

单词 开山鼻祖

See also:


open a monastery
cut into a mountain (to open a mine)


originator (of a tradition, school of thought etc)
the earliest ancestor

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 為減低第五號幹線的交通噪音,象山 前的㆒段鼻山路和 城門隧道兩端的 城門隧道公路的路段,都已鋪蓋低噪音路面。
(b) To reduce traffic noise on Route 5, quiet road surfacing
has been applied to the section
[...] of Cheung Pei Shan Road in front of Cheung Shan Estate, and to [...]
the sections of the Shing Mun
Tunnel Road on both ends of the tunnel.
菱川师宣通常被认为是浮世绘 开山祖。
Morobonu is often considered the first Ukiyo-e artist.
It’s a good idea to purchase travel insurance before leaving your country to cover lost baggage, cancellation of plane tickets and repatriation.
须知配备秒针与开始/停止/归零功能的现代计时码表, 开山祖 款 由 定居伦敦的瑞士钟表师Adolphe Nicole于1862年发明问世。
It is worth
[...] recalling that the ancestor of the modern chronograph, [...]
with central second hand and start/stop/reset functions
was invented in 1862 by Adolphe Nicole, a Swiss watchmaker working in London.
在反腐败领域,山开展了一些重大的活动,包括通过了新的《防止利 益 冲 突法》。
In the field of
[...] combating corruption, Montenegro has undertaken significant [...]
activities, including the passing of the new
Law on Preventing Conflict of Interests.
1月23日在愚公山,最 具爆发力的本土朋 鼻祖 乐 队 脑浊、生命力最旺盛的流行金属乐队面孔、台风犀利的说唱摇滚领军者CMCB、备受瞩目dance punk新贵钢铁的心同台,2010年的最火爆的现场之争即将揭幕。
Come and find your own answer on January 23rd at Yugongyishan with the local punk scene originator [...]
Brain Failure, the most
devilish pop metal band The Face, the cutting edge hip-hop rocker CMCB and the rising dance punk star Steely Heart on the same stage, witness the most explosive live music battle in 2010.
他是振兴传统歌剧鼻祖,同 时在其作曲中 推崇捷克民间音乐。
He initiated the revival of traditional opera, while paying homage in his compositions to Czech folk music.
因此,我们大家应当认识到,唯一的解决办法 只能是由叙利亚人自己来解决问题,开展全面、包 容和满足叙利亚人民愿望的叙利亚政治进程 开展 在祖国的总体范围内人人都可参与的全民对话,来 建立一个民主、多元、在法律面前人人平等、不存 在任何政治或意识形态倾向的国家;一个人人不受 歧视地拥有政治和经济机会的国家;一个能够象其 [...]
它国家一样,举行人人均可参与竞选的民主、透明 和自由选举的国家。
Consequently, it is incumbent upon all of us to realize that the only solution must be a Syrian solution through a comprehensive and
inclusive Syrian
[...] political process that satisfies the aspirations of the Syrian people in a national dialogue in which all participate under the umbrella of the homeland in order to [...]
establish a democratic,
pluralistic country where all enjoy equality before the law, far from any political or ideological tendencies, a State where political and economic opportunities are available to each and everyone without discrimination, where there are democratic, transparent and free elections in which all compete, as is the case in other countries.
音屏障加建工程 向財務委員會建議,把
[...] 780TH 號工程計劃提升為甲級;按付 款當日價格計算,估計所需費 用為 2 億 1,730 萬元,用以在 荃灣石圍角邨與象山邨之間 的一段鼻山路加建隔音屏 障。
To recommend to Finance Committee the upgrading of 780TH to Category A at an estimated cost of $217.3 million in money-of-the-day prices for the retrofitting
of noise barriers on the section
[...] of Cheung Pei Shan Road between Shek Wai Kok Estate and Cheung Shan Estate in Tsuen Wan.
中心将根据平等的国际合作原则与阿尔巴尼亚、保加利亚、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、 克罗地亚、前南斯拉夫马其顿共和国、塞尔维亚和 山开 展 活 动。
The Centre will operate based on the principles of equal international cooperation
with Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
[...] Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro.
作為公共廣鼻祖之一的英國,現正進行公共廣播管治架構的改革,將 英國廣播公司(BBC)的負責對象,從理事會轉移至英國廣播公司信託。
As the forerunner of PSB, the United Kingdom is now carrying out a reform on the governace structure for PSB by making the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) accountable to the BBC Trust instead of the Board of Governors.
中铝广西分公司可持续山开采的 成功实践,离不开先进的采矿理念和高效机械设备的投入使用。
The sustainable-mining practice of CHALCO cannot succeed without advanced mining concept and utilization of high-efficient Cat® mining facilities.
此外,圣母兄弟会于 2005 年在旧山开 设一 个慈善工作团,专门帮助无家游民。
Moreover, Fraternite Notre
[...] Dame was able to open a charitable mission [...]
in San Francisco in 2005, specially dedicated to the homeless people.
鼻祖傑克 遜總統清楚指出,㆟權是每個㆟ 有追求幸福的權利 ― 健康的㆟,以及患病的㆟、傷者、弱者,同樣有追求幸福的權利。
United States President Thomas JEFFERSON, the world's first advocate of human rights, said that a human right was the right of every person to pursue happiness and that it was the same for a sick person, an injured person or a weak person.
后来,弗拉哈迪成为一名导演兼制片人,他 开山 之 作 “北方的纳努克”(1922 年)是默片时代最著名的纪录片之一。
Flaherty later became a director and producer whose first film, Nanook of the North (1922), was one of the best known documentaries of the silent-era.
