单词 | 弄污 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 弄污 adjective —foul adjSee also:弄 v—do v • fix v 弄—lane • alley • play with • mess with • fool with • manage • toy with
在提供狗廁所設施方面,食環署 [...] 會在市民經常前往放狗或經常被狗糞 弄污 的 公 眾地方,物色合適的地點設置 狗廁所。 legco.gov.hk | On the provision of dog toilets, the FEHD will identify suitable locations to provide dog toilets in [...] public places where members of the public like to walk their dogs or where such [...] places are often soiled by dog excreta. legco.gov.hk |
此外,為了防止在行車時流出污水及 弄污街 道 ,該署及其承辦商的垃圾收集車都已加設了污水缸裝置,以收 集從垃圾滲出的污水。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, to prevent leachate from soiling the streets when the RCVs are in motion, sump tanks are installed in all these RCVs to trap leachate from the refuse collected. legco.gov.hk |
他會明白我所說的環保角度,如何把水循環,水是 人類弄污的, 為甚麼不可透過活化過程來淨化呢? legco.gov.hk | People have polluted water, so it is [...] only natural for them to purify water again through the process of revitalization, right? legco.gov.hk |
立法 會議員、傳媒和輿論都普遍支持一併提高餘下兩項表列罪行的罰款額,即針 對未經准許而展示招貼或海報,以及讓犬隻糞 便 弄污 街 道 的罰款額。 legco.gov.hk | Members of this Council, media and public opinions are generally in favour of extending the proposed increase to [...] the remaining two scheduled [...] offences, that is, fouling of street by dog [...]faeces and display of bills or posters without permission. legco.gov.hk |
蔡素玉議員表 示,犬隻糞便弄污後巷 等 問 題 甚難對 付 ,因為食環署職 員 並 [...] 非 時常可 以 確 定 犬 隻 的 主人。 legco.gov.hk | Miss CHOY So-yuk said that it was difficult to tackle [...] problems such as dog fouling at back lanes, as [...]it was not always possible for FEHD staff to identify the dog owners. legco.gov.hk |
焚燒動物時所產生的氣味當然非常難聞,亦會產生 很多黑色的污點和油漬,弄污大廈的牆身、窗戶等。 legco.gov.hk | The smell caused by burning animal bodies is extremely unpleasant and [...] it will also result in the production of black stains and [...] oily smears, hence defacing the walls and [...]windows of buildings. legco.gov.hk |
就一般車輛而言(包括私營清潔商的垃圾收集車),如發現車輛 因掉下廢物(包括污水,泥漿等)而 弄污 街 道 ,食環署可根據《公 眾潔淨及防止妨擾規例》(第 132BK 章)第 9 條向該車輛的登記 車主或有關的人提出檢控。 legco.gov.hk | For soiling of streets by any waste (including leachate, mud, and so on) by any vehicles (including RCVs operated by private cleansing companies), the FEHD may initiate prosecution against the registered owners or any persons concerned under section 9 of the Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances Regulation (Cap. 132BK). legco.gov.hk |
9. 衣著 任何人如被公司的任何受僱人認為其衣著或衣服 會 弄污 或 破 壞公司的任何船隻或公司的 碼頭的座位或裝置,或會弄污或破 壞其他乘客的衣著或衣服的,又或任何人如被公司的 任何受僱人認為會因任何其他適當的理由令乘客感到厭惡的,均不得進入公司的任何碼 頭或乘搭公司的任何船隻;而公司的受僱人可藉給予任何上述理由而阻止任何該等人士 進入公司的任何碼頭或乘搭公司的任何船隻。 starferry.com.hk | No person whose dress or clothing may in the opinion of any servant of the Company soil or damage the seats or fittings of any of the Company's vessels or of the Company's piers or the dress or clothing of any other passenger, and no person who in the opinion of any servant of the Company may for any other appropriate reason be offensive to passengers shall enter upon any of the Company's piers or travel in any of the Company's vessels, and it shall be lawful for any servant of the Company to prevent any such person from so doing by giving any of the aforesaid reasons therefor. starferry.com.hk |
