单词 | 开发周期 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 周期n—lifecyclen periodn periodicityn cyclicalityn
初始建立此分析後,後续的版本发行必须 根据开发周期中所做的变更,更新所发现的问题。 opensamm.org | After initial analysis, [...] subsequent releases are required to update the findings based on changes being made during the development cycle. opensamm.org |
3.x 推出系列会保持计画的固定六个月开发周期,但是会以在 3.0 所见的创新趋势为基础,继续带给 [...] GNOME 使用者与开发者更好的体验。 help.gnome.org | The 3.x releaseseries will continue with the project's [...] predictable six-monthdevelopment cycles, but will [...]build on the trend of innovation [...]seen in 3.0, delivering significant enhancements to the GNOME user and developer experiences. help.gnome.org |
RF电路板这验证流程简化了PCB设计,缩短开发周期,通过一个快速简便的仿真和测试的集成RF功能。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | This verification flow for RF circuit boards simplifies PCB design and [...] shortens the development cycle through a quick [...]and easy simulation and testing of integrated RF capabilities. en.developmentscout.com |
当中,公司为英国和国际市场的业务均订下目标,扣除所有成本後,产品开发周期内新业务之内部收益率(Internal Rate of Return/IRR) 将以最少12% 为目标。 ipress.com.hk | In particular, it will target an IRR on new business of at least 12 per cent. over the product life cycle on a fully costed basis both in the UK and internationally. ipress.com.hk |
这在开发周期初期就为开发人员提供了清楚、直接的目标,也可减少 因为要赶上专案期限所造成的安全疑虑或被迫承受风险,导致延期发 [...] 行的风险。 opensamm.org | This provides a clear, [...] upfront goal for developersearlyin the development cycle, thus [...]lowering risk of release delays [...]due to security concerns or forced acceptance of risk in order to meet project deadlines. opensamm.org |
此时,产品的开发周期也跟着缩短。 litepoint.com | The developmentcycle of the products also [...] shortened. litepoint.com |
在高风险程式码进行变更与检阅的开发周期中,开发管理人员应配合 来自其他专案利害关系人的资源输入,适当地分类发现问题与优先排 [...] 序矫正方式。 opensamm.org | During development cycleswhere high-risk code is [...] being changed and reviewed, development managers should triage the findings [...]and prioritize remediation appropriately with input from other project stakeholders. opensamm.org |
eCA签发给下属凭证机构之凭证,其凭证生命周期,加上 eCA 用来签署凭证之签章用私密金钥生命周期,合计不得超过 eCA自签 凭证生命周期。 epki.com.tw | Certificate signed by eCA to its subordinate CA its life cycle plus thelife cycle of the signature private key for eCA to sign certificate shall not exceed the eCA self-signed certificate life cycle. epki.com.tw |
本公司亦将於股东周年大会上按股东周年大会通告载列的条款,就授予董事发行授权 提呈普通决议案,以配发、发行及处理不超过本公司於有关决议案通过当日之已发行股本 面值总额20%之股份,以及於截至下列时间(以最早者为准)止期间内任何时间,将相当於 本公司於授出购回授权後购回之股份面值总额之任何股份,加入将授予董事之发行授权 内:(a)本公司下届股东周年大会结束时;(b)细则或任何适用法例规定本公司须举行下届股东周年大会之期限届满时;及(c)该授权於股东大会上以普通决议案撤销或修订当日。 centron.com.hk | Ordinary resolutions will also be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in respect of the granting of the [...] Issue Mandate to the Directors,in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares [...] representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held;and (c) thedate upon whichsuch authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders. centron.com.hk |
待股东於股东周年大会上批准上述建议後,一般授权及购回授权将於(i)本公司下届股东 周年大会结束时;或(ii)任何适用法律或组织章程细则规定本公司须举行下届股东周年大会之限期届满时;或(iii)股东在股东大会上通过普通决议案撤销或修订(以最早发生者为准)时失 效。 cre8ir.com | Subject to the approval of the above proposals by the Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, the General Mandate and the Repurchase Mandate will expire at the earliest of: (i) the [...] conclusion of the next [...] annual general meeting of the Company; or (ii) the expiration of the periodwithin whichthe next annual general meeting of the Company is required [...]by any applicable [...]laws or the Articles of Association to be held; or (iii) the revocation or variation by an ordinary resolution of the Shareholders in a general meeting. cre8ir.com |
