

单词 开放式网络

See also:

开放 n

liberalisationBE n
liberalization n


be open-minded
be open (to the public)
open up (to the outside)
unrestrained by convention
unconstrained in one's sexuality


network (computing, telecommunications, transport etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

E2E™ 社区开放式网络,55,000 位工程师和 TI 专家可在其中通过提出和回答技术问题、分享知识、探索新观点与解决问题进行合作。
The E2E™
[...] Community is an open network of more than 55,000 [...]
engineers and TI experts who collaborate by asking and answering
technical questions, sharing knowledge, exploring new ideas and solving problems.
根据 IMS机构 与视频监控设备的研究报告,AxxonSoft 的 开放式网络 视 频 监控系统在欧洲的市场占有率保持在第一位。
According to the IMS Research 2010 World & EMEA Market for CCTV and Video Surveillance Equipment report,
AxxonSoft claimed first place in Europe among suppliers of
[...] software for open-platform network video surveillance [...]
使用“一次性签到”系统等做法简化身份管理的努 力尚未获得广泛支持,尤其 开放式网络 上 未 获普遍支持,其原因是人们除其 他外对隐私、安全和技术中立性持有关注。
Attempts to streamline identity management, for instance with “single sign-on” systems, have
not yet gained support on a broad scale,
[...] especially in open networks, due to concerns [...]
relating, inter alia, to privacy, security and technological neutrality.
由于此书的内容主要是围 开放式网络 技 术 的,因此,我们认为很有必要将这本图书本身作为一个鲜活的例子,充分地展示如今这些技术能够达到什么样的效果。
Since the contents of the book
[...] is very much about open web technologies we [...]
felt it was important to stay true to that by
making the container itself an example of what these technologies allow us to accomplish today.
各 项行动倡议将建立在合作伙伴关系和加强合作基础之上,探求利 开放式 创 新 架构 网络 创 新 和其 他合作伙伴形式,加强其对发展中国家的影响。
Initiatives will build on partnerships and
collaborations and
[...] explore the use of open innovation structures, networked innovation, and other forms of partnerships [...]
to accelerate their
impact in developing countries.
在创造和保存多样化内容方面取得重大发展,包括投放了在非 式 教 育上 的 开放 内 容 的网 络平台
Major developments with respect to
creation and preserving diverse content included the
[...] launch of an online platform for open content in non-formal education.
两项交叉活动: 中亚网上大学和开放式教育,特别是对农村地区的教育,促进了实践全民信息和教 育的政治、社会、技术和行政解决办法。
Two crosscutting activities:
[...] Central Asian E-Campus and open education delivery especially [...]
to rural areas contributed towards
political, social, technological and administrative solutions for practicing information and education for all.
(iv) 发展在各领域,如技术转让、知识产权评估、知识产权营销、高校知识产权商业化开放式创新网络战略 管理等领域具有创新商业化技能的人力资本。
(iv) Develop
[...] human capital with innovation commercialization skills in various areas, such as technology licensing, IP valuation, IP marketing, university IP commercialization and strategic management of open innovation networks.
如果用户的应用程序无需OCR(光学字符识别)功能,Image2PDF还提供了一种方便简单的编写电子书( 放 置 到 网络 中 )的 方 式。
If your application doesn't require OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
functionality, Image2PDF provides a very
[...] convenient, simple way to compose electronic books which can then be issued to the Web.
我们强调,有必要加强各项公共政策,以便在教育中采用信息和 通信技术,包括在教育中开展更多相关和优质的信息和通信技术培训,将信 息和通信技术纳入教师培训、职业发展及教育管理,同时在教育中酌情使用 创新的新型信息和通信技术平台,借鉴移动教育 开放式 教 育 资源和社网 络方面 取得的进展,同时注意到有必要改善网络安全方面的各项措施,进行 适当保护,尤其是针对儿童和青年人进行适当的保护。
We stress the need to strengthen public policies for the provision of information and communication technologies for education, including the promotion of training in information and communication technologies for education that is relevant and of high quality; the incorporation of information and communication technologies in teacher training and professional development, as well as in educational management; and the use, where appropriate, of innovative new information and communication technology platforms in education that draw on advances in mobile education, open education resources and social networks, and note the need to improve cybersecurity measures and for appropriate safeguards, especially for children and young people.
世伟洛克排放保护器在更多情况下被称为 网式 接头、用于保护各种仪器、卡套管、 放 出 口 和排 气管道开口端
Swagelok vent protectors, more
[...] commonly known as mud dauber fittings, protect open ends of instruments, tubing, outlet vents, and bleed-off lines.
本部门提议建立一个参与网络,为开放型媒 体和处于冲突后形势的媒体提供援助,它们包括各国的组织、非政府国际 组织、专业组织及联合国系统的成员。
The Sector took the initiative
[...] to establish a network of actors providing assistance to media in open and post-conflict [...]
situations which comprises
