

单词 开台锣鼓

See also:


start of play
opening of theatrical performance


beat the gong to open a performance

External sources (not reviewed)

自12 月会议以来,阿尔巴尼亚政府一直 锣 密 鼓 地 开 展 活动,其中大多 数活动是对代表团提出建议的后续行动。
Since the December session, the activities of the Government had been intense, a large part of them being a follow-up to the recommendations made by delegations.
教科文组织将提供一个引导思维与思想的 台 , 鼓 励 与 教育有关的所有各方就影响教 育质量的问题、主题和因开展对 话和交流信息。
UNESCO will provide a platform for intellectual and thought leadership aimed at promoting dialogue and exchange of information [...]
among all educational stakeholders on issues, themes and factors that have an impact on the quality of education.
继各位社区领导人就法律责任调查结果发表了一项公开声明之后,锣密鼓地开展了 提高认识的运动,力促认清有关冲突期间被征募充当交战者的 受害儿童不应承担法律或道德责任的判决与声明,是避免重蹈覆辙的最佳保障。
A public statement by community leaders on the legal findings of responsibility, followed by an intensive awareness-raising campaign on the judgement and a declaration to the effect that child victims of recruitment should not be held legally or morally responsible for their actions as combatants during the conflict, would be the best guarantee of non-repetition.
这些重大事件锣密 鼓地展开,很 好地体现出国际社会致力于阿富汗和阿 富汗人民,有意抓住机遇巩固安全、社会和经济发展 基础,巩固阿富汗对本区域的融入。
The rapid sequence of these major events is a good measure of the commitment of the international community to Afghanistan and the Afghan people, and of its interest in seizing the opportunity to consolidate the foundations of security, social and economic development and the regional integration of Afghanistan.
我们相信,安理会成员将继续锣密 鼓 地 作 出努 力,就这些重要问题达成一个开立 场 ,相信所有代 表团将展示必要的承诺、敏感性和远见,以便能够通 过这样一项声明。
We trust that intensive and urgent efforts will continue among Council members to agree a public position [...]
on these important issues, and
that all delegations will demonstrate the necessary commitment, sensitivity and vision to make such a statement possible.
目前, XDEC 正在锣密鼓地开发将要搭 载在徐工集团轮式装载机和压路机、推 土机等重型设备上的产品。
XDEC is developing its products, which will be mounted onto Xugong’s wheel loaders, road rollers, and graders, among other heavy construction equipment items.
[...] 台,推销其产品并将其送到国际公众手中,教科文组织发展了一个高度安全的多媒体平台, 对专业人员有限准入;设计该台是 为 了 鼓 励 本 地对本地和本地对全球的信息流动和知识分 享。
To offer a digital platform to independent content creators in developing countries to market their productions and reach international audiences, UNESCO has developed a multimedia, highly secured
platform with restricted access to
[...] professionals; it is designed to encourage the flow of information [...]
and sharing of knowledge
from local to local and from local to global.
水援助组织开展了紧锣密鼓的游说和竞选活动,以强调国际环境卫生年期间, 把没有卫生设施的人口比例减半的工作几乎没有取得进展。
WaterAid has also undertaken intensive lobbying and [...]
campaigning activities to highlight the lack of progress on halving
the proportion of people without access to sanitation during the International Year of Sanitation.
同时,教科文组织还开发计 划署合作,支 开 展 一 场持续 6 个月的关于公民身份意 识与和平文化的电子运动,以全国乡村、社团和私有广播为 台 , 鼓 励 社会各界宽容与守纪 的态度与行为。
Under partnership with UNDP, UNESCO also supported an awareness-raising campaign on citizenship and the culture of peace, with civics as a cross-cutting theme, broadcast for six months by national rural, community and private radio stations, which created [...]
tolerant and disciplined
attitudes and behaviour within communities.
阿富汗和国际军事与民事行动升级所带来的安 全和治理方面的成就,正如克林顿国务卿指出的那 样,创造了认开始一 个由阿富汗人主导并得到锣 密鼓的区 域外交和美国的强有力支持的负责任的和 解进程的机会。
