单词 | 弄假成真 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 弄假成真—pretense that turns inreality (idiom); to play at |
与会者一致认为,为了弄清楚战略与计划之间的联系,应当认真评估预期结果,以衡 量有关计划是否实现了《中期战略》规定的目标。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Participants unanimously agreed, that in order to ascertain the linkage [...] between strategy and [...] programme, expected results should be carefully evaluated to assess whether the programme [...]has achieved [...]the objectives of the Medium-Term Strategy. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在过去几个月中,在整个前线对阿塞拜疆平民和民用设施的攻击加强了。阿 塞拜疆领导人的敌对言论空前增多,对战争根源以及解决冲突进程充满了弄虚作假和扭 曲事实的歪曲,这证实了人们对亚美尼亚政策具有颠覆性影响的严重担 忧,给该地区的和平、安全和稳定构成了直接威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Intensified attacks over the last months on Azerbaijani civilians and civilian objects across the front line and an unprecedented increase of hostile statements by Armenian leadership, full of historical falsifications andfactual distortions as to the root causes of the war and conflict settlement process, confirm the validity of serious concern over the destabilizing effect of Armenia’s policy and represent a direct threat to peace, security and stability in the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
但有些反对利他主义的㆟士就会 指出,利他主义往往成为压迫妇女的 假真理,要妇女在这个社会发展过程㆗,心甘情愿处 於辅助性的㆞位,为他㆟,尤其是为丈夫、儿子或兄弟牺牲自己的发展潜能。 legco.gov.hk | But people against the notion of altruism may point out that altruism has often been abused to suppress women and to ensure that they are willing to play second fiddle in society and to sacrifice their own development potential for the sake of others, in particular their husbands, their sons or their brothers. legco.gov.hk |
仅以2003 年为例,“决议”在所有阶段,从起草到正式提交,都被当作绝 密对待,表决前夕突然提交,经由美国、日本和欧盟成员国的专横跋扈、独断专 行、幕后压力和弄虚作假而强行通过。 daccess-ods.un.org | Just to take an example in 2003 alone, the “resolution” was treated as top secret at all stages, from drafting to official submission, tabled in the form of a surprise raid shortly before voting and forcibly adopted through the high-handedness, arbitrariness and behindthe-scenes pressure and trickery of the United States, Japan and the States members of the European Union. daccess-ods.un.org |
把这两年的数字比较, 持真枪犯案的数字是下跌了,但持类似手枪物体犯案的数字则上升了六成, 原因会否并非是警方成功堵截枪械流入本港,而是警方在判断 真假枪械的标 准和能力,在这两年间起了变化? legco.gov.hk | Is it due to the reason that there have been changes in the [...] standards [...] and capabilities of the police injudginggenuine andfake pistols rather thanthe success [...]of the police in intercepting the [...]smuggling of firearms into Hong Kong? legco.gov.hk |
可是,这 事项真的属 於政府的责任,如果用回处理居港权的那个“167 万”的方法, 是那麽努力地办事的话(当然,现在证明了它是骗人的),怎会 弄成现时这 个模样呢? legco.gov.hk | Had the same approach as that in [...] dealing with the [...] 1.67 million people in the right of abode issue been adopted and the Government is just as hardworking (of course, it has now been shown that it had deceived people), how would things have come to such a state? legco.gov.hk |
我们可以选择继续像过去 24 [...] 年一样,任由建制派继续用不断後退的 时间表和假民主方案愚弄我们、欺骗我们;我们也可以选择反其道而行,以 [...]公民自救来还香港一个公道。 legco.gov.hk | We can choose to continue to act in the way we have been in the past 24 years and give the pro-establishment camp a [...] free hand in using a timetable that [...] keeps retreating and bogusproposals ondemocracy [...]to fool or deceive us, or we can choose [...]to go in the opposite direction and resort to self-help in a civil society to make justice prevail in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
我们应该以寻求事实真相为出发点,以保护公众利 益为大前提,以尊重利益申报机制的真确性为基础,务实、客观地弄清事件的真相,而并非将之政治化。 legco.gov.hk | With seeking the truth as the starting point, on the premise of protecting public interest, [...] and on the basis of [...] respectingthe authenticity ofthe interest declaration mechanism, we should sort out the truth of the incident [...]in a pragmatic and [...]objective manner, rather than politicizing it. legco.gov.hk |
目前缺少的正是一种具有成本效益的防伪技术,以区分真假包装。 mypages.iggesund.com | What is missing is a completely counterfeit-proof and cost-effective technology [...] to differentiate originals from copies. mypages.iggesund.com |
