

单词 开除学籍

See also:



开除 n

dismissal n

开除 v

dismiss v


school roll(s)

External sources (not reviewed)

如果学生受到全面或部开除学籍的处分,受托的专业人员将与家长和学校 一起为该学生安排适当的工作。
In the event of a (partial) expulsion, a suitable occupation will be organised by the enlisted experts in consultation with the parents and the school.
(d) 学校作出永开除和暂停学籍决定的数目仍然很多,受此影响尤为明 显的通常是学业成绩低下的儿童群体
(d) The number of permanent
[...] and temporary school exclusions is still high and [...]
affects in particular children from groups
which in general are low on school achievement
最 近,在家庭中开始出现对妇女和女童的歧视模式,包 学 校 开除 女 孩 、阻止妇女 外出工作、加大迫使她们戴面纱的压力,这些主要是基于宗教信仰。
Recently, patterns of discrimination against women and girls have started arising within the family,
mainly based on religious
[...] beliefs, ranging from removal of girls from schools, preventing [...]
women from going out for work and
increased pressure on them to wear the veil, in addition to the rise in the incidence of child marriages, mainly cases of parents consenting to the marriage of a girl child before the legal age of eighteen.
(d) 停学和开除的数量很高,而且尤其影响到在学业成绩方面一般比较低 下的群体的儿童。
(d) At the number of school suspensions and exclusions and that it affects [...]
in particular children from groups which in general
are low on school achievement.
(d) 仅作为最后手段才采用永开除和暂 停 学籍 的 惩 戒措施,减少不准就 学事例的数目,并在学校聘用社会工作者和教育心理学家,向违反校规的儿童提 [...]
(d) Use the disciplinary measure of permanent or temporary
exclusion as a means of last resort only,
[...] reduce the number of exclusions and get social workers [...]
and educational psychologists in
school in order to help children in conflict with school
当然一些发展中国家有些长期的忧虑,如对籍 和学习材 料的著作权保护可能会使它们更难实现自己的教育和研究目标。
Of course, some developing countries have
long standing concerns that copyright
[...] protection for books and learning materials, [...]
for example, may make it harder for them
to achieve their goals in education and research.
在这方面,简化了登记程序,除了 基于 国 籍 的 歧 视性规 定,除了加 入多种宗教的障碍,规定了可基于良心反对理由选择兵役以外的其 他服役,允许所有宗教组织按照特定宗教习俗和宗教群体规范举行葬礼,澄清了 有学校教育的规定。
In this regard, the registration procedures were simplified;
[...] provisions on the grounds of nationality were abrogated; barriers concerning adherence to more than one religious communities were removed; the possibility to undertake alternative military service on the ground of conscientious objection were introduced; provisions allowing all religious organizations to ensure burial in keeping with the particular religious practices and norms of the religious community at issue were introduced; the provisions regarding education in schools were clarified.
[...] 律事项中也应充分尊重儿童的发表意见权。47 特别是在把儿童从机构学校中 开除的事 件中,必须对这一决定进行司法审查,因为这种做法违反了儿童的受教 [...]
Additionally, in disciplinary matters, the right of the child to be heard has to be fully
respected.47 In particular, in
[...] the case of exclusion of a child from instruction or school, this decision [...]
must be subject to judicial
review as it contradicts the child’s right to education.
这些出版物按重大计划 分列,并分为籍、期刊、学地图 和多媒体四个类别。
The publications are listed in the order of the major programmes and are
[...] grouped into books, periodicals, scientific maps and multimedia.
除开展军 事业务活动外,联黎部队还设立了三方 论坛籍此与以色列国防军和黎巴嫩武装部队的高级 代表探讨违反第 1701(2006)号决议的问题、军事业务 问题以及双方之间的建立信任措施。
In addition to carrying out its military operational activities, UNIFIL established the tripartite forum, in which it discusses [...]
with senior representatives
of the Israel Defense Forces and the Lebanese Armed Forces violations of resolution 1701 (2006), military operational issues and confidence-building measures between the two sides.
[...] 发展中国家和贫困人口通过在其可能支付的范围内获得所需 籍 、 科 学 信 息 和计算机软件 以缩小差距的能力。
But in the short to medium term, it is likely to reduce the ability of developing countries and
poor people to close this gap by getting
[...] the textbooks, scientific information and [...]
computer software they need at affordable cost.
