

单词 开金



With a will, you can achieve anything.
lit. sincerity splits open metal and metal (idiom); if you put your heart it, you can break up metal and rocks


With a will, you can achieve anything.
lit. sincerity splits open metal and metal (idiom); if you put your heart it, you can break up metal and rocks

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 象已经到了致使科霍戈地区的地方政府行政官员企图禁止手 开 采 黄 金 的 地 步, 因为金开采已导致当地劳动力市场枯竭、农田荒芜和环境遭到破坏。
This phenomenon has reached such a level that local Government administrators
in the Korhogo area have
[...] attempted to ban artisanal gold mining because of its drain on the local [...]
labour market and the detrimental
environmental impact it is having owing to the neglect of agricultural land.
[...] 合作,通过社区媒体中心推进民主原则;同儿童基金会合作,支持政府监测和评估扫盲战略 的执行情况;并与人口金、开发计 划署、儿童基金会和粮农组织在能力建设方面开展合 [...]
UNESCO is active in each of the support areas, teaming up with UNDP, for instance, in promoting democratic principles via community media centres; with UNICEF in supporting the government to monitor and evaluate
the implementation of the literacy
[...] strategy; and with UNFPA, UNDP, UNICEF, and [...]
FAO in capacity-building for the collection,
compilation, analysis, and dissemination of data broken down by gender for the development of policies and programmes.
其减贫的承诺是根据联合国经济、社会 和文化权利有关原则制定的,主要与开发署、儿基会 以及人口金开展合作。
Its commitment in the area of poverty eradication was consistent with the principles of the United Nations relating to economic, social and cultural rights, and it collaborated with the
United Nations Development
[...] Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), among others.
定量分析结果显示:(a) 从 2006 年至 2010 年,联合方案组合的 计划总价值为 4.63
亿美元,在签订这些方案时到位的资金总数为 2.74 亿美元; (b) 联合国有 24
[...] 个实体至少参加了一个关于性别平等的联合方案。人口 金、 开发署、妇发基金和儿基会各参加了 60 [...]
多个关于性别平等的联合方案;(c) 非 洲的性别平等联合方案数量最多,在方案组合所计划的资金总额中占
55%;(d) 将 消除暴力侵害妇女行为作为专题内容的联合方案数量最多。
Quantitative findings indicated that (a) from 2006 to 2010, the total planned value of the joint programmes portfolio was $463 million and the total funded value at the time of signing of the programmes was $274 million; (b) 24 different United Nations entities had participated in at
least one joint programme on gender
[...] equality, with UNFPA, UNDP, UNIFEM and UNICEF [...]
participating in over 60 joint programmes
on gender equality each; (c) Africa accounted for the greatest number of joint programmes on gender equality and 55 per cent of the total planned financial value of the portfolio; (d) eliminating violence against women was the largest thematic area in terms of number of joint programmes.
此外,原子能机构还与联合国开发计划署/全球环境 金 ( 开 发 计划署/全球环境基 金)结成伙伴关系,正在为涉及九个成员国的努比亚含水层和尼罗河流域的管理工作 提供支持。
Also, in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme/Global Environment Facility (UNDP/GEF), the IAEA is supporting the management of the Nubian Aquifer and the Nile River Basin covering nine Member States.
秘书处代表还提请注意以下的情况,即以 往完成时间超过两年的项目持有资金数额,为多边 金开 始 对 这些余额进行监测以来的最 低数额。
The representative of the Secretariat also drew Members’ attention
to the fact that the
[...] level of funds being held for projects completed over two years previously was the lowest yet since the Multilateral Fund began monitoring [...]
those balances.
大会第六十五届会议欣见新授权的体育促进发展与和平国际工作组正在开 展各项工作,该工作组已于 2010 年 5 月 5 日举行首次全体会议,并且请秘书长
[...] 和平国际工作组政策建议方面的进展,以及联合国体育促进发展与和平办公室和 体育促进发展与和平信托金开展工 作的情况,并提出一个关于体育促进发展与 [...]
