

单词 异性性接触

See also:


the opposite sex
of the opposite sex
different in nature


sexual encounter

接触 n

contact n
engagement n
contacts pl
exposure n

接触 v

access v
touch v


in touch with

External sources (not reviewed)

在德国,艾滋病毒/艾滋病的主要感染人群是有同性恋接触的男性(61%), 其次便是通异性接触传染而感染的人(17%)。
In Germany, the main group affected by HIV/AIDS
consists of men with
[...] homosexual contacts (61 per cent), followed by persons infected as a result of heterosexual transmission [...]
(17 per cent).
虽然在非洲撒哈拉以南地区艾滋病毒主要是通 异性性接触 传 播 ,但注射 吸毒是一个正在出现的问题。
While HIV in sub-Saharan Africa is
[...] transmitted mainly via heterosexual contact, injecting [...]
drug use is an emerging problem.
为防止异氰酸酯接触,还 应为工作区内的每个人配 备适当的个人防护装备,包括防化学渗透的手套、靴 [...]
To prevent contact with isocyanates, appropriate personal [...]
protective equipment, including chemically impermeable gloves,
boots, aprons, and goggles, is also required for everyone in the work area.
然而,PeakForce金枪鱼方法生产的机械和电 性 能 的地图,这通常是密切相关的,因为在测量过程中 接触 下 落 不明 异。
However, the PeakForce TUNA method
produces mechanical
[...] and electrical property maps, which usually are strongly correlated because of unaccounted variability of contact during [...]
在过渡期之前和过渡期期间,联合国教科文组织与以下关键人士和机构进行 接触, 请 他们对保护伊拉克文物免遭摧毁、抢劫及非法进口、出口和交易的必 性 给 予 关注:联合 国秘书长、美国和英国当局、伊拉克周边国家(即科威特、土耳其、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、沙 特阿拉伯、叙利亚和约旦)的文化部、国际刑警组织、世界海关组织和国际艺术品商人联合 会(CINOA)。
Prior to and during this transitional period, UNESCO contacted key players to bring their attention to the
need to protect Iraq’s
[...] cultural property against destruction, pillaging and illicit import, export and trade: the United Nations Secretary-General, the US and UK authorities, the ministries of culture of neighbouring [...]
countries of Iraq
(namely Kuwait, Turkey, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Jordan), Interpol, the World Customs Organization and the World Confederation of Art Dealers (CINOA).
世界纲领》 可予以修订,以便更充分地体现《公约》第 3 条提出的、生动体现残疾人权利现
[...] 选择,以及个人的自立;充分和切实地参与和融入社会;尊重 异 , 接 受 残 疾人 是人的多性的一 部分和人类的一份子;机会均等;无障碍;男女平等;尊重残 [...]
The World Programme could be updated in order to more fully reflect the core principles that animate the current international disability rights framework as reflected in article 3 of the Convention, including: respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy, freedom to make one’s own choices, and independence of persons; full and effective participation and inclusion
[...] society; respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities [...]
as part of human diversity and humanity; equality
of opportunity; accessibility; equality between men and women; and respect for the evolving capacities of children with disabilities and respect for the right of children with disabilities to preserve their identities.
经社会赞扬秘书处为这次高级别会议开展了成功 的区域筹备活动,包括努力确保筹备进程具有包 性 , 同 各国政府和包括残 疾人组织在内的利益攸关方进行了高级 接触。
The Commission commended the secretariat for the successful regional preparatory activities in the lead-up to the High-level Meeting,
including its efforts to ensure an inclusive
[...] preparatory process that had resulted in a high level of engagement of governments and stakeholders, including organizations [...]
of persons with disabilities.
WaveAce™ 1000 和 2000 系列示波器 - Teledyne LeCroy 的 WaveAce™ 示波器結合了长波形存储器、彩色显示屏、全面测量能力、高 触 发 和 优 异 的 连 接性 , 提 升了故障排除能力并缩短了调试时间。
WaveAce™ 1000 and 2000 Series
Oscilloscopes -
[...] Teledyne LeCroy's WaveAce™ combines long memory, a color display, extensive measurement capabilities, advanced triggering and excellent connectivity to improve troubleshooting [...]
and shorten debug time.
