单词 | 开始从事 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 开始从事 verb—take up vless common: turn v Examples:使突然开始从事 v—plunge v See also:开始 v—began v • launch v • proceed v • kick off v 开始 n—commencement n • commence n • inception n 从事 v—do v • undertake v • engage v • handle v 从事—engage in • deal with • go for
一个特设工作组已开始从事增订 《行政手 册》的工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A small, dedicated team is already at work updating the Administrative Manual. unesdoc.unesco.org |
1992 年 11 月,在 [...] Yamazaki 先生的领导下,A-Pex 开始从事 EMC 业务,并推出满足 EMC 及产品安全认证需求的一站式、一揽子服务。 ul.com | Under Mr. Yamazaki's [...] leadership, A-Pex started its EMC operation [...]in November 1992, marketing a one-stop, bundled service [...]for EMC and product safety certification needs. ul.com |
1991: 加入APP研发团队,开始从事创新 性乳液产品的方面研发。 wacker.com | 1991: Joined APP’s [...] Research group and began to focus on R&D relating [...]to innovative dispersion products. wacker.com |
在夏天,巴斯克海岸的Mutriku开始从事 世 界 首座商业波浪发电站的运营。 voith.com | In summer, Mutriku at the Basque coast takes up service as the world's first [...] commercial wave power station. voith.com |
2004: 加入了瓦克聚合物研发中心, 开始从事 建 筑 聚合物方面的研发。 wacker.com | 2004: Joined WACKER [...] POLYMERS’ R&D center and began his involvement in [...]R&D relating to construction polymers. wacker.com |
从1893年起,J.M. Voith开始从事水轮机的建造。 voith.com | From 1893 J.M. Voith takes up the construction [...] of turbines. voith.com |
每一个希望在波兰开始从事经营 的投资者都必 须考虑雇佣工人。 paiz.gov.pl | Every investor [...] who wishes to start and develop their business activity in Poland must take into account the [...]employment of workers. paiz.gov.pl |
在此之前,我还在世界银行开始从事 女 童 教育 和发展的分析工作 daccess-ods.un.org | This followed earlier analytical work I initiated [...] in the Bank on girls’ education and development. daccess-ods.un.org |
在弗里堡学习毕业后,出于对能源的热爱, 他 开始从事 可 持续性能源工作。 swatch.com | After his studies in Fribourg, his passion for the sources of energy drove him to specialise in sustainable energy. swatch.com |
前些年,王子刚开始从事这项事业的时候,花费大量的时间与顶尖的海洋学家进行交流,并为科学家提供专门配备的船只到达远程站点进行海洋研究。 tipschina.gov.cn | In the earlier years of his [...] interest he spent time with leading marine [...]scientists and facilitated ocean research by providing [...]access to remote sites through his specially outfitted ships. tipschina.gov.cn |
这一结构调整过程也对两性平等产生了重大影响:在过去 的几十年里,越来越多的妇女 开始从事 有 酬 工作,但是劳动力“临时性”(兼职工、 合同工和在家里从事的工作增多)的趋势导致妇女极易受到经济危机的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | There have also been important gender dimensions to this restructuring: over the last several decades [...] women have increasingly [...] moved into paid employment, but trends towards “casualization” of the labour force (through an increase in [...]part-time, contract [...]and home-based work) have made them highly vulnerable in times of economic crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
在过去有关系的儿童中,15 岁以 上的人在学习期间得到了开始从事创 收 活动的机会;在消除对招募参加武装部队 [...] 和武装团体的经济动力方面,这证明是一项十分重要的战略。 daccess-ods.un.org | Children formally associated with armed groups who are [...] over the age of 15 have been given the [...] opportunity to start an income-generating activity [...]while pursuing their studies; this [...]has proven to be an important strategy in addressing the economic motivations for recruitment into armed forces and groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
自1981年加入青岛港集团,周星义便 开始从事 机 器 设备的维修和养护工作。 china.cat.com | Since joining Qingdao Port Group in 1981, he has been repairing and maintaining the equipment. china.cat.com |
1999年开始从事瑜珈的系统学习,先后接受了HATHA YOGA, [...] VINYASA FLOW YOGA, ASHTANGA YOGA 和BIKRAM YOGA 的一系列专业培训,并在此期间参加了当今著名的ASHTANGA 修行者及培训导师DAVID [...] SWENSON的教师培训课程,体验了来自世界各国的瑜珈导师的课程以及不同流派瑜珈的教学特点。 omyoga42.com | Mimi started her systematic training [...] in 1999 and has completed Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga and Bikram Yoga [...]training courses. During this training she attended courses given by David Swenson, the famous Ashtanga practitioner and trainer and experienced different yoga styles and classes from different Yoga Masters from all over the world. omyoga42.com |
