单词 | 异步的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 异步的 adjective —asynchronous adjSee also:异步 adj—synchronous adj 异 adj—other adj • different adj 异—unusual • distinguish • surprising • hetero- • discriminate
所有上传操作都是异步的,因 此集成该控件的网页仍然可以在整个传送过程中响应其他用户交互。 evget.com | All upload [...] operations are asynchronous, so the hosting [...]Web page remains perfectly responsive and usable throughout the transfer. evget.com |
它提供了大量的工具与函数:公式编辑器,同步 和 异步的 图 表 ,先进的动态排序,过滤顶部或者底部N项。 evget.com | It offers a large variety of tools and functions: [...] formula editor, synchronous and asynchronous charting, [...]advanced dynamic sorting, filtering top or bottom N items. evget.com |
因为调用是异步的,拍 卖行把拍卖标识传递给拍卖注册服务。 huihoo.org | Because the [...] invocation is done asynchronously, the auction [...]house passes the auction ID to the auction registration service. huihoo.org |
请注意,本例中使用的所有这些命令都 是 异步的 , 因此数据不是从事务内部返回的。 html5rocks.com | Note that all of these commands used in this sample are asynchronous and as such the data is not returned from inside the transaction. html5rocks.com |
就像上面演示的那样,锁定指针的过程 是 异步的 , 使用 ( developer.mozilla.org | As demonstrated above, the process of locking the [...] pointer is asynchronous, with events ( developer.mozilla.org |
我们还会将Spring的Web支持带到一个新的层次,这将 由 异步的 H T TP I/O处理与WebSockets所驱动,并且还会改进对其他语言如Groovy [...] 2的支持。 infoq.com | We will also take Spring's web support to the next [...] level, driven by asynchronous HTTP I/O processing [...]and WebSockets, and revisit our support [...]for alternative languages such as Groovy 2. infoq.com |
在第一个示例所演示的交互中,购买定单在单向入站的请求中被接收,包括发票的确认 在 异步的 响 应 中被发送。 huihoo.org | The first example shows an interaction in which a purchase [...] order is received in a one-way inbound request and a confirmation including an invoice [...] is sent in the asynchronous response. huihoo.org |
如前所述,这种操作可以是同步的请求/响应,也可以 是 异步的 单 向 操作。 huihoo.org | Recall that such an [...] operation can be a synchronous request/response or an asynchronous one-way operation. huihoo.org |
正如在引言中所述,WSDL 所直接支持的交互模型仅仅是同步或无 关 的异步 交 互 的无 状态客户机/服务器模型。 huihoo.org | As noted in the introduction, the interaction model that is directly [...] supported by WSDL is essentially a stateless [...] client-server model of synchronous or uncorrelated asynchronous [...]interactions. huihoo.org |
WSDL 所直接支持的交互模型仅仅是同步或不相 关 的异步 交 互的无状态模型。 huihoo.org | The interaction model that is directly supported by WSDL is essentially a [...] stateless model of synchronous or uncorrelated asynchronous [...]interactions. huihoo.org |
标准的Modbus协议是一个异步协议 ,目的是直接连接到计算 机 的异步 端 口。 janitza.de | The Modbus standard protocol is an asynchronous protocol designed to connect directly to computer asynchronous ports. janitza.com |
有关 IndexedDB API 的参考手册,请参见 IndexedDB [...] 这篇文章及其子页面,包括 IndexedDB 使用的对象类型,以及同步和异步 API 的方法。 developer.mozilla.org | For the reference documentation on the IndexedDB API, see the IndexedDB article and its subpages, [...] which document the types of objects used by IndexedDB, as well as the methods [...] of both the synchronous and asynchronous APIs. developer.mozilla.org |
这一步是通过发出一条命令消息后 异步 处 理 的 , 以 便让用户可以立即继续处理下一索引任务。 infoq.com | This is handled asynchronously by firing off [...] a command message allowing the user to immediately continue with the next indexing task. infoq.com |
请使用下面的链接继续查询相关企业 的 主 题 异步 发 电 器,可在IndustryStock的数据库中获得。 industrystock.cn | Please use the following link to research other relevant [...] companies relating to Asynchronous generators in IndustryStock's [...]database. industrystock.com |
读/写操作执 行到异步存储器的第 3 个块的任意地址中。 analog.com | The reads/writes are done [...] to any address of Asynchronous Memory Bank 3. analog.com |
异步调用仅指定操作的输入 容器,这是因为它并不期待作为操作一部分的响应(请参阅提供 Web [...] 服务操作)。 huihoo.org | An asynchronous invocation specifies only the [...] input container of the operation because it does not expect a response as [...]part of the operation (see Providing Web Service Operations). huihoo.org |
现有的事务模型往往是同步的,而 我们在SOA及其它领域已看到更强 调 异步 ( 即 松 耦合)处 理 的 方 向。 infoq.com | Current transactional models [...] tend toward synchronous, and we are seeing a trend in SOA and elsewhere toward an emphasis on asynchronous (e.g. loosely [...]coupled) processing. infoq.com |
这些独立式通用变频器可控制标准 异步 或 同 步 交 流电 机 的 转 速 、转矩、方向、启动和停止。 ab.rockwellautomation.com | These general purpose, stand-alone drives control speed, torque, direction, [...] starting, and stopping of standard asynchronous or synchronous AC motors. ab.rockwellautomation.com |