The security and governance gains produced by the Afghan and international military and civilian surges have, as Secretary Clinton put it, created an
opportunity to get
[...] serious about a responsible reconciliation process led by Afghans and supported by intense [...]
regional diplomacy
and strong United States backing.
我们也正在锣密鼓地继 续根据国 际法原则加强双边和区域合作,确保给予各国对本国 领海的主权管辖以应有的尊重,并管理专属经济区的 资源,包括其生物多样性和遗传资源。
We are also working intensively to continue strengthening bilateral and regional cooperation under the principles of international law, safeguarding due respect for the sovereign jurisdiction of States over their territorial seas, and managing resources in the exclusive economic zone.
本月,《儿童参与儿童保护论坛》(Children for Child Protection Forum)也正在锣密鼓地筹 备中,这个论坛将汇集来自马来西亚各州约500名儿童,讨论儿童的五大重点保护问题:暴力、网络安全、精神虐待、家里的安全感和安全关系。
Also lined up for the month is the Children for Child Protection Forum, which will bring together some 500 children from states across Malaysia to discuss five of their key protection concerns: bullying, Internet safety, emotional abuse, feeling safe at home and being safe in a relationship.
在国际太阳物理年/联合国基础空间科学举措方案下,阿尔伯 塔大学可以同其他伙伴研究所一道,为磁强计开发 GPS 定时的个人计算机数据 记录仪接口,为国际太阳物理年磁强计观 台开 发 太 阳能电池/涡轮发电电源, 在向各参与国的科学家提供系统之前进行系统集成,以及组织和开办若干区域/ 大陆“配置”学校,来自发展中国家的科学家可在这些学校学习单独配置课 [...] [...]
Under the International Heliophysical Year/United Nations Basic Space Science Initiative programme, the University of Alberta, together with other partner institutes, could develop a GPS-timed personal computer data logger
interface for the
[...] magnetometer, develop solar-cell/turbine power sources for the International Heliophysical Year magnetometer observatories, integrate [...]
systems prior to delivery
to scientists from participating countries and organize and run a number of regional or continent specific “deployment schools”, where scientists from developing countries can attend a single deployment, which will help them to deploy their own observatories independently in their respective countries.
该论坛将作为一个台,以鼓励各 经 营实体及其他提供渠道增进信息流动和交流,避免工作重叠,并统一申请、衡量 和报告程序。
This forum
[...] would serve as a platform to encourage operating entities [...]
and other delivery channels to increase the flow and
exchange of information, to avoid duplication of efforts and to harmonize application, measurement and reporting procedures.
[...] 讨论了教育权、切实参与政治生活权、切实参与经济生活权,和少数群体妇女和 女童的权利问题,在利益攸关方的广泛参与下,会议为推动对就这些专 开 展对 话提供了一个重要台;鼓励各 国的酌情考虑论坛提出的相关建议
Expresses its appreciation for the successful completion of the first four sessions of the Forum on Minority Issues, addressing the right to education, the right to effective political participation, the right to effective participation in economic life and the rights of minority women and girls and which, through the widespread participation of
stakeholders, has
[...] provided an important platform for promoting dialogue on these topics, and encourages States to take [...]
into consideration, as
appropriate, relevant recommendations of the Forum
为促进制造业的创新,政府应该 台鼓 励 创新的政策,注重人才的培养,在学校教育中加强培养创造力,更重要的是建立一个公平、公正 开 放 的 市场环境,以及加强保护知识产权。
“We believe that the government
[...] should have policies to encourage innovation, grow a skilled and educated workforce, foster creative thinking in the education system, create a fair, open and competitive environment [...]
for companies,
and protect intellectual property.
