

单词 建立正式外交关系

See also:

正式关系 n

official relation n

外关系 pl

External Relations pl


equation expressing a relation

External sources (not reviewed)

2009 年期间,黎巴嫩和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国完成 建立正式外交关系 的工 作,这也是安全理事会在第 1680(2006)号决议中所鼓励的。
In 2009, Lebanon and the Syrian Arab
[...] Republic completed the establishment of full diplomatic relations, as encouraged by [...]
the Security Council
in its resolution 1680 (2006).
黎巴嫩与 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国于 2009 年建立了正式外交关系。
Lebanon and the
[...] Syrian Arab Republic established full diplomatic relations in 2009.
在开展这项任务的过程 中,自去年年初以来,斐济与 37 个国建立了正式 外交关系,从 而使与斐济正式建交的国家达到 114 个。
In pursuit of this task, since
the beginning of last
[...] year Fiji has formalized diplomatic relations with 37 countries, bringing to a total of 114 the number of countries with which Fiji has formal diplomatic relations.
去年 10 月,科索沃与马其顿完成了双方共同边 界的划界工作,建立了 正式外交关系。
In October, Kosovo and Macedonia completed demarcating their
[...] shared border and established full diplomatic relations.
在 2006 年全国对话中,这一承
[...] 诺得到明确的显示,黎巴嫩人民当时通过代表他们的 所有政治团体一致呼吁在黎巴嫩与阿拉伯叙利亚共 和国之建立正式外交关系,并 解决两个兄弟国家之 间的所有未决问题,包括划定其共同边界。
That commitment had been clearly manifested when, in the 2006 national dialogue, the Lebanese people, represented by all their
political groups, had
[...] unanimously called for the establishment of full diplomatic relations between Lebanon and [...]
the Syrian Arab Republic
and for the resolution of all pending issues between the two sisterly countries, including the delineation of their common borders.
2006 年 5 月 17 日,根据秘书长第三个半年期报告 (S/2006/248),安全理事会通过了第 1680(2006)号决议,再次吁请充分执行第
[...] 照黎巴嫩全国对话达成的协议所提出的请求做出积极反应,划定两国之间的共同 边界,特别是在边界不明确或有争议的地区加以划定, 建立正式 的 外交关系和 派 驻代表,指出这些措施在维护黎巴嫩的主权、领土完整和政治独立以及改善两 [...]
国关系方面,将是向前迈出的重大一步,从而为该区域的稳定作出积极贡献,并 敦促双方进一步进行双边对话,为此目的作出努力。
On 17 May 2006, in response to the third semi-annual report of the Secretary-General (S/2006/248), the Security Council adopted resolution 1680 (2006), in which it reiterated its call for the full implementation of the provisions of resolution 1559 (2004), strongly encouraged the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic to respond positively to the request made by the Government of Lebanon, in line with the agreements of the Lebanese national dialogue, to delineate their common
border, especially in those areas where the border was uncertain or
[...] disputed, and to establish full diplomatic relations and representation, [...]
noting that such measures
would constitute a significant step towards asserting Lebanon’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence and improving the relations between the two countries, thus contributing positively to stability in the region, and urged both parties to make efforts through further bilateral dialogue to that end.
1 月 11 日,泰国常驻代表团宣布,泰国政府式承认 巴勒斯坦国,并启动了与巴勒斯坦 建立和 正常化外交关系的进程。
On 11 January, the Permanent Mission of Thailand had
announced that its
[...] Government had officially recognized the State of Palestine and initiated the process to establish and formalize diplomatic relations with Palestine.
张志军希望朱巴保证石油投资安全,并为中 建 设 正式 的 外交关系 奠 定 基础。
He also seeks assurance from Juba on the security of oil investments and lays
[...] foundation for establishment of official diplomatic relations.
在教科文组织与议会的合作范围内,同时也是对法语国家议会大会所 表达的加强与教科文组织合作的愿望作出回应,总干事根据《教科文组织 组织法》第 XI 条第 1 段和执行局关于与政府间组织和非政府组织 外 的国 际组织的合作安排的决定 151 EX/9.4,将与法语国家议会大 建立正式关 系和缔结合作协定的文件交执行 局批准。
In the framework of UNESCO’s partnership with parliamentarians and in response to the wish expressed by APF to strengthen its cooperation with UNESCO, the Director-General submits to the Executive Board for approval a document concerning the establishment of formal relations with APF and the conclusion of a cooperation agreement, in conformity with Article XI, paragraph 1, of the UNESCO Constitution and 151 EX/Decision 9.4 of the Executive Board on arrangements for cooperation with international organizations other than intergovernmental organizations and nongovernmental organizations.
