

单词 廿八躔

See also:


twenty (20), in a limited number of set expressions




External sources (not reviewed)

The survey also asked voters about whether their decisions were based on individual candidates or individual political parties.
比约十二世一九五五年九月二十日由国务院致函义大利第二会周:L’Osservatore Romano 一九五五年九廿
Pius XII's letter from Secretariat of State to 28th Italian Social Week, Sept. 20, 1955; L'Osservatore Romano, Sept. 29, 1955.
(a) 为进一步完善政府档案管理,避免遗失一些政府的决策、政府决策过程,例 如:政策廿决策过程等。
(a) To further improve the management of government records so as to avoid losing record on certain Government decisions and decision-making process, such as the policy of 85 000 units, the decision-making process concerning Article 23, etc., will the Administration set aside resources to examine the enactment of archival law this year (2013-14)?
今年是双方合作二十周年,林宝坚尼香港特意推出限Gallardo LP550-2廿纪念版。
As this year is the 20th anniversary of their collaboration,
Lamborghini Hong Kong specially
[...] launched eight units of limited Gallardo LP550-2 Hong Kong 20thAnniversary [...]
edition, and the press
release was held at Cyber Port on the 28th of June.
在审议《二零零八年空气污染管 制 ( 修订) 条例草案》时,我们已向草案委员会提供限额分配的详情, 并在二零廿的会议上提交技术备忘錄的草拟本以作讨 論之用。
During the vetting of the Air Pollution Control (Amendment) Bill 2008, we have also provided the Bills Committee with the details of the allocation and a draft copy of the TM for discussion on 26 May 2008.
同时,我知道现在时薪廿二三元的工作有很 多,当这些工作的时薪提升至廿六七元,廿话,工人的收入 实际上便会增加了。
Moreover, as far as I know, there are now a lot of jobs offering an hourly pay of $22 to $23; when the hourly pay of these jobs is increased to $26, $27 and even $28, the workers can actually earn more.
一、协会:代表横廿国家、近千间赌场以及旗员工的欧洲赌场协会(ECA),其会长─高德斯密特(Ron Goudsmit)日前说道:「Clarion Gaming执行团队全体动员将ICE展推至新的阶段,并将产业的利益摆在首位。
Chairman Ron Goudsmit of the European Casino Association (ECA): an organization which represents near 1,000 casinos and about 80,000 employees across 23 countries, stated "Clarion Gaming's executive management and taskforce will bring ICE to a new level and put the industry's interests first.
SALEX has always been an indicator of the Brazilian amusement market, which has always been considered a highly potential and profitable market.
此外,专责小组先後於㆓廿、㆔月㆒日及㆔十六份本㆞报章刊登广告,就有关原则和法律程序问 题徵求各界意见。
In addition, the Task Force placed advertisements in 16 local newspapers on 23 February, 1 March and 8 March respectively, to seek public views on the relevant issues of principle and legislative process.
举例来说,在去年六月廿㆓日,财务委员会拨款批准 1 亿 2,736 万元,作为越南难民 基本工程费用,另追加 1 亿 7,654 万元经常开支费,廿,又再增拨 1 亿 7,560 万元难民营工程预算费,在十㆒月十六日又再为安置越南难民工程费拨款由 2 亿 1,815 万 元加至 2 亿 9,700 多万元,在今年㆒月廿五日又再拨款 100 万元以作为安排遣返第㆒批难 民的部份费用,原定今日当局要求拨款 2 亿元以兴建越南船民安置㆗心等。
On 16 November, approval was given to an increase in the project estimate of accommodation for Vietnamese refugees from $218,150,000 to upwards of $297,000,000. On 25 January this year, a further $1 million was approved to meet part of the expenses for the voluntary repatriation of the first batch of Vietnamese boat people (VBP) back to Vietnam and it was originally scheduled that approval for the provision of $200 million would be sought today for the construction of another VBP centre.
About 30 subjects had been selected for the exercise programme and 28 were recruited as the Control Group for the research study.
At the time of writing, our mercy ministry includes three foster apartments, ‘boot camp', two centres caring for the intellectually
and physically challenged, around
[...] 25 local Chinese staff,eight co-workers from overseas, [...]
many individual volunteers coming
from various countries to help in our homes and mercy teams, and around 125 children in our mercy ministry family (75% of whom have regular child sponsors).
由二零零五年二月十六日起,香港电话有限公司及由二零零八年十一廿八始,联同 Hong Kong Telecommunications [...]
(HKT) Limited 将客户的电话号码及地址资料(只限於电话号码,街道编号,街道名称及(如适用)大厦名称)交予香港消防处,以便该处能迅速辨认紧急电话由何处地点打出。
Starting from 16 February 2005, PCCW-HKT Telephone Limited, together with Hong
Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited since 28
[...] November 2008, have been providing [...]