委员会第六十届会议(2008 年)审议了特别报告员的第四次报告(A/CN.4/ 594),并决定设立一个工作组,由唐纳德·麦克雷先生但担任主席,以审议驱逐 双重或多重国籍人员和与驱逐有关 开除 国 籍 的 做法引起的问题。
At its sixtieth session (2008), the Commission considered the fourth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/594) and decided to establish a working group, chaired by Mr. Donald M. McRae, in order to consider the issues raised by the expulsion of persons having dual or multiple nationality and by denationalization in relation to expulsion.520 During the same
session, the Commission
[...] approved the working group’s conclusions and requested the Drafting Committee to take them into consideration in [...]
its work.521 209.
除了宪 法保障的基本权利 之外,该法令进一步规定了儿童的生存和发育权;姓名权; 籍 权 ; 健康和卫生 服务等权利;隐私权;父母关爱、保护和养育权;需要特别保护措施的儿童的权 利;胎儿受保护免受危害等的权利;获得父母财产的权利;社交活动权;与父母 在一起的权利;受保护免受有害的社会和风俗习惯影响的权利;受抚养的权利; 和在所有情况下获得法律援助的权利。
In addition to the fundamental rights guaranteed in the Constitution, the Act further provides for the right to survival and development of children; right to name; right to nationality; right to health [...]
and health services, etc;
right to privacy; right to parental care, protection and maintenance; right to a child in need of special protection measures; right of the unborn child to protection against harm, etc; right to parental property; right to social activities; rights to social activities; contractual rights of the child; right to opinion; right to education; child’s right to stay with parents; protection from harmful social and customary practices; right of child to be maintained and the right of children to legal aid in all cases.
违反生育限制政策的计划外生育或帮助他人计划外生育会受到纪律惩戒,例如开除或降级,失去晋升机会 开除 党 籍 ( 党员资格是一些特定工作的非正式要求),以及包括毁坏财产之类的其他行政处罚。
Those who violated the child limit policy by having an unapproved child or helping another to do so faced disciplinary measures such as job loss
or demotion, loss of promotion
[...] opportunity, expulsion from the party (membership in which was [...]
an unofficial requirement for
certain jobs), and other administrative punishments, including in some cases the destruction of property.
(d) 将永久或短暂开除的惩戒措施仅作为最后手段来使用,减少 开除的 人数,确学校里 有社会工作者和教育心理学者,以便帮助面临风险的儿童上学 [...]
(d) Use the disciplinary measure of permanent or temporary
exclusion as a means of last resort
[...] only, reduce the number of exclusions and ensure the presence [...]
of social workers and educational
psychologists in school in order to help children at risk with their schooling
耀华语艺教育中心(YALC)于上海、北京和烟台分 开 设 学 习 中心,向本地和 籍学 生 、成年人及企业,提供国际教育及各种职业培训、英语课程、外语课程、对外汉语课程和音乐艺术培训课程,透过提倡与提供具国际性学历认证的延伸学习,作为对知识型社会的人才解决方案。
Three branches of the Yew Wah Arts and Language Centre (YALC) are set up in Shanghai, Beijing and Yantai, offering international education, vocational training, English language courses, Chinese language courses and music and arts programmes for local and overseas students, adults and corporations.
意大利申明,在人口贩运情况下,国际法允许移徙者回到 籍 国 , 除 非他 们需要紧急医疗援助,并且没有表示希望寻求庇护或其他形式的国际保护。
It affirmed that, in cases of human trafficking, international law
permitted the return of migrants to their
[...] countries of origin, unless they were in [...]
need of urgent medical assistance and had
not expressed the intent to apply for asylum or other forms of international protection.
拟编列经费 341 400
[...] 美元,用于支付以下费用:订阅各种杂志、 籍 、 学 报、 期刊,刊登在线对外广告(261 [...]
400 美元);根据大会第 65/311 号决议把网页内容 上载到维和网站并译成联合国六种正式语文(60 000 美元);安装图片展览亭,印
制小册子,以及制作其他材料,向外部受众宣传维和工作和外勤支助活动(20 000 美元)。
The amount of $341,400 is proposed for subscriptions to
[...] various magazines, books, journals and periodicals [...]
and for online external advertising
($261,400); the uploading of web content for the peacekeeping website and translation into the six United Nations languages pursuant to General Assembly resolution 65/311 ($60,000); and the installation of booths for photo exhibits, the printing of brochures and other production to promote to external audiences the work of peacekeeping and field support ($20,000).
