

单词 开启

See also:

enlighten or awaken

External sources (not reviewed)

拧得太紧会 使撞击孔变形并导致喷枪开启速度 降低。
Overtightening can deform impingement
[...] holes and cause slow gun actuation.
必须在我们社会中重开启关于 和平、文化、宽容、相 互尊重、和解与公平的辩论,并释放出思想的力量,从而在全球化世界中确立和 平范例。
The debate about peace, culture, tolerance, mutual respect, reconciliation and equity in our societies must be reopened and the power [...]
of ideas set free
so as to arrive at a peace paradigm in a globalized world.
开启流体之前开启 空气 ,以确保流体的完全雾化并防止其在气帽 中堆积。
The air should be activated before the fluid to ensure full atomization of fluid and prevent buildup on the air cap.
用户可以选择以行还是列进行分类,每一行和列都拥有一个分类属性,以帮助用 开启 或 关 闭分类功能。
Each column and row has a Sorting property that allows you to enable or disable the sorting functionality.
在双年度到期部门间平台结束后 开启 关 于 可持续发展教育部门间合 作前景的磋商,探讨如何继续实施教科文组织统一应对可持续发展教育十年的工作。
Consultation on the future of ESD intersectoral cooperation, after the end of the Intersectoral Platform at the close of the biennium, has been initiated to explore the ways to continue operationalizing a one-UNESCO response to the DESD.
项目-用户-权限都可以任意调整比如:只为客 开启 查 看 项目当前状态的权限。
Project - user - permissions can be
[...] adjusted such as : open for customers to [...]
view only the current state of the project authority .
[...] 申其在日内瓦讨论中阐明的立场,即致力于根据普遍接受的国际讨论规则,达成不 使用武力的协定,开启在阿 布哈兹与格鲁吉亚之间发展平等和睦邻关系的进程。
In this context, Abkhazia once again reiterates its commitment to the preservation of peace and stability in the region and reaffirms its position, enunciated in the Geneva discussions, that it
aims to reach agreements not to use force
[...] and to launch a process of developing [...]
equal and good-neighbourly relations between
Abkhazia and Georgia, based on the universally accepted rules of international discourse.
当您首开启耳麦 时,它将自动进入配对模式。
The first time you turn the headset on, [...]
it will go into pairing mode automatically.
[...] 应当影响通过允许秘书处在必要时重 开启 议 程 项目进行审议的可能性而已经 给予秘书处的灵活性。
Some delegations expressed the view that measures aimed at making the sessions of the Committee and its Subcommittees more efficient should not affect the
flexibility already conferred on the secretariat through the
[...] possibility of reopening agenda items [...]
for consideration if necessary.
检查,有载分接开关和储油柜之间 的所有截止阀都必需开启的。
Check whether all stop valves between oil conservator and
[...] on-load tapchanger are open.
您的浏览器关闭了Javascript功能, 开启 此 功能,以便更好地体验网站功能。
Your browser's Javascript functionality is turned off. Please turn it on so that you can experience the full capabilities of this site.
实现这个目标的途径是,促进 和保护本组织的议程以及本组织在全球媒体中的声誉,尤其是在大规模紧急情况 发生之前、期间以及之后这样做;开发多媒体传播产品,从战略角度在针对目标 受众的多媒体平台上配置这些产品;发展和促进本组织使用社会媒体的做法,更 有创意地使用社会媒体工具和平台,以 便 开启 并 维 持与目标受众的互动对话;确 保从战略角度利用儿基会亲善大使,让他们发挥第三方倡导者的作用,向大众宣 传儿基会的工作。
This will be achieved by promoting and protecting the organization’s agenda and its reputation in the global media, particularly before, during and after large-scale emergencies; developing multimedia communication products and strategically placing them on multimedia platforms for targeted audiences; developing and promoting the organization’s approach to social media and more innovative use of social media tools and platforms in a way that triggers and sustains interactive dialogue with targeted audiences; and ensuring that UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors are strategically engaged as third-party advocates for the public awareness of UNICEF work.