subscribers’ telephone number and address
information (limited to telephone number, street number, street name and, if applicable, the name of building) to the Hong Kong Fire Services Department for their prompt identification of the location where the emergency calls are made.
当时是年底,挨年近晚, 天气很冷,我记得在“廿八邋遢”那天晚上,我叫助理买了3个 盆菜,跟他们一起吃饭过年。
It was the end of the year and Chinese New Year was around the corner. It was cold and I remember that in the evening of the 28th day of the last month of the Chinese lunar calendar, when the custom was to "wash away the dirt", I told my assistants to buy three orders of "poon choi" to have a Chinese New Year eve dinner together with these people.
在今次农历新年, 有关当局已预先作出呼吁,请市民避开繁忙时间过关;入境处发觉出境高峰
[...] 期是年廿九,而入境高峰期并不是年初三 ─ 公众假期的最後一天 ─ 而是年初六,所以整个假期由廿至年流均是非常高的。
However, when the holiday only lasts for one day, the ImmD will find it most difficult to handle as the travellers will make a day trip and complete their arrival and departure clearances within one day. In the
Lunar New Year just past, the
[...] authorities concerned madeannouncements to call on the public [...]
to avoid going through the control points during the peak hours.
According to the public opinion data, the article pointed out that 52% of the respondents opposed the legislation in principle; another 44% opposed the original proposed legislation content.
国 泰 航 空 九 月 份 的 乘 客 及 货 运 量 大 幅 下 跌 , 与 去 年 同 期 比 较 , 乘 客 量 下 降 了 百 分 之 十 二 点 一 , 仅 录万 一 千 一廿次 ; 而 货 运 量 则 跌 了 百 分 之 十 二 点 二 , 至 六 万 一 千 四 百 廿 吨 , 此 乃 受 全 球 经 济 滑 落 及 美 国 恐 怖 袭 击 影 响 。
Cathay Pacific Airways saw passenger and cargo numbers decline substantially during September due to the general economic slowdown and the impact of the US terrorist attacks on travel and tourism demand.
澳门全艺社将组织五名澳门艺术家参加於台北举行的“Art Taipei 2011 台北国际艺术博览会”,展期廿至廿九日,展览地点为台北世界贸易中心展览大楼一馆。
AFA will organize five Macao artists to attend the 'Art Taipei 2011 International Art Fair' which will take place from 26 to 29 August,2011,at the Taipei World Trade Center.
我们十分感谢「寻找有心人」计划各位捐款者之鼎力支持, 截至2010年3 月共筹得港廿佰捌拾元正,令低收入的视障兼多重残疾人士在过去三年能获赞助,继续使用以自负盈亏营运之乐悠居服务。
As at end of March 2010, a total sum of  $268,180 was raised through the ongoing fund-raising programme - “Searching for Grateful Hearts” to support those clients coming from low-income families to receive needy service from our Joyful Home – a selffinanced small group home for MDVI.
太 古 地 产 今 日 ( 二 零 零 四 年 十廿 八星 期 四 ) 宣 布 两 间 跨 国 企 业 公 司 飞 利 浦 及 法 国 兴 业 银 行 ( 法 兴 ) 分 别 签 约 承 租 太 古 广 场 三 座 逾 140,000 平 方 尺 楼 面 , 占 整 幢 办 公 楼 26% 楼 面 面 积 。
Swire Properties today (Thursday, 28th October 2004) announced agreements with two international tenants, Société Générale and Philips Electronics Hong Kong Limited, to lease over 140,000 sq. ft. at Three Pacific Place, accounting for 26% of the building.
我了解到,在建议通过後 ⎯⎯ 我假设最後是中间落 墨,最低工资大概为廿六七元、甚廿⎯ 是会有部分低收入 人士失去工作,被迫领取综援的。
I understand that after the proposal has been endorsed ― I assume that a middle-of-the-road approach will eventually be taken, and the minimum wage will be around $26, $27 and even $28 ― some low-income earners will lose their jobs and be forced to live on CSSA.
伊:PGS 2009已廿廿八秘鲁首都利马市裘奇购物广场会议中心举行,共有来自秘鲁、智利、阿根廷、美国、巴拿马、斯洛维尼亚、英国、奥地利、义大利、保加利亚、赛普勒斯、台湾、中国、澳洲等地近卅家厂商及媒体参加,展出大型台、拉霸机以及零配件等产品,同时吸引了秘鲁、阿根廷、智利、厄瓜多、委内瑞拉、巴拿马、美国、台湾、中国、澳洲及欧洲等地一千多名的专业人士到场参观,场面极为热闹。
There were gambling/ gaming machines, slot machines, parts and accessories, and many other products showcased at PGS, attracting more than 1,000 professional visitors from Peru, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama, America, Taiwan, China, Australia and Europe.
我们在二零零七年十一廿谘询立法会工务小组委员会,及在二 零零七年十二月十四日获立法会财务委员会通过把 8011YD 号项目的一部分 提升为甲级,按付款当日计算,估计所需费用为 4 亿元,用以向地铁提供资 助,藉以支付项目在获授权实施前的设计阶段所支出的费用。
We consulted the Public Works Sub-committee at its meeting on 22 November 2007 andobtained the approval of the Finance Committee on 14 December 2007 to upgrade part of 8011YD to Category A at an estimated cost of $400.0 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices to provide funding support to the MTRCL to cover the design phase expenditure up to scheme authorization.
