









External sources (not reviewed)

(K) 倘於任何董事会会议上出现有关确定董事﹙主席除外﹚之权益是 否属重大或任何董事﹙有关主席除外﹚有否投票权或被计入法定人数的任何问题,而
[...] 有关问题未能以有关董事自愿同意 或不被计入法定人数而得到解决,则有关 [...]
问题须提交主席,而其就有关其他董事所作之裁决须为最终决定及定论,惟有关董事 所知悉有关董事之权益性质或程度并未向董事会作出公平披露者则除外。
(K) If any question shall arise at any meeting of the Board as to the materiality of the interest of a Director (other than the Chairman) or as to the entitlement of any Director (other than such Chairman) to vote or be counted in the quorum and such
question is not resolved by his
[...] voluntarily agreeing toabstain from voting or [...]
not to be counted in the quorum, such question
shall be referred to the Chairman and his ruling in relation to such other Director shall be final and conclusive except in a case where the nature or extent of the interest of the Director concerned as known to such Director has not been fairly disclosed to the Board.
136 倘於任何董事会会议上就董事权益的重要性或合同、安排或交易或拟订合 同、安排或交易的重要性或任何董事享有的表决权或构成法定人数的资格产
[...] 生任何问题,而该问题不能透过其自愿同意或不计入法定人数的方 式解决,则该问题均交由大会主席(或如该问题涉及主席利益,则由其他与 [...]
适用)主席)的裁决将为最终及具决定性之裁决,除非并未就有关董事(或 (如适用)主席)所知由该董事(或(如适用)主席)拥有的权益性质或范 围向董事会作出公平披露则作别论。
136 If any question shall arise at any meeting of the Board as to the materiality of a Director's interest or the significance of a contract, arrangement or transaction or proposed contract, arrangement or transaction or as to the entitlement of any Director to vote or form part of a quorum and such
question is not resolved by his
[...] voluntarily agreeing to abstain from voting or [...]
not to be counted in the quorum, such question
shall be referred to the Chairman of the meeting (or, where question relates to the interest of the Chairman, to the other Directors at the meeting) and his ruling (or, as appropriate, the ruling of the other Directors) in relation to any other Director (or, as appropriate, the Chairman) shall be final and conclusive except in a case where the nature or extent of the interests of the Director concerned (or, as appropriate, the Chairman) as known to such Director (or, as appropriate, the Chairman) has not been fairly disclosed to the Board.
我们会利用运载记录制度,监管惰性建 筑废物和非惰性建筑废物分别运往公众填料接收设施和堆 填情况。
We will control the disposal of inert construction waste and non-inert construction waste to public fill reception facilities and landfills respectively through a trip-ticket system.
由於概无股东於该等收购事项中拥有重大权益,因此倘若 贵公司就批准该等 收购事项举行股东大会,则股东毋须 ,而 贵公司已获取联交所豁免遵守上市规则 第14A.43条之规定,该等收购事项所需之独立股东书面批准可透过获得津联发出书面批准 之方式代替举行股东大会。
Since none of the Shareholders is materially interested in the Acquisitions, therefore no Shareholder is required to abstain from voting if the Company were to convene a general meeting for the approval of the Acquisitions, the Company has been granted by the Stock Exchange a waiver pursuant to Rule 14A.43 of the Listing Rules that written Independent Shareholders’ approval for the Acquisitions may be obtained by means of written approval from Tsinlien in lieu of holding a general meeting.
3) 转 移 了 收 取 金 融 资 产 现 金 流 量 的 权 利,并 且(a)实 质 上 转 让 了 金 融 资 产 所 有 权 上 几 乎 所 有 的 风 险 和 报 酬,或(b)虽 然 实 质 上 既 没 有 转 移 也 没 有 保 留 金 融 资 产 所 有 权 上 几 乎 所 有 的 风 险 和 报 酬,但该 金 融 资 产 的 控 制。
3) Therightofreceivingcashflowgeneratedbythefinancia lassetsistransferred,and(a)substantially allrisksandrewardsoftheownershipofsuchfinancialas setshavebeentransferred,or(b)control over such financial assets has been renounced even though substantially none of the risks and rewards of the ownership of such financial assets have been transferred or retained.
