单词 | 异界 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 异界 adverb —otherworldly adjSee also:异 adj—other adj • different adj 异—unusual • distinguish • surprising • hetero- • discriminate
2005年,在金泽彗星俱乐部举行首次个展"RINGOROME";2006年在东京都 惊 异 世 界 艺 术村再次举行个展"不思议世界"。 ravenelart.com | His first solo exhibition "Ringorome" was held at Kanazawa in 2005, and had his next solo exhibition "Undream in Wonder World" at Tokyo Wonder Site in 2006. ravenelart.com |
人类依赖海洋获取食物的程度和需求增加造成的压力,世界不同地区之间的 差异,世界上某 些地区依赖其他地区获取鱼和海产品的程度,海洋生物资源对粮 食安全的贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | Scale of human dependence on the oceans and seas for food and pressures of increased [...] demands, the [...] variations between different parts of the world, and the extent to which some parts of the world depend on [...]other parts for fish [...]and seafood and the contribution of living marine resources to food security. daccess-ods.un.org |
弥赛亚是所谓的“Hadrach”,作为一个谁领导 的 异 教 徒 世 界 悔 改 (),虽然他是以色列的投标,向外邦人苛刻(亚九1。 mb-soft.com | The Messiah is called "Hadrach" (Zech. ix. 1), as the one [...] who leads the heathen world to repentance (), [...]though he is tender to Israel and harsh [...]toward the Gentiles (: Cant. R. vii. 5). mb-soft.com |
3. 强调为应对本组织在日新月异的世界 上 所面临的各种挑战与非政府组织发展战略合作伙伴 关系的重要性 unesdoc.unesco.org | Stresses the importance of the development of strategic partnerships with non-governmental organizations in order to take up the many challenges facing the Organization in a changing world; 4. unesdoc.unesco.org |
的确,尽管 人类大家庭内存在着极大的差异, 但全 世 界 的 各种文 化都有着共同的原则,这就是,主张正义、进步和宽 容,并坚信人人享有尊严。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, despite the great diversity of the human family, cultures the world over share common principles of justice, progress, tolerance and belief in the dignity of all human beings. daccess-ods.un.org |
在同样的措施,但是,由于受到以色列在伟大的世界列强手中的失败,主日在先知的概念变成了发怒的日子, 为 异 教 徒 世 界 和 以 色列的胜利。 mb-soft.com | In the same measure, however, as Israel suffers defeat at the hand of the great world-powers, [...] the Day of the Lord in the prophetic conception becomes a day [...] of wrath for the heathen world and of triumph [...]for Israel. mb-soft.com |
尽管各地的养老金计划会因所在国法律规定的不同而有所 差 异 , 但 瓦克在 世 界 各 地 的分支机构的员工几乎都可享受养老金待遇。 reports.wacker.com | They are available at nearly every site around the world, with individual pension plans complying with country-specific legislation. reports.wacker.com |
为了保护品牌,品牌所有者需要品牌内容管理和印前系统来体现这一 差 异 , 以 便在全 世 界 创 造 始终如一的包装外观。 graphics.kodak.com | To protect the brand, the brand owner needs brand content [...] management and prepress systems that can account for [...] these differences, to create consistent-looking packaging around the world. graphics.kodak.com |
接受非洲联盟高级别执行小组的整个地图,但对一段国际 边 界 线 有异 议,该段边界线涉及阿拉伯河以南 14 英里地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | The whole map of the African Union High-level Implementation Panel is accepted with one exception in the international border-line, and that is the portion regarding the area of 14 miles south of Bahr el Arab. daccess-ods.un.org |
Jacob未受过全球流动跨文 化培训之前,不会考虑文化上的差异 ,无 论身处世界上任 何地方都以同样方式处理 工作和生活。 doosan.com | Before Jacob completed crosscultural training [...] through Global Mobility, he assumed work and life would be the same [...] anywhere in the world, regardless of cultural differences. doosan.com |
在说明逐渐引入的氟氯烃与2009年估计消费量之 间的差异时,世界银行 表示,在编写氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的泡沫塑料和制冷部分期间,之 前转用HCFC-141b技术的一些企业关闭或转移到其他国家;其他企业则调整了经营产品, 还有其他企业则自身寻求最终解决办法。 multilateralfund.org | In explaining the [...] difference between the HCFCs that were phased in and the estimated amount consumed in 2009, the World Bank stated that [...]during the preparation [...]of the foam and refrigeration components of the HPMP, some enterprises that were previously converted to HCFC-141b technology were closed or moved to other countries; others changed their business products and others converted to a final solution 16 on their own. multilateralfund.org |
