

单词 开普敦

开普敦 ()

Cape Town (city in South Africa)

See also:


general adj
universal adj



everywhere adv

place name

External sources (not reviewed)

位于南开普 敦、德 班和伊丽莎白港的三座世界杯体育场已在2009年建成并投入使用。
In South Africa three World Cup stadiums, in Cape Town, Durban and Port Elizabeth were finished in 2009.
同样,与南非水研究委员会、南非水务森林部和南非水学院合 作举办了一次国际水资源综合管理会 议 ( 开普敦 ) , 会 议目的在于为来自发展中国家的从业人 员和政策制订者创建一个平台,交流在实施综合水资源管理(IWRM)计划中的经验教训 (配合国际水文计划全国委员会第二次非洲地区会议)。
Likewise, an international conference on integrated water resources management (Cape Town) was organized in partnership with the Water Research Commission of South Africa, the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, and the Water Institute of Southern Africa in order to create a platform for practitioners and policy-makers from developing countries to share experiences and lessons in the implementation of IWRM (in conjunction with the Second Africa Regional Meeting of the IHP National Committees).
开普敦公约 载有关于电子登记的另外一些条文,其中包括在其第 28 条 中载有关于登记机关对登记故障所负有的赔偿责任。
The Cape Town Convention contains further provisions on the electronic registry, including, in its article 28, rules on the liability of the registrar for malfunctioning of the registry.
作为 PACSICOM 的一项后 续活动,教科文组织海委会与联合国环境规划署 (UNEP)和世界保护自然联盟(IUCN)合作,发展了 与保护海洋咨询委员会(ACOPS)、( 开普敦 会议3 指定的作为发展与保护撒哈拉以南非洲的沿海和海洋 环境的非洲进程调解员的一个非政府组织)的合作伙 伴关系,并正在协调由撒哈拉以南非洲的 11 个沿海 国家参与的全球环境基金(世界银行--环境规划署-开发计划署)的一个中型项目,该项目的目的是发现 其沿海地区最紧迫的环境问题和设计综合干预项目。
As a follow-up to PACSICOM, IOC developed in cooperation with IOC of UNESCO, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Conservation Union (IUCN), a partnership with the Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea (ACOPS) (an NGO designated by the Cape Town Conference 3 as the facilitator of the African Process on Development and Protection of the Coastal and Marine Environment in Sub-Saharan Africa, ACOPS), and is coordinating a Global Environment Facility (World BankUNEP-UNDP)- medium-size project- with the participation of 11 coastal countries of sub-Saharan Africa, with the purpose of detecting the most pressing environmental issues in their coasts and designing integrated intervention projects.
我们同南非一道于 2007 年开普敦举办了第一 次这种区域讲习班,对确定非洲联盟如何进行安全部 门改革的进程以及对加强非洲联盟同联合国在安全 部门改革领域中的合作,作出了极大贡献。
The first such regional workshop, which we organized together with South Africa in Cape Town in 2007, contributed a great deal to the process of defining the African Union’s approaches to security sector reform, as well as to enhancing the African Union-United Nations cooperation in the area of SSR.
参与组织南盟关于暴力侵犯妇 女问题的区域研讨会(达卡,1998 年);参加 2001 年开普敦召开的最不发达国 家的两性平等主流化的研讨会。
Associated in the organization of SAARC regional seminar on violence against women (Dhaka, 1998); attended seminar on gender mainstreaming in the least developed countries (Cape Town, 2001).
今天在南开普敦举行 的第五届国际艾滋病协会(IAS)艾滋病病因、治疗和预防大会上新公布的数据显示,具有艾滋病向性测定作用的遗传学方案可用于有效确定经CCR5拮抗剂马拉韦罗(maraviroc)治疗后有起色的患者。
A genetic approach to determining HIV tropism can be used to effectively identify patients who will respond to treatment with the CCR5 antagonist maraviroc, according to new data presented today at the 5th International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention in Cape Town, South Africa.
前总统 Nelson Mandela、Arnold Schwarzenegger 和特奥会运动员一起点亮了希望之火,并 开普敦 大 街 上举办了最大规模的执法人员火炬接力活动。
