

单词 异事



strange writing by rustic or illiterate

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

其社论特刊包括“权利的考验”、“税务新闻”、“主妇角”、“奇 异事 ” 、 “魔线之环”等等。
Its editorial features included “The Crucible of Right,” “Tax News,” “Housewives Corner,” “Strange
[...] News,” “Rings of Magic Strings,” and others.
在多租户架构中,服务恢复时间 (RTO)
[...] 和满足恢复点目标 (RPO) 以应对灾难、 中断异常事件, 包括管理恢复服务的顺序,并非易事。
t The time to recover services (RTO), and meeting Recovery point objectives
(RPO) in response to disasters,
[...] disruptions, and abnormal events could be complex [...]
in a multi-tenanted architecture, including
the management of order of recovery of services.
然而,如有特殊异常事件, 惩教署将翻查有关记录,并保留作 为证据。
However, in the event
[...] of an untoward incident or special occurrence, [...]
the record will be retrieved from the system and retained as evidence.
如果某个作业失败或者发生异常事 件 ,会发出立即通知。
Immediate notification if a
[...] Job fails or an abnormal event occurs.
例如,建立了组织合理的制度,使公民能够随时立 即向有关机构报告任异常事件, 同时正在对这一领域的技术手段进行现代化。
For instance, a well-organized system has been established so that citizens can immediately
report to the relevant institutions
[...] about any unusual occurrences at any time while [...]
technical means are being modernized in this area.
重要的一点是,癌症发展中的重要 异事 件 往 往依赖于辐 照细胞所在的器官,事件可分为两大类——单个基因中微小特定的基因变异;与 [...]
DNA 缺失有关的基因变异(有时横跨多个基因)。
Importantly, the key mutational events in cancer development [...]
are frequently dependent on the organ in which the irradiated
cell is located and fall into two general categories — small specific mutations in single genes and mutations involving loss of DNA (sometimes spanning more than one gene).
作为实 现民族和解努力的一部分,缔约国通过了这一《宪章》,通过了规定各种法律措 施的执行法令,以便为查实犯有恐怖主义行为者或者受益于 事异 议 法律条款者 停止刑事诉讼程序,减刑或者赦免,但是犯有或合伙犯有大规模杀害,强奸或者 公共场所进行爆炸活动者例外。
As part of this effort to achieve national reconciliation, the State party adopted the Charter, the implementing ordinance of which prescribes legal measures for the extinction of criminal proceedings and the commutation or remission of sentences for any person who is found guilty of acts of terrorism or who benefits from the provisions of the legislation on civil dissent, except for persons who have committed or been accomplices in mass killings, rapes or bombings in public places.
考虑到还没有实施 ODS 法规,在制冷维护行业还没有执行 任何技术援助方案,以及目前氟氯化碳与非氟氯化碳制冷剂间存在较大的价格 异 等 事 实, 秘书处表达了对埃塞俄比亚政府能否在可用的时间框架(即一年)内实现其 2005 年氟氯化 碳淘汰目标的担心。
The Secretariat expressed its concern regarding the Government of Ethiopia’s ability to achieve the 2005 CFC phase-out target in the time frame available (i.e., one year) taking into consideration that ODS regulations have not yet been enacted, no technical assistance programme in the refrigeration servicing sector has been implemented, and the current price differential between CFC and non-CFC refrigerants is very large.
因为多任务操作系统和某些应用软件的设计方法的原因,例如,用于处理用户界面异步事件的事件驱动型代码,某些并行处理功能是原生的,但是,这些原生并行线程的均衡 性通常很差,通常相互关联,只有少数线程可并行使用现有多核处理器,然而最终只能发挥双 核以下处理器的能力。
However these natural concurrent threads are typically very unbalanced - most often they are dependent on each other, and only a few of them make significant parallel use of the available processors, ending up in benefitting from no more than two processors.
以色列在巴勒斯坦被占领土上扩建、新建定居点,使隔离墙以内区域 无法进入,如此造成的既成事实极有可能永久化,在此情况下 异 于 事 实 上 的吞 并
(f) The expansion of Israeli settlements and the construction of new ones on the Occupied Palestinian Territory rendered inaccessible behind the wall, which
create a fait accompli on the ground that could well be permanent and would in
[...] that case be tantamount to de facto annexation
指出气候异、极端事 件和风险的特性
Characterize climate variability, extremes and hazards
2011 年各异常的环境事件对 亚太各国为其不断增加的人口提 供粮食构成挑战。
Erratic environmental events in 2011 challenged [...]
Asia-Pacific countries to feed their growing populations.
