

单词 开放式系统

See also:

开放 n

liberalisationBE n
liberalization n


be open-minded
be open (to the public)
unconstrained in one's sexuality
unrestrained by convention
open up (to the outside)

系统开 n

system development n

External sources (not reviewed)

解释说,《统一电子交易法》第 16
[...] 条采用的办法有一个好处,就是完全技 术中立,因而可适用于不同技术和模式,包 开放式系统 和 封 闭式系统。
It was explained that the approach adopted in section
16 UETA had the advantage of being fully technology-neutral and therefore compatible with different technologies and
[...] models, including both open and closed systems.
开放式系统颇具 革新性 — 可以选择装配数码指纹读取器或数字键盘代码。
The opening system is revolutionary [...]
— with a choice of digital fingerprint signature reader or a numeric key code.
数据民主化包括毫无障碍地获取地球观测信息、开放源软件 和免费提供的成像加工软件工具及 统 之 类 开放式系统 、 顾 及发展中国家宽带 供应现实情况的适当传播模式、由地方启动的跨境协作项目和集中进行的能力 建设与培训方案。
Data democracy included unhindered access to Earth observation
information, open-source
[...] software and open systems such as freely available image-processing software tools and systems, appropriate [...]
dissemination models
taking into account the reality of bandwidth availability in developing countries, locally initiated cross-border collaborative projects and intensive capacity-building and training programmes.
小 森印刷机通过采开放式系统结构 ,基于快速的印刷作业准备时间和与 JDF 数据格式的 连接,实现了最高水平的印刷质量,不仅为印刷企业提供了增加利润的空间,而且为企 业的发展提供了不可或缺的更强大的生产能力。
Delivering the highest level in print quality coupled with impressively fast makeready and JDF connectivity through open systems architecture, Komori presses help printers achieve higher productivity levels essential for increased margins and business growth.
该 方案允 许 自上而下和自下而上的积 极 力 量相互 作 用 ,在其开 放 式 系统中 达到平 衡 , 因而能够 开 展 大 量 信息、教育和宣 传 运 动以及增强能力的工作。
This programme allows for
[...] interplay of dynamic top down and bottom up forces to provide for equilibrium in an otherwise open system, and as such will [...]
be a recipient of
much information, education and communication campaign as well as empowerment processes.
开放式系统 – 我 们提供的符合 ONVIF 标准的管理软件让您可以从一系列第三方摄像机中进行选择,同时还能与特定访问控制、存储和其他安防系统制造商的产品进行集成,为您提供巨大的灵活性和大量选择。
Open system – our ONVIF conformant [...]
management software lets you choose from a wide range of third party cameras and also
integrates with popular manufacturers of access control, storage and other security systems, giving you huge flexibility and choice.
他们保留早期原始的核心,在核心上只增加额外的资源 去销售不论以硬件或软件形式出现的通讯付加设备以配 合原始核心能向外开放的宣传。在用户的角度,要满足他 们开放式系统要求只能付出更多的金钱但同时也要面 对系统开放所带来的复杂的系统结构。
What should a manufacturer of automation equipment actually deliver for his money in terms of automation technology?
开放式系统架构CMS是基于最新的独立软件平台开发的,并涵盖了所有重要的 功能,包括数据输入、图像采集、卡片管理,直至将任务输出 [...]
到Microsoft Windows通用打印机驱动以进行卡片制作。
The CMS is based on the latest, platform
[...] independent software developments and covers all [...]
important elements from data entry and
image capture to card management and output to any generic Microsoft® Windows printer driver for card production.
As a global provider of open-standard communication products, systems and solutions, [...]
Aastra is a proud signatory to the
UN Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate social responsibility (CSR) agreement.
开放式通信标准对于现代调速系统 是 绝 对必要的。
Open communication standards are an absolute must for modern governor systems.
得益于其基于Windows的开放式架构 和以太网连接,完全集成的IQS平台是您测 系统 的 “ 心脏”。
Thanks to its
[...] Windows-based open architecture and Ethernet connectivity, the fully integrated IQS platform is the heart of your test system.
各 项行动倡议将建立在合作伙伴系和 加 强合作基础之上,探求利 开放式 创 新 架构、网络创新和其 他合作伙伴形式,加强其对发展中国家的影响。
Initiatives will build on partnerships and
collaborations and
[...] explore the use of open innovation structures, networked innovation, and other forms of partnerships [...]
to accelerate their
impact in developing countries.
使用“一次性签到系统等做 法简化身份管理的努 力尚未获得广泛支持,尤其开放式 网 络 上未获普遍支持,其原因是人们除其 他外对隐私、安全和技术中立性持有关注。
Attempts to streamline identity
management, for instance