真空管数码时钟是LED(发光二极管)时钟 鼻祖 − − 或者夸张的说是“数码时代的恐龙”。
Nixie tube clocks are the predecessors of LED watches – or more dramatically put, “the dinosaurs of the digital age”.
就該 18
[...] 區而言,由於已有撥款,就粉嶺公路和 鼻山公 路的工程而言,其中一項已完成,另一項則快將完成。
Insofar as those 18 sections are concerned, as funds have already been
earmarked, one of the projects at Fanling
[...] Road and Cheung Pei Shan Road has been completed [...]
and the other one will also be completed shortly.
如 果大家 信 奉 自 由市場 , 亦請聽 一 聽 自 由市場鼻 祖 亞 當 史密斯 在《 道 德 情 操 論 》(The Theory of Moral Sentiments)中 說 : “對一 貧 如 洗 的人坐視不 理,是 社 會 道 德 淪 落 的 最 主 要 原 因 ” 。
If Members believe in the free market, they should listen to what the originator of the free market, Adam SMITH said in The Theory of Moral Sentiments: "to neglect persons of poor and mean condition …… is the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments".
他挑选了一个1980年代传奇Atari游戏 鼻祖 : 您还记得那个带两个拍子和一个球的桌球游戏吗?
He selected an hommage to a legendary Atari game from the 1980s: Do you remember the tennis TV game with two paddles and a ball?
當日入門玩Rollei相機時,便是被35系列那小巧、輕便可愛的機身吸引;她是量產135格式便攝相機 鼻祖 , 多 年來起起落落卻從沒有被時代淘汰,至今已經成為不少攝影愛好者的愛藏。
I was attracted to Rollei camera for the compact shape of the 35 series; she is the first limited edition in 135 format, surviving all these years and still occupies a special place in many camera lovers’ heart.
无论他们被人称作是后朋克还是no wave的鼻祖,还 是什么自由先锋、试验、噪音音乐的先驱都统统不重要,重要的是他们来了,而且来的是北京而不光是上海,是登陆而不光是靠岸。
It doesn’t matter what people identify Sonic Youth with – the post-punk or the guru of No Wave or the pioneer of free avant-garde, experimental and noise -  what does matter is they are here, here in Beijing and Shanghai.
儿基会在山开展了一次称为“关乎能力”的全国范围的多个利益攸关方运 动,用以提高对残疾问题的认识,包括残疾儿童进入学校和社区生活主流的问题。
In Montenegro, UNICEF has developed [...]
a nationwide multi-stakeholder campaign, “It’s About Ability”, to raise awareness about
disability issues, including the mainstreaming of children with disabilities in schools and community life.
鼻山路沿路的加裝工程亦於 2005 年 9 月展開,預計於 2008 年 竣工。
The retrofitting works
[...] along Cheung Pei Shan Road commenced in [...]
September 2005 and are expected to complete in 2008.
激光衍射与自动颗粒成像技术的结合,支持快速且具成本效益 鼻 用 喷 雾产 开 发 ,同时还可提供常规的数据...
Together the techniques of laser diffraction and automated
particle imaging support the fast,
[...] cost-effective development of nasal spray products, simultaneously [...]
providing the data required for regulatory...
I thank President Zuma again for convening this discussion.
脱水热,患突然没有酒精,黑线鳕出现幻觉, 开 始 记 住他 祖 先 ,法兰西斯黑线鳕(安迪·瑟金斯),谁是队长独角兽的在17th世纪的故事。
Dehydrated in the heat, and suffering from a sudden lack
of alcohol, Haddock
[...] hallucinates, and starts to remember stories about his ancestor, Sir Francis Haddock [...]
(Andy Serkis), who
was captain of the Unicorn during the 17th century.
我對特首亦沒甚期望,因為大家也清楚,政制發展根本是由中央拍板, 中央一天不首肯,特首便有如孫悟空被如來 祖 的 五 指 山 壓 着 般,根本沒有 甚麼可以做。
I do not hold any expectations for the Chief Executive because we all know that the go-ahead of any constitutional development basically has to be given by the Central Authorities.
因 此 ,主席,我 希 望今天 當我們 討 論 這 份 施 政 報告的 時 候
[...] , 儘 管 行 政長 官正在 遨祖 國的山 河 , 仍 希 望 他 能夠撥 出少許 [...]
時間, 想想我 們 這個地 方 ;想想由他親 手 製 造很多個“老
李 ”所面對的 困 境,可 如 何 解決;想想如 何 可以令巿 民 大眾在 這個社 會 內能夠真正享 受 公平和 合 理的生活 ,以及一個 更能持續發展 的 社 會。
Therefore, Madam President, while the Chief
Executive is now enjoying the
[...] magnificent scenery of the Motherland when we are here discussing [...]
this policy address, I hope
that he can spare a little bit of his time to think about this place of ours, think about the way to ease the plights of the many "Old LEE" whom he created, and think about how members of the community can truly live in a fair and reasonable society which can develop sustainably.
他们尤其请各缔约 国采取措施,使家庭有能力克服贫困,从而家长们能与儿童呆在一起,而不必开自己的祖国到海外谋求工作。
In particular, they invited States parties to take measures to empower the families to overcome poverty so that parents could stay with their children and would not have to leave their country to work abroad.
为此,开始 对祖国印度的“真正”增长开 私 人 调查,使 其与“GDP 增长”进行对比:一个“绿色核算”项 目诞生了 (www.gistindia.org)。我的项目合作方与我 [...]
都理解:将印度作为一个整体得出的任何结论都没 有意义:它太大了,所有人的问题就是没有人的问 题。
This led me to start a private inquiry to account for ‘real’ growth in India, my [...]
home country, as against ‘GDP growth’:
a ‘Green Accounting’ project was born (www.gistindia.org). My project partners and I understood that to draw any conclusion about India as a whole would be meaningless: it would be too big, everybody’s problem, hence nobody’s problem.




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