股份购回授 [...] 权将於下列日期(以最早者为准)失效:a)本公司下届股东周年大会结束之日;b) 按百慕达法例或本公司之公司细则规定本公司召开下届股东周年大会之期限届满 之日;及c)股东以普通决议案撤销或修订该决议案之授权之日。 wingtaiproperties.com | The Share Repurchase Mandate will expire at the earliest of: a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the laws of [...] Bermuda or the Company’s [...] Bye-laws to be held; and c) the date onwhichthe authority given [...]under the ordinary resolution [...]is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution of Shareholders. wingtaiproperties.com |
董事局初步决定奖励股份一般在五年期间内作出归属,由授出日期满第二个周年日开始至第五个周年日为止,每个周年日分每批归属 25% 股份。 asiasat.com | Subject to the rules of the Scheme, the Board shall determine from time to time the dates on which the Award Shares for each grant are to vest to the relevant eligibleemployees, and initially the Board has determined that the Award Shares shall generally vest over a five year period in tranches of 25% each on every anniversary date of the grant date starting from the second anniversary date until the fifth anniversary date. asiasat.com |
董事经考虑到经营业务所用之现金流量、现有银行融资以及公开发售之估计所得款项 净额,认为本集团拥有充足营运资金应对其目前及(如无发生不可预见之情况)自本章程日期起计十二个月期间之需要。 cre8ir.com | The Directors are of the opinion that, after taking into account the cash flows used in the operating activities, the existing banking facilities [...] available and [...] the estimated net proceeds from theOpen Offer,the Group has sufficient working capital for its present requirements and for the periodup to twelve months from the date ofthis Prospectus in the absence [...]of unforeseen circumstances. cre8ir.com |
在章程细则第153条规限下一份董事会报告的印本连同截至适用财政年度末的 [...] 资产负债表及损益账(包括法律规定须随附的每份文件),当中须载有以简明标题编制的本公 司资产负债概要及收支表须连同核数师报告於股东大会日期前最少二十一(21)日及於发出股东周年大会通告的同时,送交有权收取的每名人士,并於根据章程细则第56条规定举行的股东周 年大会上向本公司呈报,惟本条章程细则不得要求把该等文件送交本公司不知悉其地址的人士 [...][...]或任何股份或债权证的多於一名联名持有人。 taicheongbakery.com | Subject to Article 153, a printed copy of the Directors’ report, accompanied by the balance sheet and profit and loss account, including every document required by law to be annexed thereto, made up to the end of the applicable financial year and containing a summary of the assets and liabilities of the Company under convenient heads and a statement of income and expenditure, together with a copy of the Auditors’ report, shall [...] be sent to each [...] person entitled thereto atleast twenty-one (21) days before the date ofthegeneral meeting and at the same time as the notice [...]of annual general [...]meeting and laid before the Company at the annual general meeting held in accordance with Article 56 provided that this Article shall not require a copy of those documents to be sent to any person whose address the Company is not aware or to more than one of the joint holders of any shares or debentures. taicheongbakery.com |
召开股东周年大会及为通过特别决议案而召开的大会须发出至少二十 一日的书面通知,而召开除股东周年大会或为通过特别决议案而召开的大会外的本公 司大会则须发出至少十四日的书面通知。 asiasat.com | An annual general meeting and a meeting called for the passing of a special resolution shall be called by twenty-one days’ notice in writing at the least, and a meeting of the Company otherthan anannual general meeting or a meeting for the passing of a special resolution shall be called by at least fourteen days’ notice in writing. asiasat.com |
