单词 | 引水入墙 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 引水入墙 —lit. lead the water through the wallask for trouble [idiom.]See also:引水—pilot a ship • draw water (for irrigation) • channel water 引入 n—introduction n 引入 adj—introducing adj 引入 v—introduce v • bring in v 引入—pull into • draw into
(h) 委员会决定,由于宣称可出入巴勒斯坦被占领土的以色列批发贸易商施 加的垄断定价而产生的损失,通常不是由 该 墙引 起 , 不应 列 入 登 记 册。 daccess-ods.un.org | (h) The Board decided that losses based on asserted monopoly pricing imposed by wholesale traders from Israel with access to the [...] Occupied Palestinian Territory are not normally [...] attributable to the Wall and should not normally be included in the Register. daccess-ods.un.org |
(g) 委员会决定,由于来自以色列的客户减少(无法再光顾巴勒斯坦被占领 土上的商家)造成的商业损失可能是由修建隔 离 墙引 起 , 故将其 列 入 登 记 册。 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) The Board decided that commercial losses resulting from the reduction of customers from Israel who could no longer visit [...] businesses in the Occupied Palestinian Territory could be caused by the [...] construction of the Wall and included in the Register. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为引人注 意的活力元素,此模块化互 动 水墙 适 合 在公共场合中使用,比如购物中心、办公大楼和主题公园。 oase-livingwater.com | As an attractive and vibrant element this modular interactive water wall is suitable for [...] the use in public areas, such as [...]Shopping malls, office complexes and theme parks. oase-livingwater.com |
需要对整个许可管理系统(包括水资源监测 成本以及许可管理各个环节)提供良好的资金支持,这也 是 引入水 资 源 费的一个主要原因。 wrdmap.org | The entire system of managing permits (including the costs of monitoring the water resources as well as administering the [...] permit process) needs to be well-financed, and this should be one of the [...] main reasons for introducing water resource fees. wrdmap.org |
(c) 建造五個污水泵站和泵送幹管,將污 水引入 現 有 的土瓜 灣污水處理廠 legco.gov.hk | (c) construction of five sewage pumping stations and rising mains to convey sewage to the existing To Kwa Wan sewage treatment plant legco.gov.hk |
這些情況包括新南威爾斯 州 政府或公共機構的法 例 或有法律 約 束 力 的 指 引有所變動,或道路及交通管理局 或其特許經 營商興建一條並 排 而 行 及構成競 爭的幹道,對 機 場 高速公路有限公司 償還債務的能力,及該項目的收入水 平 或 獲取收入的時間造成負 面影 響 。 legco.gov.hk | These circumstances include a change in [...] the legislation or [...] legally binding guidelines of the NSW government or public authority, or the building of a juxtaposed competing arterial road by RTA or a concessionaire of RTA, which adversely affects AML's ability to repay its debts and the level or timing of the project's revenues. legco.gov.hk |
拥有14年水性涂料方面的专业经验,在内 外 墙 面 水 性 涂料、乳液聚合物和添加剂(包括分散剂、流变改性剂和表面活性剂)等方面有 深 入 的 研 究。 wacker.com | Has 14 years’ experience in water-borne paints and has conducted in-depth research in water-borne interior and exterior wall paints, dispersion polymers [...] and additives (including [...]dispersants, rheology modifiers and surfactants). wacker.com |
2 396 000 美元的经费包括用结构上更耐用的外膜替代现有门舱外墙和屋顶 的费用(1 450 600 美元);建造一个 12 米 x8 米的安全房间和一个正面水泥墙, 以 防止车载简易爆炸装置的影响(459 000 美元);购买消防系统(337 200 美元); 和安装一个缓冲闸(Hescobastions)、加固正门、更多的周边照明和生物特征运 动出入控制(149 200 美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The provision of $2,396,000 comprises the costs of replacing existing porta-cabin exterior walls and roofs with a more durable structural external membrane in the amount of $1,450,600; [...] constructing a 12-by-8-metre [...] safe room and a concrete brick wall facade to prevent the effects of vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices ($459,000); purchasing a firefighting system ($337,200); and installing a sally port (Hesco bastions), reinforced main gate, additional perimeter lighting and biometric movement access control ($149,200). daccess-ods.un.org |
