单词 | 弓弦儿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 弓弦儿 —bowstringSee also:弓弦—bowstring 弓 n—bow n • bows pl 弓—a bow (weapon) • surname Gong 弦—watchspring • chord (segment of curve) • watch spring • chord (straight line joining two points on a curve)
通过检验贫血、糖尿病、尿道感染和 儿 童 弓 形 病 ,这些措 施有助于减少与怀孕相关的残疾 daccess-ods.un.org | Those measures have helped to reduce pregnancy-related disability by detecting anaemia, diabetes, urinary [...] tract infection and child toxoplasmosis daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,弓弦已經 拉盡了,如果我們不能獲得基本科學研究的支持,我們沒法追得 ㆖我們的鄰近國家。 legco.gov.hk | But the string of the bow is at its breaking [...] point, and unless we are backed up But the string of the bow is at its breaking [...]point, and unless we are backed up But the string of the bow is at its breaking point, and unless we are backed up But the string of the bow is at its breaking point, and unless we are backed up by basic scientific research we are going to lose out to our neighbours. by basic scientific research we are going to lose out to our neighbours. by basic scientific research we are going to lose out to our neighbours. by basic scientific research we are going to lose out to our neighbours. legco.gov.hk |
阿尔及利亚感到鼓舞的是,马耳 [...] 他已经采取措施并作出努力,增进弱势群体,尤其 是 儿 童 和 妇女的权利,同时还 在推动妇女进入劳动力市场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Algeria was encouraged by the measures and efforts already under way [...] to promote the rights of vulnerable groups, [...] especially children and women, [...]and by the increased participation of women in the labour market. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿富汗还强调,该国的法律制度重视两性平等以及所 有 儿 童获 得平等的教育机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | As well, Afghanistan stressed the importance of gender equality, as well as equal access to [...] education for all children, embodied in [...]its legal system. daccess-ods.un.org |
Children4Change”已经获得马来西亚国家 弓 箭 手 、残奥会银牌得主海斯英.萨那卫(Hasihin Sanawi)和马来西亚最流行儿童电视动画节目主持人优宾和宜宾(Upin & Ipin)双胞胎的支持。 unicef.org | Children4Change has mobilized the support of [...] Malaysia’s national archer and Paralympic silver medalist Hasihin Sanawi and Malaysia’s most popular children’s television cartoon [...]twins Upin & Ipin. unicef.org |
为此,文化部 制订了民间文化领域最大的方案,即合唱团、舞蹈团体 和 弦 乐 乐 队国家支持体 系。 daccess-ods.un.org | For this purpose the Ministry has set up the largest programme in the folk culture area, i.e. the national support system for choirs, dance groups and orchestras. daccess-ods.un.org |
因應表演藝術委員會的建 議,當局在 2006 年 11 [...] 月成立了表演藝術資助委員會,就 10 個 主要演藝團體(包括康文署資助的 4 [...] 個藝團,即香港中樂團、香 港舞蹈團、香港話劇團及香港管弦協 會 ,以及香港藝術發展局資 助的 6 [...] 個三年資助團體,即香港芭蕾舞團、中英劇團、城市當代 舞蹈團、香港小交響樂團、劇場組合及進念二十面體)日後的資 [...] 助安排,向政府提供意見,並着手研究制訂一套新資助評核準則 及資助模式,在 2009 年 4 月推行。 legco.gov.hk | Following up the recommendation of the Committee on Performing Arts, a Funding Committee for the Performing Arts to advise the Government on the future funding arrangements for the 10 major performing arts groups (including the four groups subvented by the LCSD, namely, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, the Hong Kong Dance [...] Company, the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre and [...] the Hong Kong Philharmonic Society; and [...]the six three-year grantees of the Hong [...]Kong Arts Development Council, namely, the Hong Kong Ballet, Chung Ying Theatre Company, the City Contemporary Dance Company, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Theatre Ensemble and Zuni Icosahedron) was set up in November 2006 to develop a new set of funding assessment criteria and a new model of funding to be put in place for implementation in April 2009. legco.gov.hk |
它还注意到举报侵害儿童的暴力案件的程序极其耗费时间,缺 乏作出反应和为受影响者提供照顾的全面措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also noted that procedures for reporting cases of [...] violence against children were extremely [...]long and lacked comprehensive measures to [...]respond and provide care to those affected. daccess-ods.un.org |
當後面的列車的兩 個集電弓經過 該兩區段時,重複而強大的短路直流電電流 的熱力逐漸令到電纜過熱。 legco.gov.hk | The heat of the high short-circuiting direct current, [...] repeated for two pantographs of the following [...]train passing through the above overhead [...]line sections, gradually caused overheating of the contact wire. legco.gov.hk |
不得要求孕妇在高气压条件下工作,在存在风疹风险 、 弓 形 体 病风险的情 况下工作,也不可要她们做接触铅及其有毒化合物的工作、地下工作、夜班和人 [...] 力移动重物。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pregnant women may not be required to work in the conditions of high air pressure, in [...] the case of an existence of a risk of [...] rubella, risk of toxoplasmosis, nor perform [...]work with lead and its toxic compounds, [...]underground work, work at night, and manual moving of heavy objects. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果在完成 合 併 後 , 我們討論了一段 長時 間 的 所 謂 可加可減 機 制,對於這間合併 的公司來 說 , 原 來 只 是 董 事局可 以考 慮 的 因 素 之一, 並非一定 要跟從的 機 制,這 樣 便 出現一個 不 明 朗 的 因 素,亦 可 能 會 造 成 一 個 所 謂 “ 彈 弓 手 " 的 現 象 。 legco.gov.hk | If this so-called fare adjustment mechanism, which enables fares to increase or decrease and which we have discussed for a long time, is only one of the factors for the board of this merged corporation to consider after merger, not a obligatory mechanism, then an uncertainty has emerged, and it is also a so-called inconsistent act. legco.gov.hk |
雖然仍有有待改善的㆞方,但我認為應該在現有制度㆘尋求改進,而 不是改弦易轍 ㆞另立新的制度,推翻原先成立兩間鐵路公司的基礎原則。 legco.gov.hk | While there is room for further improvements, I think that these improvements should be sought under the existing system rather than under a new and different system which does away with the basic principles on which the two railway companies were founded. legco.gov.hk |
鉴于该政权一再拒绝改弦更张 ,其中包括它未能 为其拟议的改革创造有利环境,而且流血冲突不断加 剧,国际社会有责任采取行动,支持叙利亚人民正当 的变革要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the regime’s repeated refusals to change its ways, including its failure to create an enabling environment for its proposed reforms, as well as the escalating bloodshed, it is incumbent upon the international community to act to support the Syrian people’s legitimate calls for change. daccess-ods.un.org |