Former President Nelson Mandela, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Special Olympics athletes gather to light the Flame of Hope and kick off the largest Law Enforcement Torch Run through the streets of Cape Town.
2009年5月在南非度假期间,他曾经来 开普敦 最 大 的Khayelitsha镇,并询问一群当时正在踢足球的孩子谁是他们最崇拜的偶像,当时他满以为他们会说出一位顶级球星的名字。
While on vacation in South Africa in May 2009, he visited Khayelitsha, the largest township in Cape Town, and asked a crowd of teenagers playing soccer who their idol was, fully expecting them to name a top-flight player.
(b) 2009 年 10 月 7 日至 9 日,法庭与南非政府、弗里德里希·埃伯特基金
[...] 会和国际海洋法基金会合作,在南 开普敦 举 办“关于解决南部非洲有关海洋法 [...]
(b) In Cape Town, South Africa, from 7 to 9 October 2009, organized by the
Tribunal with the cooperation of the Government
[...] of South Africa, the Friedrich Ebert [...]
Foundation and the International Foundation
for the Law of the Sea, on the settlement of disputes relating to the law of the sea in Southern Africa.
工作组注意到,B 专家组(空间碎片、空间作业)、C 专家组(空间气象)
[...] 和 D 专家(监管制度)在 2011 年 10 月于南开普敦举行 第六十二届国际宇航 大会的间隙举行了非正式协调会议。
The Working Group noted that expert groups B (space debris, space operations),
C (space weather) and D (regulatory
[...] regimes) had held informal coordination meetings [...]
on the margins of the 62nd International
Astronautical Congress, in Cape Town, South Africa, in October 2011.
开普敦和特 里斯坦-达库尼亚之间的行程一般 需要五到七天。
The journey between Cape Town and Tristan da Cunha usually takes from five to seven days.
8月初以来,这座雕塑一直开普敦Ste llenbosch的Rupert博物馆展出,这家博物馆珍藏的是南非最重要的当代艺术收藏品。
The sculpture has been on display since early August in the Rupert Museum in Stellenbosch near Cape Town, which houses the most important collection of contemporary art in South Africa.
讲习班制订了《哈博罗内行动计划》提交给非洲统计委员会第三次会议和 2012 年 1 月 17 日至 23 日开普敦举行 的主题为“统一统计支持非洲经济、货币 [...]
The workshop developed the Gaborone Action Plan, which was presented at the third meeting of the Statistical Commission for
Africa and the seventh Africa Symposium
[...] on Statistical Development, which was held in Cape [...]
Town from 17 to 23 January 2012 under
the theme “Harmonizing statistics in support of economic, monetary and social integration in Africa”.
开普敦、约 翰内斯堡和太阳城,南非举办了“特奥会之非洲的希望”。
Cape Town, Johannesburg and Sun City, South Africa host Special Olympics African Hope.
为确保该综合文本(附录 2)充分反映这次会议辩论的精神,全会主席于 2005 年 4 月 1 日—4 日召集起草委员会主席、全会报告员、文化部门助理总干事、国际准则及法律事务 办公室主任以及文化政策和文化间对话处主任 开普敦开 会 , 在这项复杂的工作中,他们对 全会主席提供了帮助。
To ensure consistency between the consolidated text (Appendix 2) and the spirit of the debates that took place during the session, the Chairperson of the Plenary convened a meeting in Cape Town (1-4 April 2005) with the Chairperson of the Drafting Committee, the Rapporteur of the Plenary, the Assistant Director-General for Culture, the Director of the Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs and the Director of the Division of Cultural Policies and Intercultural Dialogue to assist him in this complex task.
开普敦、德国巴登符腾堡、美国夏威夷、挪威和波兰通过了关于使 用太阳能供应热水和其他可再生供暖形式的新规定。
New mandates for using solar hot water and other renewable forms of heating were passed in Cape Town, South Africa; Baden-Württemberg, Germany; Hawaii, United States; Norway and Poland.
关于法庭为传播有关《公约》之下所设争端解决机制的知识所进行的努力, 法庭庭长告知会议,2009
[...] 年,法庭与国际海洋法基金会合作,在布特拉加亚(马 来西亚)和开普敦(南非 )组织了两场区域研讨会。
In relation to the efforts of the Tribunal to disseminate knowledge about the dispute settlement mechanisms established under the Convention, the President of the Tribunal informed the Meeting that in 2009 the Tribunal, in collaboration with the International
