单词 | 开恩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 开恩 —give a favor (used of Christian God)See also:恩—grace 恩 n—favorAE n • kindness n
据联合王国称,2010-2011 年,在联合王国国际发展部的支持下,皮 特 开恩 的支出约 450 万新西兰元,该年度收入为 204 000 新西兰元。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the United Kingdom, the 2010-2011 expenditure for Pitcairn, supported by the Department for International Development of the United Kingdom was roughly $NZ 4.5 million, and income for the year was $NZ 204,000. daccess-ods.un.org |
用户可以得到免费的软件产品及所有业务程序源代码,用户或用户指定的开发商可在该ERP产品基础上进行定 制 开 发 , 恩 信 科 技为此提供有偿的咨询、培训、文档支持、定制许可等服务,帮助用户低成本、高效率建设完全成功的企业信息化系统。 javakaiyuan.com | Users can get free business software [...] products and all source code [...] , user or developer can be specified in the ERP products based on custom development , information [...]technology ex paid [...]for this offer consulting, training , documentation, support , custom license , etc. services to help customers cost-efficient construction is entirely successful enterprise information system . javakaiyuan.com |
我们建议联合国教科文组织最迟在 2006 年中之前召开宗滴恩和达 喀尔会议五个主办机 构负责人的会议,讨论并确认(如有可能)这项计划。 unesdoc.unesco.org | We recommend that UNESCO convene the Heads of the five convening agencies of Jomtien and Dakar at the latest by mid-2006 to discuss and, if possible, affirm the Plan. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(d) 《2007 年 7 月 [...] 25 日大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国政府与荷兰王国关于 开发明克梅恩的谅 解备忘录》(未公布)。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and [...] Northern Ireland and the Kingdom of the Netherlands of 25 July 2007 [...] concerning the Minke Main Development (not published). daccess-ods.un.org |
正如您所注意到的,布莱恩2012年以开 通 新 的ABC网站(布 莱 恩 新 闻 ) 开 端 , 从此,新网站代替原来的博客网站。 brane-cantenac.com | As you can [...] see, Brane is starting 2012 with a brand-new website and our new ABC, Actualités à Brane-Cantenac (News at Brane-Cantenac), [...]which will be replacing our blog. brane-cantenac.com |
在兵变开始时,一名恩杜马保卫 刚果民兵组织前战斗人员亲眼看到,恩塔甘达将军的车辆一次运送了 [...] 60 箱 AK-47 突击步枪弹药和 20 箱 PKM 机枪弹药,此外还有 4 挺 PKM 机枪和 2 个 RPG-7 火箭筒。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the outset of the mutiny, one NDC ex-combatant [...] witnessed a delivery of 60 boxes of AK-47 ammunition and 20 boxes of PKM [...]ammunition, together with 4 PKMs and 2 RPG-7s, which had been transported in Gen. daccess-ods.un.org |
在25门炮的定义了完整的,无能为力的性质,前的宽限期良好的必要性,绝对的有益的行为,特别 是 开 始 的 恩 典 和信仰,绝对酬金第一最终毅力,而在尾声的宿命的意愿,邪恶是异端邪说品牌为(参见登青格,Bannwart,神经网络。 mb-soft.com | In twenty-five canons the entire powerlessness of nature for good, the absolute necessity of prevenient grace for salutary acts, especially for the beginning of faith, the absolute gratuity of the first grace and of final perseverance, were defined, while in the epilogue the predestination of the will to evil was branded as heresy (cf. Denzinger-Bannwart, nn. 174-200). mb-soft.com |
我们希望,计划于伊斯坦布 尔和波恩召开的关 于阿富汗问题的会议将为建设一 个强大、安全与和平的阿富汗制定一项切实的国家建 [...] 设方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | Our hope is that the planned conferences on Afghanistan [...] in Istanbul and Bonn will define a genuine [...]programme for nation-building for a [...]strong, secure and peaceful Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
1 月 30 [...] 日,3 个由喀土穆政府支持的 乍得叛军组织离开达尔富尔,向恩贾 梅纳(乍得 首都)的乍得政府发动袭击,未能达到预期目 [...] 的,随后达尔富尔叛军组织正义与平等运动 (JEM)进入乍得帮助政府对付叛军进攻。 crisisgroup.org | On 30 January, three Khartoum-backed Chadian rebel groups left Darfur to launch an [...] unsuccessful attack on N’djamena and the Chadian government. crisisgroup.org |
后一个的使命停止博士Drakken的使用的绝密机, 罗 恩 突 然 开 始 表现出深刻的智慧在他的著作中。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After a mission to stop Dr. Drakken from using a top [...] secret machine, Ron suddenly begins exhibiting [...]profound intelligence in his writing. mt.seekcartoon.com |