我們會繼續吸引更多外國企業和金融機構使用香港人 民幣金融結算平台;優化本港的人民幣融資 台 , 如 鼓 勵 更 多 香港、外國和內地機構及企業在港發行人民幣債券;鼓勵更多 人民幣創新產品的發展;擴大和深化香港離岸人民幣市場與內 地在岸人民幣市場的連繫,促進人民幣資金的跨境使用和循 [...]
We will continue to attract more overseas corporations and financial institutions
to use Hong Kong's RMB
[...] clearing platform; enhance Hong Kong's RMB capital formation platform by, for example, encouraging more Hong Kong, foreign [...]
and Mainland institutions
and enterprises to issue RMB-denominated bonds in Hong Kong; promote the development of more innovative RMB-denominated products; and expand and deepen the connectivity between Hong Kong's offshore RMB market and the onshore markets in the Mainland to promote the cross-border use and circulation of RMB funds, thereby further reinforcing Hong Kong's position as an offshore RMB business centre.
开放式教育资源台开始运 行,它促进了性别平等与媒体新闻课程,使其他新闻 学校得以自主调整资料并分享其关于该平台的改进措施。
OER Platform operationalized promoting [...]
Gender Equality and Media journalism curricula, allowing other journalism schools
to adapt the materials as they wish and to share their adaptations on the Platform.
关于少数族裔问题,加拿大想知道,鉴于在这些 群体生活地区军事行动锣密鼓,特 别报告员有没有 发现侵犯人权行为增多,特别是使用儿童兵和强迫劳 动方面。
With regard to the ethnic minorities, and given the intensification of military activity in ethnic areas, she asked whether the Special Rapporteur had noted an increase in human rights abuses, in particular with regard to the use of child soldiers and forced labour.
为期一年位于遮打花园、香港公园、沙田公园、 锣 湾 行 人专用区和旺角行人道 开 放 时 间为每逢星期日下午2时至5时左右〕的社区回收推广摊位活动已于2012年9月16日完满结束。
Please note that the one-year programme of Community Recycling Booth at Chater Garden, Kowloon Park, Shatin Park, Causeway Bay Pedestrian Walkway and Mong Kok Pedestrian Walkway (every Sunday afternoon from about 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.) ended on September 16, 2012.
这些锣密鼓地参与,为作为联合国系统的 一个专门机构的教科文组织提供了积极提升自己的地位、能力和兴趣的机会,从而通过改进 自己的形象和充分利用联合国系统内现有的全部技术知识为全纳性的和精心研究的联合国改 革进程做出贡献。
This intensifying involvement provides an opportunity for UNESCO to advance actively its position, competences and interests as a specialized agency of the United Nations system, thereby contributing to a more inclusive and refined United Nations reform process with improved representation and coverage of the entire range of technical expertise available in the United Nations system.
[...] 要,新的推廣運動應更着重以家庭為中心;在醫院/診所傳達 器官捐贈信息;向登記死後捐贈器官的人致送不昂貴的紀念 品鼓勵電視台在節 目中宣揚器官捐贈信息,以及善用熱門網 站宣揚器官捐贈信息。
Members suggested that consideration should be given to instilling in youths that organ donation was a charitable life-saving act through civic education in schools; making the new promotion campaign more family-centred having regard to the importance of family's acceptance; disseminating organ donation message in hospitals/clinics; giving out inexpensive souvenirs to
people registered to donate
[...] organs after death; encouraging television stations to spread the organ [...]
donation message in their
programmes, and making use of popular websites to disseminate the message of organ donation.
微软今开锣给予 人们一种什么样的在今年余下时间将带来的Windows 7一瞥移动电话世界大会。
[...] today kicked off Mobile World Congress by [...]
giving people a glimpse of what the rest of the year will bring for Windows Phone 7.
此外, 我們會 繼 續 強 化 香 港作為內地 進行全球 投資台 的 優鼓 勵 內 地 企 業運用 香 港 的先進 及 完 善 的 金 融 基 建 以 及人才 進行全球 投資, 並 且 [...]
進 一 步 鞏 固 香 港作為亞洲 主 要資產管理 中 心 的 優 勢 。
In addition, we will continue to
consolidate the strength of
[...] Hong Kong as a platform of international investments for the Mainland, encouraging mainland enterprises [...]
