

单词 开山祖师

See also:


open a monastery
cut into a mountain (to open a mine)

External sources (not reviewed)

师宣通常被认为是浮世绘 开山祖。
Morobonu is often considered the first Ukiyo-e artist.
须知配备秒针与开始/停止/归零功能的现代计时码表, 开山祖 款 由 定居伦敦的瑞士钟 师 A d o lp he Nicole于1862年发明问世。
It is worth
[...] recalling that the ancestor of the modern chronograph, with central second hand and start/stop/reset functions was invented in 1862 by Adolphe Nicole, [...]
a Swiss watchmaker working in London.
而成就这一次海外演出的,就是刚在我国结束弘法行程的佛 山开山 宗 长 ,星云 师。
He also said the number of higher education institutions in the country is sufficient to serve the current demand.
开发商:夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省 Umhlanga 地区鲁茨戒毒所;设师:对成瘾、 抑郁和压力患者和家庭的康复治疗模块进行评估、治疗规划和交付的 Jullu 软件 方案(2008 年);南非医学杂志上“在南非治疗阿片剂指南”的合著者(2008 年); 中央药物管理局驻南非西开普省代表(2007-2011 年);南非中央药物管理局成员 (2006-2011 年);南非夸祖鲁-纳塔尔大学纳尔逊·曼德拉医学院兼职讲师(2005 年至今)。
(2008); Central Drug Authority representative to the Western Cape, South Africa (2007-2011); member of the Central Drug Authority of South Africa (2006-2011); part-time lecturer, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University KwaZulu Natal, South Africa (2005-present).
It’s a good idea to purchase travel insurance before leaving your country to cover lost baggage, cancellation of plane tickets and repatriation.
直到现在山猫工程师 还和我们一起审核所有过程,2012年7 月山猫向集团公司会长提出要终止装有 Kubota发动机的设备的研发,集中精力 研发装有斗山小型柴油发动机的设备, 这表明他开始完全信任我们。
In July 2012, Bobcat Company reported to the Group Chairman that it would stop developing equipment mounted with Kubota engines, and that it would concentrate only on our compact diesel engine.
土耳其理解对有移民背景的儿童优先进行挪威语教育,但同时也鼓励挪 威应当强调由胜任的语言师开展母 语教育。
Turkey, while understanding the priority given to Norwegian language education for children with
an immigrant background, encouraged Norway to put an emphasis on mother-tongue
[...] education by competent language teachers.
因此,我们大家应当认识到,唯一的解决办法 只能是由叙利亚人自己来解决问题,开展全面、包 容和满足叙利亚人民愿望的叙利亚政治进程 开展 在祖国的总体范围内人人都可参与的全民对话,来 建立一个民主、多元、在法律面前人人平等、不存 在任何政治或意识形态倾向的国家;一个人人不受 歧视地拥有政治和经济机会的国家;一个能够象其 [...]
它国家一样,举行人人均可参与竞选的民主、透明 和自由选举的国家。
Consequently, it is incumbent upon all of us to realize that the only solution must be a Syrian solution through a comprehensive and
inclusive Syrian
[...] political process that satisfies the aspirations of the Syrian people in a national dialogue in which all participate under the umbrella of the homeland in order to [...]
establish a democratic,
pluralistic country where all enjoy equality before the law, far from any political or ideological tendencies, a State where political and economic opportunities are available to each and everyone without discrimination, where there are democratic, transparent and free elections in which all compete, as is the case in other countries.
我對特首亦沒甚期望,因為大家也清楚,政制發展根本是由中央拍板, 中央一天不首肯,特首便有如孫悟空被如來 祖 的 五 指 山 壓 着 般,根本沒有 甚麼可以做。
I do not hold any expectations for the Chief Executive because we all know that the go-ahead of any constitutional development basically has to be given by the Central Authorities.
每年,当我有幸访问半边天的合作项目院,看到那些孩子 们在爱祖母、教师和保育员的陪伴 开 心 地 嬉笑,我为 这个了不起的组织争取更多支持的热情就越加高涨。