主机可以发出「记录选取」指令,以回到记录页面 15h (背景扫描结果) 并评估「背景 媒体扫描进度」栏位,以监控目前BMS周期的进度。 seagate.com | The host can [...] monitor the progress of the current BMS cycle by issuinga Log Select command to return log page 15h (Background Scan Results) and evaluate the “Background Medium Scan Progress” field. seagate.com |
(4) 如召开股东周年大会,本公司应安排在大会举行前至少足 20 个营业日向 股东发送通知,而就所有其他股东大会而言,则须在大会举行前至少足 10 个营业日发送通知。 cre.com.hk | (4) The Company shall arrange for the notice to theShareholders to be sent for AGMs at least 20 clear Business Days before [...] the meeting and to [...]be sent at least 10 clear Business Days for all other general meetings. cre.com.hk |
尽 管 本 集 团 已 於 武 汉 阳 逻 港 项 目 开 始 时 获 中 国 合 营 夥 伴( 为 武 汉 市 政 府 机 关 )授予发展武汉 阳 逻 港 第 二 期 的 优先权 , 且 於 二 零零五 年 订 立 一份纲 要 性 协 议( 连 同 於 二 零零七 年 四 月 签 署 的 补 充 协 议 )并 获 中 央 政 府 於 随 後 批 准 相 关 发 展 计 划 , 令 本 集 团 持 有 第二期 发展项目的 44 % 股 权 及 由 武 汉 阳 逻 港 两 间 中 国 合 营 夥 伴 持 有 其 余 权 益 , 惟 就 合 资 合同条 款 的 磋 商 最 终 破 裂 , 导 致 本 集 团 未 能 如 愿 参 与 该 项 目的开 发。 cigyangtzeports.com | Despite the Group having been granted the right of first refusal for the development of [...] Phase II of the WIT [...] Port bythe PRC joint venture partners who are Wuhan government agencies at inception of the WIT project, the signing of the Heads of Agreement in 2005 (together with a supplemental agreement in April 2007) and the subsequent approval of the development plan by the Central Government for the Group to take a 44% equity interest in the Phase II development with the rest of the interest to be taken up by the two PRC JointVenture partners of WIT, negotiations of the terms of the joint venture agreement have grinded to a halt resulting in the Group not being able to participate in the development of the project [...]as intended. cigyangtzeports.com |
该基地建成後将进一步增强集团研发能力, 缩 短 产 品 的 更 新 换代周 期,增强 前 集 团 市 场 竞 争 能 力。 evoc.cn | The base, upon completion, will further strengthen the Group’s R&D capabilities, shortening product lifecycles and enhance our market competitiveness. evoc.cn |
任何有关委员会遵照有关规定及为达成其委任目的(并非其他目的)所 作出的一切行动,均具有与由董事会作出同等行为的效力,而董事会有权向任何有关 特别委员会的成员发放酬金,有关酬金将於本公司当期开支中支销。 asiasat.com | All acts done by any such committee in conformity with such regulations and in fulfilment of the purposes for which it is appointed, but not otherwise, shall have the like force and effect as if done by the Board, and the Board shall have power [...] to remunerate the members of any special [...] committee, and charge such remuneration tothe current expenses of the Company. asiasat.com |
除上市规则不时指明的该等其他最短期限外,周年大会(不论就通 过特别决议案及╱或普通决议案)须以不少於二十个营业日或二十 一日(以较长时间为准)之书面通告召开,就通过特别决议案而召 开之特别大会须以不少於二十一日之书面通告召开,及除却周年大 会或就通过特别决议案之特别大会以外而召开之本公司大会,须以 不少於十个营业日或十四日(以较长时间为准)之书面通告召开。 mmg.com | Subject to such other minimumperiod as maybe specified in the Listing Rulesfrom time to time, anannual general meeting (whether for the passing of a special resolution and/or an ordinary resolution) shall be called by not less than twenty clear business days’ notice or twenty-one days’ notice (whichever is [...] the longer) in writing and an extraordinary [...]general meeting called for the passing of a special resolution shall be called by not less than twenty-one days’ notice in writing, and a general meeting other than an annual general meeting or an extraordinary general meeting for the passing of a special resolution shall be called by not less than ten clear business days’ notice or fourteen days’ notice (whichever is the longer) in writing. mmg.com |