倘根据上市规则,任何股东须就任何特定决议案或仅可投票赞 成或反对任何特定决议案,则由有关股东或其代表作出之任何违反有关规定或限制之 投票将不会被点算。
Where any shareholder is, under the Listing Rules, required toabstain from voting on any particular resolution or restricted to voting only for or only against any particular resolution, any votes cast by or on behalf of such shareholder in contravention of such requirement or restriction shall not be counted.
[...] 公司董事(不包括独立非执行董事)及主要行政人员以及彼等各自之联系人(定义见创业板上 市规则),须赞成批准一般授权之决议案,而有关决议案须以投票方式表决。
According to Rule 17.42A(1) of the GEM Listing Rules, any controlling Shareholders and their associates or, where there are no controlling Shareholders, Directors (excluding independent nonexecutive Directors) and the chief executive of the Company and their
respective associates (as defined in the GEM Listing
[...] Rules) shall abstain from voting [...]
in favour of the resolution to approve the General
Mandate and such resolution shall be voted on by way of a poll.
19.3 本行可以随时转让协议下的所有或部份权利或利益,而受让人应有与本行相同的权利或利 益,犹如受让人是协议的当事人一样。阁下通过本19.3条分条款免质疑此等转让 的有效性的权利。
19.3 We may at any time assign all or any of our rights or benefits hereunder and in that event the assignee shall have the same rights or benefits against you as he would have had as if the assignee had been a party hereto and you waive and renounce all your rights, if any, to challenge the validity of any such assignment by way of this sub-clause 19.3.
(A) 替任董事应(在其向本公司提供总办事处当时所在地区的地 址、电话及传真号码以供向其发出通知的规限下及不在总办 事处当时所在地区除外)有权(除其任命人外)接收及(代 替其任命人)及董事任何委员会(其任命人为其中 一名成员)会议通知,并应有权在委任其的董事没有亲自出 席的任何该会议上以董事身份出席及投票,并在一般情况下 在该会议上以董事身份履行其任命人的一切职能,以及就在 该会议上的议事程序而言,本文件的条文应适用,犹如彼(而 非其任命人)为董事。
95. (A) An alternate Director shall (subject to his giving to the Company an address, telephone and facsimile number within the territory of the Head Office for the time being for the giving of notices on him and except when absent from the territory in which the Head Office is for the time being situate) be entitled (in addition to his appointor) to receive and (in lieu of his appointor) to waive notices of meetings of the Directors and of any committee of the Directors of which his appointor is a member and shall be entitled to attend and vote as a Director at any such meeting at which the Director appointing him is not personally present and generally at such meeting to perform all the functions of his appointor as a Director and for the purposes of the proceedings at such meeting the provisions of these presents shall apply as if he (instead of his appointor) were a Director.
不过,由於消费者购买新鲜水果前,水果可能已被污 染,以及在世界其他地方发生的食物中毒事故,零售商和消费者应紧记 在配制( 例如去皮和切片) 和进食新鲜水果前把水果洗净;使用清洁和已 消毒的器具和表面处理和切开水果;把切开的水果贮存在摄氏 4 度或以 下直至食用或出售,以室温摆放超过 2 小时的切开水果。
However, due to the potential for contam ination of fresh fruits occurring prior to their purchase by consumers and the outbreaks of food poisoning in other parts of the world, retailers and consumers are advised to wash fresh fruits before preparation (such as peeling and cutting) and consumption; handle and cut fruits using clean and sanitized utensils and surfaces; store cut fruits at 4o C or below until served or sold; and discardcut fruit s kept at am bient temperature for more than 2 hours.