前瞻性声明涉及的可引起差异的风险和不确定因素包括:在解决特定用户或地域的网络安装和运行难题中出现的困难;对特定部署过程中产品实际性能造成影响的因素,可导致吞吐量、频谱范围及其他性能标准比实验室测试结果低;超出公司控制范围的因素,如天气、地域条件、政府因素、贸易和风俗、干扰以及其他第三方问题;特定用户在特定情况下的特殊要求;第三 方 引入 的 新型和增强型产品;以及在按客户所需的功能、性能、合规性、认 证 水 平 、 成本、价格及其他特性提供产品过程中出现的困难或延迟。 tipschina.gov.cn | The forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could contribute to such differences including difficulties in overcoming the network installation and operational challenges relating to any specific customer or geographical area; factors affecting actual product performance in specific deployments, which could result in lower throughput, range, and other performance criteria than achieved in laboratory tests; factors beyond our control such as weather, geographic, governmental, trade and customs, interference, and other third-party issues; specific [...] requirements of a given [...] customer in their specific situations; new or enhanced products introduced by third parties; and difficulties or delays in supplying products [...]with the features, [...]performance, compliances, certifications, cost, price, and other characteristics desired by customers. tipschina.gov.cn |
根據首爾清溪川的經驗,市 區引入水道可 令沿河兩旁的溫度降低10%至 13%。 legco.gov.hk | According to the experience of the Cheonggyecheon in Seoul, [...] the opening of a waterway in the urban area [...]will help lowering the temperature of both banks by 10% to 13%. legco.gov.hk |
管理和问责 制度引入职能防火墙概念,明确规定了驻地协调员与驻地代表的职能。 daccess-ods.un.org | The management and [...] accountability system introduced the concept of a functional firewall and clarified [...]the functions of the Resident [...]Coordinator and of the Resident Representative. daccess-ods.un.org |
鋪設蓋面並不能根除明渠發出異味的問題, 解決這個問題的唯㆒有效方法,是針對污染的根源,及將排放的廢水從明 渠引入水渠。 legco.gov.hk | The only effective solutions are to control the pollution at source and to [...] divert the wastewater discharges away from the nullah and into foul sewers. legco.gov.hk |
除此之外,從2003年起我們亦有推行自行研發項目,而有關成果已納入我們的工程設計、建造和程序指引之內,例如採用「共用W型聚水器系統」排放 污 水 、 引入 垂 直 綠化牆板和綠化屋頂、採用多功能感應地圖協助視障人士,以及應用微氣候研究促進可持續發展的設計等。 housingauthority.gov.hk | In addition to this initiative, we have also introduced project-driven R&D since 2003 and examples [...] include the use of the "common W-trap pipe [...] system" in waste water drainage, vertical [...]green panels and green roofs, multi-sensory [...]maps to assist the visually impaired, and the use of micro climatic studies to facilitate sustainable designs. housingauthority.gov.hk |
根据联合国损失登记册细则和条例第 11 条的规定,满足以下条件的索赔有 资格列入登记 册:(a) 索赔人为自然人或法人;(b) 索赔人已实际满足提交索赔 的技术要求;(c) 索赔在损失登记册的管辖范围内;(d) 索赔人表明在声称的损 失中拥有合法的权益;(e) 声称的损失必须是物质损失;(f) 索赔人必须表明声 称的损失同在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔 离 墙 有 因 果关系;(g) 声称的损失事实上 是持续性的;(h) 索赔的佐证文件和主张实质上是一致的;(i) 根据索赔人提交 的资料和文件,索赔已有初步证据,在某些没有相反证据的情况下假定索赔人说 的是实话,同时铭记索赔人的产权和居民身份不尽相同。 daccess-ods.un.org | In accordance with article 11 of the Rules and [...] Regulations, claims [...] are eligible for inclusion in the Register if: (a) the claimant is a natural or legal person; (b) the claimant has substantially met the technical requirements for submitting a claim; (c) the claim is within the jurisdiction of the Register of Damage; (d) the claimant has established a legal interest in the claimed damage; (e) the claimed damage is material; (f) the claimant has established a causal link between the claimed damage and the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian [...]Territory; (g) [...]the claimed damage was in fact sustained; (h) the documents and assertions in support of the claim are substantially consistent; and (i) the claim has been established prima facie, based on the information and documents submitted by the claimant, giving the claimant the benefit of the doubt in appropriate cases and bearing in mind the varying circumstances with regard to title and residency status of claimants. daccess-ods.un.org |
将交流适配器另一端插入墙上的 电源插座,或将 USB 端口插入个人电脑。 jabra.cn | Plug the end of the AC [...] adapter into a wall outlet or the [...]end of the USB cable into your PC. jabra.com |