然而,买卖双方预期的巨大异突 出这 一 事 实 , 中概股的冬天可能将持续到年底甚至到2013年。
Still, the huge gap in buyer and seller
[...] expectations underscores the fact that the winter for [...]
US-listed Chinese stocks will probably
continue until at least the end of the year and probably well into 2013.
如果使用氰基丙烯酸酯粘 合剂,事先采用异丙醇除油脂。
If bonding with cyanoacrylate adhesives, prior
[...] degreasing should be done with isopropyl alcohol.
以下方 面也有令人感兴趣的研究结果:风险忍受程度,认为发展情况引起的程度不同要 比性别因素引起的异大的多;事 社 会媒体的工作,在这个领域,妇女似乎普 遍比男性活跃,与发展情况没有关系;贸易促进活动的参与,男女在这个领域的 差别在发达国家和发展中国家都有。
Interesting findings also related to risk tolerance, which was seen to vary much more by the development context than by gender; engagement in social media, where women seemed to be generally more active than men, independently from the development context; and participation in trade promotion activities, where the gap between women and men was present in both developed and developing countries.
出现异是因为办事处要 分担在亚的斯亚贝巴建设未来办公场所的一部分 费用,而 2010/11 期间没有为此编列经费;保养和安保服务、车辆汽油、机油、 [...]
The variance is attributable to the Office’s share [...]
of construction costs associated with the future office space in Addis
Ababa, for which a provision was not included in the 2010/11 period, offset in part by reduced requirements for maintenance and security services, petrol, lubricants and liability insurance for vehicles.
如果委员会希望通过该修正建议,总 事 对 此没 有 异 议 , 但她认为第 2.b(24)段 (36 C/5) [...]
和 2.b(22)段 (36 C/5 Add.) 已经包括了太阳能。
While the Director-General has no objection to [...]
the adoption of the proposed amendment if the Commission so desires, she
considers that solar energy is already well covered under 2(b)(24) (36 C/5) and 2(b)(22) (36 C/5 Add.).
在决定是否应将现用于常任法官 的养恤金办法扩及连续服务 3 年以上的审案法官时,大会似可考虑由于 两法庭业务的变化(即审案法官的数量已临时增加;若干审案法官被安全事会授 权在 3 年上限后继续服务;以及一些审判分庭被分成若干部 分,其中只包括审案法官),两类法官服务条件上的 异 是 否 仍有理由继 续存在。
In determining whether the existing pension scheme for permanent judges should be extended to cover ad litem judges who have served continuously for more than three years, the General Assembly may wish to consider whether, given the changed circumstances of the Tribunals’ operations (namely that the number of ad litem judges has been temporarily increased; several ad litem judges
have been authorized
[...] by the Security Council to serve beyond the three-year maximum; and some Trial Chambers have been split into sections which may consist only of ad litem judges), the differences in the conditions [...]
of service of the
two categories of judge continue to be justified.
在这种情况下,该事人应自异议通 知发出之日起 30 天内,请求指定机构在一 段合理的时间内就该项异议作出理由充分的裁定。
In that case, within 30 days from the date of the notice of the challenge, it shall seek a reasoned decision on the challenge by the appointing authority within a reasonable time.
这些包括非毛利人与毛利人之间的 异, 《 威坦哲条约》在国内立法中的地位,家庭暴力,机会平等,毛利人在 事 司法制度中比例过高,以及批准新西兰尚未成为缔约国的人权条约问题。
These included the
[...] social disparities between non-Maori and Maori; the status of the Treaty of Waitangi in domestic legislation; family violence; equality of opportunity; overrepresentation of Maori in the criminal justice system; and [...]
ratification of human
rights treaties to which New Zealand was not party.
13.9 对所有选事项,如不提异议, 则应以无记名投票方式进行表决,除非会议另有 决定。
13.9 For all elections, the vote shall be conducted by secret ballot, unless the Meeting decides otherwise if no objection is made.
他是否仍为民主与社会进步联盟的成员 并非决定因素,因为他曾经是一名成员;申诉人具有相同的姓氏;以及被怀疑为 政治反对派的人是刚果民主共和国当局系统针对的目标,移送前危险评估 事对 此异议。
Whether the latter is still a UDPS member is not decisive, as he has been one in the past; the complainant has the same family name; and persons suspected of political opposition are systematically targeted by the authorities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which the PRRA officer does not dispute.
事件盲区优异,仅 为0.8米,可以轻松定位和鉴定发射器与中心局光纤、接入网和FTTH网络应用之间(事件间距往往很小)的所有事件。
