单词 | 引人注目的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 引人注目的 adjective—striking adjless common: prominent adj • conspicuous adj 引人注目 —conspicuous • attract attention 引人注目 verb—stand out vSee also:注目—attention • stare at • fix attention on sth. 目的 n—purpose n • purposes pl • goal n • point n • objective n • target n • object n • intention n • idea n • end n • sake n 的人 pl—persons pl
尽管有这些引人注目的实例,但为了 该地区的利益而筹集的实际资金并未对某个特定的组织结构或机制作出具体的贡献。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Despite these noticeable examples, the actual [...] funds raised for the benefit of the region cannot be specifically attributed [...]to a specific organizational set-up or mechanism. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他们的穹顶产品是引人注目的 温室替代品。 sapagroup.com | Their domes are a striking alternative to a [...] greenhouse. sapagroup.com |
社会紧张局势的一个引人注目的例子 就是缅甸中部 的蒙育瓦铜矿项目。 crisisgroup.org | One particularly striking current example of social tensions involves a copper mine in Monywa, in central Myanmar. crisisgroup.org |
同样引人注目的是, 法院的结论认为,第 1244 号决议中设想的“考虑到《朗 [...] 布伊埃协定》……旨在决定科索沃将来地位的政治进程”(第 1244 号决议,执行 部分第 11 段(e)),可以由科索沃阿尔巴尼亚族领导人的单方面行动而终止(见咨 询意见,第 117 和 118 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | No less striking is the Court’s finding [...] to the effect that “a political process designed to determine Kosovo’s future status, [...]taking into account the Rambouillet accords” envisaged in resolution 1244 (resolution 1244, operative paragraph 11 (e)), can be terminated by a unilateral action by the Kosovo Albanian leadership (see Advisory Opinion, paragraphs 117 and 118). daccess-ods.un.org |
卢旺达问题特设法庭以及前南斯拉夫问题特设 法庭是过去 15 年国际刑事司法上引人注目的发展 进 程的起点,其后我们成立了塞拉利昂问题特别法庭、 柬埔寨法院的特别法庭、黎巴嫩问题特别法庭以及常 设性质的国际刑事法院。 daccess-ods.un.org | The ad hoc Tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia were the starting point of an amazing development of international criminal justice in the last 15 years, followed by the Special Court for Sierra Leone, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and the permanent International Criminal Court. daccess-ods.un.org |
洪毅全也是一個孜孜不倦和有奉獻精神的教育者,他和亞洲的青年音樂家參與了多個課題項目:他作為2009和2010年度NTSO臺灣-中國青年交響樂團的首席指揮,首次將中國和臺灣最優秀的青年音樂家召集在一起,在北京和臺北的國家音樂廳舉 行 引人注目的 音 樂 會。 hkphil.org | He is furthermore a tireless and dedicated educator, and has been involved in numerous projects with young musicians in Asia: he was chief conductor of the NTSO Taiwan-China Youth Orchestra in 2009 and 2010, an initiative which brought together the best young musicians from China and Taiwan, leading them in high-profile concerts at the national concert halls of Beijing and Taipei. hkphil.org |
担保品管理协议 在非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲的使用日益广泛,但发生了一 些 引人注目的 损 失 ,造成 担保品管理公司从某些地区撤出的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | CMAs have increasingly been used in Africa, [...] Asia and Latin America, [...] although there have recently been some highprofile losses, which have caused collateral [...]management firms to withdraw from certain areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
该特设联盟举行了几次工作会议,以彻底审议克罗地 亚的人权现况和保护情况,并提出报告;其目的是要强调 最 引人注目的 侵犯 人权行为,并就如何和应该如何改善当前的状况提出建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its goal was to highlight the most striking human rights violations and provide recommendations as to how the present situation could and should be improved. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国纽约,2011 年 5 月 20 日 – 引人注目的青年 计划主题会谈于昨天在位于纽约的联合国儿童基金会大楼举行,该计划致力于提升和保护原住民的权利。 unicef.org | NEW YORK, USA, [...] 20 May 2011 – A compelling conversation on youth [...]initiatives to promote and protect the rights of indigenous [...]peoples took place yesterday at UNICEF House in New York. unicef.org |
在信息和通信技术(信通技术)连通性方面 最 引人注目的 发 展 是移动网络和 服务的快速扩展。 daccess-ods.un.org | The most striking development in information [...] and communications technology (ICT) connectivity has been the rapid diffusion [...]of mobile networks and services. daccess-ods.un.org |