4 到 7 个 月大的婴儿只是探究性地摆弄积木 ,而非玩真正的建筑游戏,故此阶段小孩可玩 用柔软或毛绒材料如空心塑料、乙烯或泡沫做成的积木。 cpsc.gov | Since 4- through 7-month-old infants use blocks in exploratory play rather thantrue construction play, blocks that are appropriate for this age group include thosethat [...] are made from soft/plush materials like [...]hollow plastic, vinyl, or foam. cpsc.gov |
他们一旦被迫变成“假自雇”,在不幸发生工伤 事故或患上职业病时,他们的真雇主便会自然及合理地摆脱对该名工人 的相关赔偿责任,而不须向政府呈报。 legco.gov.hk | Once they have been forced to become bogus self-employed workers, if they unfortunately sustained injury at work [...] or were afflicted by occupational [...]diseases, their de facto employers will and can naturally and justifiably evade the responsibility of paying compensation to the workers concerned, nor do they have to notify the Government. legco.gov.hk |
如果他们推出来的房产,在单 位大小、楼层高低,或在方向、方位上有不真实的情况,甚至是弄虚作假,我觉得这是不能够接受的。 legco.gov.hk | If the housing units that they offer for sale turn out to be deceptive or evenfraudulent in terms of size, floor level, position or location, I think this is unacceptable. legco.gov.hk |
真假不应成为艺术世界的桎梏,就像翻开「Lies for Leo」的画作背後,确凿事实汹涌而来,却不及「谎言」美丽 — 天是蓝的、兔子爱吃红萝卜,我们都是爱受哄骗的小孩子。 think-silly.com | Underneath ‘Lies for Leo’ are some wondrous lies that we love to hear — the sky is blue, the rabbits love eating carrots. think-silly.com |
情况便是这样,但政府的律师根本不明白 我说的是甚麽,连这问题也弄错,我真的是摸不 头脑,所以我亦无谓浪费 时间,读出他的答覆。 legco.gov.hk | That is the case, but the legal adviser of the Government did not understand what I [...] was referring to, and misinterpreted [...] the question.I am really puzzledand I will [...]not waste time reading out his reply. legco.gov.hk |
假如我没有弄错,就土㆞的现行用途可采取的执法措施,并不特别见效,而但凡出现交通 通道或排水等问题时,当局便需要采取㆒些临时应变措施,以控制交通及防止欠妥 的排水设施造成严重影响。 legco.gov.hk | If I am correct, the means available for enforcement against existing uses are not particularly effective, and where problems arise as regards transportation access, drainage problems and so on, these are the situations in which fairly ad hoc measures will have to be taken to control traffic and to prevent inadequate drainage facilities from having adverse effects. legco.gov.hk |
只有真正弄清一个人口群体的真实境况,才有可能解决国家在对待他们方面的系统性 [...] 缺失。 daccess-ods.un.org | Onlywhen the truesituationof a [...] population group is clearly understood can systemic failures in their treatment by the State be remedied. daccess-ods.un.org |
它当然可以 更好,做到 99.9%,但如果觉得达到 99%也不够,还要打它直至它做到 99.9%, 我觉得对铁路公司施加这制度并不可取,尤其会造成反 效果,真的 可能会弄巧反拙。 legco.gov.hk | But I think if we are still dissatisfied with the rate of 99% and still want to beat them up, so that they can attain the rate of 99.9%…… I do not think that it is desirable to impose such a system on the railway corporations. legco.gov.hk |
禁止通过盗窃、蒙骗、欺诈、欺骗和其他不诚实或弄虚作假的方式获取任何事物,包括钱财、影响、不公平的优势、工作、竞争信息 或其他人的批准。 lubrizol.com | It prohibits stealing, cheating, fraud, deception and other forms of dishonesty ortrickery toacquire anything including money, influence, unfair advantage, jobs, competitive information or the approval of others. lubrizol.com |
霍德爵士在各处各㆞的不同事业㆖都有浮沉休咎的遭遇,但我们都知道不用多久,他 对香港的留恋又会再把他带回来,可能是以短暂旅客的身份,或是永久居民的身份,假如我们可以弄清「永久居民」的定义。 legco.gov.hk | Sir David has had a checkered career in all kinds of jobs in all kinds of places, but we all know that it will not be long before nostalgia brings him back to Hong Kong, either as a temporary visitor or as a permanent resident, if we can ever manage to fathomout what "permanent resident" means. legco.gov.hk |
除非目的地旁恰好设有单车站,否则还是得多走一段路;若想冒险把单车放在店门外,进店里花两分钟买东西,就得先做好心理准备,假使弄丢单车,现金卡或信用卡帐单上就会多出300英镑。 thisbigcity.net | Then be prepared to pay £300 if you lose the bike, deducted from the debit or credit card used to hire the bike in the first place. thisbigcity.net |