两个单位强调了在管理该委员会的档案方面需要考虑的一些因素,如应有人 力和财力资源、需要的档案管理专门知识、非政府组织记录的重要性、私有机构 的记录对汇集侵犯人权事件资料的作用、在冲突和冲突后背景下处理国家档案工 作的复性,以及承认接触和使 用档案方面的教育、语言和技术不平等现象的 重要性。
A number of factors that should be taken into account in managing the Commission’s records were emphasized, such as the human and financial resources available, the archival expertise required, the importance of NGO records and the role of the records of private bodies in documenting human rights violations, the complexities in dealing with State archives in the conflict and post-conflict context, and the importance of recognizing educational, linguistic and technological inequalities in accessing and using archives.
1.150 法治股预计能实现其目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 联合国的参与实体继续致力于法治协调和
资源小组的工作,相互开展合作,并拨出足够的人力资源,以确保为该小组执行任务提供可靠 和专家帮助;(b) 会员国、双边捐助者、法治援助接受国的国家利益攸关方、民间社会行为体
[...] 及其他有关国家和国际组织等外部合作伙伴与联合国开展一贯的实 性接触 , 以 努力提高法治 活动的效能,改进对法治活动的支持;(c) [...]
Target 2012-2013: 10 consultations 1.150 The Unit is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that: (a) participating United Nations entities will remain committed to the work of the Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group, cooperate with one another and allocate sufficient human resources to ensure reliable and expert contributions to the implementation of the tasks of the Group; (b) external partners, such as Member States, bilateral donors, national stakeholders in countries receiving rule of law assistance, civil society actors and other relevant
national and international
[...] organizations, will engage consistently and substantively with the [...]
United Nations in efforts to improve
the effectiveness of and support for rule of law activities; and (c) the flow of voluntary contributions will continue.
文化间差异:认为文化性十分 重要,跨越文化 异 的 接触 与 交 流以及对其他文 化的尊重是和平与冲突的一个重要决定因素。
Intercultural differences, which argues that cultural identities are important, that contact and exchange cross cultural divides and that respect for the culture of others is an important determinant of peace and conflict.
而 在化学反应上,它也规范出染料能在不同片类中匹配,即便两种片类有着上述任一品项(例如反差 上)的显着异,不具有接一致性 , 但 仍可能在艺术上匹配或互补。
If two films offer significant differences from one another in any of the above categories (different contrasts for example), they may still be considered artistically compatible or complementary, but not necessarily intercuttable.
只有通过相互尊重、理解、建性的 对话 、 接 受 拥有 差 异 的 权 利,我们 才能化解紧张关系,建设更加和平的多文化社会。
It is only through mutual respect, understanding, constructive
[...] dialogue and acceptance of the right to be different that we will [...]
diffuse tensions and
build more peaceful multicultural societies.
我们青年 来自城市和农村,我就来自农村;我们青年中有黑人、 印第安人、白人和亚洲人;有男女;有同性恋、双性 恋、变性者异性恋者 ;有残疾人和非残疾人;我们 来自不同的社会阶层,这些阶层之间的不平等现象在 逐年减少;我们实验应用各种不同的节奏、色彩和艺 术创作;我们在国内促进公民精神,并通过社会网络接世界
We are young people from the city and from the countryside — which I call home; we are young blacks, Indians, whites and Asians; we are young women and men; we are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and heterosexual; we are young people with and without
disabilities; we are young
[...] people from different social classes whose inequalities are decreasing each year; we are young people with different cultural backgrounds and experiences; we are young people who experiment with the most diverse rhythms, colours and artistic creations; we are youth who promote citizenship on our territories; and we are the ones who are connected to the world through [...]
social networks.
有关于澄清所提交的信息的规则(第 16 条[**超级链 接**]),有确保投标担保要求客性 的 规 则(第 17 条[**超级接**]),有识异常低 价投标书的程序(否则无法否决这样的投标书)(第 20 [...]
