单词 | 开戏 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 开戏 —start an operaSee also:戏 n—drama n
Java Classic RPG是一个开源的角色扮演游戏开发框 架。 javakaiyuan.com | Java Classic RPG is an open source development framework for role-playing game . javakaiyuan.com |
完美时空是中国领先的网上游戏开发 商 和运营商,主要基于私有的游戏引擎和 游 戏开 发 平 台进行网上 游 戏开 发。 skyworthttg.com | They primarily develop online games based on proprietary game engines and game development platforms. skyworthttg.com |
Jones说UDN是无可替代的资源,其中集中了可以协助开发者们解决 游 戏开 发 过 程中所遇到的各种纷繁复杂的问题的UE3技术专家。 unrealengine.com | Jones said UDN is an irreplaceable resource, a [...] gathering of experts on UE3 technology assisting developers across a wide spectrum of issues [...] encountered with game development. unrealengine.com |
道路会感觉像真的一样,有游戏开发 商 在游戏中设计的各种松软的沙砾和碎石路肩。 logitech.com.cn | The road feels like a road should feel—with all the loose gravel and rumble [...] strips that the developers actually put [...]in the game. logitech.com |
项目简介: 国产JAVA游戏开源框 架Loonframework 这是一个基于Java技术的2D游戏框架,将涉及J2SE,J2ME,JavaFX三个方面。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: JAVA games made open source framework [...] Loonframework This is a Java technology-based 2D game framework , will involve the J2SE, J2ME, JavaFX three areas. javakaiyuan.com |
最初发布作为一对interlinkable游戏机视频 游 戏开 发 的 游戏英雄角色扮演,宠物小精灵一直以来成为的第二最成功和最赚钱的视频游戏为基础的媒体特许经营在世界上仅次于任天堂自己的马里奥特许经营权。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Originally released as a pair of interlinkable Game Boy role-playing video games developed by Game Freak, Pokémon has since become the second-most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchise in the world, behind only Nintendo’s own Mario franchise. en.seekcartoon.com |
的DirectX ® 11已经迅速成为PC游戏的游戏开发商 和广大的新标准选择开发自己的DirectX ® 11的AMD Radeon™显示卡游戏。 technologeeko.com | DirectX®11 has quickly become the new [...] standard for PC games and the majority of game developers chose to develop [...]their DirectX® 11 games [...]on AMD Radeon™ graphics cards. technologeeko.com |
因为在亚洲,目前还没有出现一个全面了解整个 游 戏 平 台 开 发 及 生产技术的公司,而在2006年,泰强游戏科技有限公司和NTU(新加坡南洋理工大学)已经合作,开设了高级 游 戏开 发 硕士学位,幷实施奖学制度,鼓励有潜力的学生。 tqglobal.com | Since Asia is not well known for its [...] technology and know-how [...] in console game development and production, TQ Global has taken a long term view by being the first to provide the scholarship for the Nanyang Technological University Master Degree in Advance Game Platform since 2006. tqglobal.com |
在吃角子老虎机和轮盘游戏中,如果玩家在 游 戏开 始 之 后断线,您可以再次登录娱乐城,点击“游戏历史”按钮查看游戏结果。 dafa888.com | In games like Slots and Roulette, where the player does not take [...] decisions in the game after the round had started, [...]you can just log in to the casino again [...]and see how the game had finished by clicking on the “Game History” button. dafa888.com |
内容提供商(从音乐公司 到掌上游戏开发商 )和零售商可能会主动放 弃小型平板电脑的硬件利润,以鼓励现有用 [...] 户转向数字化、低成本的分销模式。 deloittetmt.com | Content owners (from music [...] companies to handheld games publishers) and retailers [...]may want to actively forgo hardware gross [...]margins on smaller tablets as a way of encouraging existing customers to move to digital, lower-cost distribution models. deloittetmt.com |
三种方法均有效,但现在可能是增加第四种方法的时 候了,即从游戏开始收费。 deloittetmt.com | All three approaches are valid, but it may now be the time to add a fourth approach – charging to play at the outset. deloittetmt.com |
欧特克娱乐创作套件 2013 [...] 是一款经济实惠的端到端创作及 生产解决方案,其中包含的工具可供艺术家用于视觉效果、 游戏开发和其它三维动画制作。 images.autodesk.com | Autodesk® Entertainment Creation Suites 2013 provide an affordable end-to-end creation and [...] production solution, with tools used by artists working in [...] visual effects, game development, and other 3D [...]animation production. wam.autodesk.com |
具有坚强实力的台湾游戏开发团队「思维工坊」于刚刚落幕的台北电玩展中首度发表了最新作品《Dragon’s [...] Prophet》,并同时宣布已与日本知名游戏营运商Aeria Games携手合作,进军具有指标意义的日本在线游戏市场,目前《Dragon’s [...] Prophet》的走向及未来发展已受到全球市场及玩家的高度关注。 tipschina.gov.cn | The company also announced it will be collaborating with the [...] famous Japanese game publisher -- Aeria [...]Games to release Dragon's Prophet in Japan. tipschina.gov.cn |