有一些证据表 明除了学生自 身的准备情况之外,其他因素也可能在起 作用,比如市场力量、激励机制和其他驱动力。
There is some evidence to suggest that
[...] factors other than student preparation may [...]
be in play, such as market forces, incentives, or other drivers.
工作组确定了政府的以下良好做法:将人权放在决策的中心,使用的词汇 尽量不要与罪行有明显的联系;在国民发展计划中反映非正规移徙问题;根据明 确透明的标准,并在长期移徙政策的框架内使无证移徙者的身份正规化;通过立
法保护所有移徙工人的权利,不管他们的移民地位如何;确保警察对报告受到虐 待的所有移徙工人实行保护;确保移徙者能诉之于劳工和行政法院;明确将移民
[...] 管制与劳工警察、基本服务和非正规身份移徙者的司法补救等 开 ; 与 原 籍 国开 展对 话,例如为了确保待遇的相互对等性。
The Working Group identified the following good practices for governments: placing human rights at the centre of policymaking, inter alia by ratifying the Convention, and avoiding criminalization of undocumented migrants; using terminology that minimizes its perceived association with criminality; reflecting irregular migration in national development plans; regularizing undocumented migrants on the basis of clear and transparent criteria and within the framework of a long-term migration policy; adopting legislation protecting the rights of all migrant workers, irrespective of their immigration status; ensuring that the police protect all migrant workers reporting abuse; ensuring migrants’ access to labour and administrative courts; clearly separating immigration control from labour inspections, basic services and judicial remedies for migrants in an
irregular situation; and engaging in
[...] a dialogue with countries of origin, for example [...]
to ensure reciprocity of treatment.
[...] 对以前的评论进行了补充,解释了国内法院驳回申诉人上诉的依据,即导致其开原籍国和 他的妻子儿女飞往安哥拉的情况业已是难民上诉委员会一项裁决的事 [...]
The State party supplements its previous observations by explaining the basis for the dismissal by the domestic court of the complainant’s appeal,
namely that the circumstances that
[...] led to his departure from his country of origin and to the [...]
flight of his wife and children
to Angola have already been the subject of a ruling by the Refugee Appeals Board and that the new evidence provided by the complainant has been found wanting and does not invalidate the Board’s analysis.
(c) 如果兒童的父母的居籍不是在同一區域,而兒童只與他們其中一
[...] 方共住,則推定該兒童的居籍是在與他共住的那一位父親或母親 的籍所在的區域除非有 相反證據證明該兒童與另一區域有最 密切聯繫,則作別論。
(c) where a child's parents are not domiciled in the same country and the child has his home with only one of them, he is presumed to be domiciled in the country
where the parent with whom he has
[...] his home is domiciled, unless he is proved to be most [...]
closely connected with another country.
[...] 诉前案件(2009/10 年期间, 该司审查开除建议有约 38%涉及维持和平行动工作人员);(b) [...]
争议法庭一级的 案件(2009/10 年期间,为在争议法庭代表本组织出庭的实体提供的咨询意见中约
39%涉及维持和平行动相关案件,所有判决中约 16%涉及维持和平行动相关案件); (c) 在上诉法庭代表本组织出庭(2009/10 年期间,该司就维持和平特派团有关案 件提交了 19 份上诉和答复,约占呈件总数的 19%)。
Such legal support generally pertains to the following types of cases: (a) pre-litigation cases (during the 2009/10
period, approximately 38 per cent of the
[...] Division’s reviews of recommendations [...]
for dismissal related to staff members in peacekeeping
operations); (b) cases at the Dispute Tribunal level (during the 2009/10 period, approximately 39 per cent of the advice to entities representing the Organization before the Dispute Tribunal related to cases arising in peacekeeping operations, and approximately 16 per cent of the total number of judgements related to cases arising in peacekeeping missions); and (c) representation of the Organization before the Appeals Tribunal (during the 2009/10 period, the Division submitted 19 appeals and answers related to cases arising in peacekeeping missions, which represent approximately 19 per cent of the total number of submissions).
(q) 草案第 10 條加入新的第 20 條,藉以規定遭協會終止僱 用的協會僱員,以及遭協會學校除 學 籍 的 學 生的家 長,有權向一個上訴小組提出上訴。
(q) Clause 10 adds a new section 20 which provides for the right of appeal to an Appeals Panel by employees of the Foundation whose employment is terminated or by parents of any student of a school of the Foundation who is expelled from school.
