中两 辆被置了爆炸物的车辆。
At 7:30 a.m. local
[...] time, two suicide terrorist bombers exploded two vehicles laden with explosives in an neighbourhood of Damascus [...]
that is densely populated with civilians.
不扩散核武器条约缔约国 2010
年审议大会行动计划之行动 15 规定 “[……]裁军谈判会议应在一个商定、全面和均衡的工作方案范围内, 根据 1995
[...] 年特别协调员报告(CD/1299)和其中所列的任务,立即开始关 于禁止生产用于核武器或其他爆炸 装置 的 裂 变材料条约的谈判”。
Action 15 of the action plan of the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons states that “[…] the Conference on Disarmament should, within the context of an agreed, comprehensive and balanced programme of work, immediately begin negotiations of a treaty banning the production of
fissile material for use in nuclear
[...] weapons or other explosive devices in accordance [...]
with the report of the Special Coordinator
of 1995 (CD/1299) and the mandate contained therein”.
该项服务包括查勘部署地点、补给路线和机场的地雷 和爆装置情况 ,以及清除这种装置;通过每月与国家当局、国际和国家非政府 组织、承包商、联合国机构、基金和方案举行协调会议,确保该国排雷行动协调 [...]
法是通过当地电台和霍加皮电台的广播和发表通讯;就国家地雷行动结构的发展 和颁布国家地雷行动立法向刚果民主共和国政府提供咨询,并培训国家地雷行动 高级管理小组。
The services would include the survey of deployment sites,
supply routes and
[...] airfields for mines and unexploded devices and their clearance of such devices, ensuring [...]
the coherence of mine-action
activities in the country through monthly coordination meetings with national authorities, international and national non-governmental organizations, contractors and United Nations agencies, funds and programmes advocating the implementation of the Anti-personnel Mine Ban Treaty, conducting a public information campaign on mine risk education through broadcasts on local radio stations and Radio Okapi and the publication of newsletters, advising the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the development of a national mine-action structure and on the promulgation of national legislation on mine action and training of a national mineaction senior management team.
2012 年5月26 日,还是在霍姆斯省,当局检获一辆被盗车辆,车上载着各 种武器,包括六支俄罗斯步枪、三支泵动式步枪、手榴弹 爆 炸 装置 、 大 量的步 枪弹药、军用弹盒、军服和一些假车牌。
On 26 May 2012, also in Homs, the authorities seized a stolen car containing various weapons, including six Russian rifles,
three pump-action rifles,
[...] hand grenades, explosive devices, a large quantity of rifle ammunition, a military cartridge pouch, military uniforms and several [...]
fake licence plates.
有报告称,印度的 地雷受害者的人数已经增加,但这种消息是不准确的,因为没有区别地雷造成的 伤亡和使用简爆炸装置造成的伤亡。
There had been reports of an increase in the number of mine victims in India, but that information was inaccurate, as no distinction was made between casualties caused by landmines and those resulting from the use of IEDs.
加拿大遵守以下义务:不将源材料或特殊裂变材料,或特别为处理、使用或 生产特殊裂变材料而设计或配备的设备或材料,提供给任何无核武器国家以用于 和平目的,除非这种源材料或特殊裂变材料受原子能机构各项保障监督措施的约 束;并遵守 1995
年条约审议和延期大会第 2 号决定第 12 段的规定(印度除外),
[...] 加拿大将只批准同符合以下条件的无核武器国家进行涉及可能会扩散的物品的 核合作:已作出不获取核武器或其他 爆 炸 装置 的 具 有国际法律约束力的承诺, 已接受原子能机构对其所有核活动的保障监督措施。
Consistent with its obligation not to provide source or special fissionable material, or equipment or material especially designed or prepared for the processing, use or production of special fissionable material to any non-nuclearweapon State for peaceful purposes unless the source or special fissionable material is subject to IAEA safeguards, and with decision 2, paragraph 12, of the 1995 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review and Extension Conference, with the exception of India, Canada will only authorize nuclear cooperation involving proliferationsignificant items with those non-nuclear-weapon States that have made an internationally legally binding
commitment not to acquire nuclear weapons
[...] or other nuclear explosive devices and that have accepted [...]
IAEA safeguards on the full
scope of their nuclear activities.
又回顾关于根据大会第十届特别会议《最后文件》第 60 至 63 段,特别是第
63(d)段的规定建立中东无核武器区的建议,1 强调上述各项决议的基本规定,其中呼吁所有直接有关方面考虑立即切实采 取必要步骤来执行建立中东无核武器区的提案,酌情在中东无核武器区建立之前
[...] 和建立期间,庄严宣布它们将以对等方式,不生产、获得或以任何其他方式拥有 核武器和爆炸装置,不 允许任何第三方在其领土上部署核武器,同意将其核设 [...]
施置于国际原子能机构的保障监督之下,声明支持建立无核武器区并将声明交存 安全理事会审议
Emphasizing the basic provisions of the above-mentioned resolutions, which call upon all parties directly concerned to consider taking the practical and urgent steps required for the implementation of the proposal to establish a nuclear-weaponfree zone in the region of the Middle East and, pending and during the establishment of such a zone, to declare solemnly that they will refrain, on a reciprocal basis, from producing, acquiring or in any other
way possessing nuclear
[...] weapons and nuclear explosive devices and from permitting [...]
the stationing of nuclear weapons on their territory by any third party, to agree to place their nuclear facilities under
International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards and to declare their support for the establishment of the zone and to deposit such declarations with the Security Council for consideration, as appropriate
[...] 7层共挤低型体螺旋式IBC模头,专利的AutoKu-500全自动双风唇风环,IBC内冷控制,自动膜厚控制系统,GET-1400BC导辊式稳泡架,碳纤维辊式电动调节人字板,专利的齿轮旋转水平 引装置 , 带 自动张力控制的二级 引装置 , GE T-2300SCW全自动高速中心/表面收卷机,称重料斗控制每层物料比例,整线中心电脑控制iPC。
Seven-layer co-extrusion blown-film line for high barrier PVDC film , is consists of 7 model GET-60-30S extruders, GET-500-7 7-layer low-profile die design with spiral mandrel, patented AutoKu 500 auto-profile air ring, IBC control system,
auto-profile control
[...] system, GET-1400BC guide-roll bubble cage, carbon fiber roller collapsing, patented wheel horizontal hall-off, Auto-tension control Secondary -NIP, GET-2300SCW [...]
Full automatic surface-center winder, gravimetric hopper for extruder throughput control, iPC computer system for line.
公司重视优化产品的生产、工艺以及研发,多年来为市场提供创新的技术解决方案,从第一台由交流电机控制的可顺畅闭合的自动电梯门产品(自 1968 年开始生产的思迈特 I, II, III
[...] 系列)、到思迈特 2000 门产品(带有线性皮带引装置,由 直流电机通过模拟电子控制器驱动)系列,公司产品实现了从机械化操作臂(1982 [...]
The focus on the optimization of manufacturing processes, product engineering, research and development have enabled Sematic to always present on the market, over the years, innovative technological solutions, from the first automatic door operated by alternating-current motor that guaranteed harmonious opening and closing of the doors (Sematic I, II, III Series from 1968)
to Sematic 2000, a family of doors,
[...] with linear belt traction operators driven by [...]
DC motors through an analog electronic
controller, which marked the abandonment of motorizations with arm operators (1982).




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