单词 | 弓 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 弓noun—bownbowspl弓—a bow (weapon) surname Gong Examples:杯弓蛇影—lit. see a bow reflected in a cup as a snake (idiom); fig. unnecessary suspicions overly fearful 弓腰v—bowv 弓腰—bend at the waist
树抢断弓的日记,和Ulrich发现它。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Hiroki steals Yumi's diary and Ulrich finds it. seekcartoon.com |
不得要求孕妇在高气压条件下工作,在存在风疹风险、弓形体病风险的情 况下工作,也不可要她们做接触铅及其有毒化合物的工作、地下工作、夜班和人 [...] 力移动重物。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pregnant women may not be required to work in the conditions of high air pressure, in [...] the case of an existence of a risk of [...] rubella, risk oftoxoplasmosis,nor perform [...]work with lead and its toxic compounds, [...]underground work, work at night, and manual moving of heavy objects. daccess-ods.un.org |
大部分教练都了解各种有效的热身方法,但是对于初学者而言,不妨考虑在轻柔地转动背部之余,做五分钟轻快的慢跑、弓步练习、卡拉OK和仰卧起坐。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Most coaches will know a variety of good [...] warm-ups, but for starters, consider a light [...] five-minutejog, lunge-walking, karaokes [...]and abdominal crunches, combined with gentle twists for the back. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
Children4Change”已经获得马来西亚国家弓箭手、残奥会银牌得主海斯英.萨那卫(Hasihin Sanawi)和马来西亚最流行儿童电视动画节目主持人优宾和宜宾(Upin & Ipin)双胞胎的支持。 unicef.org | Children4Change has mobilized the support of Malaysia’s national archer andParalympic silver medalist Hasihin Sanawi and Malaysia’s most popular children’s television cartoon twins Upin & Ipin. unicef.org |
Full Flight [...] Technology公司选择ADI公司的三轴数字MEMS(微机电系统)加速度计ADXL346,用于其旗舰产品Velocitip弹道系统,首次通过箭身贴装器件提供有关箭速、飞行动力学和弓性能的详细信息。 analog.com | ADI’s ADXL346 3-axis digital MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems) accelerometer was selected by Full Flight Technology for use in the company’s flagship Velocitip Ballistic System, which is the first [...] ever to use an arrow-mounted device to provide detailed information about arrow speed, [...] flightdynamics and bow performance. analog.com |
叶柄粗壮,V形成和有点抱茎的在基部,1.5-2.5厘米,具角和干燥时横向起皱,那些在小枝上的顶生1或2对通常玫瑰色的;叶片发亮,椭圆形或者长圆形到长圆状披针形, ( 14-)20-34 * (4-)6-12 厘米,厚革质,中脉粗壮,两面突起; 脉紧密,到35-40 对,在边附近弯成弓形的和网结;明显的第三脉和细脉,宽楔形的基部多少,边缘内卷,先端锐尖到钝,很少渐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole robust, V-shaped and somewhat clasping at base, 1.5-2.5 cm, angled and transversely wrinkled when dry, those of terminal 1 or 2 pairs on branchlet usually rose-colored; leaf blade shiny, elliptic or oblong to oblong-lanceolate, (14-)20-34 × (4-)6-12 cm, thickly leathery, midvein robust, raised on both surfaces; veins dense, to 35-40 pairs, near margin arching and anastomosing; tertiary veins and veinlets conspicuous, base ± broadly cuneate, margin involute, apex acute to obtuse, rarely acuminate. flora.ac.cn |
我们的工程塑料具有出色的耐热性和机械特性、高度韧性和良好的外观质量优势,因此得到许多主要品牌体育设备的青睐,如旱冰鞋、滑雪板、滑板、滑雪板和弓箭产品。 rhodia.com.cn | The outstanding thermal and mechanical properties, the high degree of rigidity and the quality of the surface appearance provided by our range of engineering plastics are greatly [...] appreciated by the major brands of sports equipment: roller skates, skis, [...] skateboards, snowboards andarchery equipment. rhodia.com.cn |
大家都转身看费罗,他终于掌握了他的弹弓。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Everyone turns to look at Filo, who has [...] finally mastered his slingshot. seekcartoon.com |
火车设计的一个变化是,如今的动力车都装有长前锥体,并为从架空线路提取电流的受电弓使用了创新翼型设计,帮助降低高速下的空气阻力。 bksv.cn | One of the changes in its design is that now it has a long [...] nose cone on the power car, and an innovative [...] wing-shapedpantograph thattakes the [...]current from the overhead lines and helps [...]in reducing wind resistance at high speed. bksv.com |
结果如下:(1)与眼睛移动相关的脑颅骨骼的细胞凋亡 右侧眼睛移动开始之后,在额骨、中筛软骨和犁骨软骨中出现细胞凋亡,并保持到眼睛移动结束; (2)中枢神经和感觉器官的细胞凋亡 在眼睛移动开始之前,脊髓和脊髓鞘出现细胞凋亡,在眼睛移动开始之后,脊髓和脊髓鞘细胞凋亡停止,而在脑、眼睛和内耳出现细胞凋亡,并一直持续到眼睛移动结束; (3)与游泳、捕食和消化等功能相关的器官的细胞凋亡 在眼睛移动开始后,冠状幼鳍的基部出现凋亡;在变态中后期,尾鳍基部出现细胞凋亡;下颌骨、鳃弓以及肝脏在眼睛移动开始之后,出现细胞凋亡,也一直持续到眼睛移动结束。 actazool.org | Before eye movement, the apoptosis signal only appeared in spinal cord and spinal cord sheath, however, when the cell apoptosis began in the brain, eye, and inner ear in the metamorphosis process, there were no cell apoptosis in spinal cord and spinal cord sheath. actazool.org |
