

单词 引决

External sources (not reviewed)

对 Web 服务实现引用决不应 传递到另一个对象上。
A reference to the Web service implementation should never be passed to another object.
政府对于矿业价值的看法:全球各国政府当前盛行多种形式的资源民族主义,表现在矿业私有化和征用,以及暴利税、资源税和出口管控等诸多方面,导致矿业公司更加难以准确预测生产计划、了解长期风险概况或随着时间的推进开发用以 引决 策 的 模型。
Governments eye the mining prize: Governments around the world are exercising several forms of resource nationalism, from mining industry privatization and expropriation to windfall taxes, resource taxes and export controls, making it harder for mining companies to accurately
forecast production schedules, understand long-term risk profiles or
[...] develop models to guide decision making over time.
安东尼家族被这片区域,这篇葡萄园和十分独特地土壤所 引 , 决 定 挑 战本地风土而开始一个项目,到今天,这个项目使得普鲁诺托晋身为皮尔蒙特最领先的酿酒坊之一。
The Antinori family, conquered by all of these factors, by
a zone endowed with vineyards and soils
[...] so distinctive, decided to confront the [...]
challenge of this terroir with the conviction
of beginning a program, a course of action which, today, has enabled Prunotto to occupy a position among the leading wine-producing houses of Piedmont.
缔约国应采取必要措施,确保在其管辖下的个人在诉讼所有阶段保证受到公 正待遇,其中包括得到有效、独立和公正审查有关驱逐、遣返 引 渡 决 定 的机 会。
The State party should take the necessary measures to ensure that individuals under its jurisdiction are guaranteed fair treatment at all stages of the proceedings,
including an opportunity for effective, independent and
[...] impartial review of decisions on expulsion, return or deportation.
将他引渡的决定是 根据《公民权 利和政治权利国际公约》的条款做出的,并考虑到了罪名的严重性以避免有人逃 [...]
The decision to extradite them was taken [...]
in accordance with the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, and also taking into account the gravity of the charges, to avoid the individuals escaping and to ensure public security on the territory of the State party.
主席的说明:以下第10 段引起问题的决取决于与加强供资和投资方面的行 动有关的相互关联问题的解决。
Note from
[...] the Chair: Resolution of the issues presented in paragraph 10 below depends on the resolution of interdependent [...]
issues related
to enhanced action on the provision of financial resources and investment.
食典委认为,可能进引入多数表决 的 研 究,但不会在讨论马来西亚的建议时决 定,其他正在采取的步骤有助于达成共识。
The Commission agreed however that a study on the impact of introduction of qualified majority voting was a possibility but that it would not be pursued at this point while discussions were ongoing concerning the proposal from Malaysia and when other steps were being taken to aid the reaching of consensus.
这项决引起人 们对《宪法》规定的制衡 框架,以及议会独立于行政机关问题的关注。
This ruling has raised concerns about the constitutional framework of checks and balances as well as parliamentary independence from the executive branch.
主席的说明:以下第37 段引起问题的决,取决于与 第八章述及的提高缓解 行动的成本效益和促进缓解行动的各种方针,包括利用市场的机会有关的问题的 解决。
Note from
[...] the Chair: resolution of the issues presented in paragraph 37 below depends on the resolution of issues [...]
related to various
approaches, including opportunities for using markets, to enhance the cost-effectiveness of, and to promote, mitigation actions considered in chapter VIII.
国内和国际法院及法庭所作关于 1267 制裁制度 的决引起了 全世界的关注,对此我们并不感到惊 讶。
We are not
[...] surprised that decisions of domestic and [...]
international courts and tribunals on the 1267 sanctions regime have garnered worldwide attention.
决引发阿 拉伯地区民主变革呼声的一些因素, 特别是社会排斥、贫困加剧、公共服务效率低下、腐败和侵犯人权,西亚经社会 [...]
To address some of the
[...] factors that have sparked the calls for democratic [...]
change in the Arab region, inter alia, social
exclusion, rising poverty, inefficiency in public service delivery, corruption and human rights violations, ESCWA has initiated a series of activities to address civic participation and democracy in its Member States.
委员会请缔约国在下一次定期报告中提供关于《公约》作为法院案件的法律根 据、或法院决引用《 公约》的案件的详细资料。
The Committee requests the State party to submit in its next periodic report detailed
information on cases before the courts in which the Covenant provided the legal
[...] basis for or was invoked in the court decisions.
在所有 因据称土地争端导致社会动荡的案例中,利比里亚鼓励进行通过社会对话解决问 题;就土地权开展广泛的公众认识活动;努力 决引 发 土 地和财产争端的更广泛 的、未解决的潜在因素,例如权力与合法性。
In all cases in which alleged land disputes had led to social unrest, Liberia was encouraging social dialogue to resolve issues; was conducting widespread public awareness campaigns on land rights; and was addressing broader, unresolved underlying factors, such as authority and legitimacy, that had fuelled land and property disputes.
此外,委员决定,在引用经 合组织关于公司从实质控制股份中获得的股息 的第 49 段时,将 5%的阈值改为省略号([…… ]),以防止误解,因为《联合国示 范公约》没有具体规定百分比。
Further, in quoting OECD paragraph 49, on dividends from substantial holdings by a company, it was decided to replace the [...]
threshold of 5 per cent
with an ellipsis ([…]) to prevent confusion, since the United Nations Model Convention did not specify a rate.
科索沃一些高级官员公开批评这一 决 , 引 起 人 们对政 治干预司法程序的关切。
A number of Kosovo senior officials publicly
[...] criticized the verdict, prompting concerns over [...]
political interference in the judicial process.