Its exceptional 0.8 m event dead zone enables [...]
you to easily locate and characterize all events between the transmitter and
the central office’s fiber, access and FTTH network applications, where events are usually closely spaced.
不应将直布罗陀 从委员会名单中删除,因为这样做将损害联合国在
[...] 一种所谓的现代宪法关系基础上建立的进程 事实 上,这异于“ 经同意的殖民主义”,其中的同意 是指管理国而非遭受殖民统治的人民,即西班牙人 [...]
民的同意;这种同意既不符合决议的精神,也不符 合其文字。
Gibraltar should not be removed from the Committee’s list, since doing so would jeopardize the process established by the United Nations on the basis of a
so-called modern constitutional
[...] relationship that was in fact no more than “colonialism [...]
by consent”, in which the consent
was that of the administering Power and not the colonized people, the people of Spain, and did not comply with either the spirit or the letter of the resolutions.
例如,Séguéla 大院属于
[...] 5 区指挥官 Ouattara Issiaka(别名 Wattao),与事营地无异。
For example, the compound in Séguéla, which belongs to the commander of Zone 5, Ouattara Issiaka, known
[...] as Wattao, resembles a military encampment.
法国仲裁委员会因此提议第 13 条草案第 4 款的最后一句的措辞应该做相应更改, 另外引入一个合理的时限,应改为:“在这种情况 下,该事人应自异议通 知发出之日起 30 天内,在 一个合理的期限内,请求指定机构就该项异议作出 一项合理的裁定。
The Comité Français de l’Arbitrage therefore proposed that the wording of the final sentence of draft article 13, paragraph 4, should be changed accordingly, with, in addition, the introduction of a reasonable time limit, so that it would read: “In that case, within 30 days from the date of the notice of the challenge, it shall seek a reasoned decision on the challenge by the appointing authority within a reasonable time”.
(h)由三个多国方案(东加勒比、太平洋岛屿和巴勒斯坦儿童和妇女地区方案) 涵盖的国家将继续获得一笔综合总付款项,足以用于开展切实可行的有效方案; (i) 此外,应预留方案年度经常资源的 7%,供执行局灵活分配,支持国家方 案,特别是:鼓励在儿基会一个或多个工作领域和优 事 项 中 取得 异 业 绩 ;灵 活应对正在出现的机会;避免突然改变对各个国家的经常资源分配水平。
(i) In addition, 7 per cent of the annual regular resources for programmes should be set aside for flexible allocation by the Executive Director in support of country programmes to, inter alia, encourage excellence in the quality of performance in one or more of the areas of work and priorities of UNICEF; provide flexibility to respond to emerging opportunities; and avoid sudden changes in the level of regular resources allocation to individual countries.
儿基会管理层注意到,有两个问题在五个或更多办事处导致审计办 提出了高优先级别建议 ,表明它们是需要采取全球行动的重大问题:㈠ 财务控 制(七个办事处),包括(因事处而异) 在 “ 方案管理者系统”之外处理支付业务、 职责分离、付款单据、处理工作以及代码等问题;㈡ 向合作伙伴提供现金转账(七 个办事处)。
UNICEF management notes that two issues resulted in high-priority recommendations in five or more offices, indicating important issues that require global action: (i) financial controls (seven offices) including (variously by office) processing payments outside of the Programme Manager System (ProMS), segregation of duties, payment documentation, processing, and coding; and (ii) the provision of cash transfers to partners (seven offices).
2010 年对请求的分析强调,正如缔约国之前载述的,重要的是第5 条之下挑 战不明确的缔约国“只要求评估有关事实和根据这 事 实 拟订 有 异 议 的 前瞻性计 划所必需的时间”。
The analysis of requests in 2010 underscored the importance, as has been recorded by the States Parties in the past, of States Parties that lack clarity regarding their article 5 challenge “requesting only
the period of time necessary to asses
[...] relevant facts and develop a meaningful forward looking plan based on these facts.
[...] Farley(又名Lucky 7)展开,讲述有关失去、爱恋与救赎的 事 , Lucky7在漂 异 乡 九 年后返回家乡,然而却被诬陷犯有谋杀罪。
Taking place on the gritty, urban streets of Hamilton, the same streets that once hatched the real "French Connection," and the nerve centre for organized crime in Ontario, is the backdrop for our story of loss, love, and
redemption centered on our main
[...] character Patrick Farley, aka Lucky 7, who returns to [...]
his home town after a nine year absence
only to find himself being framed for murder.




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