她描述米奇尔莱恩刚离开社区 服务中心时的样子。 unicef.org | She describes Mitchialine’s appearance when she first left the residential care centre. unicef.org |
正是在此背景下,印度参加了最近 [...] 召开的伊斯坦布尔区域会议,并将参加即将在 波 恩召 开的会议,以便推动旨在支持阿富汗建国努力的国际 [...]和区域举措。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is in that context that India participated in the recently held Istanbul Regional [...] Conference and will participate in the [...] forthcoming Conference in Bonn, so as to contribute [...]to international and regional initiatives [...]to support Afghanistan’s efforts at nation-building. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们欢迎即将于 11 [...] 月和 12 月 5 日在伊斯坦布尔和波恩召开的会 议,这些会议将有 助于我们在所有这些问题上向前迈进。 daccess-ods.un.org | We welcome the upcoming Conferences in Istanbul in [...] November and in Bonn on 5 December, which [...]will help us to move forward on all of those issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿布贾、波恩、巴林、布拉迪斯拉发、 开罗、 伊斯兰堡、新德里、内罗毕、马拉维、马斯喀特、圣彼得堡、奥斯陆、拉巴特、圣地亚哥、 三宝垄、斯德哥尔摩、多伦多和哥伦比亚特区华盛顿也组织了推出活动/新闻发布会/讲习班。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Launches/press conferences/workshops were also organized in Abuja, Bonn, Bahrain, Bratislava, [...] Cairo, Islamabad, New Delhi, [...]Nairobi, Malawi, Muscat, St Petersburg, Oslo, Rabat, Santiago, Semarang, Stockholm, Toronto and Washington DC. unesdoc.unesco.org |
弗劳恩霍夫开放通 信系统研究所(FOKUS)将提出智能家庭(Smart Home)下一代M2M应用,展示运营商从人类通信范式向机器类型通信(MTC)转移的路径。 tipschina.gov.cn | Smart Home applications over next generation M2M will be presented [...] by the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication [...]Systems (FOKUS), showing the migration [...]path for operators from a human communication paradigm towards Machine Type Communication (MTC). tipschina.gov.cn |
我们希望在波恩即将召开的会 议将是又一次以真诚 方式开展讨论的机会,商讨如何制定措施来应对政治 [...] 和安全问题方面的共同挑战并拟订更多消除极端主 义、好战成性、恐怖主义和贩毒的办法,以及如何按 照阿富汗人民的愿望,在所有邻国和区域国家的积极 参与下,为增进阿富汗经济繁荣铺平道路。 daccess-ods.un.org | We hope that the [...] upcoming meeting in Bonn will be another occasion [...]to discuss in a sincere manner ways to develop measures [...]aimed at addressing common challenges in political and security issues and to elaborate further ways to eliminate extremism, militancy, terrorism and drug trafficking, as well as to pave the way for greater economic prosperity for Afghanistan, with the active participation of all the neighbouring and regional countries, in line with the wishes of the Afghan people. daccess-ods.un.org |
项目简介: Nseer ERP是国内软件公司恩信科技的开源产 品,完全基于j2ee,b/s架构的新一代ERP产品,包括客户关系,产品设计,库存管理,采购管理,生产管理,资金控制,财务系统,人力资源等主要模块,系统完全采用开放的思想设计,通过客户化设置即可实现个性化应用。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: Nseer ERP software [...] companies is the grace of open source information technology [...]products , based entirely [...]on j2ee, b/s architecture of a new generation of ERP products , including customer relations , product design, inventory management , purchasing management , production management , financial control , financial systems, human resources and other major modules , the system completely open mind design , customized settings can be realized by individual applications. javakaiyuan.com |
几天后,以色列未经乌干达当局同意, 在 恩 德 培 机场 展 开 营 救 人质的任务。 un.org | A few days later, Israel conducted a [...] hostage-rescue mission at the Entebbe airport without the [...]consent of the Ugandan authorities. un.org |
通过在十几个东加勒比海岛屿以及古巴、海地、牙买加、巴布亚新几内亚(莫图科伊 塔、莫尔兹比港和特罗布里恩岛) 及萨摩 亚 开 展 跨 部门的实地项目活动,进一步增强了小岛 屿的可持续发展能力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The sustainable development capacity of small islands was further strengthened through intersectoral field project activities in a dozen eastern Caribbean islands, as well as in Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea (Motu Koita, Port Moresby and Trobriand Islands) and Samoa. unesdoc.unesco.org |