p. 500;“如果该上诉人在我们领土之外没有被给予自由,而是即将被送回意大利[很可能在那里
[...] 会因政治活动而受到刑事指控 ],那实际上就是真正的引渡,而意大利政府并未请求、巴西政 府也决定准许引渡。
p. 500; “If the petitioner, outside of our territory, were not left at liberty but were to be sent to Italy [where criminal charges for political activities were likely], there would really be carried out a true
extradition which the Italian Government has not requested and which the Brazilian
[...] Government has not decided to grant.
(d) 确定并决引发老 年人疾病和残疾的主要环境和社会经济因素
(d) Identify and address the main environmental and socio-economic factors that contribute to the onset of disease and disability in later life
决定并引导国 家政策,还拥有法律规定的权力。总统颁布国民议会通过 的法律,任命政府成员、确定其职权并结束其任期。
Exercising executive power and with broad powers as Head of State and head of Government, the President shapes and leads public policy, has the power to make regulations, promulgates the laws adopted by the National Assembly, and appoints the members of the Government, lays down their responsibilities and terminates their terms of office.
尽管政府作出了努力并且迄今为止在 决引起 内 战的许多问题方面取得了进展,但仍然存在大量 挑战。
Despite the Government’s efforts and the progress that has been made to date in addressing many of the problems that led to the civil war, challenges still abound.
[...] 命成员组成的宪法法庭做出了一项有争议的 决, 由此引发的 争论导致一些法庭成员遭到弹劾诉讼, 并最终辞职,这凸显了立法机构的权力,以及政治 [...]
体系在转型中所面临的风险,因为新组建的部门会 不断试探其上级的底线。
A dispute over a controversial ruling by the presidentially-appointed [...]
Constitutional Tribunal led to impeachment proceedings
and the resignation of the tribunal members, highlighting both the power of the legislature, and the risks to a political structure in transition as new institutions test the boundaries of their authority.
他提出了一个问题,即使用无人驾驶飞机来 进行有目标决引发的 问题,同时他强调,必须采 取措施确保这些技术的使用符合国际法要求,并保 [...]
证遵守国际人道主义法中规定的区分原则、相称性 原则、必要性原则和谨慎原则,否则,美国政府将 会越来越被视为无视国际法原则进行盲目和疯狂杀 戮的政府。
The use of unmanned drones to carry
[...] out targeted executions posed a problem; [...]
measures should be taken to guarantee that
the use of such techniques was consistent with international law and that the international humanitarian law principles of discrimination, proportionality, necessity and precaution were respected.
尽管成功举行南苏丹决引发了 善意, 但就增进和保护人权而言,政府与民间社会组织之间仍然缺乏切实和定期对话。
In spite of the goodwill engendered by the successful conduct of the South Sudan referendum, there remains a lack of meaningful and regular dialogue between the Government and civil society organizations for the promotion and protection of human rights.
虽然该决引起了争议,但 2008 年 6 月和 10 月的会议得以顺利举行。
Despite the controversies touched
[...] off by that ruling, the June and [...]
October 2008 sessions proceeded normally.
应当提供适当的资源为女性罪犯设计合适的替代安排,以便将非拘禁措施与 干预结合起来,决引起女 性触及刑事司法系统的最常见问题。
Appropriate resources shall be made available to devise suitable alternatives for women offenders in order to combine non-custodial measures with interventions to address the most common problems leading to women’s contact with the criminal justice system.
在执行局第一七七届会议期间的专题辩论会上,政府间气候变化问题专家小组 (IPCC)主席 Rajendra Pachauri 指出,联合国在社会科学研究方面并没有作出足够的努力来决引起气 候变化的人为因素,教科文组织是应对这一复杂问题的适当组织,包括就气候变 化伦理问题促进建设性对话和辩论。
In his address to the thematic debate at the 177th session of the Executive Board, Rajendra Pachauri, Chair of IPCC, noted that the United Nations system has not made sufficient efforts in the field of social science research to address the human dimensions of climate change and that UNESCO is an appropriate organization for looking at this complex issue, including for promoting a constructive dialogue and debate on the ethics of climate change
2.着重指出必须决引发产 科瘘的社会问题,诸如女童早婚、早孕、得不 到性保健和生殖保健、妇女和女孩缺乏教育或得不到充分教育、贫穷以及妇女和 女孩的地位低下等问题; 3.又着重指出国家有义务促进和保护妇女和女孩的一切人权和基本自由, 必须履行应尽义务,防范、调查和惩罚暴力侵害妇女和女孩的行为人,并向受害 人提供保护,否则就是侵害、损害或剥夺她们对人权和基本自由的享受
that States have the obligation to promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms of women and girls, that they must exercise due diligence in order to prevent, investigate and punish the perpetrators of violence against women and girls and to provide protection to the victims, and that failure to do so violates and impairs or nullifies the enjoyment of their human rights and fundamental freedoms
在教科文组织织执行局第一七七届会议期间举行的专题辩论会上,政府间气候变化问 题专家小组(IPCC)主席 Rajendra Pachauri 指出,联合国在社会科学研究方面并没有作出足 够的努力,以决引起气 候变化的人为因素。
In his address to the thematic debate at the 177th session of UNESCO’s Executive Board, Rajendra Pachauri, Chair of IPCC, noted that the United Nations system has not made sufficient efforts in the field of social science research to address the human dimensions of climate change.
虽然军事行动可能减弱暴力冲突,但总理阿披实·维乍集瓦所领导的政府至今几乎并未做出努力以 决引 发 这 场暴乱的政治积怨。
Although military operations might have contributed to the reduction in violence, the government of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has made little effort to tackle the political grievances that drive the insurgency.




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