除伙伴关系内部的协调活外,许多伙伴关系 还继续同活跃于类似互补重点领域的其他伙关系建立正式 的 协 作安排。
In addition to coordination activities within partnerships, many partnerships have continued to develop formal collaborative arrangements [...]
with other partnerships
active in similar complementary focal areas.
与各组织和新合作伙伴关系处处长 Jacques Rao 先生回答埃 及提出的问题时表明,关于非政府组织的数据库目前由非政府组织科与国际协会联合会(与 教科文组建立正式关系的非政府组织)合作开发,以确定地方和区域非政府组织成员和分 支机构,这些成员和分支机构将为各部门、总 外 办 事 处和其他地方合作伙伴提供服务,加 强教科文组织在国家和区域一级的合作和活动。
In reply to a question raised by Egypt, Mr Jacques Rao, Director of the Division of Relations with Organizations and New Partnerships, said that
the database on NGOs was
[...] currently being developed by the NGO Section in cooperation with the Union of International Associations (NGOs maintaining official relations with UNESCO) to identify local and regional NGO members and branches, which would serve the sectors, the field offices and [...]
other local partners
to strengthen UNESCO’s cooperation and activities at national and regional levels.
尤其是,大会部与世界各地的大学签订了更 多的谅解备忘录,与联合 建立正式关系 的 机构总数已经达到 19 个。
In particular, the Department has concluded additional memorandums of understanding with
universities around the globe, bringing the total number of
[...] institutions having a formal relationship with the Organization to 19.
应萨赫勒--撒哈拉国家共同体(CEN - SAD)的要求,并根据《教科 文组织组织法》第 XI 条第 1 段之规定,总干事向执行局交关于 与萨赫勒 - 撒哈拉国家共同建立正式关系和在两组织之间缔结一项合作协定的文 件,供其审批。
Pursuant to the request of the Secretary-General of the Community of Sahelo-Saharan States (CEN-SAD) and in conformity with Article XI.1 of the
UNESCO Constitution, the
[...] Director-General submits to the Executive Board for approval a document relating to the establishment of formal relations with the Community [...]
of Sahelo-Saharan
States (CEN-SAD) and the conclusion of a cooperation agreement between the two organizations.
同时, 如同《指示》第 VI.4 条所指出的那样,任何一非政府组织提出的与教科文组 建立正式关 系的申 请应切实附有一份与一个或数个计划部门或一个或数个总 外 办 事处拟定的具体合作 的项目。
Furthermore, any NGO request for
[...] admission to official relations with UNESCO should be accompanied by a specific cooperation project drawn up with one or more programme sectors or field offices, as [...]
indicated in Section VI.4 of the Directives.
正如安 全理事会第 1559(2004) 和第 1680(2006)号决议以及安理会主席的相关声明 所确认的那样,在黎巴嫩恢复称为全国对话的政治进 程以及黎巴嫩与阿拉伯叙利亚共和国之间关系最近 出现的各项发展,特别是在黎巴嫩和叙利亚两国总统 的首脑会议之后出现的发展,包括建立外交关系方 面取得的进展以及建立常设外交使团的决定,都是与 负责执行安全理事会第 1559(2004)号决议的秘书长 特使的任务有关的问题。
His delegation believed that positive developments had occurred since the adoption of General Assembly resolution 62/238 V. The resumption in Lebanon of the political process known as the national dialogue, as well as the recent developments in relations between Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic,
[...] following the summit meeting of the Lebanese and Syrian Presidents, including progress achieved in the establishment of diplomatic relations and the decision to set up permanent diplomatic missions, were issues that related to the mandate of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the implementation of Security Council resolution 1559 (2004), as confirmed by the Security Council in [...]
its resolutions
1559 (2004) and 1680 (2006) and the related statements of its President.
ACBC成立于1973年正值澳 大利亚与中华人民共和建立外交关系 ; 委员会的任务是促进两国之间的双向贸易投资关系。
ACBC was founded with the mandate to promote two-way trade and investment between the two
[...] countries in 1973, the year Australia established diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic [...]
of China.
这是因为,如果以色列接受阿拉伯和平倡议,就 会确保以色列结束其对自 1967 年以来所占领的所有 叙利亚领土以及在同一年所占领的其余黎巴嫩领土 的占领,确保建立一个以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立的 巴勒斯坦国;外也因 为这将保证达成协议,根据大 会第 194(III)号决议解决巴勒斯坦难民问题;并且将 确保以色列同所有阿拉伯国家缔结和平协议,同其他 35 个伊斯兰国建立正常关系。