诚如上文所述,亦有规定待新一般授权於股东特别大会上获批准後,新 一般授权将有效并继续有效,直至下列三者中之最早者:(i)贵公司下届股东 周年大会结束时;(ii)任何开曼群岛适用法例或 贵公司之章程细则规定 贵 公司须召开下届股东周年大会之期限届满之日;及(iii)股东於股东大会上通过 普通决议案撤回或修订根据有关决议案授出之授权之日。 cigyangtzeports.com | As mentioned before, it is further stipulated that upon approval of the New General Mandate at the EGM, the New General Mandate will be and continue to be effective until the earliest of (i) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (ii) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required to be held by any applicable laws of Cayman Islands or the Company’s articles of association; and (iii) the revocation or variation of the authority given under the relevant resolution to be proposed by ordinary resolution of the Shareholders in general meeting. cigyangtzeports.com |
(a) 如属作为股东周年大会而召开的会议,须获全体有权出席会议及表决的股东同 意;及 予该等权利不少於已发行股份面值百分之九十五(95%)股份的过半数。 ntpharma.com | (b) in the case of any other meeting, by a majority in number of the Members having the right to attend and vote at the meeting, being a majority together holding not less than ninety-five per cent. ntpharma.com |
(vii) 倘於购股权仍可行使或首次公开发售前购股权计划仍然有效期间,本公司将溢利或储备拨充资本、进行供股、股份拆细或合并或 削减股本,则首次公开发售前购股权计划或任何购股权所涉及的 股份数目与面值及/或有关购股权之认购价及/或根据首次公 开发售前购股权计划授出的购股权所涉及的股份数目,将会作出 下文14 (a)(xxiv)段所指的调整(如有),惟 14 (a)(xxiv)段 (dd)分 段并不适用於首次公开发售前购股权计划及据此授出的购股权。 embryform.com | (vii) in the event of a capitalisation of profitsor reserves, rights issue, sub-division or consolidation of Shares or reduction of capital of the Company whilst an option remains exercisable or the Pre-IPO Share Option Scheme, the number or nominal amount of Shares to which the Pre-IPO Share Option Scheme or any option relates and/or the subscription price of the option concerned and/or the number of Shares comprised in an option granted under the PreIPO Share Option Scheme is subject to adjustments on terms similar to that of the Share Option Scheme as referred to in paragraph 14 (a)(xxiv) below, except that sub-paragraph (dd) of paragraph 14 (a)(xxiv) is not applicable to the Pre-IPO Share Option Scheme and options granted thereunder. embryform.com |
为了方便使用这个模型上手工缝制的鳄鱼皮表带,表扣,动力储备已推至60个小时,这样我们就可以撇开周末(星期一)恢复不调整谨慎地放置在6点钟的时间和日期。 zh.horloger-paris.com | To facilitate its use, the power reserve of this model on hand-sewn alligator strap buckle has been pushed to 60 hours, so that we can leave aside the weekend to resume on Monday without have to adjust thetime and date discreetly placed at 6 o'clock. en.horloger-paris.com |
离开或拟离开总办事处 当时所在地区的董事可向董事或秘书要求,於其离开的情况下,董事会会议 通告以书面发送至其最新地址、传真或电传号码或其就此向本公司提供的任 何其他地址、传真或电传号码,但会议通告毋须早於向并无离开的董事发出通告的日期发出,而於并无提出此要求的情况下,毋须向任何当时离开该地 区的董事发出董事会会议通告。 embrygroup.com | A Director absent or intending to be absent from the territory in which the Head Office is for the time being situate may request the Directors or the Secretary that notices of Directors' meetings shall during his absence be sent in writing to him at his last known address, facsimile or telex number or any other address, facsimile or telex number given by him to the Company for this purpose, but such notices need not be given any earlier than notices given to Directors not so absent and in the absence of any such request it shall not be necessary to give notice of a Directors' meeting to any Director who is for the time being absent from such territory. embrygroup.com |