(c) 倘连续三次按其登记地址向任何股东(或倘属股份之联名持有人,则为名 列股东名册首位之股东)送交通告或其他文件,惟因无法派递而退回,则
该名股东(及倘属股份之联名持有人,则为股份之所有其他联名持有人) 自此後无权接收或获送达通告或其他文件(董事会根据本章程细则第(b)段
[...] 可能选择之其他方式除外),并将视为其已本公司发出之通告及 其他文件之权利,直至其联络本公司并以书面方式提交向其送达通告之新 [...]
(c) If on 3 consecutive occasions notices or other documents have been sent through the post to any Shareholder (or, in the case of joint holders of a share, the first holder named on the register) at his registered address but have been returned undelivered, such Shareholder (and, in the case of joint holders of a Share, all other joint holders of the share) shall not thereafter be entitled to receive or be served (save as the Board may elect otherwise pursuant to
paragraph (b) of this Article) and shall be deemed
[...] to have waived theservice of notices [...]
and other documents from the Company until
he shall have communicated with the Company and supplied in writing a new registered address for the service of notices on him.
(2) 倘本公司得悉任何股东根据指定证券交易所规则须就本公司任何特定决议 案,或受限制仅可就本公司任何特定决议案投赞成票或仅可投反对票,则该 [...]
(2) Where the Company has knowledge that any Member is, under
the rules of the Designated Stock Exchange,
[...] requiredto abstain from voting [...]
on any particular resolution of the Company
or restricted to voting only for or only against any particular resolution of the Company, any votes cast by or on behalf of such Member in contravention of such requirement or restriction shall not be counted.
在未收到阁下事前书面同意或常设授权的情况下,吾等不得将阁下的任何证券或其他投资用作吾等获得 的任何贷款或预付金的抵押,或为任何目的借出或阁下的证券或其他投资。
We shall not, without your prior written consent or standing authority, deposit any of your Securities or other Investments as security for any loans or advances made to us, or lend or otherwise part with the possession of your Securities or other Investments for any purpose.
(戊) 习惯法关於向未成人出售财产或货品的规定,其中部分 应由成文法取而代之,以便法庭可要求未成年人将根据可不予履行或 已约而取得的任何财产,交还供应商(第 3.8.6 段)。
(e) The common law rules governing the sale of property or goods to a minor should be partly replaced by statute so that a minor can be required by a court to transfer to the supplier any property acquired by the minor under an unenforceable or repudiated contract (para. 3.8.6).
(Macasía River)环境重建计画」、协助萨尔瓦多、史瓦 济兰「安全饮用水计画」、在太平洋六友邦推动「台 湾一盏灯计画」、索罗门群岛「全国森林种植发展计 画」、帛琉「污水处理系统改善计画」、海地「整治尖 沙海滩计画」、宏都拉斯「西部天然灾害防治计画」、 吐瓦鲁「量计画」及「捐助国际保育计画」 等。
k. Environmental protection: Macasía River Recovery Project in the Dominican Republic, Program for Environmental Pollution Control in El Salvador and Access to Potable Water in Rural Swaziland Project, Light Up Taiwan Project in six allied nations in the Pacific, Nationwide Forestation Campaign in the Solomon Islands, Program to Improve Sewage Disposal Systems in Palau, Point Sable Beach Renovation Program in Haiti, Program on Prevention and Control of Natural Disasters in the West in Honduras, Funafuti Household Solid Waste Reduction Technical Assistance Project in Tuvalu, and donations to international conservation programs.
於 年 内,概 无 董 事 或 监 事酬 金,而 本 集 团 亦 无 支 付 任 何 薪 酬 予 董 事、监 事 或 任 何 五 名 最 高 薪 酬 雇 员,作 为 加 入 本 集 团 的 诱 因 或 离 职 补 偿。
During the year, no director or supervisor waived or agreed to waive any emolument, and no emoluments were paid by the Group to the directors, supervisors or any of the five highest paid employees as an inducement to join or upon joining the Group or as compensation for loss of office.