1994 年的第一次公开辩论具有历史性的意 义开启了真 正的演变,导致通过了文件 S/2006/507 [...]
The first open debate in 1994 had [...]
historical significance and launched a true evolution, resulting in the adoption of the
presidential note contained in document S/2006/507.
因此,欧洲 法院扩展了其有关 Eurofoods
[...] 公司的裁决,认定就公司资产的清算而言,主要程开启国的 法律起支配作用,而无论资产处于何地,即使该法律与资产所在成 [...]
The European Court of Justice has thus expanded its Eurofoods decision,
finding the laws of the State in which the
[...] main proceedings are opened control as to the [...]
liquidation of the firm’s assets wherever
situated, even though that law may be adverse or contrary to that of the Member State in which assets are located.
在2012年全球政策论坛(GPF)上,AFI成员机 开启 了 将 AFI从短期项目转变为由成员机构资助的永久性国际组织的进程。
At the 2012 Global Policy Forum (GPF), the members of the
[...] AFI Network began a process to transform [...]
AFI from a short-term project into a permanent
member-funded international organization.
显然,在促使甚至是强迫各部门负责人适 开启 分 配 待补职位的程序、从而缩短这些 职位空缺的时间方面做得不够,我们了解到的一份授权与问责制委员会的秘密报告指出了这 个问题。
It is clear that not
[...] enough has been done to encourage, or compel, Sector officials to take timely action to start the process of assigning [...]
vacant posts so
as to reduce the long period during which such posts remain vacant; this is documented in a recent confidential report of the Delegation and Accountability Committee (DAC) which has come to our notice.
在方向控制阀和平衡阀之间进行 人工增压会使平衡开启,并且导致意外的负载动作。
Pressure trapped between the directional control valve and the actuator can pilot the
[...] counterbalance valve open and result in [...]
undesired load motion.
尽管来自冰岛的典型报告没有具体评价ITQ计划,但作者的确注意到冰岛的ITQ 系统“为改造和使老旧、低效渔船现代化和安全的船 开启 了 机会”,有利于显著 减少船舶和渔民数量。
Although the case report from Iceland did not evaluate the ITq programme specifically, the authors did note that the ITq system in Iceland “opened an opportunity for consolidation and modernization of older, less efficient and safe vessels” and that it contributed to a significant decline in the numbers of vessels and fishers.
为了提高妇女的能力,以便为改进粮食安全作出重大贡献,喂养后代方案将 努力:(a) 确保妇女生产者平等获得资产、投入和技术;(b) 制定针对男女的农 业干预措施和做法;(c) 优先推广节省劳力的技术,以有利于家中的妇女和女孩, 使女孩能够继续上学,以及有利于在农业领域作为农产品的生产者、加工者和销 售者的妇女;(d)
扩大妇女对各级和各机构决策的涉入和参与,使她们能够有助 于带头制定政策、进行投资、设计和执行方案;(e) 改进从事耕作和参与农业综
[...] 合企业的妇女获得金融服务的机会;(f) 帮助妇女跳出生产范围的局限开启机 会,参与价值链生产中以投资为主和促成转变的一方。
To increase the ability of women to contribute significantly to improved food security, FTF will strive to: (a) ensure that women producers have equal access to assets, inputs and technology; (b) develop agricultural interventions and practices that target both men and women; (c) prioritize labour-saving technologies that benefit women and girls in the home and allow girls to stay in school, and that benefit women in the agricultural arena as producers, processors and marketers of agricultural goods; (d) expand the involvement and participation of women in decision-making at all levels and in all institutions so that they may help lead the formulation of policy, investments, programme design and implementation; (e) improve access to financial services for women in farming and
agribusiness; and (f) help women move
[...] beyond production by opening up opportunities to [...]
engage in the investment-oriented and
transformational sides of value chain production.
指示灯显示稳定光: 若蓝牙图标显示稳定的光,即表示耳机已与您的手机连接。(如果电池指示灯亮但没有蓝牙指示,则表示耳机处 开启 状 态 但没有连接到您的手机)。