1944年2月2日,小鲨鱼号被部署到米尔 恩 湾 , 接着 就 开 始 了在俾斯麦湾-新几内亚-特鲁克一线的战术巡逻。 trumpeter-china.com | GATO departed Milne Bay 2 February 1944 to conduct her eighth war patrol in the Bismarck-New Guinea-Truk area. trumpeter-china.com |
珍内特·卡里姆女士代表到菲律宾访问的代表团团长马拉维常驻联合国代 表布赖恩·鲍勒先生致开场白 之后,这次实地访问的首席报告员墨西哥常驻联合 [...] 国代表团二秘诺埃尔·冈萨雷斯-塞古拉先生介绍了该报告(E/ICEF/2011/CRP.13 和Corr.1)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following introductory remarks by Ms. Janet [...] Karim on behalf of H.E. Mr. Brian G. Bowler, Permanent [...]Representative of Malawi to the United [...]Nations, who led the delegation to the Philippines, the Chief Rapporteur of the field visit, Mr. Noel Gonzalez-Segura, Second Secretary of the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations, introduced the report (E/ICEF/2011/CRP.13 and Corr.1). daccess-ods.un.org |
特设工作组第十五届会议将于2012年5月15 日星期二在德国波恩海洋旅馆 开幕。 daccess-ods.un.org | The fifteenth session of the [...] AWG-LCA will be opened by the Chair on Tuesday, 15 May 2012, at the Maritim Hotel in Bonn, Germany. daccess-ods.un.org |
附件一缔约方在《京都议定书》之下的进一步承诺问题特设工作组( 特设工作 组 ) 第十七届会议于2012年5月15 日在德国波恩海洋旅馆开幕。 daccess-ods.un.org | 1. The seventeenth session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further [...] Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto [...] Protocol (AWG-KP) opened at the Maritim Hotel in Bonn, Germany, on [...]15 May 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了监测能耗,恩格尔开发了 一款专用于控制单元的分析工具 ecograph,该软件在用户每一次更改机器的设置时,提示能耗的变化情况。 cn.industrysourcing.com | To monitor the energy [...] consumption, ENGEL has developed the ENGEL ecograph [...]analysis tool for the control unit. The display [...]will alert you to changes in energy consumption whenever you modify the machine settings. us.industrysourcing.com |
根据 2006-2007 年中国电力投资集团公司和 缅甸军阀达成的协议,该公司将在克钦邦境内沿伊 洛瓦底江、恩梅开江 (N’Mai Hka) 和迈立开江 (Mali Hka) 修建七个大坝群。 banktrack.org | In Kachin State, China Power Investment Corporation plans to build seven dams along the Irrawaddy, N’Mai Hka and Mali Hka Rivers according to 2006 and 2007 agreements between the company and the military junta. banktrack.org |
德班加强行动平台问题特设工作组第一届会议于2012年5月17 日在德国波 恩海洋旅馆开幕。 daccess-ods.un.org | 1. The first session of the Ad Hoc [...] Working Group on the Durban Platform for [...] Enhanced Action (ADP) opened at the Maritim Hotel in Bonn, Germany, on 17 [...]May 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
第 16 次 CIGR [...] 世界大会的水土利用与环境全体会 议将于 2006 年 9 月 3-7 日在德国的波恩召开。 cigr.org | Land and Water Use and Environment, plenary [...] session in the 16th CIGR World Congress, 3-7 [...] September 2006 in Bonn, Germany, under [...]the title of "Agricultural Engineering for a Better World". cigr.org |
2007 年 5 月,Myitsone 大 坝举行工程启动仪式,该 3,600 兆瓦的大坝坐落在 伊洛瓦底江上,位于克钦邦境内恩梅 开 江 和 迈立开 江的交汇处。 banktrack.org | In May 2007, the projectlaunching ceremony was held for the Myitsone Dam. The 3,600 MW Myitsone Dam will be located on the Irrawaddy River, at the confluence of the N’Mai Hka and Mali Hka Rivers in Kachin State. banktrack.org |
为了填补豪雅专卖店的空缺,2012年4月底,豪雅与宝齐莱(Bucherer)在卢 塞 恩 合 作 新 开 了 一 家面积达84平方米的专卖店;5月初,又有一家豪雅与Türler 合作,占地20-60平方米的活动式品牌店(Pop-up [...] store)在苏黎世机场亮相;今年底,将有一家63平方米的豪雅专属专卖店在日内瓦盛大揭幕。 wthejournal.com | Previously missing from the map of TAG Heuer [...] stores, Switzerland opened its first 900 sq ft TAG Heuer store in Lucerne at the end of [...]April 2012, in association [...]with Bucherer Handels AG, followed in May by a modular pop-up store of 215 to 645 sq ft at Zurich airport with Türler. wthejournal.com |