通 过可信的封闭式网络如环球银行间金融电信协会管理的网络传输的信用证 是引 人注目的例外 情况,商界对它并非持上述态度。 daccess-ods.un.org | Letters of credit transmitted via trusted closed networks such as that managed by the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) constituted a notable exception to that business attitude. daccess-ods.un.org |
在过去八个月中,发生在巴布亚的最 引人注目的 暴 力 事件是发生在自由港连接蒂米卡(Timika)和谭巴架佩亚(Tembagapura)城镇的主要矿区道路沿线的一系列枪击事件,目标是自由港或者准军事警察的车辆,如机动旅。 crisisgroup.org | The most dramatic violence in Papua over the [...] last eight months has been the series of shootings along Freeport’s main mining [...]road linking the towns of Timika and Tembagapura, aimed at either Freeport vehicles or those of the paramilitary police, Brimob. crisisgroup.org |
今年施政報告有15段講及空氣問題,其中 最 引人注目的 , 是 要打造 以環保、可持續發展為基礎的“綠色大珠三角地區優質生活圈”,藉此提 [...] 升廣東省和珠三角地區的競爭力和吸引力,以及為珠三角地區闖出一條 低污染、低耗能的發展道路,建設一個更符合可持續發展原則及更穩健 的經濟模式。 legco.gov.hk | The most eye-catching proposal is the transformation [...] of the PRD Region into a green and quality living area under the principle [...]of promoting environmental protection and sustainable development, in order to enhance the appeal and competitiveness of Guangdong Province and the PRD Region, and also foster the development of an economy that is based on low pollution and low energy consumption in the PRD Region, with a view to developing a better economy more in line with the principle of sustainable development. legco.gov.hk |
在大学教育方面玻利瓦尔革命的一个 引人注目的 成 就 是,教科文组织认可委 内瑞拉在大学毛入学率(85%)方面在全世界排名第五位,在拉丁美洲和加勒比排 [...] 名第二位。 daccess-ods.un.org | One of the Revolution’s noteworthy achievements in the [...] field of university education has been the recognition of Venezuela [...]by UNESCO as the fifth-ranking country in the world, and the second-ranking country in Latin America and the Caribbean, in terms of its gross university enrolment rate, which is 85 per cent. daccess-ods.un.org |
他的影像有時可將單純的怪誕提升為 更 引人注目的 視 覺 巧思境界。 seagate.com | his images at times elevate mere weirdness to a more striking realm of visual intrigue. seagate.com |
後,Seagate (NYSE:STX) [...] 今天宣布多項突破性產品,這些產品勢將推 動 引人注目的 全 新 儲存應用環境,包括適用於汽車市場的硬碟機、第一台適用於 [...] DVR 和遊戲主機的 2.5 吋硬碟機,以及第一台適用於可攜式媒體播放器的 8 GB 硬碟機。 seagate.com | drives, Seagate (NYSE:STX) today announced several breakthroughs to [...] enable the most compelling new applications [...]for storage, including hard drives for [...]the automotive market, the first 2.5-inch drive for DVRs and game consoles, and the first 8GB drive for portable media players. seagate.com |
仙女圈以规则的图案出现并能持续存在几十年的时间,但这些点缀于纳米比亚沙漠中的神秘 且 引人注目的 环 的 成因仍然是一个谜。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Fairy circles occur in regular patterns and can persist for decades, but the cause of these enigmatic and striking rings that dot the Namibian desert remains a mystery. chinese.eurekalert.org |
为远程工作人员提供的一个最 引人注目的 新 功 能是能够在BAS和远程BluStar 8000i手机之间创造一个安全通道的全新集成VPN。 aastra.com.cn | One of the most compelling new features for [...] remote workers is the new integrated VPN capability for creating a secure tunnel [...]between the BAS and a remote BluStar 8000i phone. aastra.in |
这个品牌在钟表方面有许多 引人注目的 成 就 ,包括世界上最薄的 LCD 手表,世界首只语音识别手表,环保的 [...] Eco-Drive 系列手表,以及在使用寿命期限内,可在任何光线下工作的无电池光能手表。 hk.ashford.com | Several of [...] the brand’s most noteworthy horological achievements [...]include the world’s slimmest LCD watch, the world’s first [...]voice-recognition watch and the eco-friendly Eco-Drive series, a collection of battery-free, light-powered watches that run continuously in any type of light for a lifetime. ashford.com |
欧安组织所有 56 个参与国一致决定提名哈萨克斯坦共和国为其主席, 是对我国人民在我国首任总统努尔苏丹·纳扎尔巴耶 夫先生的杰出领导下,在独立后的短时间内在社会、 经济和政治发展方面所取得 的引人注目的 成 就 的客 观肯定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The unanimous decision of all 56 OSCE participating States to nominate the Republic of Kazakhstan to their chairmanship was an objective acknowledgement of the impressive accomplishments of our people, in the short span of our independence, in the social, economic and political development of our country under the outstanding leadership of our first President, Mr. Nursultan Nazarbayev. daccess-ods.un.org |