在非假期中,未成年人可以从事文化、体育或广告领域的创造工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | During schooltime,minors may work as creative workers in the field of culture, sport or advertising. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们确保家庭有能力采取有助于对付 [...] 威胁儿童和妇女健康的基本措施,这些措施的重点是 预防因疟疾、呼吸道感染和儿童腹泻造成死亡和弄清威胁孕妇的各种危险迹象。 daccess-ods.un.org | While guaranteeing families’ capacity to adopt basic domestic measures that help in dealing with conditions that threaten [...] children’s and women’s health, with a [...] focus on the prevention of mortality due to malaria, [...]respiratory infections and children’s [...]diarrhoea, and in the identification of signs of danger to pregnant women. daccess-ods.un.org |
副主席先生,我不大肯定投票结果会如何,但我希望在各位议员投票後,投票结果 会确保杨孝华议员所说有关未来的故事不会 成真。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Deputy President, I am not absolutely certain what the vote is going to be but I hope that when [...] Members vote the result of that vote will make sure that the Honourable Howard YOUNG's story of [...] the future will not be told. legco.gov.hk |
鉴於本地的石油产品价格经常加快减慢及各油商调整价格 [...] 的步伐趋於一致,而石油产品零售价格往往又未能真确地反 映入口成本价,本会促请政府积极考虑在石油行业引入公平 [...]竞争法及其他有效措施,包括要求竞争政策谘询委员会关注 本港石油市场可能出现的不公平竞争模式,并委托该委员会 [...]就有关情况作出监察和研究,以增加石油行业的竞争性和提 高产品价格的透明度,从而避免寡头垄断,促进公平竞争和 保障商户及市民免受高油价之苦。 legco.gov.hk | That, as the adjustments of local oil product prices are always quick in going up but slow in coming down and the pace of price adjustments by various oil companies tends to be [...] synchronized, while oil product pump [...] prices often fail to trulyreflectimport costs, this Council [...]urges the Government to actively [...]consider introducing a fair competition law and other effective measures for the oil industries, including requesting the Competition Policy Advisory Group to take heed of any unfair mode of competition that may emerge in the local oil market, and entrusting the Group to monitor and study the situation, with a view to increasing competition in the oil industries and enhancing the transparency of product prices, thereby avoiding oligopoly, promoting fair competition and safeguarding commercial clients and the public against high oil prices. legco.gov.hk |
监察组的调查已将过渡联邦政府的一些高级官员与签证弄虚作假做法挂 上钩,其中包括副总理兼渔业部长阿卜迪拉赫曼·哈吉·亚丁·伊比、妇女事务 和两性平等部长Fowsiya Mohamed Sheikh以及宪法事务部长Madoobe Nunow Mohamed。 daccess-ods.un.org | Monitoring Group investigations have linked a number of senior officials of the Transitional Federal Government to the practice of visa fraud, including the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Fisheries, Abdirahman Ibrahim Adan Ibbi, the Minister for Women’s Affairs and Gender, Fowsiya Mohamed Sheikh, and the Minister of Constitutional Affairs, Madoobe Nunow Mohamed.55 The Constitutional Minister is a repeat offender: in April and June 2009 he organized delegations to attend a constitutional training workshop in Germany convened by a prestigious institution, as part of the UNDP-coordinated constitution-building activities in Somalia. daccess-ods.un.org |
它篡改历史,歪曲现实, 虚构未来;它捏造统计数据;它假装不存在一个无孔不入和无法无天 的警察机器;它装作尊重人权,从不迫害任何人;它假装什麽都不怕;它假装从不弄虚作假。 legco.gov.hk | It pretendsnot to possess an omnipotent and unprincipled police apparatus. legco.gov.hk |
透过此研习与实验标准,学生 可学习到形成假设,利用适当工具和技术,运用资料,沟通研习步骤,评估证据,按时 [...] 间顺序解释图表与事件以及指明自然现象的变化。 sfusd.edu | Through the investigation and experimentation standards, [...] students learn to develophypotheses,use appropriate tools [...]and technology, manipulate data, [...]communicate the steps of an investigation, evaluate evidence, interpret maps and events by sequence and time, and identify changes in natural phenomena. sfusd.edu |
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本公司董事确认,据彼等所深知,董事会并不知悉任何事宜可能致使载於本公告的中国新城镇 发展有限公司截至2012年6月30日止第二季度及上半年的中期未经审核财务报表於任何重大方 面属虚假或具误导成分。 equitynet.com.hk | The Directors of the Company confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, nothing has come to the attention of the Board of Directors which may render the interim unaudited financial statements of China New Town Development Company Limited for the second quarter [...] and first half year ended 30 June 2012 presented in this [...] announcementtobefalse or misleading in anymaterial aspect. equitynet.com.hk |