近45sq 家庭住宅,由Ian MacDonald 兴建, 有一个不正式厨房/居室,有低层娱乐室,独立冲凉房/厕所,5睡房或4睡房加书房,3浴室,主人睡房有套间 , 入墙 衣 柜 , 水 吧 和一个阳台,绝对私人化,安静。 soldonnet.com | This beautiful approximate 45 square family home built by Ian MacDonald combines an informal kitchen/living area with formal areas and a lower level recreation room with separate shower/toilet ideal for entertaining or separate accommodation. 5 bedrooms or 4 plus study, 3 bathrooms, main bedroom includes ensuite, built-ins, spa bath and a balcony that you can enjoy the privacy, peace and tranquility. soldonnet.com |
防止酷刑小组委员会在一些牢房里看到,楼上牢房的排污 系统沿着天花板和墙壁往下渗水。 daccess-ods.un.org | In some cells, the SPT could see that the sewage system from cells on the above [...] floors was seeping through the ceiling and walls. daccess-ods.un.org |
约克荣获 2007 年度欧洲旅游城市、英国遗产城市称号,四面 环 墙 , 依 河而立 , 引 人 入 胜 的 历史和现代的旅游景点交融相汇,造就了一座散发都市气息而又具 深厚内涵的城市。 visitbritain.com | Winner of European Tourism City of the Year 2007 and [...] a British Heritage [...] City, York is a walled, riverside city where the fascinating history [...]and modern tourist attractions combine to make a cosmopolitan and sophisticated city. visitbritain.com |
(c) 興建五個污水泵站和建造泵送幹管,以便 把污水引入現有的土瓜灣污水處理廠; (d) 為啟德機場北面停機坪的排水暗渠興建 維修站,並提供所需的機器和設備 legco.gov.hk | (c) five sewage pumping stations and rising mains to convey sewage to the existing To Kwa Wan sewage treatment plant legco.gov.hk |
小组委员会认为,在 2011-2012 两年期应继续开展下列领域的工作:不敏感 爆炸物和氧化性固体的分类;与灰尘爆炸危害有关的问题;腐蚀性标准(审议点 蚀问题以及 C.1 [...] 检验对固体的适用性);进一步调整《全球统一制度》的标准以 [...] 使其与《示范条例》的标准相一致;对涉及皮肤腐蚀/刺激的章节进行文字修订; 水引发毒 性的评估;执行问题;进一步改进《全球统一制度》附件 [...]1、2 和 3;编 制小包装标签的进一步指导。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee considered that the work in the following areas should be continued in the biennium 2011-2012: classification of desensitized explosives and oxidizing solids; issues related to dust explosion hazards; corrosivity criteria (consideration of pitting corrosion and suitability of tests C.1 for solids); further alignment of the criteria in the Globally Harmonized System with that of the Model Regulations; editorial revision of the [...] chapters addressing skin [...] corrosion/irritation; assessment of water-activated toxicity; implementation [...]issues; further improvement [...]of annexes 1, 2 and 3 of the Globally Harmonized System; and development of additional guidance for the labelling of small packagings. daccess-ods.un.org |
人们由此得知引 入水资源 综合管理后对他们在水资源管理方 面的职责与工作的影响。 wrdmap.org | Individuals able to define how IWRM will affect their [...] roles and activities in water management. wrdmap.org |
又严重关切特别是占领国以色列继续进行建立非法定居点的活动,包括所谓 的“E-1 计划”,在东耶路撒冷城内和周围修建隔 离 墙 , 对 出 入 和 居 住在东耶路撒 冷实行限制,进一步将该城与巴勒斯坦被占领土的其他地区相隔绝,对巴勒斯坦 [...] 人的生活产生不利影响,并可能会预先限定有关耶路撒冷的最后地位协定, [...] 还严重关切以色列继续摧毁巴勒斯坦人的家园并将为数众多的巴勒斯坦家 庭赶出东耶路撒冷居民区以及在城内的其他挑衅和煽动行为,包括以色列定居者 实施的此类行为 daccess-ods.un.org | Expressing its grave concern also, in particular, about the continuation by Israel, the occupying Power, of illegal settlement activities, including the [...] so-called E-1 plan, its [...] construction of the wall in and around East Jerusalem, its restrictions on access to and residence [...]in East Jerusalem [...]and the further isolation of the cit y from the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, which are having a detrimental effect on the lives of Palestinians and could prejudge a final status agreement on Jerusalem, Expressing its grave concern further about the continuing Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes and the eviction of numerous Palestinian families from East Jerusalem neighbourhoods, as well as other acts of provocation and incitement, including by Israeli settlers, in the city daccess-ods.un.org |