完美时空是一家国际领先的游戏开发 商 和运营商。 skyworthttg.com | Perfect World is a [...] leading online game developer and operator based [...]in China. skyworthttg.com |
这游戏开发商 追求的是能达到建立一个能让苹果手机用户应用图片来分享及参与群落来比较他们的生活图片同时能享受一些特别的娱乐。 ipress.com.hk | The developers of the game are looking to [...] build a platform for users to not only continue sharing their lives via images [...]but to do so whilst being involved and competing in a community of people all doing the same thing and having fun with it at the same time. ipress.com.hk |
CCP创始于1997年夏天,旨在成为一个行业领先的大型多人在线 游 戏开 发 公 司。 ccpgames.com | CCP was founded in the summer of 1997 with the goal of becoming a leading [...] massively multiplayer game company. ccpgames.com |
突袭OL》(英文名称:Sudden Attack)是由韩国著名游戏开发商 GameHi公司开发、由神州奥美于在中国运营的第一人称射击类网络游戏,是一款拥有着操作简便,游戏进行速度及角色移动速度较快等特点的游戏,所以从FPS的专业玩家到入门级玩家都能快速入门的正统FPS类游戏。 yorkgame.com | The raid OL "(English name: Sudden Attack) is from [...] south Korean famous game developers GameHi company development, [...]by aomei operating in China in the [...]first person shooter kind of network game, is a have a simple operation, the game to move faster speed and the role of the characteristics of the game, so from the professional players FPS to entry-level players can be started quickly FPS games of the orthodox. yorkgame.com |
麦当劳最近就在中国市场采用了这个方法,通过与 游 戏开 放 商Rovio(该公司因推出“愤怒的小鸟”而被亚洲以及全世界所熟知)的合作,设计了一款创新的定位游戏。 labbrand.com | McDonalds’ recently deployed this approach in China by [...] partnering with mobile game developer Rovio (famous [...]for having taken over Asia and the world [...]with its Angry Birds franchise) to design an innovative location-based campaign. labbrand.com |
在这里您将会找到一个列有使用Epic世界级工具集培训次时代 游 戏开 发 人 员的知名学院的名单。 unrealengine.com | Here you’ll find a list of academic institutions that are using Epic’s world-class toolset to train the [...] next generation of game developers. unrealengine.com |
西娜.卡马拉,Wooga(德国在线社交游 戏开 发 商 )的发言人说,没有其它城市能够提供拥有这样一种氛围的如此独特的世界,而生活花销是这么低。 blog.rubinarealestate.com | Sina Kamala, [...] spokesperson of Wooga (developer of Social Gaming) states that „No [...]other city offers such a unique world in [...]the same atmosphere at such low cost of living. blog.rubinarealestate.com |
她远赴澳大利亚完成了她的动画系学士学位,现在她正在为手机 游 戏开 发 公 司的首席艺术家工作。 playbling.com | She traveled to Australia to finish [...] her bachelor degree, major in animation, and now she is working as the lead [...] artist for a mobile game developing company. playbling.com |
对于我来说,沥青4精英已经是“二手”商品和最新的游戏我高兴再次但他们更好的准备Ferrárka由 游 戏开 发 商Gameloft 。 iphoneaplikace.eu | For me, Asphalt 4 Elite is already "used" goods and [...] the latest game me excited again but they are better prepared Ferrárka from Gameloft. iphoneaplikace.eu |
LiveArea:新NGP游戏将受益于空间称为LiveArea多人,这也将包括获得最新的PlayStation通过信息网络对 游 戏开 发 商 和发行商。 technologeeko.com | LiveArea: New NGP titles will benefit from a multiplayer space called LiveArea, [...] that will also include access to the [...] latest information on games from developers and publishers [...]via PlayStation Network. technologeeko.com |
数以百计的游戏开盒即 可呈现 3D 效果,这一点更为该解决方案锦上添花。 nvidia.cn | The fact that 3D just works [...] with hundreds of games right out of the [...]box is the icing on the cake. nvidia.com |
如果从长城瓷砖在您完成一个PON [...] 手,或尹启铭,或者如果你是在处理这样一组 游戏开始的,它被认为是隐蔽,你不 需要申报此设置之前,你去实现自己的 [...] 麻将手:发生这种情况时,如集显示,但仍 考虑隐蔽。 mahjongworld.com | If drawing a tile from the Wall completes a pon in your hand, or a [...] chii, or if you are dealt such a set at [...] the start of the game, it is considered [...]concealed and you do NOT need to declare [...]this set before you go out by achieving your mahjong hand: when this occurs, such sets are shown but still considered concealed. mahjongworld.com |
2009年3月11日,美国加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉市)—全球视觉计算技术的行业领袖NVIDIA®(英伟达™)公司于今日宣布,世界首款家用高清3D立体解决方案 [...] NVIDIA 3D Vision® 技术得到游戏开发界知名厂商的广泛认可,好评如潮。 nvidia.cn | SANTA CLARA, CA—MARCH 17, 2009—NVIDIA® Corporation today announced that it [...] has signed a tools and middleware license agreement for PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) with Sony [...] Computer Entertainment Inc (SCEI). nvidia.in |