条[**超级链 接** ]),有关于愈期投标书必须被否决的规则(第
40 条[**超级链接** ]),还有 关于只能以事先披露的标准为依据,将合同授予报价最低的投标书或最有利的 投标书的规则(第 11 条和第 22 条[**超级链接** ])(这些标准在第三章至第七 章[**超级链接**]的程序条款中适用)。
There are rules addressing the clarification of information submitted (article 16 [**hyperlink**]), rules to ensure that requirements for tender
securities are
[...] objective (article 17 [**hyperlink**]), procedures to identify abnormally low tenders, which cannot [...]
otherwise be rejected
as such (article 20 [**hyperlink**]), rules stating that late tenders must be rejected (article 40 [**hyperlink**]), and that the award of contract is to be made only on basis of pre-disclosed criteria (articles 11 and 22 [**hyperlinks**], applied in procedural articles in Chapters III-VII [**hyperlinks**]), to either the lowest-priced tender or the most advantageous tender.
现在我们面前的报告(S/2012/33)使我们清楚而 全面地了解了特别代表在全世界开展的大量工作,她 倡导同与冲突相关性暴力作斗争,访问外地,密接触国家 及非政府机构并且在联合国系统内部进行 协调。
The report (S/2012/33) before us today gives a clear and comprehensive idea of the intensive work that has been carried out worldwide by the Special Representative in
her advocacy for the
[...] fight against conflict-related sexual violence, in field visits, in engaging with [...]
national and non-governmental
bodies and authorities and in coordinating within the United Nations system.
一 些中国人认为如果中国政府要将其在南苏丹的战 性接 触定位于获取经济利益之上,它就必须加强其他形式的 [...]
合作,包括一些已经由那些已经建立关系的合作伙伴所 施行的合作,比如美国。该区域一位有经验的中国投资 者解释说中国政府必须继续多元化其接触模式:“看看
美国使馆的规模、地点和作用;再看看有多少苏丹学生 在美国求学,与那里的移民社群有着多么千丝万缕的联 系。
Some Chinese argue that if Beijing is to root
[...] its strategic engagement in South Sudan [...]
beyond mutual economic gain, it must enhance
other forms of cooperation, including those already exercised by established partners such as the U.S. A Chinese investor with experience in the region explained that Beijing must continue to diversify its modes of engagement: “Look at the size, location, and role of the American embassy; look at how many Sudanese students are educated in the U.S., look how many ties there are to established diaspora there”.
[...] 一年,阿斯马拉与欧阵的关系日益紧张,既因为战略问题,也因为埃塞俄比亚政 府与欧阵一些领导人就对话前景进行试 性接触。
This would be consistent with reports that the relationship between Asmara and ONLF has become increasingly strained in the past year, in part over
questions of strategy and in part over
[...] exploratory contacts between the Government [...]
of Ethiopia and some ONLF leaders about the prospects for dialogue.
接触PCB 47的母鼠的筑巢、蹲伏、舔仔、自发叼仔行为在幼仔出生后的第0天和6天与对照组有显著 异 , 而 接触 P CB 7 7的母鼠仅在第15天与对照组大鼠有区别。
PCB 47-treated mothers showed significant differences in the duration of crouching, licking, spontaneous retrieving and nest building on PND 0 and 6, whereas PCB 77-treated mothers showed significant differences in the duration of crouching and time in the nest only on PND 15.
特别报告员希望这些会谈将推动政府与重要政治反对派利益攸关方之间 的实性接触。
He hopes that these talks
[...] will further substantive engagement between the [...]
Government and important political opposition stakeholders.
性接触感染艾滋病毒的病例越来越多:2000 年,在匿名艾滋病化验中 心登记的艾滋病毒病例,90%都是注射吸毒者;2006 [...]
年上半年,只有 50%的新 登记病例属于注射吸毒者。
There are increasingly more cases of HIV
[...] acquired through sexual contact: 90% of the cases [...]
of HIV registered in anonymous AIDS
testing centres in 2000 were injecting drug users; in the first half of 2006 only 50% of the new registered cases were among injecting drug users.
这个灰色如薄膜只是视觉的效果影响,不影响接触点的电阻或焊接时 接触性 能。
This gray looking film is just an optical effect and does not affect
[...] the contact resistance or the ability [...]
of the contact to take the solder.
(d) 为少女和妇女组织讲习班和提高认识会议,引导她们青春期的态度改 变:以全面认识生理变化、心理发展和 异性 的 行 为变化;理解并承受社会压力, 因为比较是不可避免的;培养领导技能;以及认识 接 受 各 种权利和责任,以改 变她们的思维过程并促进社会变革
