

单词 开国元勋

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External sources (not reviewed)

在独立时,我国开国元勋、已 故的姆瓦利姆·朱 利叶斯·尼雷尔说,在非洲所有国家均获得独立前, 我国的独立是不完整的。
At independence, the founding father of our nation, the late Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, said that the independence of our country was incomplete until all countries of Africa were free.
我 们将不厌其烦地努力实开国元勋们 建 立一个非洲 合众国的梦想。
We will never tire in our efforts towards the realization of the dream of the
[...] founding fathers of a United States of Africa.
执行委员会决定核准国溶剂行业 2004 年年度执行方案,费用为 5 555 000 美元,开 发计划署的支助费用为 416 625 美元。
The Executive Committee decided to approve the
2004 annual implementation programme of
[...] the solvent sector plan for China at a cost of US $5,555,000 plus support costs for UNDP of US $416,625.
在担任亲善大使之前,郑勋先生 已经访问过贝宁,参观联 国 儿 童 基金会在那里支持的艾滋病防治、供水和环境卫生、教育及儿童保护等项目。
Prior to his appointment, Mr. Chung traveled to Benin where he visited UNICEF-supported programmes in HIV/AIDS, water and sanitation, and education and protection.
在 2010 年 7 月于安哥拉罗安达举办的第八届葡萄牙语国家共同体(CP LP ) 国家 元首和政府首脑会议上,国元首和 政府首脑在《罗安达宣言》中建议“制定普 及利用信息与传播技术的战略,通过信息扫盲计划和技术等手 开 发 数 字内容, 以确保知识为社会所有,以及在学校教育中利用信息与传播技术,并使其发挥推 动葡语在现代教育载体中国际化的作用。
In the VIII Conference of the Heads of State and Government of the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP) held in
Luanda, Angola, in July
[...] 2010, the heads of state and government recommended in the Luanda Declaration “the formulation of strategies aimed to provide universal access to information and communication technologies (ICT) and the development of digital content [...]
through, among others,
digital literacy programmes and technology to ensure the social appropriation of knowledge and the use and application of ICT in schools, also serving as a vehicle for promotion and internationalization of Portuguese in modern pedagogical support.
目前的监管框架(具体而言包括工作人员细则和条例》、秘书长公报、行政指 示和其他有关行政通知,以及下文中将详尽介绍的 2001 年国际公务员行为标 准》(见A/56/30,附件二)1 )包含各种相关规定,涉及因财务利益、工作人员与 其他利益攸关方之间的个人关系、接受第三方提供的荣誉 勋 章 、 优惠、馈赠或 薪酬而产生的实际或潜在利益冲突,并包含因外部雇佣关系或职业或其他外部活 动(包括政治活动)而可能产生的多重效忠冲突的处理手段。
The current regulatory framework (specifically the Staff Rules and Staff Regulations, Secretary-General’s bulletins, administrative instructions and other relevant administrative issuances as well
as the Standards of
[...] conduct for the international civil service of 2001 (see A/56/30, annex II),1 addressed in greater detail below) includes provisions governing actual or potential conflicts of interest arising from financial interests, personal relationships between staff members and other stakeholders, the receipt of honours, decorations, favours, [...]
gifts or remuneration
by third parties, as well as parameters addressing conflicting loyalties that may result from outside employment or occupation or other outside activities, including political activities.
为鼓励这些好做法,妇女和社会发展部批准通过了第 498-2009 号部长决 议,该决议通过了对妇女和社会发展部门进行 勋 的 条 例,设立了“促进残疾人 融入社会功勋章” 奖项,其目的是通过相关政策认可由民间社会组织以及自然开展的 工作,将残疾问题提上公共议程,并以此促进公共和私人机构以及社会 大众生成与残疾人权利相关的意识。
In order to encourage these good practices, the Ministry of Women and Social Development adopted
Ministerial Decision No. 498-2009, which
[...] laid out the rules of procedure for the award of decorations in the women and social development sector and created the Order of Merit for the Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities.
我们欢迎西非国家经济共同体(西非经共体 )各 国元首在 1 月 27 日和 28 日开的首脑会议上再次表 示,决心加强与几内亚湾委员会和各利益攸关方的合 作,以打击海盗行为。
We also welcome the determination reiterated by the heads of State of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), during the summit held on 27 and 28 January last, to enhance cooperation with the Gulf of Guinea Commission and all stakeholders in order to combat piracy.