[...] with “single sign-on” systems, have not yet gained support on a broad scale, especially in open networks, due to concerns [...]
relating, inter
alia, to privacy, security and technological neutrality.
采用此式开发的 Spring应用能够更好地这现分离模块,能够 系统 运 行时安装,更新和卸载模块,能够同时部署同一个模块的多个版本。
Developed in this manner the Spring applications to better separation of modules that are able to install the system is running , update, [...]
and uninstall the
module , a module can simultaneously deploy multiple versions of the same .
[...] 俄罗斯国家科学院信息学问题联合研究所、国家单一制科学工程企业“地理信系统”和开放式联合 股份公司 Peleng,代表团成员了解了这些组织的科研能 [...]
During the visit to Belarus, the NSAU delegation visited the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the State unitary
scientific engineering enterprise
[...] Geoinformation Systems and the open joint-stock company [...]
Peleng, where delegation members
learned about the scientific and production capacity of those organizations.
在每个开展TNR工作的社区,在TNR工作 式开 展 前后,除了具体执行捕捉、绝育 放归 工 作,社区志愿者都还要根据TNR工作的进展情况,完成《TNR实施期间流浪猫群落跟 系统 表》 (附件六)和《TNR实施后流浪猫群落情况调查表》(附件七),详细记录社区中流浪猫群 落绝育及变化情况,以及社区居民对流浪猫的投诉次数等信息,并定期反馈给动保组织。
Before and after the
[...] implementation of the TNR programme in each community, besides trapping, de-sexing and release, community volunteers shall complete Appendix VI--Tracking Form for Stray Cat Colony during the Implementation of TNR and Appendix [...]
VII-- Record of
the Cat Colony after the Implementation of TNR, and record in detail the status of de-sexing, change in number, time of complaints from the residents and timely feedback to the animal protection organisation.
若需放流体,缓缓开系统内的全部 流体泄压阀,包括泄压 / 清洗阀 (J),将流体排放到 废料桶中。
To drain
[...] fluid, slowly open all fluid drain valves, including drain/purge valve (J), in system into a waste pail.
该产品采用分式系统架构,无缝地理容灾等可靠性功能,采用先进的内存数据库技术提供了快速的响应速度,并且支持多级备份/恢复,还提供标 开放 的 数据访问接口,有利于实现用户数据和业务的融合。
[...] adopts distributed system architecture, supports seamless geographic redundancy, adopts advanced memory database technique to provide high response speed, supports multi-level backup/recovery, and offers standard and open data accessing [...]
interface, which helps
to realize convergence of user profile and service.
它演示怎样降低便携式和电池供电嵌 式系统 的 功 耗,帮助 您灵活开发专用低功耗解决方案。
It demonstrates how to minimize
power consumption in
[...] portable and battery-powered embedded systems and gives you the flexibility to [...]
create application-specific low-power solutions.
正如秘书长在预算文件(同上)第 34.1 段所述,安保部的目的是,通 过对联合国安保管理系统的领导,业务支助和监督,促使以最安全、最 有效的式开展联合国系统的方 案和活动。
As the Secretary-General indicates in paragraph 34.1 of the budget document (ibid.), the purpose of the Department is to enable the safest and most efficient conduct of the programmes and
activities of the United
[...] Nations system by providing strategic leadership, operational support and oversight of the United Nations security management system.
例如, 虽然价格低开放源码 的软件与所有权软件相比按理可能具有费用和其它方面的优势,但 除软件许可费以外的许多因素都会影响 IT 系统的总 成本,如为满足客户的特殊需要而定系统,以 及为该系统所提供的服务和维护。
For instance, whilst low cost or open source software may a priori offer cost and other advantages over proprietary software, many factors besides software license fees affect the total cost of an IT system such as customising the system to the user’s specific [...]
needs, as well as servicing, and maintaining the system.
对残疾人而言,接开放式的就 业和职业培训服务(包括旨 在促进自营就业的服务)的可能性 劳动部通过第 001-2003-TR 号最高敕令,设立了残疾人定 向接收公司登记处,将系列针 对定向接收残疾人的公司 和一般公司的指导方针确定为部门政策,目的是对雇用残 疾人的公司依法给予优惠,并提高雇主方在吸纳残疾人这 一弱势群体就业方面的思想觉悟。
Accessibility of persons with disabilities to open employment and vocational training services, including those for the promotion of self-employment Under Supreme Decree No. 001-2003-TR creating the Register of Firms that Promote [...]
the Interests of Persons with Disabilities,
the Ministry of Labour established a sectoral policy which includes a set of actions aimed at informing firms on the Register and businesses in general about the benefits provided for by law for firms that hire persons with disabilities and at raising managers’ awareness of the need to promote the interests of this vulnerable group and the integration of its members into the labour market.