世界应异口同 声地谴责在保加利亚的这种野蛮袭击——以度暑假的家庭、家 [...] 长和儿童为袭击目标,并立即制止伊朗的恐怖运动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The world should speak with one voice [...] against this barbaric attack in Bulgaria, targeting families, parents and children [...]on their summer vacation — and bring an immediate halt to Iran’s campaign of terror. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,有一点尚不明 确,即:处理所有这些表现形式各异 的 非法 跨 界 活动的最恰当和最有效办法是否是将其归入同一类别,因 为它们可能有不同的根源,对和平和安全的影响也不 [...] 同,因而可能要求采取不同的补救办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is not clear, however, that the most appropriate and [...] effective way of addressing all [...] the different manifestations of illicit cross-border activities is by [...]putting them into the [...]same category, as they may have different root causes and implications for peace and security, and thus may require different remedies. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着地球温暖化的不 断进展,世界气候普 遍异常。 torisakyu.or.jp | The effects of global [...] warming is being felt throughout the world. torisakyu.or.jp |
不过,我方建议本条还应界定“异常 高 价”概 念,应当引入一项规定,允许采购实体在其认为参与方的提交书提出异常高价 的情况下否决该提交书。 daccess-ods.un.org | We would propose, however, that the [...] concept of an “abnormally high price” should also be defined in this [...]article and that a provision [...]should be introduced allowing the procuring entity to reject a submission if the procuring entity believes that the participant’s submission proposes an abnormally high price. daccess-ods.un.org |
在德班,世界各国异口同声地重申,决心继 续同种族主义祸害作斗争并尽一切努力消除种族主 义。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Durban, the world spoke with one voice [...] and reaffirmed its commitment to continue to fight against the scourge of racism [...]and to do everything to eradicate it. daccess-ods.un.org |
与此同时,传统网络必须更好地使自己的桌面和移动体验实现 差 异 化 , 确保移 动 界 面 简 单实用,加载速度快,同时充分利用GPS、近场通讯等技术,甚至还要充分利用周边地理位置功能。 imitexpo.com | At the same time, traditional networks must better to desktop and mobile experience to differentiate themselves, ensure the mobile interface is simple and practical, load quickly, while making full use of GPS, such as near-field communications technology and even to take full advantage of the surrounding geographic features. imitexpo.com |
首先,从概念上讲,过敏指的是身体对某些物质或 外 界 刺 激 的 异 常 反 应,这些物质就是所谓的“过敏原”。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | An allergy refers to an abnormal response or over-reaction of the body to certain substances, which are called “allergens. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
我们,全世界的地方领导人,意识到 世 界 各 地 区的 差 异 和 多 样性,由于地方政府是国 家机构的组成部分,我们决心捍卫建立在民主基础上的非集中化进程,并确保为我们的所有 [...] 社区、通过它们并与它们一起适当地提供基本服务。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Respecting the [...] differences and diversity of the different regions of the world, and conscious [...]of the fact that local government [...]is an integral part of the national structure of each country and needs to adapt to the national context, we commit ourselves to advocate decentralization processes that develop a democratic system of governance and an adequate basic service provision for, by and with the community. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在《1960 年埃尔姆斯-多拉德条约》中, 荷兰和德国就数百年来一直存在争议的埃尔姆斯-多拉德地区的一段 边 界 “ 求同 存异”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the 1960 Ems-Dollard Treaty, the Netherlands and Germany “agreed to disagree” with regard to a boundary in the Ems-Dollard area, which had been under dispute for several hundred years. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴西代表团认为,准则草案第 4 节“分析储备样本”造成了进口国和出口国之间 的不公平待遇,有利于进口国,并指出,CAC/32 LIM 12 [...] 中的意见描述了模拟使用第 4 节中提到的临界差异三角以阐明与该节相关的困难。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of Brazil expressed the view that section 4 “Analysing Reserve Samples” in the Draft Guidelines resulted in unequal treatment between the importing and the exporting countries, in favour of the importing country, and indicated that the [...] comments in CAC/32 LIM 12 described [...] simulations using the critical difference delta [...]mentioned in section 4 in order to illustrate [...]the difficulties related to that section. codexalimentarius.org |
2002 年,Philip Stein 手表凭借融合其每个手表系列优点的创新理念在钟 表 界 大 放 异 彩。 hk.ashford.com | Philip Stein Watches exploded on the watch world in 2002 with their innovative idea of combining the concept of well being in their line of watches. ashford.com |
全新的Windows界面异常引 人注目,并可以将任意一项应用程序转换为窗口小部件,同时还可以在未开启相关程序的同时直接相互应用,方便快捷。 windows-8.cn.uptodown.com | The new interface of Windows is totally interactive, [...] and converts every application to widgets, with which we will be able [...]to directly interact with them without having to open the corresponding program. windows-8.en.uptodown.com |
驻地协调员和联合国国家工作队在支助援助协调方面的作用因东道国的发 展状况和捐助界的特点而各异。 daccess-ods.un.org | The role of the resident coordinators and the United Nations country teams in supporting aid coordination varies with the development status of the host country and the characteristics of the donor community. daccess-ods.un.org |
附近的芒特阿什庄园(Mount Usher [...] Gardens)坐落在阿什福德(Ashford),那里的森林里种植着来自 世 界 各 地的 奇 异 花 朵、树木和灌木丛。 discoverireland.com | The nearby Mount Usher [...] Gardens at Ashford boasts exotic flowers, trees and [...]shrubs from all parts of the globe, planted alongside and amongst wild woodland. discoverireland.com |
CMC 辅助装置不仅作为离线分析界面表现 优 异 , 而 且其自动 NMR 解释功能也可以用于在配备最新控制软件的任何 Bruker NMR 仪器上直接生成结果,令其成为市场上最高效、最简便的 NMR 工作流程。 bruker.com | CMC-assist not only excels as an off-line analysis interface but its automated NMR interpretation power can also be used to generate results directly at any Bruker NMR instrument equipped with the latest control software, making it the most efficient and streamlined NMR workflow on the market. bruker.com |
因为多任务操作系统和某些应用软件的设计方法的原因,例如,用于处理用 户 界面 等异步事件的事件驱动型代码,某些并行处理功能是原生的,但是,这些原生并行线程的均衡 性通常很差,通常相互关联,只有少数线程可并行使用现有多核处理器,然而最终只能发挥双 核以下处理器的能力。 stericsson.com | However these natural concurrent threads are typically very unbalanced - most often they are dependent on each other, and only a few of them make significant parallel use of the available processors, ending up in benefitting from no more than two processors. stericsson.com |
这些数据覆盖 169 个国家或地 区,占全世界已婚或与异性同居的 15-49 岁妇女总数的 99.7%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Both provide the most recent national data available on contraceptive use and the unmet need for family planning for 169 countries or areas, accounting for 99.7 per cent of the global number of women aged 15-49 who are married or in union. daccess-ods.un.org |
拉曼恰地区肥沃多产的土地满足了来自 世 界 各 地 不同 优 异 品种的成长需求,这类引入品种与西班牙本地知名品种 天帕尼优 (Tempranillo)和 爱人 (Airén)互为补充,因此近年来销量节节攀 升。 lamanchawines.com | Moreover, the versatility of their land has enabled them to introduce a vast variety of grapes from around the world without problems, complementing the indigenous grapes Airen and Tempranillo, whose quality has enabled sales to grow steadily in recent years. lamanchawines.com |
为 了 知 道 想 要 保 护 哪 些 品 种 植 物 动物 微生物 人们首先必须认识 和界定特定区域内生物体的潜力 与此同 时 我们的确认识了并在利用许多植物物 种和品种 但我们仍远远没有完整的植物 界记录异地保 护方法是保护植物基因组成 netzhammerbreiholz.de | In order to know what one wants to protect – plant, animal, microorganism –, one must first recognise and define the potential of the living organism in that specific region. netzhammerbreiholz.de |