根據《簡易程 序治罪條例》,“在沒有擁有人或佔用人同意下以粉筆、漆油或其他方 [...] 式在任何建築物、牆壁、柵欄或圍籬之上書寫或留下記號,或將 之 弄污 或毀損其外觀;或故意破壞、毀壞或損壞任何建築物、牆壁、柵欄或圍 [...] 籬的任何部分”,均受這項條例所管轄,而罰則為罰款500元或監禁3個 月。 legco.gov.hk | According to the Summary Offences Ordinance, anyone who, [...] "without the consent of the owner or occupier [...] writes upon, soils, defaces or marks any [...]building, wall, fence or paling with chalk [...]or paint or in any other way whatsoever; or wilfully breaks, destroys or damages any part of any building, wall, fence or paling" is subjected to this Ordinance. legco.gov.hk |
我們提議使用這些(BeSafe)保護蓋罩來避免車廂內 部被刮花 、弄污或褪 色,特別是車廂內部的皮革或木制設 備。 hts.no | We recommend using a (BeSafe) protection cover in these places to avoid cuts, marks or discolouration on the interior of the vehicle, especially in vehicles with leather or wooden interior. hts.no |
(b) 不得在鐵路處所內髹上、書寫、繪畫或貼上任何文字、圖象或字樣,或 故意弄污或弄髒鐵路處所,或破損、切割、抓刮、撕扯、毀損或以其他 方式損壞鐵路處所的任何部分,包括任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛,或其任 [...] 何配件、家具、裝飾或裝備,或其內或其上的任何公布、告示、一覽 表、時間表、宣傳品、號碼牌、號碼、數字或字母,或將此等物品或物 [...]體從原處移走或將此等物品或物體拆去 legco.gov.hk | (b) paint, write, draw or affix any word, [...] representation or character upon [...] or wilfully soil or defile the railway premises or break, cut, scratch, tear, deface or otherwise damage [...]any part of the [...]railway premises including any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any of the fittings, furniture, decorations, or equipment thereof or any publication, notice, list, time-table, advertisement, number plate, number, figure or letter therein or thereupon or remove therefrom or detach any such article or object legco.gov.hk |
弄污或損壞衣著、衣物或個人財物 任何人不得弄污或損 壞在吊車系統或吊車系統區內的任何其他人的 衣著或衣物或個人財物。 legco.gov.hk | No person shall soil or damage the dress, clothing or personal effects of any other person on the Cable Car System or in the Cable Car System area. legco.gov.hk |
如果有嘔吐物弄污地方或設施,職員會立即使用1: 49 稀釋家用漂白水清洗及消毒。 legco.gov.hk | If any venues [...] or facilities are contaminated by vomit, 1:49 diluted [...]household bleach should be used for cleansing and disinfection immediately. legco.gov.hk |
任 何人不得 弄污或損壞在吊車系統上或吊車系統區內的任何其他人 的衣著、衣物或個人財物。 legco.gov.hk | No person shall soil or damage the dress, clothing or personal effects of any other person on the Cable Car System or in the Cable Car System area. legco.gov.hk |
保护套上的防尘处理,让你随意将它放入手袋或裤袋中而不用担心 给 弄污 , 历 久常新。 tunewear.com | The silicone is an anti-dust type which prevents it from attracting dust particles when ICEWEAR is placed in your bag or pants pocket. tunewear.com |
從 2003 年10 月 起,食 物 環境 生 署( “ 食 環署" ) 便引用 《定額罰款(公眾地方 潔淨罪行 )條例》(第 570 章), 向 餵飼野生 雀鳥而弄污公眾地方 的人採 取 嚴厲執法 行 動,又派遣 便衣人員在 常 有投訴的 餵飼地 點 採 取 突擊行 動。 legco.gov.hk | The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) has since October 2003 started to take stringent enforcement action against feral bird feeders, who litter public places, in accordance with the Fixed Penalty (Public Cleanliness Offences) Ordinance (Cap. 570). legco.gov.hk |
在 2003 年10 月至 2004 年 2 月中期間,食 環署及 其他執 法 部門已 向 餵飼野生 雀鳥而 弄污公眾地方 的人發出 共 51張定額罰款 通知書 。 legco.gov.hk | From October 2003 to midFebruary 2004, the FEHD and other enforcement departments have issued a total of 51 fixed penalty notices to persons who littered public places while feeding feral birds. legco.gov.hk |
至於其他康樂場地及文化設施方面,除日常清潔外,在每天 開放期間,清潔員工會以1: [...] 99稀釋家用漂白水加強清潔及 消毒,如設施/地方被嘔吐物弄污, 則會立即使用1: 49稀 釋家用漂白水消毒,再用清水沖洗。 legco.gov.hk | As for other recreation venues and cultural facilities, in addition to daily cleansing, 1:99 diluted household bleach is used for more thorough [...] cleansing and disinfection during opening [...] hours. In case of contamination by vomit, the facilities/areas [...]will be disinfected at [...]once with 1:49 diluted household bleach, followed by rinsing with clean water. legco.gov.hk |