Foundation for the Law of the Sea, had organized two regional workshops, in Putrajaya,
[...] Malaysia and Cape Town, South Africa.
安全研究所是一个独立的非营利性应用政策研究所,在亚的斯亚贝巴开 普敦、内 罗毕和比勒陀利亚设有办事处。
The Institute for Security Studies is
an independent non-profit applied policy research institute with offices
[...] in Addis Ababa, Cape Town, Nairobi and Pretoria.
博格斯教授还曾在哥伦 比亚特区华盛顿霍华德大学、牙买加西印度群岛大 学、达特茅斯学院和南开普敦大学讲过学;他现在 是这些学校的荣誉研究教授。
Professor Bogues has also lectured at Howard University in Washington, D.C., the University of the West Indies in Jamaica, Dartmouth College and the University of Cape Town, South Africa, where he is now an honorary research professor.
由Bongani Mayosi博士(南开普敦大学 Groote Schuur医院)领导的一个南非组织已经在10个非洲国家建立了一项名为认知监督倡导预防(Awareness Surveillance Advocacy Prevention,ASAP)的计划,目的是帮助减少风湿性心脏病的负担以及帮助消除风湿热。
A group in South Africa, led by DrBongani Mayosi (Groote Schuur Hospital and University of Cape Town, South Africa), has established an initiative in 10 African countries - the Awareness Surveillance Advocacy Prevention (ASAP) program - that aims to help reduce the burden of RHD and contribute to eliminating rheumatic fever
在洛桑全球对话网站上发表的观点仅代表网站用户的个人观点,不能视为洛桑运动 开普敦 2 0 1 0会 议或其领袖所支持的观点。
The views expressed represent the opinion of the individual users who contribute the content and should not be interpreted as being endorsed or approved by The Lausanne Movement.
其组织机 构设立在三个地区:塞内加尔(达喀尔)、南 非 ( 开普敦 ) 和 美 利坚合众国(纽约), 在非洲大陆上拥有八个次地区办事处和五个大洲代表处。
Its organizational structure comprises three head offices, in Senegal (Dakar), South Africa (Cape Town) and the United States (New York), eight African subregional offices and five continental representative bureaux.
考虑到非洲、海岸沿线漂流浮标收集的数据越来越多,政府间 海洋学委员会与世界气象组织合作将于 2010 年 4 月在南开普敦举办一次关于 如何使用浮标收集的数据的讨论会。
In recognition of the increasing amounts of data collected by drift buoys along the African coasts, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, in collaboration with the World Meteorological Organization will be organizing a workshop in Cape Town, South Africa, in April 2010 on the use of data from buoys.
编者按:本文是由肯特·帕克斯和约翰·斯托得所撰写的20 10 年 开普敦 大 会 会前报告,旨在概述多元主题分会上围绕“失丧之民:无人服侍的世界‘四分之一’”主题的讨论。
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper has been written by S. Kent Parks (1) and John Scott as an overview of the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Missing Peoples: The Unserved ‘One-Fourth’ World.
2008 年的那项决定是 在 2007 年 11 月南开普敦联合 国安全部门改革国际 研讨会成果的基础上制订的,该会议由南非政府主 办,并得到了斯洛伐克政府的配合。
The 2008 Assembly decision was informed by the outcome of a United Nations international workshop on security sector reform held in Cape Town, South Africa, in November 2007 and sponsored by the Government of South Africa, in collaboration with the Government of Slovakia.
2012年,我们安排利益相关方参与的主要活动之一,是我们的第三次“从开罗 开普敦 ” 路 演,这次非洲之旅的行程长达 12,000 [...]
One of our main vehicles for stakeholder engagement in 2012 was
[...] our third Cairo to Cape Town roadshow, [...]
which travelled 12,000 kilometers across
Africa raising awareness of how our lighting and healthcare solutions improve the quality of people’s lives.
作为地中海邮轮航线上的新增目的地,莫塞尔湾位 开普敦 以 西的“绿色走廊”。
The latest addition to MSC Cruises’ South African cruise itinerary, Mossel Bay is situated along South Africa’s verdant ‘Garden Route’, a densely vegetated stretch of coastline located east of Cape Town.




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