和平的最新行动计划(第 65/4 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly welcomed the ongoing efforts undertaken by the newly mandated Sport for Development and Peace International Working Group, which gathered for its inaugural plenary session on 5 May 2010, and requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session on the implementation of the resolution, including progress made by Member States towards implementation of the Sport for Development and Peace International Working Group policy recommendations and on the functioning of the United
Nations Office on Sport for Development and
[...] Peace and the Trust Fund for Sport for Development [...]
and Peace, and to present an updated
action plan on sport for development and peace (resolution 65/4).
还应指出的是,随着收入进账并发生支出,用这些 金开 展 的活动 所跨时期往往超过某个单一的两年期或与之重叠。
It should also be
[...] noted that these funds generally provide for [...]
activities spanning a period of time exceeding or overlapping
a single biennium, as income is received and expenditure incurred.
在围绕儿 童保护与儿童金开展协 作方面,取得了重要进展,与儿童基金内部的儿童保护 股开始了讨论,以及与儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表也开始了讨论,以加强协同 增效,并促进她的任务所涉及的领域内的补充性工作。
She has made significant inroads into collaborating with UNICEF on child protection, having initiated discussions with the child protection unit in UNICEF and the Special Representative for children and armed conflict to enhance synergies and promote complementary work in areas falling within her mandate.
关于根据理事会第 258(2005)号决定设立的、旨在监测伊朗伊斯兰共和国、 约旦、科威特和沙特阿拉伯利用“F4”类索赔赔偿 金开 展 的 环境项目的技术和 财务执行情况的监督环境赔偿金后续方案,理事会听取了秘书处关于各参加国政 府方案现状的通报并审议了该方案将来可采用的备选方案问题。
With respect to the follow-up programme for environmental awards established pursuant to Governing Council
decision 258 (2005) to
[...] monitor the financial and technical implementation of environmental projects being undertaken by the Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia with funds awarded under the [...]
F4 category of claims,
the Council heard a briefing by the Secretariat on the status of the programme in respect of each of the participating Governments and considered the question of possible options for the future of the programme.
赞扬印度洋和东南亚海啸预警安排多方捐助者信托 金开 始 运 作,邀请各国 政府、捐助国、相关国际组织、国际和区域金融机构、私营部门和民间社会考虑 以捐款和技术合作的方式为信托基金提供捐助,支助按印度洋和东南亚各国的需 要建立海啸预警系统,让信托基金协助建立一个有足够资源的一体化预警系统, [...]
Commending the operationalization of the Multi-Donor
[...] Voluntary Trust Fund on Tsunami Early Warning Arrangements in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia, and inviting [...]
Governments, donor
countries, relevant international organizations, international and regional financial institutions, the private sector and civil societ y to consider contributing to the Trust Fund through financial contributions and technical cooperation to support the establishment of the tsunami early warning system in accordance with the needs of the countries of the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia so that the Trust Fund contributes to the development of an integrated early warning system based on adequate resources and comprising a network of collaborative centres connected to the global system
为了适应市场需求,今后应进一步解决以下问题:(1)推广应用新型高强度、高耐磨性的压铸合金,研究可着色的压铸合金以及用于有特殊安全性要求的铸件等方面的新型压铸 金 ; (2 ) 开 发 性 能稳定、成分易于控制的压铸铝合金;(3)简化合金成分,减少合金牌号,为实现绿色化生产提供基础;(4)进一步完善压铸新工艺(真空压铸、充氧压铸、半固态压铸、挤压铸造等);(5)提高对市场的快速反应能力,推行并行工程(CE)和快速原型制造技术(RPM);(6)开展CAD/CAM/CAE系统的研究与开发;(7)开发和应用更多的压铸铝合金汽车零部件。
In order to meet the market demand, we should further solving the following questions: (1) the promotion application type high strength, high wear resistance of die-casting
alloy die-casting, study
[...] can be shaded alloy, and for a special safety requirements of castings aspects of new die-casting alloy, (2) developing stable performance, easy to control the die casting aluminum alloy composition, [...]
