

单词 开通

External sources (not reviewed)

自 2008 年以来,该国所有地区开通了一 条童工问题热线,儿童及家长的 权利如果受到侵犯,可随时打电话给这条热线。
Since 2008, in all regions of the country a “hotline” operates on child labour issues, which the children and their parents can call at any time, if their rights have been violated.
开通了教 科文组织高等教育次级门户网站的高等教育与信息和通信技术站点。
The Higher Education and ICTs site on the UNESCO Higher Education sub-portal was launched.
第一个年份是作品首次发 行的年份(WIPO网开通的年 份),第二个是当前年份或最后一次更 新的年份。
The first year is the year of the first publication of the work (the year the WIPO website was launched) while the second year is either the current year or the year of the last update.
一份新的宣传手册正在筹备中, 且与以下国际组织的合作伙伴关系进一步推进:国 际刑警组织(为被偷盗的伊拉克文化遗产建立并 开通 一 个数据库,编制伊拉克文化遗产专 家名录)、 国际统一私法协会 (负责规范的合作)、ICOM软件科技(负责ID身份卡,联 合国教科文组织-ICOM [...]
息中心,针对埃及博物馆人员的培训项目以及在非洲开展的活 信 动……)、世界海关组织
(教科文-世界海关的文化财产出口证明范本)、 国际古迹遗址理 事会 (负责对国家文化地产的保存进行评估)、国际文化财产保护与修复研究中心(负责 提供培训)。
A new presentation brochure is being prepared
and partnerships are
[...] increasingly being developed with the following international organizations: INTERPOL (establishing and giving access to a database [...]
on cultural property
stolen in Iraq, compilation of a list of experts in Iraqi cultural heritage), UNIDROIT (cooperation in standard-setting), ICOM (Object-ID record sheets, UNESCO-ICOM Information Centre, museum staff training programmes in Egypt and activities in Africa), the World Customs Organization (UNESCO-WCO project on a model cultural property export certificate), ICOMOS (evaluation of the state of conservation of immovable cultural property) and ICCROM (training).
阿尔及利亚再次表示支持双方可以商定的任何事情,并承诺 根据之前商定的建立信任措施,对西撒哈拉和最偏远的达赫拉难民营之 开通电 话线路出现拖延的理由进行调查。
Algeria reiterated its support for anything to which the parties might agree and
undertook to look into the reasons
[...] for the delay in opening telephone communication between Western [...]
Sahara and the most remote
refugee camp, Dakhla, as foreseen in the confidence-building measures agreed earlier.
此热线服务每天 24 小开通,全 周无休,覆盖澳大利亚的任何地方。
The service is available 24-hours a day, any day of the week from anywhere in Australia.
该中心的总任务是帮助儿童与其父母和监护人团 聚,主要职责是(a) 开通一个免费热线,接受流离失所儿童的报告;(b) 创建一个 网站,提供有关流离失所儿童的信息;(c) 派遣工作人员到已宣布发生灾害事件的 地方收集关于流离失所儿童的信息;(d) 为公众提供关于额外资源的信息;(e) 在 美国发生重大灾害期间,与联邦、州和地方执法机构合作;以及(f) 向总检察长 指定的机构和国家紧急家庭登记和定位系统提交关于成年流离失所者的报告。
With an overall mandate to help reunite children with their parents and guardians, the main responsibilities of the organization are to (a) establish a toll-free hotline to receive reports of displaced children; (b) create a website to provide information about displaced children; (c) deploy staff to the location of a declared disaster event to gather information about displaced children; (d) provide information to the public about additional resources; (e) partner with Federal, State and local law enforcement agencies during major disasters in the United States; and (f) refer reports of displaced adults to the Attorney General’s designated authority and the National Emergency Family Registry and Locator System.
还得到批准的项目有:为便利具有特殊需求的学生进 入学校、大学图书馆盲人“视觉方案” 开通 大 学 校车,以及为具特殊需求者开 办各种远程教育和工作方案。
Further subjects of approval were the operation of university transport to facilitate access by special needs students to institutions of learning, university library “sight programmes” for blind persons and the implementation of various distance learning and work programmes for persons with special needs.
咨询委员会获悉,该会议于 2011 年 5 月在伊斯坦布尔开,通 过了 一个全面、雄心勃勃和注重成果的十年期《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》和最不发 达国家与捐助国、发展中国家、议员、私营部门、民间社会和国际金融和发展机 [...]
