单词 | 开胶 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 开胶 —come apartcome ungluedSee also:胶 n—rubber • gum n • propolis n • pectin n
最终,表面会形成一层膜, ISO 将开始胶化,使粘度增加。 graco.com | Eventually a film will form on the surface [...] and the ISO will begin to gel, increasing [...]in viscosity. graco.com |
吸塑板是用中密度板为基材,表面平整度好,容易做造型,可镂铣图案,表层用进口PVC贴面经热压成型,PVC模压板具有色泽丰富,形状独特之优点 ,由于吸塑门板四板封住成为一体,不需要封边,解决了封边长时间后可能 是 开胶 的 问 题。 huangmao.cn | Blister in the Midu Ban plate is used for the substrate, the surface roughness, and easy to do modeling, Lou milling patterns, with imports of PVC paste the surface of the hot press forming, PVC molded panels rich with color, shape unique advantages, because Blister four-door shut to become one, do not need Edge, the Edge solution may be a long time after the issue of plastic. huangmao.cn |
(iii) 硬质镜片不会断裂或碎开,夹胶玻璃镜片在直径为 16 毫米的钢球 于镜片中心上方 127 厘米处坠落时不会发生玻璃与塑料夹层的任 何分离。 opcw.org | (iii) Solid plate lenses shall not fracture or chip, and laminated glass lenses shall show no separation of glass from the plastic interlayer when a steel ball of 16mm in diameter is dropped from a height of 127cm above the centre of the lens. opcw.org |
同样,曾经因为非正式开采橡胶而导 致当地社区和州政府不和的 西诺种植园也于 2010 年 12 月签订了临时管理协定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also, an interim management agreement was signed at Sinoe [...] Plantation in December 2010, where [...] the informal exploitation of rubber had put local [...]communities and the county administration at odds. daccess-ods.un.org |
通常是个刻度盘,显示这一卷胶片 从开始到已曝光的胶片尺数。 motion.kodak.com | This is usually a dial that indicates how many feet have been exposed from the start of the roll. motion.kodak.com |
浸渍后在即可在浸渍槽中开始凝胶过 程 , 胶 化 在 槽中或池外都可以完成。 synflex.com | After dipping, the gel process is started in the synflex.com |
不仅 X-射线 会带来损害,同时安检和海关有时会 打 开 载 有 未冲 洗 胶 片 的 集装箱,这就麻烦了,会毁了 你好几周的辛苦工作。 motion.kodak.com | Not only is there danger from x-rays, but security [...] and customs agents may open containers of unprocessed [...]film, ruining weeks of work. motion.kodak.com |
公 司利用赢创开发的SiVARA™溶胶 - 凝胶技术专利生 产高纯度石英玻璃元件 。 savosil.com | It manufactures high purity silica glass components utilising the patented SiVARA™ sol-gel technology developed by Evonik. savosil.com |
减少了胶带拉开卷料 时发生的OPP胶带特有的噪音。 nitto.cn | Reduced the noise unique to OPP tape during unwinding. nitto.com |
如果在某个工作日早上,打印机开始 工 作前 , 胶 水 瓶中 的 胶 水 只 剩不到 25%,最好将胶水瓶加满。 glunz-jensen.com | If there is less than 25% gum remaining in the bottle when commencing [...] work with the printer in the morning, it is a good idea to top up. glunz-jensen.com |
(b) 手套外层五指分开,用丁基橡胶或类似的隔绝材料制作,材料不得对皮 肤有刺激性或引起过敏反应。 opcw.org | (b) The outer gloves shall be made in a [...] five-finger style of impermeable [...] material, such as butyl rubber or the equivalent, which [...]must be neither a dermal irritant nor an allergic sensitiser. opcw.org |
从外眼角开始,将沾有胶水的假睫毛楔入你本身的睫毛之间,并停在那里数秒以固定。 cosme-de.com | Starting at the outer corners, wedge the glued end between your [...] natural lashes and hold it in place for a few seconds. cosme-de.com |