(3) simplifying alloying,
reduce alloy nameplate, provides the basis for realizing green production, (4) further perfect die-casting new technologies (vacuum die-casting, oxygen-rich die-casting, semi-solid casting, extrusion); foundry etc. (5) improve the ability of fast reaction to market, promote the concurrent engineering (CE) and rapid prototyping manufacturing technology (RPM); (6) in CAD/CAM/CAE system research and development; (7) development and application more die casting aluminum alloy parts of the car.
喀麦隆代表团建议,应当考虑就信托 金开 展 一项中期回顾,作为在首个两年度 中所确定事项的后续工作,而且还建议基金的三分之二应用于能力建设。
The Delegation of Cameroon suggested that a midterm
[...] review of the Trust Fund should be considered [...]
to follow up on the matters identified
in the first biennial review and that two-thirds of the funds should be targeted at the capacity building.
在这方面,我们欢迎联合国建 设和平委员会和建设和平金开展的 宝贵工作,以及《阿克拉行动纲领》概述的 [...]
In this regard, we welcome the valuable work of the
United Nations Peacebuilding Commission and the
[...] Peacebuilding Fund, as well as commitments [...]
outlined in the Accra Agenda for Action.
例如,在马拉维,资发金-开发署联合方案为 利益相关者会议提供了便利,由此设立了多个国家委员会和技术委员会,负责监 [...]
In Malawi, for
[...] example, the UNCDF-UNDP joint programme [...]
facilitated a stakeholders meeting that resulted in the establishment
of national and technical committees to oversee the development and implementation of a national framework for financial literacy and consumer protection, championed by the Reserve Bank of Malawi.
大会第六十三届会议请秘书长向大会第六十五届会议报告该决议的执行情 况,包括会员国在执行体育促进发展与和平问题国际工作组的政策建议方面的
[...] 进展,报告联合国体育促进发展与和平办公室以及体育促进发展与和平信托金开展工 作的情况,并提出一个关于体育促进发展与和平的行动计划(第 [...]
63/135 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session on the implementation of its resolution, including progress made by Member States towards implementation of the Sport for Development and Peace International Working Group policy recommendations and on the functioning of the United
Nations Office of Sport for Development and
[...] Peace and the Trust Fund for Sport for Development [...]
and Peace, and to present an action
plan on sport for development and peace (resolution 63/135).
环境基 金、农发金、开发署 和环境署参加了会议。
The GEF, IFAD, UNDP and UNEP participated [...]
in the meeting.
粮食署协同粮农组织 和农发基金,继续与欧洲联盟进行粮食安全合作,就欧洲联盟粮食 金开 展 后续 行动。
Together with FAO and IFAD, WFP has continued its food security collaboration with the European Union, following up on the European Union Food Facility.
教科文组织可以利用这一特别金开 展 有关活动,支持会员国的中央和地方政府采取 紧急保护措施,使有关的古代艺术收藏品、各民族制作的器皿、文献和图书资料免遭毁坏、 [...]
[...] under this special fund will enable UNESCO [...]
to support national and local governments of its Member States in
undertaking emergency measures in the preservation of collections of ancient artefacts, ethnographic objects, archival and library material which are subject to risks of destruction, deterioration, theft and under-utilization, hence complement the Organization’s work in the protection of cultural sites, intangible heritage and cultural creativity.
农村发展 友谊慈善会积极争取金,开展太阳能、自来水、衣 物、灌溉和假期的培训项目,从而减轻民众由极度贫穷带 [...]
FCA seeks funds to do solar energy, running [...]
water, clothing, irrigation, and vocational training projects to alleviate everyday
difficulties caused by extreme poverty.
根据这些修改,执行委员会决定核准编制加纳计量吸入器过渡战略的申请,金额为 30,000 美元,但有一项谅解,即:不再为加纳计量吸入器行业的淘汰提供更多 金 , 开发 计划署在执行项目时也将考虑此次会议上发表的意见。
On the basis of those revisions, the Executive Committee decided to approve the request for preparation of an MDI transition strategy in Ghana at the level of US $30,000,
on the understanding
[...] that no further funds for phase-out in the MDI sector in Ghana would be available and that UNDP would take [...]
into consideration the
views expressed at the present Meeting when implementing the project.