附件: 热带空调、 休息室、 身历声系统、 电视/DVD、 贵宾酒店式公寓、 2 小木屋、 厨房 ;flybridge: 沙发、 表、 [...] 制冰机 ;太阳床垫上该船只,aft 淋浴、 折叠的区域上的遮阳棚、 座位的弓。prokat-yaht.g-sochi.ru | Accessories: tropical air conditioning, lounge, stereo system, TV/DVD, V.I.P. apartments, 2 cabins, [...] kitchen; flybridge: sofas, table, ice maker; [...] Sun mattress on the bowof the vessel, aft [...]shower, folding awning over the area, seating. g-sochi.ru |
养由基一箭射中了魏锜的颈项,魏锜伏于弓套而死,养由基携另一支箭向楚共王复命。 chinesestoryonline.com | Yang You Ji used only one arrow to kill Wei Qi in the following duel and then returned the other to the king. chinesestoryonline.com |
选择足弓承托力较佳及鞋底防震较强的鞋履。 hsbc.com.hk | Choose shoes with good arch support and shock-absorbing soles. hsbc.com.hk |
适宜他们玩的玩具有:较为逼真的收银机、玩具钱币、医疗工具、厨房/烹调用具、电 话和移动通讯设备、玩具枪、枪套、头盔、低压水枪以及有吸盘尖头的小弓箭。 cpsc.gov | Appropriate toys include more realistic cash registers and play money, medical kits, kitchen/cooking sets, telephones and mobile [...] communication devices, toy guns, holsters, helmets, low-power [...] water guns, andsmall bow andarrow sets with [...]suction-cup tipped ends. cpsc.gov |
同时,妊娠妇女具有病毒感染症状需要区分EBV原发感染与巨细胞病毒(CMV),单纯疱疹病毒以及弓形虫病感染,后者可导致妊娠并发症并损伤胎儿。 labtestsonline.org.cn | Also, pregnant women with symptoms of a viral illness need to be able to distinguish a primary EBV infection, which has not been shown to affect the baby, [...] from a cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes [...] simplex virus, or toxoplasmosis infection, as [...]these illnesses can cause complications [...]during the pregnancy and may damage the growing baby. labtestsonline.org.uk |
他们喜欢的玩具如收银机、 [...] 玩具钱币、医疗工具、厨房/烹调用具、电话和移动通讯设备、玩具枪、枪套、头盔、中等 水压的水枪以及张力少、箭头粗钝而安全的弓箭等,均要做得非常真实。 cpsc.gov | The appeal of toys like cash registers and play money, medical kits, kitchen/cooking sets, telephones and mobile communication [...] devices, guns, holsters, helmets, [...] medium-power waterguns, and bowand arrow sets with [...]low tension and blunt safety tips, is [...]based primarily on their high degree of authenticity. cpsc.gov |
但李总毫不气馁,谆告技术人员“开弓没有回头箭”,一定要走通华山天险,而且要相信自己一定能攻克难关。 cn.lvd.cc | But Li kept his chin up and told the technicians that they shouldn’t cower and believed that they would surely overcome the difficulty. en.lvd.cc |
诸如登革热、基孔肯雅病及恙虫病等病媒传染 性疾病的出现,以及诸如钩端螺旋体病、弓形体病及流感等其他再度爆发的疾 病,都成为更加重要和更具有挑战性的疾病。 daccess-ods.un.org | Vector-borne disease such as dengue, chikungunya and scrub typhus have emerged to be more important and challenging, as well as other re-emerging diseases suchas leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis and influenza. daccess-ods.un.org |
4月26日上午在省委会,省委书记梅世忠和省委主席黎青弓与新加坡共和国总统- H.E.Tony Tan Keng Yam 先生跟夫人在越南平阳省会见。 becamex.com.vn | On the morning of 26th April, at the Provincial People’s Committee Office, Provincial Party Committee Secretary Mai The Trung and Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Le Thanh Cung received President of the Republic of Singapore - H.E.Tony Tan Keng Yam and his wife during their visit in Vietnam. becamex.com.vn |
调查团根据证据确认,舰桥甲板上 至少有两名乘客还使用弹弓,向直升机弹射小的发射物。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Mission is satisfied on the evidence that at least two passengers on the bridge deck also used handheld catapults to propel small projectiles at the helicopters. daccess-ods.un.org |
它能够精确记录每次发射的大量相关信息,有助于我们更快更轻松地确定最重要的因素,进而改善弓箭设计和射向性能。 analog.com | Because so much useful information is precisely recorded for each shot, we find that the Velocitip System enables us to more quickly and easily identify those factors most important to improving arrow design and downrange performance. analog.com |
有一天,弈秋同时教两个人下棋,其中一个专心致志,只听弈秋的话;另一个虽然也在听,但心里面却老是觉得有天鹅要飞来,一心想着如何张弓搭箭去射击它。 chinesestoryonline.com | One day, when Yi Qiu was teaching two students to play Go, one of them was fully concentrate on his lesson, listening carefully to every word that Yi Qiu said, while the other, though, pretended to be listening, he was [...] actually imagining that a flock of swans would be flying towards him and [...] that hewould geta bow and arrows ready to shoot. chinesestoryonline.com |
妊娠妇女具有病毒感染症状时,一种或多种EBV抗体可同时与CMV、弓形虫以及其他感染一起进行检测(有时为TORCH筛查的一部分),以将EBV和其他引起相似症状的病因进行区分。 labtestsonline.org.cn | In pregnant women with symptoms of a viral illness, one or more of these EBV [...] antibodies may be requested along with [...] tests for CMV, toxoplasmosis, and other infections [...]to help distinguish between EBV [...]and conditions that may cause similar symptoms. labtestsonline.org.uk |