The Committee
[...] was informed that the Conference, which was held in Istanbul in May 2011, adopted a comprehensive, [...]
ambitious and results-oriented
10-year Istanbul Programme of Action and the Istanbul Declaration that was mutually agreed upon by the least developed countries and development partners, including donor countries, developing countries, parliamentarians, the private sector, civil society and international financial and development institutions.
该地区的客户目前已可获取澳大利亚航空公司的一些产品,如飞行常客奖励计划和qantas.com 网站,该网站开通简体 和繁体中文版。
Customers in the region now have access to
Qantas products such as the Frequent Flyer program and qantas.com, which is
[...] available in simplified and traditional Chinese.
采取所有必要措施,促进并鼓励妇女行使向警方投诉家庭暴力行 为的权利,包括建设收容所并招募工作人员 开通 热 线 电话以及其他保护性 措施
(a) Undertake all necessary measures to facilitate and encourage women to exercise their right to lodge complaints on domestic violence to the police, including in the building and staffing of shelters, hotlines and other protective measures
此外, 中国政府还与非政府组织积极合作,实施干预项目,大力开展宣传、教育和培训
[...] 活动,成立报警中心、伤情鉴定中心和妇女救助站 开通 反 家 庭暴力热线等,为 受害妇女提供咨询、庇护、医疗及心理帮助等多种服务。
The Chinese Government is also actively cooperating with non-governmental organizations to implement intervention programmes, carry out major publicity campaigns and educational and training activities, set up police reporting centres, forensic
medical examination centres and rescue
[...] shelters for women, and open up anti-domestic-violence [...]
hotlines, in order to provide consultation,
protection, medical care and psychological assistance services to victimized women.
经济高效的紧凑型以太网环回工具,可用作远程设备来返回测试信息流,从而使服务提供商能 开通 和 安 装下一代运营商以太网服务。
Cost-effective, compact Ethernet loopback tool that can be used as a remote unit to return test traffic, enabling service providers to turn-up and install Carrier Ethernet services.
采取措施更高效地核证这些区域安全,能够使遭受痛苦 的人口更快地开通道, 加快利用土地的步伐,从而减轻弹药污染对弱势人口造 成的经济和社会影响。
Employing measures that result in the more efficient release of these areas will allow afflicted populations to be reached more quickly and will expedite access to land, which will reduce the economic and social impact of contamination on vulnerable populations.
近年来,着重使找家庭医生看 病更便利(目的是减少每个家庭医生所管患者人数),优化家庭医生的工作(例如开 发一个费用模型,作为报酬的依据), 开通 一 条 家庭医生信息热线(号码 1220), 通过个案管理把家庭医生纳入社会体系。
In the recent years, emphasis has been on improving the accessibility of family doctors (the aim is to reduce the number of patients per one family doctor), optimisation of work of family doctors (e.g. developing a cost model to serve as the basis for remuneration), launching of the family doctor information line (number 1220), and integrating of family doctors in the social system through case management.
秘书长在给大会的报告(A/65/306)中说,2010 年 5 月和 7 月,难民署在日内 瓦分别与波利萨里奥阵线和摩洛哥的代表举行会议,对各项现有方案进行评价,
[...] 试图寻找办法解决导致探亲班机停飞的争议,并敦促他们 开通 陆 路 探亲的必要 步骤达成协议。
In his report to the General Assembly (A/65/306), the Secretary-General said that in May and July 2010, UNHCR had held separate meetings in Geneva with representatives of the Frente Polisario and Morocco to evaluate the current programmes and attempt to find a solution to the disagreement that had led to the
suspension of the family visit flights, and urged them to agree to the
[...] steps necessary to inaugurate family visits by road.
在我们欢迎来自世界各地客户的同时,政府限制与本公司禁止 GD M F X 开通 账 户 ,源于下列限制和/或外国资产管制处认可的国家: [...]
阿富汗,博茨瓦纳,缅甸 ,科特迪瓦 (象牙海岸),古巴刚过民主共和国, 利比里亚前政权查尔斯泰勒, 冈比亚,加纳,几内亚比绍,
几内亚科纳克里, 伊拉克,吉尔吉斯斯坦,莱索托,利比里亚,利比亚,马里,尼日尔,朝鲜,塞内加尔,塞拉利昂,索马里,叙利亚,塔吉克斯坦,多哥,土库曼斯坦,乌兹别克斯坦,也门,埃及, 和津巴布韦。
While we welcome clients from all over globe, governmental
restrictions along with our company policies
[...] prohibit GDMFX from opening accounts originated [...]
from the following restricted and/or
OFAC sanctioned countries: Afghanistan, Botswana, Burma (Myanmar), Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Cuba, The Democratic Republic of Congo The former Liberian Regime of Charles Taylor, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya Mali, Niger, North Korea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan, Togo, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Egypt and Zimbabwe.