to make use of Hong
Kong's advanced and excellent financial infrastructure and talents for global investments, as well as to enhance Hong Kong's status as a major asset management centre in Asia.
(a) 请南南合作特设局继续履行《布宜诺斯艾利斯行动计划》、《发展中 国家间技术合作的新方向》以及内罗毕成果文件为它规定的任务权限和职责,重
点是支持及宣传全球和联合国系统的政策;促进机构间协调并提供便利;推进创 新机制;促进建立包容性伙伴关系,并调集公私实体的资源,用以支持实施内罗
[...] 毕成果文件的多机构倡议;支持知识共享、网络联系和交流最佳做法,包括通过 新设的和现有的英才中心、南南合作特设局和联合国系统的 台开 展 此 类活动。
(a) Request the Special Unit for South-South Cooperation (SU/SSC) to continue implementing its mandate and responsibilities as assigned by Buenos Aires Plan of Action (BAPA), the New Directions for Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries, and the Nairobi outcome document, focusing on global and United Nations system policy support and advocacy; inter-agency coordination and facilitation; catalyzing innovate mechanisms; fostering inclusive partnerships and mobilizing resources from both public and private entities to support multi-agency initiatives in implementing the Nairobi outcome document; and supporting knowledge-sharing, networking and exchange of
best practices, including through new and existing centres of
[...] excellence, the SU/SSC and United Nations system platforms.
多年工作方案指出,论坛每次届会将为与主要群体和其他相关的利益攸关方 对话提供一个台;进一步鼓励有 多方利益攸关者参加的伙伴关系;鼓励主要群 体和其他森林利益攸关方推动和积极参加论坛讨论,并邀请主要群体和其他利益 攸关方交流活动情况,以支持国际森林年。
The multi-year programme of work states that
each session of the Forum
[...] will: provide a platform for dialogue with representatives of major groups and other relevant stakeholders; will further encourage partnerships involving multi-stakeholders; will encourage major groups [...]
and other forest stakeholders
to contribute and actively participate in Forum discussions and that major groups and other stakeholders are invited to share information on their activities in support of the International Year of Forests.
中心的活动还与根据《2008-2009 年计划与预算草案》(34C/5)的相应部分(重大计 划
[...] V“传播和信息”以及关于“信息与传播技术辅助教学”的跨部门 台 ) 开 发 知 识传播与 利用的新方法的活动密切相关。
The activities of the centre are also closely linked to actions aimed at developing new approaches to knowledge dissemination and utilization in the corresponding Draft Programme and Budget for 2008-2009
(34 C/5) (Major Programme V “Communication and Information” and
[...] the intersectoral platform on “ICT-enhanced [...]
锣湾购 物中心是新加坡一个最大的购物中心,于 1999年完成开放予 市民,这是楼高七层的大楼位于附近的地铁站,那里有许多购物设施,银行,电影院等。
The Causeway Shopping Center which is one of
the biggest
[...] shopping center in Singapore was completed and opened for public in 1999, it is big seven storey’s [...]
building located
near the MRT station, has number of shopping amenities, banks, cinema hall etc. in it.
值得注意的是,在和平努力锣密鼓 地 进 行之时,最近发生了狙击手袭击阿 塞拜疆平民的事件,亚美尼亚高级官员对被占领的阿塞拜疆领土进行了访问,发 表了怀有敌意的言论。
It is notable that recent sniper attacks on Azerbaijani civilians, visits by the Armenian high-ranking officials to the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and their hostile statements coincided with the intensification of peace efforts.
经过一年多锣密鼓的筹 备,本会海外代表处正式于10月20日在上海启动,成为会员商家和商团会员拓展中国的策略联系点。
More than a year into the planning, the Chamber’s Representative Office made its debut in Shanghai on October 20, poised to serve as a strategic contact point to help corporate members and trade association members develop new business linkages with China.




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