两项交叉活动: 中亚的网上大学开放式教育,特别是对农村地区的教育,促进了实践全民信息和教 [...]
Two crosscutting activities: Central
[...] Asian E-Campus and open education delivery [...]
especially to rural areas contributed towards
political, social, technological and administrative solutions for practicing information and education for all.
项目简介: Nseer
[...] ERP是国内软件公司恩信科技的开源产品,完全基于j2ee,b/s架构的新一代ERP产品,包括客户关系,产品设计,库存管理,采购管理,生产管理,资金控制,财务系统,人力资源等主要模块 系统 完 全采 用 开放 的 思想设计,通过客户化设置即可实现个性化应用。
Project Information: Nseer ERP software companies is the grace of open source information technology products , based entirely on j2ee, b/s architecture of a new generation of ERP products , including customer relations , product design, inventory management , purchasing management , production management
, financial control ,
[...] financial systems, human resources and other major modules , the system completely open mind design , customized [...]
settings can
be realized by individual applications.
在题为“新型大规模毁灭性武器和此种武器的 系统 ; 放 射 性武 器”的议程项目5 下任命一位特别协调员,负责就处理这一议题的最适当式征求各成员的意见。
(a) A special coordinator under agenda item 5
entitled "New types of weapons of
[...] mass destruction and new systems of such weapons; radiological weapons" to seek the views of its members on the most appropriate way to deal with this issue.
其大多 数活动是通过伙伴关系开展的,因而同亚洲及太平洋区域协调机制的 各联合国机构、以及同联合系统外 的 其他合作伙伴一道,以协同增 效式开展工作。
Most of its activities were undertaken through partnerships and thus created synergies with United Nations
agencies of the Asia-Pacific
[...] Regional Coordination Mechanism and with other partners outside the United Nations system.
无论是需要使用负压、正压还是等压通风,为保证禽舍获得最优的新鲜空气供给,大荷兰人公司提供不同进 系统 产 品 供您选择:侧墙/屋顶进风窗、新鲜空气烟囱FAC或是Fumus、进风板或是 开式 进 风 板。
whether negative pressure, positive pressure, or equal pressure ventilation is required, to ensure an optimum fresh air supply into the poultry
house, Big Dutchman
[...] offers a wide product range of different air supply systems: wall or ceiling inlets, fresh air chimneys FAC or Fumus, Baffle or Splitbaffle.
按照本会议 2010 年第二期会议关于各议程项目的非正式会议时间表
(CD/WP.560)和经修订后的这一时间表(CD/WP.560/Amend.1),在白俄罗斯大使米 哈伊尔·赫沃斯托夫的主持下,于 2010 年 6
[...] 月 17 日和 24 日和 7 月 1 日和 8 日 就议程项目 5 (新型大规模毁灭性武器和此种武器 系统 ; 放 射 性武器)举行了四 次非式会议
In accordance with the schedule of informal meetings of the Conference on its agenda items during the second part of the 2010 session (CD/WP.560), and as updated (CD/WP.560/Amend.1), four informal meetings on agenda item 5 entitled “New
types of weapons of
[...] mass destruction and new systems of such weapons; radiological weapons” were [...]
held under the chairmanship
of Ambassador Mikhail Khvostov of Belarus on 17 and 24 June and 1 and 8 July 2010.
监狱管理部门应当在可能的最大限度内,对女性囚犯准予请假回家 开放式 监狱、中途康复所和基于社区的方案和服务等选择,为她们从监狱到重获自由的 过渡提供方便,减少耻辱并在可能的最早阶段重新建立她们与家人之间的 系。
Prison authorities shall utilize options such
[...] as home leave, open prisons, halfway houses and community-based programmes and services to the maximum possible extent for women prisoners, to ease their transition from prison to liberty, to reduce stigma and to re-establish their contact with their families [...]
at the earliest possible stage.
为燃料电池提供使用点(point-of-use)高纯制氢设备的领先供应商Hy9(http://www.hy9.com)和为电信行业提供通信系统及机壳的领先供应商日本 式 会 社山光社(Sankosha)今日宣布达成合作协议,双方将携手为基于重整器的燃料电池发 系统开 拓 亚洲市场,这类系统使用容易获得的甲醇作为燃料。
Hy9 (http://www.hy9.com), the leading provider of point-of-use, high purity hydrogen generation products for fuel cells, and Sankosha Corporation, the leading provider of communications systems and enclosures for the
telecommunications industry, today
[...] announced their agreement to collaborate to develop the Asian market for reformer based fuel cell power systems which operate on readily available methanol [...]
as fuel.




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