(d) Workshops and awareness meetings were organized for adolescent girls and women to guide attitudinal changes during adolescence: for all-round awareness of physical changes, mental development,
behavioural changes
[...] towards the opposite sex; to understand and withstand social pressures as comparisons were inevitable; to develop leadership skills; and to realize and accept rights and responsibilities [...]
to change
their thought processes and effect social change
这一进程中所遇到的主要挑战在于如何保持教科文组织作为一个专门机构的异 性和能力,这个专门机构拥有复杂的政府间委员会,在促进国际公约、规范性和确立 [...]
标准的方案以作为解决在该组织管辖权领域内主要的全球问题表率中各自具有自己的 政治和技术议程。
The major challenge encountered
in this process has been how to
[...] maintain UNESCO’s specificity, hence strength, [...]
as a specialized agency with its complex
composites of intergovernmental committees with its own political and technical agendas in the promotion of international conventions, normative and standard-setting programmes to serve as exemplars in addressing major global issues in the fields of competence of the Organization.
经社会强调发展必须以人为本,实行善政和促进卫生、教育、 技能开发、创造体面工作性别平等和增权等公共政策,以及各种提高社会 保护和社会正义的各种措施,并同时应对社会 异 和 收 入不平等日益扩大的 挑战。
The Commission underlined that development must be people-centred, including through good governance and public policies that promote health, education, skills
development, decent job
[...] creation, gender equality and empowerment, as well as through measures to enhance social protection and social justice, while simultaneously addressing the challenges of increasing social disparity and income [...]
国际特奥会帮助数百万没有智力残疾的儿童创设对文化有敏感认识的教育, 以促进人们更多了解智力残疾性质 、 接 受 差 异 的 重 要性、包容性社区的社会福 利和参与特奥运动的兴奋感。
Special Olympics International has helped to create culturally sensitive disability education for millions of children without intellectual disabilities, to foster
increased understanding regarding the nature of intellectual
[...] disability, the importance of acceptance of differences, the [...]
social benefits of
inclusive communities and the excitement of working with the Special Olympics movement.
[...] 论坛上、包括在与会员国进行的战 性接触 中 得到充分反映,区域办事处和高级 [...]
人员获得及时和有用的支持和战略性咨询意见,以促进加强与方案国和发展伙伴 的双边关系。
The needs and rights of children and the operational needs of UNICEF are fully reflected in coordination and intergovernmental policy debates, and
their related forums, including through
[...] the strategic engagement of Member States; [...]
and country and regional offices and
senior staff receive timely and useful support and strategic advice to facilitate strengthening of bilateral relations with programme countries and development partners.
工作组坚定地致力于遵守这些工作和包 性接触 的 原 则,不仅是因为所有 的利益攸关方已经认识到了其价值和有效性,还因为对话和参与符合立足人权的 [...]
The Working Group is firmly committed to these principles of
[...] work and inclusive engagement, not only [...]
because all stakeholders have recognized
their value and effectiveness but because dialogue and participation are consistent with the essence of a rights-based approach.
(c) 敦促人类发展报告处继续与各国国家统计局进行建 性接触 , 以 解决一 些遗留问题,其中特别包括:㈠ 使用非官方或过时数据;㈡ [...]
提供足够的准备时 间,以答复人类发展报告处关于使用数据的来文;㈢ 涉及计算的技术性问题。
(c) Urged the Human Development Report Office to
[...] continue its constructive engagement with National [...]
Statistical Offices in order to address
some remaining issues, including, among others (i) the use of non-official or outdated data; (ii) the provision of sufficient lead time to respond to communications from the Human Development Report Office on data used; and (iii) technical issues involved in calculation.




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