(2) 每 名 股 东 同 意可 因 董 事 在 履 行 本 公 司 职 责 时 采 取 的 任 何 行 动 或 未 有 采 取 任 何 行 动 而 针 对 任 何 董 事 提 出 的 任 何 申 索 或 起 诉 权 利( 不 论 个 别 或 根 据 或 凭 藉 本 公 司 的 权 利 ), 惟 该伸 至 与 董 事 的 任 何 故 意 疏 忽 、 故 意 犯 错 、 欺 诈 或 不 忠 诚 有 关 的 事 宜 。
(2) Each Member agrees to waive any claim or right of action he might have, whether individually or by or in the right of the Company, against any Director on account of any action taken by such Director, or the failure of such Director to take any action in the performance of his duties with or for the Company; PROVIDED THAT such waivershall not extend to any matter in respect of any wilful negligence, wilful default, fraud or dishonesty which may attach to such Director.
(B) 在本公司细则第 6(C)条第 12(A)段的规限下,倘任何财产 (包括兑换股份及其股票)将配发、转让或交付予任何可 换股优先股股东,则本公司可就有关配发、转让或交付作 出其视作合适安排,尤其是(但不限於)可委任任何人士 代表该名可换股优先股股东签立任何转让书、其 他文件,以及可就交付任何文件或财产予该名可换股优先 股股东作出安排,惟风险概由其自行承担。
(B) Subject to paragraph 12(A) in this Bye-law 6 (C), where any property (including Conversion Shares and share certificates in respect of them) is to be allotted, transferred or delivered to any CP Shareholder the Company may make such arrangements with regard to such allotment, transfer or delivery as it may deem appropriate and in particular, without limitation, may appoint any person on behalf of that CP Shareholder to execute any transfers, renunciationsor other document and may make arrangements for the delivery of any document or property to that CP Shareholder at his/its risk.
股 东 如 为 (i) 收 购 人 、 其 联 系 人 及 与 彼 等 任 何 一 方 一 致 行 动 之人士 ; (ii) 收 购 人 、 阎 先 生 及 其 任 何 一 方 之一致 行 动 人 士 ; 及 (iii) 参 与 服
务 协 议 或 据 此 拟 进 行 之任 何 交 易 或 於 当 中 拥 有 利 益 之任何 股 东( 包 括 周 先 生 ), 则 须 於 股 东 特 别 大 会 上 就 提 呈
[...] 批 准 服 务 协 议 之 决 议 案
Shareholders including (i) the Vendors, its associates and parties acting in concert with any of them; (ii) the Offeror, Mr. Yan and the parties acting in concert with any of them; and (iii) any Shareholders who are involved in or interested in the Service Agreement or any
transactions contemplated therein (including Mr.
[...] Chow) shall abstain from voting [...]
on the proposed resolution approving the Service Agreement at the EGM.
3.4 不停靠原定港口 假如船长或承运人认为,在原定登岸港口靠岸会造成船只、任何乘客、 行李或货物之不便、延误、损坏或危险,不论为何原因(包括不违背 前述之限制、疫情及罢工或要挟罢工)该船可以 票指定的登 岸港口停靠,并可由承运人全权决定将乘客及其行李载往任何其他港 口登岸。
If, in the opinion of the Master of the Vessel or the Carrier, entry into the port of disembarkation may result in inconvenience, delay, damage, or danger either to the Vessel or any Passenger or Luggage or cargo for any reason whatsoever (including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing restriction, 9 epidemic and whether actual or threatened strikes), the Vessel may omit to call at the port of disembarkation named on the Ticket and may carry the Passengers to any other port in the Carrier’s sole discretion and land them and their Luggage there.




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更新时间:2025/3/28 5:01:45