如雙手被呼吸道分泌物弄污,例 如打噴嚏或 咳嗽後,應立即用梘液洗手。 www6.cityu.edu.hk | Wash hands with liquid soap [...] promptly if they are dirtied by respiratory [...]secretions, e.g. after sneezing or coughing. www6.cityu.edu.hk |
(二) 過去 3 年,食環署曾根據上述的《公眾潔淨及防止妨擾規例》 ( 第 132BK 章)第 9 條就車輛掉下廢物弄污街道而提出 321 宗檢 控,其中涉及垃圾收集車的個案超過 30 宗。 legco.gov.hk | (b) In the past three years, the FEHD has initiated 321 prosecutions under section 9 of the Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances Regulation (Cap. 132BK) for soiling of streets by waste from vehicles. legco.gov.hk |
保护套上的防尘处理,让你使用时不用担心 给 弄污 , 历 久常新。 tunewear.com | The silicone is an anti-dust type which prevents it from attracting dust particles. tunewear.com |
不論是汗水或食物而弄污椅墊 ,也能拆下清洗,確保清潔衛生。 combi.com.hk | The seat cushion is detachable and washable. combi.com.hk |
放一盒在醫院 locker, 一盒在家及去旅行用, 最重要是絶不影響皮膚及不會弄污白 色 的制服。 lavedo.com | I put one in my hospital locker and another at home for trips. lavedo.com |
爆炸的彩蛋弄污了大 使馆的窗子和块石面路。 daccess-ods.un.org | The exploding paint pellets stained part of the Embassy’s windows and paving. daccess-ods.un.org |
在帶來作伴 及玩樂等好處的同時,在家居飼養寵物可能會對飼養者及其鄰居,甚 [...] 至社會整體構成威脅或造成滋擾,例如爆發狂犬症、傳播動物疾病、 街道被動物糞便弄污、被 狗隻咬傷以及寵物被遺棄等問題。 legco.gov.hk | Alongside the benefits of companionship and pleasure, keeping of pets in domestic households may pose threats or a nuisance to keepers and neighbours as well as the community at large, [...] such as outbreaks of rabies, spread of [...] animal diseases, fouling of streets by animal [...]faeces, dog bites and unwanted pets. legco.gov.hk |
全 城 清 潔 策劃 小組在 去 年 8 月 發 表 的 報 告 [...] 中建議,對在 24 個月內多於 1 次 觸 犯 4 項 公 眾地方 潔淨罪 行中任何 1 項 ( 即 亂 [...] 拋垃圾、 隨 地 吐痰、 讓 犬 隻糞便 弄污街 道 及 非 法張貼 街 招 和 海 [...]報 )的 人,判處更高的 罰 款 及 社 會 服 務 令。 legco.gov.hk | In the Report of Team Clean issued in August 2003, it was suggested that a higher fine and a community service order should be imposed on offenders committing any of the [...] four cleanliness offences (namely [...] littering, spitting, dog-fouling and unauthorized [...]posting of bills and posters) twice or more within 24 months. legco.gov.hk |
(一 ) 《定額罰款(公眾地方潔淨罪行)條例》(“該條例")規定, 任何人士凡觸犯公眾地方潔淨罪行,包括亂拋垃圾、隨地吐痰、 [...] 未經准許張貼街招及海報,以及讓犬隻糞 便 弄污 街 道 ,均須繳交 定額罰款 600 元。 legco.gov.hk | (a) The Ordinance provides for a fixed penalty of $600 for committing public [...] cleanliness offences including littering, spitting, unauthorized display of bills [...] and posters and fouling of street by dog faeces. legco.gov.hk |
隨着食環署前線人員須執 行的職務範圍擴大,衞生督察和管工 職系人員自2003 年起須針對隨地吐 痰、亂拋垃圾、讓犬隻糞便弄污街道 和未經准許而展示招貼或海報等罪行 執法,私人律師計劃已擴大至涵蓋此 等人員。 legco.gov.hk | With the expansion of the scope of duties which FEHD frontline staff had to perform, PSS had been expanded to cover members of the Health Inspector Grade and Foreman Grade who since 2003 had to perform law enforcement duties against spitting, littering, dog fouling and unauthorized display of bills or posters. legco.gov.hk |
金屬的腐蝕或未被注意的污垢,如由汗 水和灰塵造成的污垢,可能會弄髒衣 服的袖子和其他部分。 citizen.com.hk | Corrosion of the metal or unnoticed soiling such as that caused by perspiration and dirt can soil sleeves and other portions of clothing. citizen.com.hk |
与会者一致认为,为了弄清楚 战略与计划之间的联系,应当认真评估预期结果,以衡 量有关计划是否实现了《中期战略》规定的目标。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Participants unanimously agreed, that in order to ascertain the linkage between strategy and programme, expected results should be carefully evaluated to assess whether the programme has achieved the objectives of the Medium-Term Strategy. unesdoc.unesco.org |