单词 | 开脱 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 开脱 —exculpateless common: exonerate • absolve 脱开 verb —disconnect v • withdraw v Examples:开脱罪责—exculpate • exonerate • absolve sb from guilt See also:脱—shed • take off • get away from
违反这些原则不可为其它方面 使用武力开脱。 daccess-ods.un.org | A violation of those principles does not justify the use of force by other parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
(f) 对在自愿受到酒精、毒品或其他物质影响的情况下实施暴力侵害妇女行 为者,不能开脱其刑事责任 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) People who perpetrate acts of violence against women while voluntarily under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other substances are not exempted from criminal responsibility daccess-ods.un.org |
从本信附件所载有关违反停火情况的资料可以明显看出,阿塞拜疆一方不断 [...] 破坏该地区的稳定局势,目的是为其在解决纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫冲突方面的破坏 性立场开脱。要 解决这一冲突,就应根据 2009 [...] 年 12 月 2 日欧安组织雅典部长声 明中重申的不使用武力或威胁使用武力、领土完整以及各民族享有平等权利与自 [...]决权的原则达成公正和平衡的协定。 daccess-ods.un.org | As it becomes obvious from the information on the ceasefire violations annexed to this letter, there is a continuous effort from the Azerbaijani side to destabilize the [...] situation in the region with the aim of justifying its [...] destructive stance with regard to the [...]resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh [...]conflict, which should be achieved through a just and balanced agreement based on the principles of non-use of force or threat of force, territorial integrity, and the equal rights and selfdetermination of peoples, as reiterated in the OSCE Ministerial Statement in Athens on 2 December 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
规定不得援引习俗、传统或宗教因素为暴力侵害妇女行 为 开脱。 unwomen.org | Provide that no custom, tradition or religious consideration may be invoked to justify violence against women. unwomen.org |
卡拉季奇案中披露了大量材料,造成这种情况的有几个原因,包括:检查官 办公室的证据收集量大,大约有 9 000 000 页;卡拉季奇在四年冲突期间权高位 重,造成大量文件都可能都与其行为举动相关;由于第 66 和 68 条规则要求披露 关于边缘问题和不存在争议问题的材料,检方的披露义务非常广泛;卡拉季奇依 照第 66(B)条要求提供涉及 170 多个专题的资料;卡拉季奇提出的许多可能为其 开脱罪责 的主张均与本案主要问题无重大关系,但仍需要检查官办公室披露研究 审查内容。 daccess-ods.un.org | case reflects a number of factors including: the size of the Office of the Prosecutor’s evidence collection, which comprises some 9,000,000 pages; Karadžić’s high profile and senior position during the four-year conflict, resulting in enormous quantities of documents that are potentially relevant to his acts and conduct; the breadth of the Prosecution’s disclosure obligations under Rules 66 and 68 requiring disclosure of materials on peripheral issues and issues about which there is no dispute; the fact that Karadžić has requested, pursuant to Rule 66 (B), material falling under more than 170 different topics; and Karadžić’s many potential exculpatory claims that are peripheral to the main issues of the case, but nevertheless require disclosure searches and reviews by the Office of the Prosecutor. daccess-ods.un.org |
与 会者听取了利用习俗为犯罪者开脱的 故 事。 daccess-ods.un.org | Participants heard stories about custom being used as a means of excusing the perpetrator. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们还指出,针对国家官员发起刑事诉讼与确定国家的 责任在程序上未必有关联;如果存在这种必要关联,则国家有可能放弃其官员的 豁免,以便开脱自身 的责任,即便只是在政治 上 开脱 责 任。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was further pointed out that criminal proceedings against State officials and the establishment of State responsibility was not necessarily procedurally connected and that, if such a necessary connection existed, there was a risk that the State would [...] waive immunity of its officials in an attempt [...] to exonerate itself, even if only at a political level, from responsibility. daccess-ods.un.org |