拟编列 55 800 美元差旅费,用于开展以下培训活动:在恩德培的区域采 购办事处举办有关如何使用联合国全球采购网为地方供应商登记的采购培训 (19 800 美元);开展培训,通过加深对特派团工作人员每天面临的要求、工作、 挑战和程序的理解,更好地支持维持和平行动的采购活动(13 000 美元);开展有 关遵循联国采购 中的内部控制要求的培训(4 000 美元);为维持和平工作人员 举办关于年度记录、资料和档案的讲习班(19 000 美元)。
An amount of $55,800 is proposed for travel to undertake the following training activities: deliver procurement training at the Regional Procurement Office in Entebbe on how to use the United Nations Global Marketplace for the registration of local vendors ($19,800); conduct training to better support the procurement activities of peacekeeping operations through an improved understanding of requirements, processes, challenges and procedures that mission staff face on a daily basis ($13,000); conduct training on the compliance of internal controls in United Nations procurement ($4,000); and deliver a workshop on annual records, information and archives for peacekeeping staff ($19,000).
去年11月在罗马开了“各国元首和政府首脑世界粮食安全会 议”,决定要将饥饿问题从全世界彻底根除。
More recently, the World Summit of Heads of State and Government on Food Security, held last November in Rome, decided to completely eradicate hunger in the world.
In 1994, he launched a series of musical and environmental projects in Korea for young people.
获得了加拿勋章(Order of Canada)和首个联国科学 、教育和环保奖的Angelo,1980年在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省创立了“加拿大河流日”活动并获得巨大成功,之后他又成功说服众多组织及联合国机构,在2005年由联合国批准设立“世界河流日”。
Angelo, a member of the Order of Canada and an inaugural recipient of a United Nations (UN) Award for Science, Education and Conservation, founded the highly successful Rivers Day event in British Columbia in 1980 before successfully lobbying numerous organizations as well as agencies of the UN to recognize WRD in 2005.
由卫生和消费者事务国家药 物计划政府代表团提名后获功 勋 章 (2 008 年);卫生和消费者事务国家药 物计划政府代表团临床委员会成员;西班牙病 理学协会荣誉主席和创始成员。
Medal of the Order of Merit, awarded following nomination
by the Government
[...] Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs of the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs (2008); member of the Clinical Commission of the Government Delegation for the National [...]
Plan on Drugs of the Ministry
of Health and Consumer Affairs; Honorary President and Founder of the Spanish Pathology Association.
联合国最高法院 法官 Mance 勋爵担任执行理事会主席,荷兰的 Nico Schrijver 为现任会长。
Lord Mance, Justice of the United Kingdom Supreme Court, is the Chair of its Executive Council, and Nico Schrijver, of the Netherlands, is its current President.
2010亚太电影国际评 委会主席、奥斯卡获奖制片人戴维•普特 勋 爵 表 示:“影片种类的繁多和演员令人惊叹的演技,让我们每一个类别的评审工作都非常艰难。
President of the International Jury for APSA 2010, Academy-Award winning producer Lord David Puttnam, [...]
said: “The sheer variety
of films and staggeringly good performances made our task very difficult indeed, in every category.
y 授予勋章及其他土库曼斯国家级勋 章 , 授予战争、其他特殊国家 称号和奖章
Confers honours and other State awards, and grants military and other special State titles and distinctions.
[...] 年之间用于官方发展援助的国民总收入百分比有所下降,主要 原因是实际国民总收入针对预测有所增加,政府决定绝对增加 元开 支 , 而不是 增国民总收入的比例。
The percentage of GNI spent on ODA went down between 2008 and 2009 primarily because of an increase in actual GNI
against forecast, and a Government
[...] decision to make an absolute dollar expenditure increase, rather [...]
than a proportion of GNI.
1991年,郑勋被法国剧院 协会和音乐评论会评选为“年度艺术家。
In 1991, the Association of French Theatres and Music Critics named him "Artist of the Year.
[...] 一种发泡剂的试验项目(第一阶段),总费用为 401,500 美元,外加开发计划署的机构支 助费用 30,113 美元,同时指出,该项目符合第 [...]