下列人员可在迁出后得到其他居住空间的情况下迁居:(一) 无正当理由自 行与企业、事业单位、国民经济最重要的行业组织(原单位给他们提供有住所)终 止雇用关系,或因违反工作记录或因犯罪而被上述雇用单 开除 的 工 人和公务人 员(以及与他们同居的家属);(二) 在集体农场有住房但自己主动从集体农场退出 的公民;(三) 剥夺父母亲权但仍与其被剥夺的父母亲权相关的子女住在一起的 公民;(四) 被剥夺子女教育权的父母-养父母;(五) 其他情况的人员。
May be evacuated with a subsequent offer of another living space: (i) workers and servants (along with the persons that live with them) that have discontinued their employment relations with the enterprises, institutions, organisations of the most important branches of the national economy, which offered them the living space, as a result of own initiative discontinuation of the employment relations without justified reasons, or which have been dismissed for breaching the employment discipline or as a result of an offence; (ii) citizens that have received living spaces in the houses of collective farms, if they have been excluded from the collective farm as a result of their own initiative; (iii) citizens that have been deprived of their parental rights, if they live together with their children in relation to whom they were deprived of their parental rights; (iv) parents-adopters, if they have been deprived of the education of the children; (v) other cases.
这些努力包括鼓励各学开设空 间法教 学单元;为空间法本科生和研究生教育提供研究金;协助制定国家空间法规和 [...]
政策框架;举办讲习班、研讨会和其他专门活动以促进更多地了解空间法;为 法律研究提供资金和技术支助;编写专门的空间法研究报告、论文和出版物;
支持举办空间法模拟法庭竞赛;支持青年专业人员参加空间法方面的区域和国 际会议;提供培训和其他增进阅历的机会;并支持专门致力于空间法方面研究 的实体。
Those efforts
[...] included encouraging universities to offer modules [...]
on space law; providing fellowships for graduate and postgraduate
education in space law; assisting in the development of national space legislation and policy frameworks; organizing workshops, seminars and other specialized activities to promote greater understanding of space law; providing financial and technical support for legal research; preparing dedicated studies, papers and publications on space law; supporting space law moot court competitions; supporting the participation of young professionals in regional and international meetings relating to space law; providing for training and other opportunities to build experience; and supporting entities dedicated to the study of and research relating to space law.
教科文组织--水教育研究所在 2008--2009 年开展的部分能力建设项目包括:1) 一项超 过 50
[...] 动;2) 开发水资源研究,提高卢旺达国立 学开 展 理 科硕士教育的能力;3) 设计和实施在 以色列、约旦和巴勒斯坦开展的小规模水处理和人工注水试点项目,交流取得的成果;4) [...] [...]
加 强特立尼达和多巴哥水和污水处理主管当局以及西印度洋大学的能力。
Some examples of capacity building projects that UNESCO-IHE led in the 2008-2009 biennium include (1) a programme of over 50 short courses and study tours for Iranian professionals working in the water supply and sanitation sector, (2) development of a water resources
research and M.Sc.level education
[...] capacity at the National University of Rwanda, (3) design, [...]
implement and exchange results
produced by pilot-sites for small-scale water treatment and artificial recharge in Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority, (4) capacity enhancement for the Water and Sewerage Authority and the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago.
成人教育主要通过下列形 式实现:全日制学习、夜校学习、半工半读、远程学习等;或与不同公办或私立 教育机构签订合同独立学;开放式 大学、同业会所、艺术学校、俱乐部、结伴 学习、预科课程、在职进修课程等。
Education for the adults is implemented through: full-time day studies, evening studies, part-time studies, distance learning, etc; independently, or on the basis of a contract signed with various state, or private institutions; open universities, guild halls, art schools, clubs, associations, foundations, in-service refresher courses.
会议还强调了教育融合 的重要性,即从学开始就 用民族语言将传统艺术和祖先遗产融合于儿童的环境之中,以促 进他们的创造力,激发他们的批判精神。
Stress was once more placed on the importance of including course
matter that makes the link, from
[...] the primary school onwards, between the teaching of artistic [...]
and heritage traditions in national
languages and the children’s environment so as to promote their creativity and sharpen their critical sense.




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