Every year when I have the pleasure of visiting one of Half the Sky’s Children’s Centers and see children smiling and laughing with their loving nannies, teachers, and mentors, my passion to rally support for this wonderful organization grows.
Bart以前曾担任体育和商业执业师, 在 其 祖 国 新 西兰的奥塔哥大学取得了文学学士和法学学士学位。
Bart is a former practicing
[...] sports and commercial lawyer, with a BA and LLB [...]
from Otago University in his native New Zealand.
因 此 ,主席,我 希 望今天 當我們 討 論 這 份 施 政 報告的 時 候
[...] , 儘 管 行 政長 官正在 遨祖 國的山 河 , 仍 希 望 他 能夠撥 出少許 [...]
時間, 想想我 們 這個地 方 ;想想由他親 手 製 造很多個“老
李 ”所面對的 困 境,可 如 何 解決;想想如 何 可以令巿 民 大眾在 這個社 會 內能夠真正享 受 公平和 合 理的生活 ,以及一個 更能持續發展 的 社 會。
Therefore, Madam President, while the Chief
Executive is now enjoying the
[...] magnificent scenery of the Motherland when we are here discussing [...]
this policy address, I hope
that he can spare a little bit of his time to think about this place of ours, think about the way to ease the plights of the many "Old LEE" whom he created, and think about how members of the community can truly live in a fair and reasonable society which can develop sustainably.
衷心感谢您们策划的摄影课程,Derrick在此次的行程中受到大家的关爱与提携,因 开 启 了生命中更美更宽阔更不同以往的视野!如果没有您们热情的询问 师 , 没 有麦 克 · 山 下 老 师 的 允 诺,那个周末对Derrick来说,只是跟往常一样上课及骑骑脚踏车或打打篮球的日子。
If you had not been so helpful and gotten the ok from
Michael [for Derrick to join the workshop
[...] despite his young age], then the last weekend would have been just like any other weekend for Derrick—spent in class, riding his bike or playing basketball.
在顶楼,占地所谓的总督府,他们在那里居住不仅加利西亚如胡安娜·德·维加和她的丈夫总米娜的数字,但也像人 祖 先 旧 金 山 巴 斯克斯将成为该市市长,回忆在一些城市发出舰队和随后的一次进攻,由德雷克在1589年,上尉,上尉胡安·巴雷拉玛丽亚·皮塔·特龙科索和许多拉科鲁尼亚和即将到来的位置邻居英勇干预,历史的里程碑;他遭受监禁,马拉斯皮纳,Macanaz或Porlier杰出的囚犯。
On the top floor, which occupies the so-called Governor’s House, where they resided not only Galician figures such as Juana de Vega
and her husband General Mina, but also
[...] others like ancestors of Francisco Vazquez would [...]
become mayor of the city, recalls
some milestones in the history of the city issuing the Armada and subsequent attack by Drake in 1589, with heroic intervention of Maria Pita, Captain Juan Varela, Captain Troncoso and many Coruña and neighbors of the upcoming locations; he suffered imprisonment in illustrious prisoners as Malaspina, Macanaz or Porlier.
在反腐败领域,山开展了一些重大的活动,包括通过了新的《防止利 益 冲 突法》。
In the field of
[...] combating corruption, Montenegro has undertaken significant [...]
activities, including the passing of the new
Law on Preventing Conflict of Interests.
話說有一位巴基斯坦男孩Khezar HAYA,中文名叫夏山,他的祖 父早年來香港落地生根,到他已是第三代的香港人。
Since his grandparents came to Hong Kong for [...]
settlement many years ago, he is now the third generation of Hong Kong people in the family.
在辛亥革命100周年之際,特區政府必須加以重視,藉紀念辛亥 革命和孫中山先生,宣揚孫中山先生的愛國主義,以及孫 山 先 生祖國統 一、振興中華的理想,為青年人和廣大市民,提供更多國民 教育的機會,也讓社會各界從歷史中學習,深刻瞭解民主的真諦,共 同攜手促進經濟發展,民生改善,社會和諧,穩步地發展出符合香港 實際情況的民主政制。
It is hoped that they will join hands to promote economic development, improve people's livelihood and promote social harmony, with a view to steadily developing a democratic system that is compatible with the actual situation of Hong Kong.
時至今天,我們依然 尊重儒家思想山老祖孔丘 為“聖人”、 “至聖”、 “萬世師表”。
Today, we still respect Confucius, the pioneer of Confucian thinking, as a "saint", "the supreme saint", or "an exemplary teacher for all ages".