national organizations, international NGOs, professional organizations, and members of the United Nations family.
政府正开放网络连线 ,授予长途电信运营商准入权,通过两座登陆站连接至国 际网关。
The Government is opening connectivity to give [...]
long-distance telecom operators the right of access to connect to international
gateways via the two landing stations.
ZPMC SCADAStandard基于分式网络架构 ;具有强大的图 开 发 工 具, 能开发出适合反映各种工业自动化控制工况的人机交互图形界面(简称HMI); 并为项目工程师提供了丰富的二次开发接口函数; 同时还提供了包括OPC接口在内的多种国际标准接口方式; 为解决历史记录,数据的查询和放 , ZPMC SCADA系统提供简便的实时数据库,历史数据库接口。
ZPMC SCADAStandardis based on distributed network architecture; And it supplies powerful graphics tool to help you developing human machine interface (HMI) suits various industry operations; It supplies abundant Application Program Interface (API) for the second developer; It also supplies various international standardization interface including OPC interface and so on; For saving, checking and replaying history data, [...]
ZPMC SCADA supplies
real-time database and interface for history database.
以AggreGate平台开发的AggreGate网络管 理 系统,与其它同性质的分 式网络 管 理 系统相比,具有独特的特点,例如先进的SNMP数据分析工具、整合式报表编辑器 开放 程 序代码的SDK。
Being built upon
[...] AggreGate Platform, AggreGate Network Manager provides unique features as compared to other distributed network management software, such as advanced SNMP data analysis tools, integrated Report Editor, or open-source SDK.
虽然非正式网络在最初是有用的,但随着机构风险管理做法 在全系统开,正式的网络会更适当。
While initially an informal network would be useful, as ERM practices spread
[...] across the system, a formal network would be more appropriate.
全国妇女委员会还支持和推动由其他联合王国非政府组织举办的会 外活动,并且主持了全国妇女理事会在 2 月 27 日举行的一次会议和妇女反对原 教旨主义和争取平等组织于 2 月 29 日举行的一次会议;(m) 发展妇女人权电子 网络,这是一个向有兴趣从国际角度进一步了解妇女人权和性别平等的全国妇女 委员会合作伙伴、组织和个开放的 电 子 网络 ; (n ) 消除对妇女歧视委员会第四 十一届会议:全国妇女委员会与联合王国境内非政府组织合作伙伴开展协商,以 便于将其意见纳入全国妇女委员会国家影子报告,该报告于 2008 年发表,从而 确保其内容真实、准确、一致和具有连贯性,并且代表联合王国境内妇女非政府 组织的意见。
WNC also supported and promoted side events held by other United Kingdom NGOs, and chaired an event held by the National Council of Women on 27 February and the Women Against Fundamentalism and for Equality event on 29 February; (m) development of the Women’s Human Rights E-Network, an e-network open to WNC partners, organizations and individuals interested in learning more about women’s human rights and gender equality from an international perspective; (n) Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, forty-first session: WNC consulted NGO partners across the United Kingdom to facilitate input into the WNC national shadow report, which was published in 2008, to ensure that it was factually accurate, cohesive and coherent, and represented the views of women’s NGOs across the United Kingdom.
去年,Roku设计组着开发一种先进 网络 音 乐 播 放 器 , 并打算在“2004 年消费电子产品博览会”(在内华达州拉斯维加斯举行)上展出该播放器。
Last year, Roku's design
[...] team set out to develop a leading-edge network music player, which was [...]
to be displayed at the Consumer
Electronics Show 2004 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
通过并购或创设,Bourns 仍在持续不断地发展壮大。 现今公司产品线包括精密电位器、面板控制器、编码器、电阻器/电容 网络 、 片 式 电 阻 器/阵列、电感器、变压器、自恢复保险丝、晶闸管过压保护器、馈线电阻器、气 放 电 管 、电话局保护器、5 针保护器、工业信号、灌溉及石油保护器、CATV 同轴电缆保护器、信号数据保护器、室内外 POT 分路器、网络接口器件以及集成电路等。
Product lines now include precision potentiometers, panel
controls, encoders,
[...] resistor/capacitor networks, chip resistors/arrays, inductors, transformers, resettable fuses, thyristor-based overvoltage protectors, line feed resistors, gas discharge [...]
tubes, telephone station protectors,
5-pin protectors, industrial signal, irrigation and petroleum protectors, CATV coax protectors, signal data protectors, indoor and outdoor POT splitters, network interface devices, and integrated circuits.
主席先生, 诸位阁下、女士们、先生们: 各位在本届区域会议上将了解粮农组织在本区 开 展 的 活动,有机会讨论《粮 农组织革新图变近期行动计划》的优先重点和实施情况、 放 办 事 处 网络 的 建 立和 世界粮食安全委员会的改革。
At this Thirtieth Regional Conference, you will be informed of FAO’s activities in the region and you will have an
opportunity to discuss priorities and
[...] implementation of the Immediate Plan of Action (IPA) for FAO renewal, establishment of the network of decentralized offices and reform of the Committee on World Food Security.
贸发会议秘书处2010 年与一个广泛的伙网络开展了协调活动,旨在以一 种全面的式促进 初级商品部门的发展。
The UNCTAD secretariat coordinated activities in 2010
[...] with an extensive network of partners in order to promote a comprehensive approach to commodity [...]
sector development.
得益于其基于Windows的开放式架构和以 网 连 接 ,完全集成的IQS平台是您测试系统的“心脏”。
Thanks to its
