单词 | 开国元勳 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 开国元勋—founding figure (of a country or dynasty)fig. also used of company or school etcSee also:开国—found a state open a closed country
开国元勳命令用了弗莱尔指定成员;圣方济各的阿西西呼吁他的追随者方济各会士小,而且圣星用的名字方济各会士传教士。 mb-soft.com | The founders of the orders used the term friar [...] to designate members; Saint Francis of Assisi called his followers Friars [...]Minor, and Saint Dominic used the name Friars Preachers. mb-soft.com |
但是,卫星营运开支增加 9,000,000 港元、员工支出上升 4,000,000 港元及中国大陆营业税增加 10,000,000 港元,却抵销了缩减 之成本。 asiasat.com | However, this was offset by the increases in satellite operation expense by HK$9 million, staff costs by HK$4 million and China business tax by HK$10 million. asiasat.com |
於2009年6月5日的授勳仪式中,前任总领事戴博先生向Elisabeth Cassegrain女士颁赠国家荣誉骑士勳章。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | During the ceremony where many friends were present at the residence of France on the 5th of June 2009, the former Consul [...] General Mr. Jean Pierre Thébault conferred to Ms. Elisabeth Cassegrain the [...] honor ofKnightof l’OrdreNational du Merite. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
由於本集团差不多所有收入及大部分开支全均以美元或港元为单位,因此毋须对货币风险进行套戥。 asiasat.com | Since almost all the revenue and a [...] majority of the expenditure of the Group are denominated in United States Dollars or Hong Kong Dollars, there is [...]no need to hedge for currency risk. asiasat.com |
於2010年10月4日假在法国总领事官邸,驻中国法国大使苏和先生(Hervé Ladsous)向法国驻港澳总领事马克福先生颁赠国家荣誉骑士勳章。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | On 4th October 2010, Mr. Hervé Ladsous, the French Ambassador to the People’s [...] Republic of China, conferred [...] to Mr.Marc Fonbaustier, Consul General of France in Hong Kong and Macau, the honor ofKnight ofl’OrdreNational [...]du Merite. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
香港发售的价格范围为每股 61.24 港元至 79.18 港元,国际发售的价格范围为每股 480 便士至 580 便士1。 首次公开发售所得款项总额的目标约为 777 亿港元(相当於约 100 亿美元2 ,於行使超额配股权前),包括约 614 亿港元(相当於约 79 亿美元2 )之新股,及由现有股东出售约值 163 亿港元(相当於约 21 亿美元2 )之旧 股。 glencore.com | Price range set at between HK$61.24 and HK$79.18 per share for the Hong Kong Offer and at between 480 pence and 580 pence per share for the International Offer.1 Targeted gross proceeds from the IPO of approximately HK$77.7 billion (approximately US$10 billion2, prior to exercise of the over-allotment option), comprising a primary component of approximately HK$61.4 billion (approximately US$7.9 billion2 ), and secondary sales by existing shareholders of approximately HK$16.3 billion (approximately US$2.1 billion2). glencore.com | 牙医如欲列示并非由香港特别行政区政府或於1997 年7月1日前由英国/香港政府颁授的勳衔及勳章,必 须事先取得牙医管理委员会的批准。 dchk.org.hk | If a dentist wishes to display the honours and awards granted to himother than those by the HKSAR Government or by the British/HK Government before 1 July 1997, he must seek prior approval from the Council. dchk.org.hk |
正因如此,总领事在仪式中表示,这次授勳不仅是法国对李家杰先生出众成就的表扬,更肯定了他对法国作出的贡献及不断支持法国文化推广至香港及亚洲。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | For all these reasons, the decoration to Mr. Peter Lee, as noted by the Consul General of France in HongKong and Macao, is the recognition by France not only for his remarkable personality and his exemplary career, but also his distinguished services to France and his continued supports to the promotion of French culture in Hong Kong and Asia. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
优化公共服务,提升整体旅游的服务质素; [...] 促进澳门旅游,致力成为世界级旅游城巿; 秉承创新思维,持续开拓多元化旅游资源; 完善旅游管理,推动旅游业界的健康发展。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | To optimize public services and improve service quality of the overall tourism; To boost the tourism of Macau and make Macau a [...] world-class tourist city; To build creative [...] thinking and continue exploringdiversified tourist [...]resources; To improve tourism management [...]and promote healthy development of tourism industry. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
对摊销 [...] 的计量部分反映來自资产以支付对保单持有人负债的即期费用(包括保证最低身故、收入或提取给付费用)、过往及 预期未來毛利的水平(取决於未來费用的假设水平),以及与死亡率、退保及开支相关的元素。prudential.co.uk | The measurement of the amortisation in part reflects current period fees (including those for guaranteed minimum death, income, or withdrawal benefits) earned on assets covering liabilities to policyholders, and the historical and expected level of future gross [...] profits which depends on the assumed level of future fees, as well [...] as components related to mortality, lapseand expense. prudential.co.uk |
开元食品拥有专业的研发团队、自动化的生产设备与超越标准的安全制程,从「恋奶油球」开始,我们自欧洲引进全台湾第一座大型无菌装填设备,采用超高温瞬间杀菌,全程自动化包装生产与超高产量,以精密严谨的一贯化制程,率先荣获乳品类鲜奶油食品GMP,制程亦荣获ISO与HACCP国际品质与食品安全管理系统认证。 creation.com.tw | Since the Lian Coffee Creamer, we introduced the first aseptic filler in Taiwan from Europe, which applies ultra-high temperature sterilization and fully automated packaging. The strict, precise and standardized production process has received GMP accreditation for dairy cream products ahead of other manufacturers. en.creation.com.tw |
经计及发行价每份认股权证0.02港元(扣除开支後)及根据全数行使认股权证计算於行使认股 权证後将予发行之每股股份之净价将为约0.20港元。 equitynet.com.hk | The net price of each Share to be issued upon the exercise of the Warrants, takinginto account of the issue priceof HK$0.02 per Warrant after deducting the expenses and based on the full exercise of the Warrants, will be approximately HK$0.20. equitynet.com.hk |
一位成员认为政府可以以安全理由提供这類豁免,特别是在国家级元首访问或运输署批准的巡游举行的时候。 forum.gov.hk | A member agreed that the Government might grant such exemption for security purpose, especially during the visit of head of states, and for events such as parade authorized by the Transport Department. forum.gov.hk |
2009年4月14日, 信德集团董事总经理何超琼女士获法国运输部国务秘书Dominique Bussereau先生授予「国家荣誉骑士勳章」,以表扬其在推动中法文化及商务合作等领域之贡献。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | On April 14, 2009, Mr. Dominque Bussereau, the French Minister for Transport, conferred to Ms. [...] Pansy Ho the honor of [...] Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Merite for her contributions in facilitating French-Sino trade and cultural [...]exchanges. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
国家图书馆的所有馆藏皆是数位收藏的项目,其中包含书、报、 日志、地图、乐谱、儿童文学、照片、海报、小书册、传单、原创艺术、宗教作品、勳章及钱币(EUROPEANA – Newspapers, 2012)。 conference.ifla.org | The digital collections contain the [...] full range of national library collections including books, newspapers, trench journals, maps, music sheets, children’s literature, photographs, posters, pamphlets, propaganda leaflets, original art, religious works, medals and coins (EUROPEANA – Newspapers, 2012). conference.ifla.org |