非洲国际能力培养研究所在非洲会员国中促进了人的能力培养,以便通过向得不到适于 边远农村地区的适当的和成本效益好的单一教师学校提供多年级学校,与全世界的各大学合 作,为师开展远 程教育和编写教材和研究材料援助非洲国家制定预防艾滋病毒/艾滋病的 战略。
IICBA promoted human capacity-building in African Member States to attain the objectives of EFA through the provision of multi-grade schools to the unreachable, relevant and cost-effective one-teacher schools suitable for remote rural areas, the initiation of distance education courses for teachers in collaboration with universities across the world, and the assistance to African countries in the establishment of a strategy for the prevention of HIV/AIDS by developing teaching and research materials.
祖父是從中山移居澳門的,所以在 1950 年代,當我幾歲大的時候,還有 些親戚在澳門居住。
Therefore, in the 1950s when I was just a few years old, some of my relatives were living in Macao.
其直接效 果是要求在设计、生产和营销,特别是帮助手工艺人和设 师开 辟 国 际市场方面开展能力建 设的申请增加了。
The immediate result is the increase in requests for capacity-building in design, production, and marketing, particularly with a view to improving the access of craftspeople and designers to the international market.
请缔约国对法官和师开展有 关经济、社会和文化权利方面的培训。
The State party is invited to conduct training
[...] for judges and lawyers on economic, social [...]
and cultural rights.
在国际机构的支持下,诸 多组织在该国受影响最严重的地区开展了雷险宣传教育运动,对约 35 900 名学 生和师开展了 预防地雷和未爆弹药事故的教育。
With the support of international agencies, various organizations began education campaigns on the risks of mines in the most affected areas of the country, educating some 35,900 students and teachers on preventing mine and unexploded ordnance accidents.
推動國民教育是一項全社會工程,特區政府會與社會各界,特別是教育 界,積極和密切合作,通過種種方法和渠道,包括教學、師資培訓、校外課 程及與內地青少年交流等,提升青少年對國家發展的瞭解和認識, 祖 國山 河大 地和人民的認識,對中國歷史與文化的認識,使青少年建立民胞物與的 情懷、身為中國人的自豪感,以及對國民身份的認同。
This can be done through different means and channels, such as classroom teaching, teacher education, extra-curricular programmes and exchanges with young people from the Mainland.
截至目前,在哥伦比亚国家淘汰计划 2008-2009 年工作方案期间,已经取得一些成 果,包括:新增 700 名获得认证的制冷维修技师,自方案启动以来,已有 3,500 多名技师 获得认证;向 44 个培训中心提供培训设备和教材,并面向培 师开 办 了六个有关制冷剂 环保型管理的区域培训讲习班,目前已有超过 1,350 名技师接受了培训;向约 200 个维修 讲习班分发回收和再循环设备,以及完全转换商用制造行业中的泡沫塑料工艺。
A number of results have been achieved so far during the 2008-2009 work programme of the Colombia NPP, including: the certification of an additional 700 refrigeration servicing technicians, reaching over 3,500 technicians certified since the beginning of the programme; providing training equipment and materials to 44 training centres, and completing six regional training workshops for trainers on environmentally sound management of refrigerants, with over 1,350 technicians trained so far; distribution of recovery and recycling equipment to some 200 service workshops, as well as full conversion of foaming operations in the commercial manufacturing sector.
由开发署支助的法律培训 中心已将有关《反对家庭暴力法》的培训纳入对所有国家司法从业人员的授课课
[...] 程,并在所有新的培训方案(特别是为法官、检察官、公设辩护人和私人 师开 设的 培训方案)中纳入了关于两性平等方面国际文书的单元。
The Legal Training Centre, supported by UNDP, has included training on the law against domestic violence in its curricula for all national judicial actors and incorporated modules on gender-related
international instruments in all new training programmes (especially for judges, prosecutors,
[...] public defenders and private lawyers).




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