2006 年,Unifi 开始从事再生 聚酯纱线的生产, 其首先使用在制造流程自然废弃的材料,随后开始使用回收的 [...] 塑料瓶作为原料。 glenraven.com | Founded in Yadkinville, N.C., in [...] 1971, Unifi (NYSE: UFI) began work with recycled [...]polyester yarns in 2006, first using waste [...]materials that naturally result from manufacturing processes and soon after adding recycled content from plastic bottles. glenraven.com |
当我开始从事妇女 工作时…有人对我 说‘如果你没有文 凭,就不能种树。 peaceoneday.org | When I first started working with the women… [...] I was told, ‘you cannot plant trees if you don‘t have a diploma. peaceoneday.org |
随着更多的人开始从事福音 的事工,他们会发现有助于其他人也参与的更成功、 有趣或独特的事工风格。 sallee.info | As more people start working in the ministry of [...] the Gospel they will discover more successful, interesting, or unique styles [...]of ministry that help others get involved also. sallee.info |
105 暴力侵害妇女问题特别报告员指出,这些妇女缺乏专门知识和 技能,于是有些人开始从事非法活动,或成为贩运人口活动的受害者。 daccess-ods.un.org | UN Women stated that mass labour migration of the male population increased the number of women-headed households.105 The Special Rapporteur on [...] violence against women [...] stated that these women lacked expertise and skills and some of them turned to illegal activities [...]or became [...]victims of human trafficking.106 47. daccess-ods.un.org |
讲述人开始对现代科学的时间理论和相对理论发生了兴趣(通过阅读一部保罗·戴维斯的著作),并 且 开始从事 重 复性幼稚行为,例如摆弄儿童积木玩具和对着一面墙反复投掷皮球。 norway.org.cn | The narrator becomes fascinated by [...] both modern scientific [...] theories of time and relativity (by reading a book by Paul Davies) and also by repetitive [...]childish activities [...]such as playing with wooden children's toys and repeatedly throwing a ball against a wall. norway.cn |
仅当获得合格人员的许可后,再 开始从事 有 关蓄电池的工作。 sipos.de | Work on the batteries only after instruction by qualified personnel. sipos.de |
作为1993 年开始从事临床 试验自动化研究、牛津大学毕业的物理学家,Howells [...] 对临床试 验行业从基于纸张的系统到由计算机和互联网支持并不断改进的系统的转变产生了重大影 响。 medidatasolutions.com | An Oxford-educated physicist who began working in clinical [...] trial automation in 1993, Howells has had a major impact on the [...]transformation of the clinical trial industry from paper-based systems to one powered and streamlined by computers and the Internet. medidatasolutions.com |
公司简介: TAYSAN机械自2004年开始从事块糖机械,此外,还从事食品包装和包装机械的生产,目前位于土耳其国内和国际市场同行业的领头地位。 smestrade.com | Company Profile: "Taysan Machinery is among the leading manufacturing companies of Turkey as well as the world in food packaging and packing machinery, sugar cube cutting machine being in the first place and aims to be the best in its sector with its production quality, technical service, customer satisfaction and R&D studies. smestrade.com |
从1994年开始,DHV北京环境工程有限公司在荷兰总部的支持 下 开始从事 水 领 域的业务。 dhv.cn | Since 1994 DHV BEEC Ltd has been active in the water sector. dhv.cn |
施万克主修工商管理和数学,在获得博士学位之前 便 开始从事 咨 询 工作。 rolandberger.com.cn | Having studied business administration and [...] mathematics, Schwenker started his professional [...]career in the industry before completing his Ph. rolandberger.com.cn |
自上世纪80年代开始,Thomas Bayrle便开始从事高速公路的题材。 kristallwelten.swarovski.com | Since the eighties, Thomas Bayrle’s art has revolved around the motif of the autobahn. kristallwelten.swarovski.com |
戴维斯曾就读于位于纽约的美国美术学院,之 后 开始从事 建 筑 插图的创作。 wdl.org | After studying at the American Academy of Fine Arts [...] in New York, Davis began his career as an [...]architectural illustrator. wdl.org |
她在 2000 年开始从事网络开发工作,逐渐熟悉了 Netscape 的“邪恶”层模型。 html5rocks.com | She started as a web developer in 2000, and [...] became aquainted with Netscape's "evil" layer model. html5rocks.com |
我向他保证说,我 [...] 们正在全力争取赶在雨季到来之前满足紧急住所和 卫生方面的需求,并早日开始从事非 常 艰巨的清除瓦 砾工作:迅速清理一些城市地区,以腾出空间,使人 [...]们能够迁离目前非常拥挤的营地。 daccess-ods.un.org | I assured him that we were doing our utmost to meet the emergency shelter and sanitation [...] requirements before the rainy season, as well [...] as making an early start on the huge task [...]of rubble removal: rapid clearance of some [...]urban sites would free up areas to which the people on currently congested sites could move. daccess-ods.un.org |
我国的安全问题尚未得到完全解决,因为我们不 能忘记,在 2010 年 1 月 [...] 12 日的地震中,许多监狱遭 到破坏,许多被拘留者外逃,再度 开始从事 犯 罪 活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The security problem is not entirely resolved in my country, as we must not forget that many prisons [...] were destroyed in the earthquake of 12 January 2010 and that many detainees [...] escaped to resume their criminal activities. daccess-ods.un.org |