Solid icons: When the Bluetooth icon is solid, the headset is connected to your phone (if the battery indication is lit but there is no Bluetooth indication, the headset is on but not connected to your phone).
在这种背景下,该决议草案吁请缅甸政 开启包 容 各方的选举后阶段,以在法治和尊重人权的基础 [...]
Against that background, the draft resolution called on the
[...] Government to begin an inclusive post-election [...]
phase with a view to consolidating
a legitimate, civilian system of government, based on the rule of law and respect for human rights.
一旦密封解除,即可按开启膜壳 章节中的说 明完成以后的操作。
Once the head seal has been broken, complete removal as
[...] instructed in the “Opening the Vessel” section.
(s) 1963 年,世界粮食计划署(粮食署)向阿尔及利亚解放战争后境内外数百名 流离失所者提供援助开启了阿 尔及利亚与粮食署的关系。
(s) Algeria and the World Food Programme (WFP) have had relations since 1963, when WFP delivered aid to hundreds of displaced persons in and outside of the country after the war of liberation.
科技创新法》的实施为激励并确保智力、知识、技术和科学能力的不断 发展以及加强“科学-教育-应用技术”更有效的互利共 开启 了 新的希望和机会。
The implementation of the Science and Innovation Code has opened new perspectives and possibilities with the purpose to stimulate and constant growth of the intellectual, technical and scientific potential and consolidation of a more productive symbiosis – “science – education – application”.
秘书长表示,监督团将对维持和平和在该 开启 一个 有意义的政治进程起重要作用。有鉴于此,我们 欢迎安理会今天一致通过第 2043(2012)号决议,从而 迅速部署联合国叙利亚监督团(联叙监督团)。
In view of the Secretary-General’s statement that a supervision mission will be important to sustain peace and a meaningful political process in the country, we welcome the unanimous adoption of resolution 2043 (2012) by the Council today, thereby providing for the expeditious deployment of the United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS).
行政 部开启了与 许多组织的突破性对话,这些组织力 争从历史的角度认可土著人民及其对国家建设的贡 献,此外还发起了多项促进其社会和文化融合的其 他倡议。
The executive branch had launched a groundbreaking dialogue with organizations working on the historical recognition of indigenous peoples, their contribution to nation-building, and many other initiatives to advance their social and cultural inclusion.
但是,此时原告/卖方已将曾经生产据称存在瑕疵的货品的机 械卖给第三方(X 公司),而 X 公司继续生产的产品与本案存在争议的货品完全 相同,因此无法认定这箱尚开启的 货 物是否为原告/卖方生产。
By that time, however, the plaintiff/seller had sold the machinery that had manufactured the allegedly defective goods to a third party (Company X) which continued to manufacture goods identical to those involved in the dispute, making it unclear where the unopened carton had originated.
南太平洋渔管组织的公约规定对成员遵守收集和交流数据的情况进 行审计,中西太平洋鱼委已在其网站 开启 数 据审计工具,提供了公共领域报告, 反映成员遵守报告数据义务的情况。
The SPRFMO Convention provides for audits of compliance by members with data collection and exchange requirements, and WCPFC has established a data audit facility on its website that provides a public domain report for compliance with data reporting obligations by members.
第三种风险是:满怀热望国家因其制造业产品价格下 降、以及可从专门从事低技能产业取得效益而无 开启 新 的经济活动 和创造产业就业机会,从而被进一步甩在后面。
Third, the aspiring countries, faced with decreasing prices for their manufactures and incentives to specialize in low-skill industries, fail to create new economic activities and productive employment and fall further behind.
作为培训交付渠道多样化和扩大覆盖范围(尤其是女性领导人)战略的一部 分,这一教开启了一 个远程教学在线平台,即信通培训中心虚拟教程,这是在 教程单元基础之上自行调整进度的课程。
As part of a strategy to diversify training delivery channels and increase reach, especially for women learners, the Academy launched an online distance-learning platform, the APCICT Virtual Academy (AVA), with self-paced courses that are based on the Academy modules.




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