That is because Israel’s acceptance of the Arab Peace Initiative would guarantee the end of its occupation of all Syrian territories occupied since 1967 and the remaining Lebanese territories occupied in the same year and the establishment of an independent Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its
capital, and because it
[...] would guarantee an agreed resolution of the issue of Palestine refugees in accordance with General Assembly resolution 194 (III) and would secure for Israel peace agreements with all Arab States and normal relations with 35 other Islamic States.
国际协调小组还决定 (i) 研究与海洋学和海洋气象学联合技术委员会 合作的可能性;(ii)
[...] 的时间并成立一个国际部,向会员国提供本地援助;(iii) 成立援助会员国的“专家库”; (iv) 接受“海啸灾害区”和“海啸撤离路线”标识并 交 国 际 标准化组织;(v) 建议与环太平 洋理事建立正式合作的关系。
The Group further decided to (i) study possibilities for cooperation with JCOMM; (ii) increase the duration of its ITSU Training Programme held in Hawaii (ITP-Hawaii) and establish an international component (ITPInternational) for in-country assistance to Member States; (iii) establish a “Pool of Experts” to assist Member States; (iv) accept the “Tsunami Hazard Zone”
[...] “Tsunami Evacuation Route” signs and submit these to ISO; and (v) recommend formal collaborative links with the Circum-Pacific [...]
除通过常 驻联合国维也纳和纽约代表团以及外交部进 正式交 流 之 外 , 还与 有 关 部 委以 及司法和检察部门保持着工作系。
In addition to the formal communications pursued through the permanent missions in
Vienna and New York and the
[...] ministries of foreign affairs, extensive consultations and working-level contacts are maintained with concerned ministries and [...]
with judicial and prosecutorial services.
在 2009 年 1 月 27 日第 14 次会议上,委员会听取关于联 合国非政府组织正式区域网的陈述,特别是建立 了 一 个基于技术 系 统 , 来为联合国和具有 经济及社会理事会咨商地位的非政府组织在区域和全球一级进 交 互 式 交 流提 供便利。
At its 14th meeting, on 27 January 2009, the Committee heard a presentation on the United
Nations Non-Governmental Organizations Informal Regional Network (UN-NGO-IRENE), in particular the establishment of a technology-based system that facilitated interactive exchange at the regional and global levels between the United Nations and non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council.
建立外交关系后,已签订了有关各领域的许多协定,包括打击贩毒、空 运、两国外交部的合作、文化、教育、投资和保护投资领域的合作、政治协商机 [...]
制、外交护照免签证、认可大学学位、刑事事项的法律协助、判刑者的移送、两 国外交部之间档案的移送等等。
Cuba and Panama
[...] have, throughout our diplomatic relations, signed many agreements [...]
in a variety of fields, including combating
drug trafficking, air transport, cooperation between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, cooperation in the fields of culture, education, and investment and protection of investments, political consultation mechanisms, discontinuance of visas in diplomatic passports, approval of university degrees, legal assistance in criminal matters, transfer of sentenced persons, and transfer of archives between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of both countries.
与会者在这方面强调指出,国际和区域组织能发挥关 键作用,组织一些可能与信交换没 有直 关系 的 活 动,但有助 建立正式 和非 正式网络,从而有助于促进建立信 交 流 必不可少的信任。
Common risk assessment is a facilitating factor for the exchange of information, and in this respect participants underlined that the role of international and regional organizations is fundamental in the organization
of activities which
[...] may not be directly related to information exchange but which help to create informal and formal networking and thus help to build the trust essential for information exchange.
作为执行 9 月 19 日《联合声明》的步骤,美国保证改善对朝鲜民主主义人 民共和国的关系,努建立全面的 外交关系 ( 2 0 07 年 2 月 13 日和 10 月 3 日《六 方会谈声明》)。
As action steps to implement the 19 September Joint Statement, the United States
gave assurances that it
[...] would improve relations with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and move towards full diplomatic relations (Six-Party Talks [...]
Agreements, 13 February and 3 October 2007).
须作出的决定:执行局欢迎总干事在 拟定 35 C/5 补充性追加计划过程中为 进一步加强预外和正常计划活动之 间的一致性所采取的措施;请执行局 注意到落实费用回收政策以及进一步 协调联合系统内有关政策的工作; 注意到 2008/2009 年费用测算研究的 结果;请总干事向其第一八五届会议 报告预外资金和活动的管理情况并 通过资料文件的式交流经过更新的 “预外资金筹资战略计划”。