信越化学生产的硅材料,广泛应用于发光二极管(LED)、建材和化妆品等领域,在江苏省南通市的新建工厂近期完工,进入试运行,2013年初将投入正式生产,年产2.5万吨硅材料;三井化学与中石油合作,于12月在上海新建工厂,20 14 年 开 始 生产 橡 胶 树 脂“EPT”;三菱化学和住友化学增强在华生产树脂复合材料、电池材料、电子产品用胶片等;东丽在四川省新建在华第3家树脂复合材料工厂。 frpzl.com | More the letter chemistry produces of the Huo material be extensively applied to give out light realms such as diode(LED), building materials and cosmetics etc., in factory in lately setting up of province southern City, Jiangsu in the near future complete work, get into to try movement, will throw in formal production for 2013 the beginning of the years, the year produces 25,000 ton Huo material;Three well [...] chemistries with medium the [...] petroleum cooperate and lately set up factory in Shanghai in December and start producing the rubber resin"EPT" in 2014;Mitsubishi [...]chemistry [...]and live friend chemistry the to build up produce the resin compound material, battery material and electronics in R.O.C the product is used film etc.;The east is beautiful to lately set up the 3rd resin in R.O.C to reunite material factory in Sichuan province. frpzl.com |
台湾是新产品研发中心,而英国工厂负责执行复杂的工程项目、快速原 型 开 发 和 点 胶 工 艺 。 t-Global 的理念是较短交货期和低 MOQ,这有利于实现快速的原型开发和缩短产品的面市时间。 digikey.cn | Taiwan is the central location for new product [...] development and research and the UK takes responsibility for complex engineering projects, rapid prototyping and dispensing technology. t-Global’s [...]philosophy is [...]based around a very short leadtime and low MOQ’s, which translates into rapid prototyping and a short time to market. digikey.ca |
卸下罩 时,入口止回阀组件 (R)应滑落到填料活塞柱 (24)上;如果滑动困难,用橡胶锤 重 敲罩 (19) 的顶部以松开。 graco.com | Intake check valve assembly (R) should slide down priming piston rod [...] (24) as you remove housing; if it does not slide easily, [...] firmly tap on top of housing (19) with a rubber mallet to loosen. graco.com |
凭借性能卓越的HIPEX® [...] 化合物,凯柏胶宝为所有热塑性塑料加工企业 打 开 了 进入 橡 胶 世 界 的大门;凭借新型化合物COPEC®和For-Tec [...] E,凯柏胶宝在消费电子产品的触觉学、粘合性和阻抗性方面打开了新的维度。 kraiburg-tpe.com | With its high-performance HIPEX® compound, [...] KRAIBURG TPE is opening up the world of rubber for [...]all thermoplastics processing companies [...]and with the new compounds COPEC® and For-Tec E it is entering new dimensions in terms of haptics, adhesion and resistance for consumer electronics products. kraiburg-tpe.com |
本校的田中优树博士研究员,工学研究科的大森俊洋副教授,多元物质科学研究所的贝沼亮介教授的所组成的研究小组,成功 的 开 发 了像 橡 胶 那 样 能伸缩10-13%,并且具有高强度弹性的(形状记忆)型铁基合金。 tohoku.ac.jp | A research group led by Assistant Professor Toshihiro Omori, Postdoctoral Fellow Yuki Tanaka at Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University and Professor Ryosuke Kainuma at Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for [...] Advanced Materials, Tohoku [...] University has successfully developed ferrous high-strength, [...]shape-memory alloy exhibiting an [...]superelastic strain of 10 to 13%, just like rubber. tohoku.ac.jp |
热熔方面的研究取得了成果,乙烯-醋酸乙烯热 熔 胶 被 开 发 出来,被冠以Technomelt的品牌名称,可用于包装、标签和书籍胶钉。 henkel.cn | Developments in hotmelts resulted in [...] EVA hotmelts for packaging, labeling and bookbinding under the Technomelt brand. henkel.com |