舒适便捷 - 压缩机的选择更容易:BITZER最开通 了 其 设计软件的网络版。
Convenient and smart – it is now even easier to choose the right compressor: BITZER has recently launched a complementary, [...]
web-based version
of its established layout software.
阿尔及利亚重申支持双方可能达成的任何协定,并承诺 调查西撒哈拉与最远的达赫拉难民营之间电话通信未按较早商定的建立信心措 施所预计的那样如开通的原因。
Algeria reiterated its support for anything to which the parties might agree and undertook to look into the reasons for the delay in opening telephone communication between
Western Sahara and the most remote
[...] refugee camp, Dakhla, as foreseen in the confidencebuilding measures agreed earlier.
在接下来的 100 年里,GN
[...] 扩大了电报运营范围,包括在 1872 年开通第一 条从北欧经西伯利亚到日本和香港的电报线路。
Over the next 100 years, GN expanded the reach of its telegraph
[...] operations, including opening the first telegraph [...]
connection from Northern Europe via
Siberia to Japan and Hong Kong in 1872.
[...] (S/2010/507),安理会主席提倡采取有益的做法,以提高效率,方便工作,例 如,精简主席导言、在开通报或 辩论会中采用视频会议来提供实地的最新信 息。
The Council continued its implementation of the note by the President on working methods (S/2010/507) and presidencies had promoted useful practices aiming at increasing efficiency and expediency, such as streamlined
introductions made by the presidency and
[...] videoconferences in open briefings or debates [...]
to provide updates from the field.
澳航在中国和香港的经营历史悠久,早在60 年前开通了澳 大利亚与该地区之间的航班服务。
Qantas has a rich history in China and Hong Kong, having commenced services between Australia and the region 60 years ago.
(g) 为儿童建立一个3至4 位数字的、免费的、24 小开通的全 国帮助热 线电话,为最边远地区的儿童设立一个外联部分;同时确保为热线电话的有效运 作提供足够的人力和财力资源。
(g) Establish a 3-4 digit, toll-free, 24-hour national helpline for children, with an outreach component for the most remote areas of the State party, and ensure that it is provided with adequate financial and human resources for its effective functioning.
欧洲、北美和亚洲三个大陆的数千名Emerson 工程师已参与其中,协助开发过程管理的技术、装置和软件编程,为卡塔尔天然气公司超型生产线的成 开通 和 运 作提供支持。
Thousands of Emerson personnel on three continents (Europe, North America, and Asia) have been involved in
developing the process
[...] management technologies, devices, and software programming to support the successful launch and operation [...]
of the Qatargas mega trains.
但她注意到,人们对贩运问题的 认识不足,在埃及缺乏关于贩运的倾向和表现形式 的详细信息加剧了这一情况,而且该国缺乏援助受 害者的基础设施和服务,特别报告员建议埃及政府 开展培训和宣传活动,建立受害者收容中心,开 通救助热线。
She noted, however, that the problem of trafficking was ill-understood, a fact aggravated by the absence of accurate data on the trend and manifestations of trafficking in persons in Egypt and that infrastructure and services to assist victims were lacking.
宣传妇女形象的行动已经开,通常 与 尊重男女共事和平等方面的教育相联 系:会议、座谈;制作电台节目;颁发“最佳和最差广告奖”,消除广告中诋毁 [...]
Measures have been taken
[...] to raise awareness of media images of women, [...]
often in conjunction with education on respect, gender
diversity and equality between boys and girls; these include conferences, debates, a radio broadcast and the award of the “Faham” and “Infame” (“best” and “worst”) prizes to combat the use of denigrating images of women in advertising.
Radixx成立于1993年,现在全开通有航 线,Radixx完全整合的基于互联网的预定解决方案,支持从传统航空公司到低成本航空公司的所有航空业务模式,支持优化收入、降低成本和提高用户访问、维护和拓展新的和传统分销渠道的能力。
Founded in 1993 and now hosting
[...] airlines on six continents, Radixx' fully [...]
integrated, Internet-based reservations solutions
support all airline business models, from traditional to low cost, optimizing revenues, lowering costs and increasing your ability to access, maintain and expand new and traditional distribution channels.




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