土耳其总理宣布了今后十 年面向最不发达国家的一揽子全面经济和技术合作方案,其中包括在基础设施和 生产能力建设方面提供优惠贷款以促进投资和技术转让,包括建立一个国际科
[...] 学、技术和创新中心和一个国际农业中心,以及设立奖 金 、 开 展 培 训活动和分 享各领域最佳做法。
The event provided the opportunity for the private sector to engage in dialogue with high-level government officials from around the world. The Prime Minister of Turkey announced a comprehensive economic and technical cooperation package for the least developed countries for the next decade, including concessional lending facilities in infrastructure and productive capacity-building to boost investment and technology transfer programmes, including the establishment of an International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre
and an International Agricultural
[...] Centre, as well as scholarships, training activities, [...]
and sharing of best practices in various areas.
基于 FA
[...] 预算的节余资金情况,省级配套机构确定利用节余 金开 展 了 一些额外的项目活动和 研究工作。
Based on savings in the FA Budget a number of additional
activities and studies were identified by the provincial counterpart organisations for
[...] undertaking using these saved monies.
维持和平行 动部、联合国人口基金(人口金) 、 开 发 署、政治事务部、联合国教育、科学 及文化组织(教科文组织)、粮食计划署和联合国训练研究所针对第 [...]
1325(2000) 号决议,为民政、军事和人道主义人员以及全国性和地方非政府组织举办了各种
The Department of Peacekeeping Operations, the United Nations
[...] Population Fund (UNFPA), UNDP, the Department [...]
of Political Affairs, the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), WFP and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) conducted various gender-sensitive workshops and training on resolution 1325 (2000) for civilian, military and humanitarian personnel, and national and local NGOs.
[...] 一名专家强调,在发展中国家的中学提供即使为数不多启动资金也能发挥作用, 因为那里的学生可能可以凭借这笔 金开 始 自给自足的生活。
Given high youth unemployment rates, one expert emphasized the potential of even very modest start-up grants at the
secondary school level in developing countries, whereby
[...] students may already begin to work towards [...]
a self-determined future.
为实现这些目标,金开展了次数空前的竞争性采购工作, 以采购和执行交易订单管理系统、风险管理软件、经纪服务、交易执行分析、投 [...]
To achieve these objectives, a
record number of competitive procurement
[...] exercises have been launched: to procure and [...]
implement the trade order management system,
risk management software, brokerage services, trade execution analysis, investment advisory services, portfolio accounting, custody and independent master record-keeping services.
这一 机构与民间组织进行协作,同时与好几个区域和国际组织例如联合国人口基金、 联合国妇女发展金、开发计划署以及加勒比共同体秘书处进行合作。
This bureau has a structural collaboration with Civil Society Organizations, while it has a sound
collaboration with several regional and international
[...] organizations such as UNFPA, UNIFEM, UNDP and the CARICOM [...]
海洋地质学/地球物理学客座教授:中国杭州第二海洋研究所,2011 年至 2114 年 国内委派任务 成员:拉各斯巴尔海滩侵蚀问题最终解决办法部际委员会,1999 年 成员:尼日利亚/赤道几内亚海洋边界谈判小组(国家边界委员会) 成员:尼日利亚/圣多美和普林西比海洋边界谈判小组(国家边界委员会) 成员:尼日利亚/贝宁共和国海洋边界谈判小组(国家边界委员会)
成员:尼日利亚派往海牙的代表团和海洋边界专家——提交海牙的尼日利亚/喀 麦隆边界案(国家边界委员会) 成员和领导人:尼日利亚扩展大陆架划界项目技术小组(国家边界委员会)
[...] 国家协调员:全球环境基金(全环 金)开 发 和保护沿海和海洋环境撒哈拉以南非 [...]
洲综合问题分析中级项目,2002 年至今。
Member and leader of the Technical Team [...]
on the Nigerian Extended Continental Shelf Claim project (National Boundary Commission).




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