在猪的身体里由两颗抗生素胶囊,打 开 之 后 会发现两条富有哲理的小纸条,关于人道饲养和重视猪的本性的重要性。 ba-repsasia.com | Inside the pig were two [...] antibiotics pill capsules that when opened, revealed the thoughtful [...]tidbits about humane farming [...]and the importance of following “your natural piggy instincts. ba-repsasia.com |
当你刚从Eagle转过来时你首先会发现元器件可能从 橡 胶 带 上 断 开。 bsdmap.com | When you come from Eagle you will first of all notice that it is [...] possible to disconnect the parts from the rubber bands. bsdmap.com |
近日道康宁与PHAIdesign达成初步合作协议,我们将在厨景系列和视幻觉系列硅胶餐具设计的基础上为道康宁公 司 开 发 一套 硅 胶 餐 具 产品。 phaidesign.com | Recently Dow Corning and PHAIdesign has reached a preliminary cooperation agreement, PHAIdesign will prepare a set of cooperate gifts for Dow Corning based on our current design of the Bonsai and Visual Illusion collection. phaidesign.com |
珠海国佳高分子新材料有限公司,公司成立于1999年,是中国第一家公司,致力于生态智能高分子 凝 胶 材 料 的研 究 开 发。 chinatrader.ru | Zhuhai Guojia New Macromolecule material Co.,Ltd established in 1999 which is the [...] first Chinese corporation committed to [...] Eco-intelligent polymer gel materials research development. manufacture and sales. chinatrader.ru |
25岁左右,皮肤中的胶原蛋白开始逐渐降解,最终令皮肤产生皱纹。 tianjin.ufh.com.cn | Around the age of 25, a process of collagen depletion begins, eventually leading to wrinkling. guangzhou.ufh.com.cn |
而瓦克生产的口香糖胶基,很早就开 始 只 使用可回收利用的纸袋进行包装运输。 reports.wacker.com | What’s more, WACKER has been transporting all its gumbase output in recyclable paper bags for quite some time. reports.wacker.com |
大多数的“气 体”和“气溶胶”会 被“对流层”中的一种天然的“清洁过程”所清除,但是, 当“排放量”达到覆没“这一过程”的程度时, 就 开 始 发生“气候变化”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most gases and aerosols are expunged by a natural “cleansing process” in the troposphere, but when emissions overwhelm this process, climate change begins to occur. daccess-ods.un.org |
旧橡胶制品开裂、 起孔,这会影响挤奶性能,增加脏物和细菌积聚风险。 delaval.cn | Old rubber goods become cracked and porous [...] and this influences milking performance and increases the risk of soil and bacterial build-ups. delaval.cn |
近年来在日本的木工和建筑领域,醋酸乙烯共聚物乳液、EVA乳液和水性异氰酸盐的需求有所增长,贴瓷和嵌板用弹 性 胶 黏 剂 的需 求 开 始 显现;据专家介绍,在包装领域,再生纸用非粉碎性热熔胶、层压制品用丙烯酸乳液和聚氨酯分散型胶黏剂的需求扩大;在汽车领域,含有胶黏剂的零件和内饰用反应型热熔胶的需求加大,封闭式光束灯用弹性热熔胶的需求显现;在电子电气领域,多功能、快速紫外光固化胶黏剂受到欢迎。 wangyouauto.com | In recent years, in Japan's carpentry and architecture, vinyl acetate copolymer emulsion, EVA emulsion and diisocyanate salt water of [...] the increased demand, porcelain [...] and panels with elastic rubber adhesive application [...]needs to, According to expert introduction, [...]in the packaging field, the use of recycled paper comminuted glue, laminated products with acrylic acid emulsion and dispersed polyurethane adhesive demand expansion, In automotive field, adhesive and interior parts with reactive hot melt adhesive demand, enclosed with elastic beam of light appeared, the hot melt adhesive demand In the electronic field, multi-function, rapid uv-curable adhesive are welcome. wangyouauto.com |
把图表 3.1 做成海报或投影胶片,每次开始培训的时候都要提到它,以提醒教会建立者目前所在的位 置,以及在建立教会的过程中,下一步要往哪里去。 sallee.info | Make a transparency or poster from figure 3.1 and refer to it at the beginning of each training session to remind church planters where you are currently in your instruction and where you are headed in the church planting process. sallee.info |