结构系列为 CT/CV 的异步伺服 电机交货时带有连接好的接线头,铭牌上有说明。 download.sew-eurodrive.com | The asynchronous servomotors of the CT/CV [...] series are supplied with connected terminal links according to the nameplate. download.sew-eurodrive.com |
为了支持对客户的异步响应 ,不仅要更改“sendPurchaseOrder”的签名并定义表示客户回调接口的新的 portType,还要在前面的示例中作出两个修改。 huihoo.org | In addition to changing the signature of "sendPurchaseOrder" and defining a new portType to represent the customer callback interface, two modifications need to be made in the preceding example to support an asynchronous response to the customer. huihoo.org |
如果指定的异步下载文件存在,浏览器就会生成新的 Worker 线程。 html5rocks.com | If the specified file exists, the browser will spawn a new worker thread, [...] which is downloaded asynchronously. html5rocks.com |
因为多任务操作系统和某些应用软件的设计方法的原因,例如,用于处理用户界面 等异步事件的事件驱动型代码,某些并行处理功能是原生的,但是,这些原生并行线程的均衡 性通常很差,通常相互关联,只有少数线程可并行使用现有多核处理器,然而最终只能发挥双 核以下处理器的能力。 stericsson.com | However these natural concurrent threads are typically very unbalanced - most often they are dependent on each other, and only a few of them make significant parallel use of the available processors, ending up in benefitting from no more than two processors. stericsson.com |
这使得运行在不同机器上的,采用不同语言开发的且没有联 系 的 应 用程序之间能够进 行 异步 通 信。 javakaiyuan.com | This makes it run on different [...] machines using different languages and there is no link [...] developed between applications to communicate asynchronously . javakaiyuan.com |
使用异步电动 发电机可以改变水泵水轮 机 的 转 速。 voith.com | With the use of an asynchronous motor-generator the rotational speed [...] of the pump-turbine can be varied. voith.com |
签约的客户可以在IndustryStock内使用6种不同的语言非常详尽地搜索例 如 异步 发 电 器 的 当 前 信息和工业、贸易范围内的150,000多种产品,以及关于制造商、贸易商、供货商和服务商的信息。 industrystock.cn | Because to establish high-quality contacts is the clear company target of IndustryStock - in the B-2-B-Index with the experience of many years in the B-to-b. The search friendly handling immediately leads to detailed hit lists and the appropriate firm data, surely not only regarding Asynchronous generators. industrystock.com |
该器件可为诸如同步从 FIFO、异步 SRAM 以及其他之类常用工业接口提供简单方 便 的 无 胶 连接。 digikey.cn | It provides easy and glue-less [...] connectivity to popular industry interfaces such as synchronous Slave FIFO, asynchronous SRAM, and others. digikey.be |
3.支持任何传输之上的异步,同 步和请求响应事件处理机制. javakaiyuan.com | 3. support any [...] transmission over asynchronous , synchronous and request-response [...]event handling mechanism . javakaiyuan.com |
它提高了各种应用的能效、为所有性能级别 提供了恒定扭矩、提高了加速度且电机运行 时的发热低于同等异步产品。 interroll.com | Applications become more energy efficient, the torque is consistent [...] at every performance level, acceleration can be increased and [...] the motors run cooler than their asynchronous counterparts. interroll.com |
例如,以 EML (.eml) 或 MHT (.mht) [...] 文件格式打开或保存电子邮件;分析 Microsoft Outlook Messages (*.msg);处理 MIME 信息;在电子邮件中嵌入对象;发送大批邮件;使用邮件合并不同文件(例如 DataTable 和 DataReader 等待)的特性创建电子邮件;发送 iCalendar 兼容信息;以异步模式 工作;使用 POP3 接收和管理邮件;使用文件传输协议(FTP)上传、下载和管理文件;从 WhoIs 服务器解析域名信息;使用 DNS 协议以同步和异步方式查询域名;以同步或异步方式发送和接收 [...]Pings;处理 ICMP [...]信息;使用因特网信息访问协议(IMAP)连接到 Microsoft Outlook Express 以访问和管理邮件;验证邮件地址和穿透不同类型的代理,等等。 evget.com | For example, opening or saving emails in the form of EML (.eml) or MHT (.mht) files, parsing Microsoft Outlook Messages (*.msg), dealing with [...] MIME messages, embedding [...] objects in the email messages, sending bulk emails, creating emails using mail merge feature with different types of data sources like DataTable & DataReader etc., sending iCalendar compliant messages, working in asynchronous mode, receiving and [...]managing emails using [...]POP3, uploading, downloading & managing files on servers using File Transfer Protocol (FTP), retrieving domains information from WhoIs servers, querying domains in synchronous or asynchronous modes using DNS protocol, sending & receiving Pings in synchronous or asynchronous modes, processing ICMP messages, connecting to Microsoft Outlook Express for accessing and managing emails using Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), verifying email addresses & penetrating through different types of proxies etc. evget.com |
福伊特为这座现代化的抽水蓄能电站提供两台额定功率为 380 MW 的可变速水泵水轮机、两台额定功率为 440 MVA 的异步电动 发电机、变频器、控制系统以及水工钢结构组件。 voith.com | Voith has delivered two variable-speed pump turbines, each with 380 MW rated power, two asynchronous motor generators, each offering 440 MVA in rated power, the frequency converter and the control systems, as well as the hydromechanical equipment for the modern pumped storage power plant, Frades II. voith.com |