有同事指出這些行為不會阻礙太多時 間,只要把所涉議員趕離議事廳便可恢復進行會議,但事實上,往往 在一些重要會議上,例如每當進行行政長官或政務司司長會出席回答 [...] 問題、傳媒關注最多、時間分配最為緊張的會議時,便會有同事選擇 性地在這些場合作出他們認為可 引人注目的 行 為。 legco.gov.hk | However, more often than not, at important meetings, such as when the Chief Executive or the Chief Secretary for Administration will attend the meeting to answer questions, which draw the attention of the media and the time [...] schedule is tight, some colleagues will purposely behave disorderly, thinking that [...] their conduct can draw people's attention. legco.gov.hk |
接着看电信方面的其他消息,一则 引人注目的 报 道称中国移动(HKEx: 941; NYSE: CHL)正努力获得固网宽带牌照(似乎是由于其他两大电信公司的官僚操纵而被推迟的),中国电信(HKEx: [...] 728; NYSE: CHA)和中国联通(HKEx: [...] 762; NYSE: CHU)现在碰巧是固网宽带市场的双头垄断。 youngchinabiz.com | Moving on to other [...] telecoms matters, there’s also an interesting report saying [...]China Mobile (HKEx: 941; NYSE: CHL) is seeing [...]its efforts to get a fixed line broadband license delayed by what looks like bureaucratic maneuvering by the nation’s other 2 major telcos, China Telecom (HKEx: 728; NYSE: CHA) and China Unicom (HKEx: 762; NYSE: CHU), which also happen to have a duopoly on China’s fixed-line broadband market right now. youngchinabiz.com |
它为高度按需的计算应用和大量数据工作负载提供 了 引人注目的 , 均 衡的性能和扩展性,这些应用分布在能源,政府,金融,制造业,生物科学,和其他的核心研究和开发领域。 moderntech.com.hk | It provides compelling, balanced performance [...] and capacity scalability for highly demanding technical computing applications [...]and Big Data workloads in the energy, government, finance, manufacturing, bioscience, and other core research and development sectors. moderntech.com.hk |
2012 年 1 月 12 日,中国中央电视台(CCTV) 节目——《焦点访谈》报道,贵州省乌江流域 的渔业受到了上游大型国有企业——贵州开磷集团有限责任公司下属工厂所释放黄磷的严重污 染,这起引人注目的工业 污染案件在事发一年半以后仍未解决。 ecegp.com | On 12 January 2012, the Chinese Central Television (CCTV) program, Topics in Focus reported that a dramatic case of industrial pollution had not been settled even one and a half years after the aquaculture on the Wu River in Guizhou province was severely damaged by the release of phosphorus yellow from an upstream plant owned by a large state-owned enterprise, Guizhou Kailin (Group) Co. ecegp.com |
而 巴勒斯坦人民关于承认其人权的要求 就更 加 引人注 目,相当重要的是自 从他们要求那些自称中东地区 惟一自由社会的人承认其权利以来更 加 引人注 目。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yet the Palestinian people’s quest for recognition of their human rights was more compelling, not least since they were calling for recognition of their rights by those who claimed [...] to be the only [...]free society in the Middle East. daccess-ods.un.org |
显然,教科文组织对毛里塔尼亚教育改 革 的 支 持 在国家当局和援助伙伴(世界银行、法国开 发计划署、美洲开发银行,卡塔尔基金会……)中都非 常 引人注目。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Of note, [...] UNESCO support to education reform in Mauritania has very high visibility both with national authorities and with aid partners (World Bank, AFD, IDB, Qatar Foundation, etc.). unesdoc.unesco.org |
令人遗憾的是,《世界人权宣言》通过 60 多年后, 国际社会有时默不作声的现象 引人注目 , 突 出了作为 当今国际社会一大特征的一个缺陷:法律的理论价值 与严酷现实之间存在的差距。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regrettably, even more than 60 years after the adoption of the Universal Declaration, the conspicuous silence in certain instances serves to accentuate a deficiency that is characteristic of the international community today: the gap between the theoretical values of law and harsh reality. daccess-ods.un.org |
当地球环境及与此相关的社会问题在世界范围 引起关 注时,作为里约热内卢的联合国环境与发展会 议(1992)和布达佩斯世界科学大会(1999)的后续 行动,“国际地质对比计划”进一步强调了对社会需 求有明显影响的项目,更加关注人的 健 康 、人口增长 和日益增长的资源需求、可持续发展、安全及受到保 护的遗产等问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | While geo-environmental and related societal questions have reached global [...] dimensions, in the follow-up [...] of the UNCED conference in Rio de Janeiro (1992) and the Conference on Sciences in Budapest (1999), the IGCP placed greater emphasis on projects which have a clear impact on the needs of society, focusing on population health and growth and the increasing demands for resources, sustainable [...]development, [...]safety and protected heritage. unesdoc.unesco.org |