55/43(e)号决定,其目的是在全球传播经过 确认的在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料用途中使用的甲酸甲酯技术,且有一项谅解,即:该项
目是关于甲酸甲酯在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料制造中的应用的最后确认项目,且核准该项 目不妨碍执行委员会审议今后为该项目第二阶段提出的供资申请。
Following a discussion, the Executive Committee decided to approve the pilot project for validation of methyl formate as a blowing agent in the manufacture of polyurethane foam (phase I) in
Brazil at a total cost of US
[...] $401,500 plus agency support costs of US $30,113 for UNDP, noting that [...]
the project was consistent
with decision 55/43(e) and that it had been designed to disseminate the results from the validation of methyl formate technology in rigid and integral skin polyurethane foam applications globally, and on the understanding that the project would be the final validation project for methyl formate in the manufacture of rigid and integral skin polyurethane foams, and that approval of the project was without prejudice to consideration of the future funding request for phase II of the project by the Executive Committee.
例如据估计,在 1995 年发展中国家公共部门用于农业研究的总开支(尽管分布不均)高达 115 亿美元 (按 1993 年的元国际价 值计算),而发达国家的相 开 支 只有 102 亿美元。
For instance it is estimated that in 1995, total expenditure by the public sector on agricultural research in developing countries, although unevenly
distributed, amounted
[...] to $11.5 billion (at 1993 international dollar values) compared to the $10.2 billion spent in [...]
developed countries.8
The great majority of research is conducted in the more technologically advanced developing countries in Asia and Latin America.
新的HD 6990显卡即将在全球上市,价格在700美 元开 始 在 美 国 $。
The new HD 6990 graphics cards are available immediately worldwide,
[...] with prices starting at 700 US$ in the United States.
随着气 候供资到 2020 年将增加到每年 1 000 亿元,开发署将继续帮助国建设 所需 的有利环境,以成功获取、合并资金并安排资金使用的先后顺序,从而影响公共 [...]
As climate financing
[...] increases to $100 billion per year by the year 2020, UNDP will continue [...]
helping countries develop the
needed enabling environment to successfully access, combine and sequence these funds in a way that influences public and private investments to promote sustainable development.
本财务期内用元开支按 不同 的业务汇率和按不变汇率折算时产生的差额将以汇率盈项或汇率亏项入帐。
The differences arising from
[...] recording expenditure incurred during the financial period in euros at varying operational [...]
rates of exchange
as compared with the constant rates will be recorded as gains or losses on exchange.
技术发展的速度,常常连专家都始料未及:从1895年的皇家科学院院 开 尔 文 勋 爵 (“比空气重的飞行器飞上天是不可能的”),到1943年的IBM主席(“我想全球大概只需要五台计算机就够了”),再到1981年的比尔•盖茨(“640K对于任何人来说都够了”),无不如此。
The speed at which technology develops constantly surprises even
[...] the experts: from Lord Kelvin, the President [...]
of the Royal Society in 1895 (“heavier-than-air
flying machines are impossible”) to the Chairman of IBM in 1943 (“I think there is a world market for maybe five computers”) and Bill Gates in 1981 (“640 K ought to be enough for anybody”).
勋先生(大韩国)(以英 语发言):首先,我 谨感谢美利坚合众国的霍利·克勒女士和巴西的恩里 克·瓦莱大使两位协调员为完成与今天在大会中提出 的决议草案(A/66/L.21 和 A/66/L.22)有关的艰难谈 判做了出色工作。
(Republic of Korea): At the outset, I would like to thank both coordinators, Ms. Holly Koehler of the United States of America and Ambassador Henrique Valle of Brazil, for their remarkable work in completing the difficult negotiations on the draft resolutions that have been introduced in the General Assembly today (A/66/L.21 and A/66/L.22).
主席先生, 诸位阁下,女士们、先生们, 在1996年“世界粮食首脑会议”开之 际, 各 国元 首 和 政府首脑做出承诺,要 在2015年之前将饥饿人口数量减少一半。
At the World Food Summit of 1996, the Heads of State and Government pledged to halve the number of people suffering from hunger by 2015.
提议为非标准资源编列经费 4 977 600 美元,用于购置信息技术专用设备 (86 000
美元);购置专用软件(1 060 700 美元);初始软件许可证和费用(631 500
[...] 美元);持续支持的订约承办事务(1 048 800 美元);开发应用软件的订约承办事 务(2 150 [...]
600 美元),以满足维持和平业务需求,详情见下文各段以及图表。
An amount of $4,977,600 is proposed: to provide for non-standard resources for the acquisition of specialized information technology equipment ($86,000); acquisition of specialized software ($1,060,700); initial software licences and fees ($631,500); contractual
services for ongoing support
[...] ($1,048,800); and for the development of applications [...]
($2,150,600) to meet peacekeeping business
needs, as indicated in the tables and described in the paragraphs below.




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