Decision required: It welcomes the steps taken by the Director-General to further
strengthen the
[...] coherence between extrabudgetary and regular programme activities in the context of the preparation of the 35 C/5 CAP; invites the Executive Board to take note of the efforts to implement the Cost Recovery Policy and to further harmonize the policies within the UN system; to take note of the results of the 2008/2009 Cost Measurement study; and to invite the Director-General to report to it at its 185th session on the management of extrabudgetary resources and activities, and to share the updated Extrabudgetary Resource Mobilization Strategic Plan in the form of an information document.
我们欢迎今年早些时候通关于调 解的第 65/283 号决议,其中除其外,建立了一 个会员国可 就调解问题与秘书长进交流的 论坛,提高大会履行 其应有的监督作用的能力,并提出具体办法,以便将 调解手段的使用纳入整个联合系统 的 主流。
We welcome the adoption of resolution 65/283, on mediation,
earlier this year,
[...] which, inter alia, establishes a forum in which Member States can interact with the Secretary-General on the issue of mediation, strengthens the ability of the Assembly to perform its rightful oversight role and proposes concrete ways to mainstream the use of mediation across the United Nations system.
除了上文 提及的更加侧重专题的伙关系外, 教 科文组织 建立 了 与 非政府组织(全民教 育运动非政府组织集体协商)、私营部门(全球教育伙伴关系)以及教育与和平文 化议员网络开展协作正式机制
In addition to the more thematically focused partnerships and initiatives mentioned above, UNESCO has established formal mechanisms for collaboration with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) (the Collective Consultation of NGOs [...]
on Education for All),
the private sector (the Global Partnership for Education) and the Network of Parliamentarians for Education and a Culture of Peace.
为了能够实现 31C/4 和 31C/5 提
[...] 建和领导的非政府组织采取积极主动的措施,鼓励它们与本组建立正式关系 , 并 与各全国 委员会协商,与那些活跃在实地的青年组织,就象与地区、国家非政府组织和网络一样,努 [...]
To achieve the objectives set forth in documents 31 C/4 and 31 C/5 as they relate to the integration of the needs and visions of youth into UNESCO’s efforts, the Unit has taken a proactive stance vis-à-vis NGOs founded and
directed by young people so as to
[...] encourage them to establish official relations with the Organization, [...]
and is striving to develop,
in consultation with the National Commissions, its cooperation with youth organizations active in the field, in this case regional and national NGOs and networks.
建议主 要涉及委员会在以下各方面的能力:收集关于决议执行情况的资料;加 强委员会作为协调援助供求的信交 流 中心的作用;与 关 的 国际、区域和次区 域组织以及多边机构立正式和非 正式合作安排;促进分享 关 良 好做法和经验 教训的信息,并协助制定和执行各项标准。
These recommendations deal mainly with the capacity of the Committee to gather information on the status of implementation of the resolution; consolidate its clearing house role in matching requests for assistance with offers; develop formal and informal cooperative arrangements with relevant international, regional [...]
and subregional
organizations and multilateral institutions; and facilitate the sharing of information on good practices and lessons learned and the development and implementation of standards.
联合检查组关于人权高专办经费筹措和人员配 置的报告(A/62/845),目标在于帮助提高人权高专办 的效率和效力,建议立适当机制, 系 人 权 理事会 所确定的优先事项,让会员国参与审查工作方案草案 以及所需关经费,并监测资金使用和工作方案的实 施情况;外建议采取措施,正人 权 高专办专业人 员职等及以上工作人员地域分配不平衡的情况。
The objective of the Unit’s report on the funding and staffing of OHCHR (A/62/845) was to help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
OHCHR by recommending
[...] adequate mechanisms for involving Member States in the review of the draft programme of work and of associated financial requirements, in light of the priorities established by the Human Rights Council, and for monitoring the use of funds and the implementation of the programme of work, and by recommending measures to redress the imbalance [...]
in the geographic distribution
of OHCHR staff at the Professional level and above.




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