二零一零年五廿八三十日,本院参与由新城广播有限公司於香港会议展览中心举办之「拥抱健康生活博览 2010」,展览期间,本院共服务超过5,280位人士。
To further enhance health awareness and promote healthy lifestyles among the general public, the Hospital participated in Health Expo 2010 organized by Metro Broadcast Corporation Limited from 28 May to 30 May 2010 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
本会 促 请 政 府积极回应 1992 年及 2002 年 联 合 国 就可持续发 展召开 的 地 球 高 峰 会的精神, 尽 快 落 实 可 持续发 展 的 有关协 议,包括制订和 推 行可持续发 展 策 略 、“地廿纪 议 程 " 及 行动计划 ;为此,政府 应尽快 成立可 持续发 展 委 员会,并与社 会 各界, 包括非政 府 组 织 、 区 议会、 地 区 团体和 私 人 机 构 展 开对话 , 商 订 一 套具体而切 合本地 情 况 的 策 略 、 议 程 、目标 和 时 间表,提供足够资源 和 制订公众参与机制, 推 行行动计划,并就其工 作 定 期向公 众 汇 报进度和 成 果。
That this Council urges the Government to actively respond to the spirit of the Earth Summits convened by the United Nations on sustainable development in 1992 and 2002 and to expeditiously implement the relevant agreements on sustainable development, including formulating and implementing strategies for sustainable development, a "Local Agenda 21" and action plans; to this end, the Government should set up the Council for Sustainable Development as soon as possible, commence dialogues with different sectors of society, including non-governmental organizations, District Councils, local groups and private organizations, so as to work out a package of specific strategies, agendas, goals and timetables that suit local circumstances, provide sufficient resources, devise a mechanism for public participation, implement action plans, and to report to the public regularly on the progress and achievements of its work.
The Public Opinion Programme at the University of Hong Kong, in a public opinion telephone interview conducted in mid-June of this year, asked citizens three questions concerning the legislation of Article 23 issue: 1) Generally do you support or oppose the legislation of Article 23 by the SAR government in principle?
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区
的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联
[...] 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated
framework; and medical support is
[...] proposed tobe provided eighthoursa day at the [...]
logistics base in Koumassi as opposed
to the current two hours a day.
The appearance of the special edition was teemed with unique details: Innovative BiancoMonocerus solid white finish on its exterior, matt white coating on the roof and mirrors, matt gold strips running from its front bonnet to the roof and
the engine bonnet, the front and rear spoiler
[...] stampedthe 20th anniversary logo, [...]
matt black rear wing, limited edition matt
gold Cordelia wheels and black brake calipers etc. The interior is designed in black, with Q-Citura on top Alcantara leather, and embroidery of “HK20” on the seats’ headrests adds personality to this limited edition.
除正在议程项目 3 下审议的共同文件之外,经社会还收到了宏观经济 政策、减贫及包容性发展委员会第二届会议报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/4)和可持
[...] 续农业促进减贫中心理事会议报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/5)。
In addition to the common documents being considered under agenda item 3, the Commission had before it the report of the Committee on Macroeconomic Policy, Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Development on its second session (E/ESCAP/68/4) and the report of the Governing
Council of the Centre for the Alleviation of Poverty through Sustainable
[...] Agricultureon its eighthsession(E/ESCAP/68/5).
It emphasized our three identities: citizens of Hong Kong, Chinese citizens and Catholics, and encouraged us to know more about Chinese people, Chinese culture and the relationship between Chinese citizens and the Church in China. It also emphasized the need to explore the wider dimension and meaning of the world and
universe, to make use of new sciences and
[...] discoveries ofthe twentyfirst century [...]
(new theories of cosmology, evolution, biology,
quantum physics, astronomy, ecology etc.) to further explore on faith, and to develop dialogue with the learned so as to achieve mutual enrichment.




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