[...] Windows-based open architecture and Ethernet connectivity, the [...]
fully integrated IQS platform is the heart of your test system.
项目简介: ivata op开发团 队之间相互交流的强大工具,它有许多功能包括:联系册和地址簿,共享文档,发表文章与日记,安排日程,以w eb 方 式 访 问ema i l , 网络 硬 盘 等。
Project Information: ivata op
[...] communication between development teams a powerful tool , it has many features include : contact list and address book , share documents , articles and diary , scheduling , web access to email, network drives and so on.
CNNIC作为建设者、运行者和管理者,在 “国家公益、安全可信、规范高效、服务应用”方针的指导下,负责国家网络基础资源的运行管理和服务, 承担国家络基础 资源的技术研发并保障安全,开展互联网发展研究并提供咨询,促进全球互 网开放 合作和技术交流,不断追求成为“专业·责任·服务”的世界一流互联 络 信 息 中心。
CNNIC, as a builder, operator and manager, is responsible for the operation management and service of China’s network basic resources under the guideline of “national public interest, security and reliability, standardization and efficiency, service application”, undertakes the
technical R&D, support and
[...] security of national network basic resources, conducts Internet development research and provides consultancy, facilitates global Internet opening-up and cooperation and technical exchanges, and unremittingly pursues the goal of building CNNIC into a “professional, responsible and service” world-class Internet network information center.
Bourns 销售范围广泛的无源元件,包括微调电位器、过流保护器件、传感器、模块化触头、电 网络 、 开 关 、 编码器、控制面板、直线位移电位器、刻度盘、精密电位器、电感元件、 式 电 阻 器和 式 电 阻 器阵列等。
Bourns sells a broad range of passive components, including
[...] potentiometers, overcurrent protection devices, sensors, modular contacts, resistive networks, switches, encoders, panel controls, linear motion potentiometers, dials, precision [...]
inductive components, chip resistors and chip resistor arrays, and more.
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的式有 效 预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建网络和平 台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control
corruption in an integrated
[...] and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for [...]
policy dialogue and
peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.
亚太经社会担任了亚洲-太平洋贸易协 定 — 一种优惠贸易安排 — 的秘书处,并 为亚太贸易研究和培训网提供秘书处支助 — 该网络是对处理国际贸易和投资政策及 便利化措施有共同兴趣的研究和学术机开放的区域性网络。
ESCAP functions as the secretariat of the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA), a preferential trading arrangement and provides secretariat support to the Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade (ARTNeT), which is an open regional network of
research and academic
[...] institutions with a shared interest in addressing international trade and investment policy and facilitation [...]
网络包括开展最 终深部地质处置库研究的“地下研究设 网络 ”、 “国际退网络”、“国际放废 物处 置 网络 ” 和“原子能机构环境管理和恢复网 络”。
These include the Underground Research Facilities Network (URF Network) for research on deep geological final repositories, the International Decommissioning Network (IDN), the International Low Level Waste Disposal [...]
Network (DISPONET) and
the IAEA Network on Environmental Management and Remediation (ENVIRONET).
对残疾人而言,接开放式的就 业和职业培训服务(包括旨 在促进自营就业的服务)的可能性 劳动部通过第 001-2003-TR 号最高敕令,设立了残疾人定 [...]
向接收公司登记处,将一系列针对定向接收残疾人的公司 和一般公司的指导方针确定为部门政策,目的是对雇用残
疾人的公司依法给予优惠,并提高雇主方在吸纳残疾人这 一弱势群体就业方面的思想觉悟。
Accessibility of persons with disabilities to open employment and vocational [...]
training services, including those for the
promotion of self-employment Under Supreme Decree No. 001-2003-TR creating the Register of Firms that Promote the Interests of Persons with Disabilities, the Ministry of Labour established a sectoral policy which includes a set of actions aimed at informing firms on the Register and businesses in general about the benefits provided for by law for firms that hire persons with disabilities and at raising managers’ awareness of the need to promote the interests of this vulnerable group and the integration of its members into the labour market.
c. 与波兰当局讨论后制定了一份行动日程表,说明建立由教科文组织赞助的中心的
[...] 方式和时间安排;最后完成了提交 2005 年 10 月召开的教科文组织大会第三十三 届会议的建议,2006 年中心有望式开放。
(c) The discussions with the Polish authorities resulted in a schedule of actions describing the manner and timing for the possible establishment of the Centre under the auspices of UNESCO, culminating with submission to the
33rd session of the General Conference of UNESCO in October
[...] 2005, with the formal opening of the Centre expected [...]
in 2006.




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