一名中国分析人士评价说,中国应该对发射采取更明确的反对立 场,而其的模棱两可的态度导致后来中国需要在联合国为自己的 行为开脱。 crisisgroup.org | One Chinese analyst observed that perhaps China should have taken a clearer position against the launch because the ambiguity of China’s position led to it having to defend itself at the UN. crisisgroup.org |
有两点讨论下面的文章:第一,叙利亚和文学活动的该monophysites无论在希腊,第二,基督教神学的怀疑,他们是否可以成 为 开脱 的 物质从他们的异端。 mb-soft.com | Two points are discussed in the following article: first, the literary activity of the Monophysites both in Greek and Syriac; secondly, the question whether they can be exculpated from material heresy in their Christology. mb-soft.com |
缔约国应确保在其国内法规中包括明确禁止假借特殊情况为酷 刑 开脱 罪 责的 条款。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party should ensure that its domestic legislation includes a provision expressly prohibiting the invocation of exceptional circumstances as a justification of torture. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,缔约国在任何情 况下都不得援引《公约》关于克减的规定为违反国际人道主义法或国际法强制性 规范的行为开脱,例 如绑架人质、实施集体惩罚、任意剥夺自由或偏离包括无罪 推定在内的公平审判基本原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, States parties may in no circumstance invoke the Covenant’s provisions on derogations as justification for acting in violation of humanitarian law or peremptory norms of international law, for instance by taking hostages, by imposing collective punishments, through arbitrary deprivations of liberty or by deviating from fundamental principles of fair trial, including the presumption of innocence. daccess-ods.un.org |
安理会成员重申,一切形式和表现的恐怖主义都是对国际和平与安全构成的最严 重威胁之一,任何恐怖主义行为,不论其动机为何,不论其在何时何地由何人实 施,都属于无可开脱的犯罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | The members of the Council reaffirmed that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security, and that any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of their motivation, wherever, whenever and by whomsoever committed. daccess-ods.un.org |
使用火炮攻击城区,以及炮击楼房 以及医院、学校和礼拜场所等社会设施,不仅是对 [...] 国际人道主义法和人权法的违反,而且首先是毫无 道理和不可开脱的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The use of artillery against urban zones, and the shelling of buildings and social edifices such as hospitals, schools and places of worship, are [...] not only contrary to international humanitarian and human rights [...] law but are, above all, unjustified [...]and unjustifiable. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管 注意到缔约国所提供的资料表明其国家法律,特别是《刑事诉讼法典》,并没有 任何条款可在任何情况下用来作为 开脱 酷 刑 罪行的理由或手段,但委员会关注国 内法规中没有明确禁止假借特殊情况为酷 刑 开脱 罪 责 的条款。 daccess-ods.un.org | While noting the information provided by the State party that its national laws, especially the Penal Procedure Code, do [...] not contain [...] any provisions that can be used as a justification or means for an excuse for torture, under any circumstances, the Committee is concerned at the lack of [...]a provision [...]in domestic legislation expressly prohibiting the invocation of exceptional circumstances as a justification for torture. daccess-ods.un.org |
当然,这并不是要为那些拒绝听取对我们国家的过去进行合理分析的人 作 开脱 , 但 是俄罗斯人不会接受那些夸夸其谈。 project-syndicate.org | Of course, this does not excuse those who refuse to listen to reasoned analysis about our country’s past, but Russians will not accept glib rants. project-syndicate.org |
危地马拉 的《禁止杀害妇女和其他侵害妇女的暴力行为法》(2008年) [...] 指出, 不得援引习俗、传统、文化或宗教为暴力侵害妇女行 为开脱。 unwomen.org | Article 9 of the Guatemalan Law against Femicide and other Forms of Violence against Women (2008) states that no custom, [...] tradition, culture or religion may be invoked to justify violence against [...] women or to exculpate any perpetrator [...]of such violence. unwomen.org |
轻轻地敲击驱动室 (33)的四周使之松动 将驱动室直接 拉开,脱离小齿轮护罩 要准备好接住联合齿轮 (32),它 可能也会脱出 graco.com | Be prepared to support combination gear (32) which may also come out. graco.com |
但我需要明确指出, 对这类暴力行径,决无任何开脱的理 由。 embassyusa.cn | But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind. eng.embassyusa.cn |