由于外墙接缝用水泥细砂砂浆勾缝,令防水效果差;地 面 水 ( 或 潮湿) 沿 墙 体 或 砂浆层 侵 入 石 材 板;安装时对石材洒水过多等原因, 使 水入 侵 石 材板,并溶入Ca(OH)2和其他盐类物质进入石材毛细管形成泛碱。 kunlunslate.com | Because exterior wall joint with cement sand mortar jointing, make the [...] waterproof effect is [...] poor; Surface water (or damp) along the wall or mortar layer intrusion stone plate; Installation of stone material sprinkler too much wait for a reason, make water invasion of stone [...]plate, and dissolve [...]in Ca (OH) 2 and other salt material into the stone capillary formation whiskering. kunlunslate.com |
对于入墙式扬声器,您可以选择 CWM 8180(具有高端规格,包括一个 [...] Kevlar FST 中音驱动器和一个 200 毫米 Rohacell 低音驱动器)或者 CWM DS8(只需按一下遥控器按钮,您就可以在偶极模式和传统环绕声模式之间随意切换)。 bowers-wilkins.cn | For in-wall speakers, you could [...] choose between the CWM 8180, with its high-end spec including a Kevlar FST midrange driver [...]and 200mm Rohacell bass driver, or the CWM DS8, which can switch between dipole and conventional surround modes at the push of a remote-control button. bowers-wilkins.eu |
在这项决定中,执行局忆及了“第 181 EX/5(III)号决定,第 176 EX/Special Plenary Meeting 号决定,第 177 EX/20、179 EX/9 和 52 号决定”,“世界遗产委员会第三十 一届会议(克赖斯特彻奇,2007 年)、第三十二届会议(魁北克市,2008 年)和第三十三 届会议(塞维利亚,2009 年)分别通过的第 31 COM 7A.18 号、第 32 COM 7A.18 号和第 33 COM 7A.18 [...] 号决定”,以及“关于保护文化遗产的相关规定,包括日内瓦四项公约(1949 年)、1954 [...] 年《关于在武装冲突的情况下保护文化财产的海牙公约》、1972 年《保护世界 文化遗产和自然遗产公约》、应约旦要求将耶路撒冷老城及其 城 墙 列 入 《 世 界遗产名录》 (1981 年)和《濒危世界遗产名录》(1982 年),以及教科文组织的各项建议、决议和决 定”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In this decision, the Executive Board recalled “181 EX/Decision 5(III), 176 EX/Special Plenary Meeting/Decision, 177 EX/Decision 20, 179 EX/Decisions 9 and 52”, “Decisions 31 COM 7A.18, 32 COM 7A.18 and 33 COM 7A.18 adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 31st (Christchurch, 2007), 32nd (Quebec City, 2008) and 33rd (Seville, 2009) sessions respectively”, as well as “the relevant provisions on the protection of cultural heritage including, as appropriate, the four Geneva Conventions (1949), The Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict of 1954, the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of 1972, the [...] inscription of the Old City of [...] Jerusalem and its Walls at the request of Jordan on the World Heritage List (1981) and on the List of World Heritage [...]in Danger (1982), [...]and the recommendations, resolutions and decisions of UNESCO”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
新《宪法》引进或 加强了经济、社会和文化权利和基本自由。除其他外, 这特别包括:获得足够营养丰富的食物和清 洁 水 的 权 利;适足住房权;获得良好 卫生标准的权利;充足使用排污系统和电力的权利;结婚和家庭权利;受教育的 权利;工作权;罢工权;享有退休金的权利;参加文化生活的权利;以及拥有财 产的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Economic, social and cultural rights and [...] fundamental freedoms introduced or strengthened under the new Constitution include, inter alia: the right to adequate, nutritious food and clean water; the right to adequate [...]housing; the right [...]to a good standard of health; adequate access to sewerage and electricity; the right to marriage and family; the right to education; the right to work; the right to strike; the right to enjoy a pension; the right to take part in cultural life; and the right to enjoy property. daccess-ods.un.org |
為確保引水道的 狀況穩當可靠,我們建議按情況所需,重建或修葺 破損的引水道( 一如上文第 3 段 (a)項和(b)項所述) 。 legco.gov.hk | To ensure the continued [...] stability of the catchwater channels, we propose to reconstruct or repair, as appropriate, the defective sections of the catchwater channels as detailed [...]in paragraph 3(a) and (b) above. legco.gov.hk |
雖然我們的 污 水 處 理 廠 大 [...] 致上可做 到 把污水作二級處理,但 要 進 一 步把經 二 級處理的水 引 入室內 ,則我們還未作詳細 分 析 , 究 竟 有 多 少 地 區 [...]可以這樣做。 legco.gov.hk | Though our sewage treatment plants can generally provide secondary treatment of wastewater, we have not conducted any detailed [...] analysis on the [...] introduction of reclaimed water undergone secondary treatment into households [...]and the number of districts ready for implementation of such. legco.gov.hk |