此外,被边缘 化的群体,包括土著人民和少数群体,往往根据在反对统治者和压迫者群体过程 中形成的集体身份为暴力侵害妇女 开脱。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, marginalized groups, including indigenous peoples and minorities, often justify violence against women based on collective identity formed in opposition to the dominant and oppressing group. daccess-ods.un.org |
有些人试图为这次残暴的行为开脱, 认为这是对因特网上刊登的煽动性内容作出的反应。 embassyusa.cn | Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. eng.embassyusa.cn |
如果进 行了传统调解,就不应该在正规法院裁决时将此作为减免因素,因为在某些案件 中,传统调解程序被当作开脱犯罪 人的手段使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the event that traditional reconciliation has been undertaken, that should not be used as a mitigating factor in formal court decisions where, in some cases, traditional reconciliation practices have been used as a means of excusing the perpetrator. daccess-ods.un.org |
与其他国家一 样,伊朗伊斯兰共和国始终反对针对任何种族、民 族和宗教团体的屠杀,认为这种反人类罪行没有任 何理由可以为自己开脱,某 些国家,尤其是以色列 政权令人遗憾的企图也一样,它们试图利用过去的 罪行为新的屠杀和犯罪进行辩护。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Islamic Republic of Iran, along with other States, had always condemned genocide against any race, ethnic group or religious group as being a crime against humanity, which could never be justified. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 2011 年 4 月 11 日和 12 日非正式协商期间一般意见交流时,有些代表团 提请注意特别事件,但各代表团都明确谴责一切恐怖行为,恐怖行为不论动机如 何,也无论发生在何时何地、由何人所为,都是不 可 开脱 的 犯 罪行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the general exchange of views during the informal consultations on 11 and 12 April 2011, delegations, some drawing attention to particular incidents, unequivocally condemned all terrorist acts, regardless of their motivation, as criminal and unjustifiable, wherever, whenever and by whomsoever committed. daccess-ods.un.org |
防范小组委员会建议,缔约国应采取保障措施,落实《刑事诉讼法》第 101 条第 7 款以及第 200 条的规定,凡是警察为了开脱责任 甚至嫁祸于人而违反 该法律规定获取的侦讯口供,法官将不予考虑。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee recommends that the State party should guarantee the application in practice of article 101, paragraph 7, and article 200 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and thus ensure that statements taken by the police during detention, in violation of those provisions, are not taken into account by judges in ruling on interim measures or incriminating or convicting a suspect. daccess-ods.un.org |
津巴布韦因多起滥用权力的事件 而遭受制裁,SADC 却对这些事件一直保持沉默, [...] 并且似乎一直在为 ZANU-PF 开脱。SA DC 这种支 持性的态度植根于该地区反抗殖民主义的各民族运 [...] 动组织共同的解放历史和彼此间的关系。 crisisgroup.org | It had been silent about multiple abuses that gave rise to the measures and appeared to give ZANU-PF the [...] benefit of the doubt consistently, an attitude [...] of solidarity with roots in shared [...]liberation history and relations between [...]the national movements that fought colonialism in the region.76 Its point role was delegated to the South African president, Thabo Mbeki, who while critical of ZANU-PF, exposed himself to allegations of partisanship when he engaged it as “the crisisgroup.org |
如果由于联轴器过载, 导致轴与外齿圈之间的产生 速度差而脱开,差 动速 度 监 控 装置 会发出 警报或自动 脱开。 renk.biz | This device releases an alarm or disengages automatically, if the connection is separated [...] due to an overload, and a differential [...]speed exists between the shaft and the hub. renk.biz |
这些密封塞安装时 都使用高强度的密封剂,拆卸时进行加热有助 于脱 开。 graco.com | These are installed using high-strength sealant, apply heat to help break free when removing. graco.com |
瞬间并彻底脱开传动 和从动惯性,为扭矩 过载提供最佳的保护。 china.autogard.com | Instant and complete disengagement of the driving [...] and driven inertias ensuring optimum protection. autogard.com |
无论转向如 [...] 何变化,在扇页和驱动之间的两个整体离 合器可以自动的耦合或脱开,使 得不驱动 的一方不会有扭矩输出。 ringspann.de | The freewheels between the fan and the two drive assemblies [...] automatically engage the working drive with the fan and [...] in each case disengage the drive that [...]is no longer giving power. ringspann.de |