

单词 建屋



building society (finance)

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

建屋发展 局通过短期措施帮助经济困难 的业主,例如暂时推迟或减少按揭贷款的还款额,同时还与他们一起寻求长期的 解决方案。
For homeowners in financial difficulty, HDB assists them [...]
with short-term measures such as the temporary deferment or reduction
of mortgage loan repayments, while working with them on longer-term solutions.
我們的隔音露台設計,最近亦得到環境保護署的讚賞,因為該設計能夠在一些有交通噪音問題 建屋 用 地,有效消減噪音。
Recently, our noise arc balcony design for noise mitigation in a difficult site with traffic noise problems won applause from the Environmental Protection Department.
政府通过公共租房计划来帮助买不起住房的一小部分人,他们可以 建屋 发展局以很低的补贴租金来租房。
A small proportion of the population who cannot afford home
ownership is assisted by the Public Rental Scheme, which allows them to
[...] rent flats from HDB at heavily subsidised rates.
此外,為更好利用地積比率偏低的現有公共屋邨的土 地資源,並為探討局部或全面建屋 邨 所 增加 建屋 量 , 房委會在 2011 年 11 月通過「重建高樓齡公共租住屋邨優化政策」,持續進行重 建潛力研究,以檢視高樓齡屋邨原地重建的潛力。
Besides, to make a better use of the land resources in existing PRH estates with a low plot ratio and to explore the scope for additional flat production through partial or full redevelopment, a “Refined Policy on Redevelopment of Aged Public Rental Housing” was endorsed by HA in November 2011, under which HA will conduct a rolling programme of potential studies to examine the build-back potential of aged estates.
為確保新居屋計劃建屋量達 標,我們需要增設 1 個房屋署助 理署長職位,領導新設立的工務分處,負責監督居屋單位的建造、相 關公營屋建設和 重建計劃( 例如重建高齡公共屋邨的研究),並領導工 程計劃的推展,就各項技術研究與其他政府部門緊密聯繫。
To ensure
[...] that the new HOS production target can be met, we need to create an additional AD of H post who will head a new Project Sub-division to oversee HOS construction, associated public housing construction and redevelopment projects such as the redevelopment study on aged PRH estates, and [...]
to lead the projects
in close liaison with other government departments for various technical studies.
自2006年9月28日至2007年7月3日,潘先生為香 建屋 貸 款有限公司之執行董事,該公 司之股份於香港聯合交易所有限公司上市。
Mr. Poon was an executive director
[...] of The Hong Kong Building and Loan Agency Limited [...]
from 28 September 2006 to 3 July 2007.
The shares of this company are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
這宗上訴是上訴人根據《城市規劃條例》(下稱「條例」)第 17B 條提出的,以反對城市規劃委員會(下稱「城規會」)拒絕了他的 規劃許可申請,在新界大埔山寮村第 15 約一塊面積約為
[...] 65.03 平方米的政府土地(下稱「上訴地點」)上 建屋 宇 (新界豁免管制 屋宇-小型屋宇)(下稱「擬議發展項目」)。
This is an appeal by the Appellant under section 17B of the Town Planning Ordinance (“Ordinance”) against the refusal by the Town Planning Board (“TPB”) of his application for planning permission to build a proposed
house (New Territories
[...] Exempted House - Small House) (“Proposed Development”) [...]
on a piece of government land in DD 15, Shan Liu Village, Tai Po, New Territories, of a site area of about 65.03 square metres (“Site”).
[...] green)的手册,在旗下酒店及业界其他酒店间广泛使用,书中提出了一系列环保措施,包括回收和转化酒店厨房的有机垃圾、“生态会议”(Eco-Meet)计划、 建屋 顶 药 草花园、成立养蜂基地、将可继续使用的物品和食物分发给有需要的人群等。
In addition to publishing "The Green Partnership Guide", a "going green" handbook used by its hotels and others in the hospitality industry, initiatives include recycling and organic waste diversion in hotel
kitchens, a green conferencing solution
[...] dubbed Eco-Meet, creating rooftop herb gardens and [...]
bee apiaries at properties, and redistributing
gently used goods and food to those in need.
目前他與 Key Community Housing (關鍵公共住房) 和 ELARC (東洛杉磯社區服務中心) 一起在發建屋公司 和發展計劃以供社區服務中心的使用者用。
Currently he is working with Key
[...] Community Housing and Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center (ELARC) on developing the Housing Corporation [...]
and developments plans
for the Regional Center Consumers.
管制人員: 地政總署署長 局長: 發展局局長 問題:
[...] 有關換地或更改土地契約事宜,尤其是有土地用途 建屋 限 制 的申請,貴署會撥 多少資源及採取什麼措施進行公眾諮詢工作?
Regarding land exchange or lease modification cases, particularly
applications involving restrictions
[...] on land user or building of houses, what is the [...]
amount of resources to be allocated
and what measures will be taken to conduct public consultations?
在過去三年,史亞倫先生於香建屋 貸 款有限公司及星獅地產(中國)有限公司(兩者均在聯交所上市)出任董事一職直至二○○九年十月二十三日及二○一一年一月十三日分別辭任╱退任;自一九八三年四月至二○一一年四月期間擔任United [...]
Securities Limited(在新加坡證券交易所有限公司上市)的董事;及自二○○五年十月至二○一一年四月期間擔任Castle Asia Alternative PCC Limited(前稱KGR Absolute Return PCC Limited)(曾於倫敦證券交易所上市)的董事。
During the last three years, Mr Smith was a
[...] director of The Hong Kong Building and Loan Agency Limited [...]
and Frasers Property (China) Limited,
which are listed on the Stock Exchange until he resigned/retired from the office with effect from 23 October 2009 and 13 January 2011 respectively; United International Securities Limited, which is listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited, during the period from April 1983 to April 2011; and Castle Asia Alternative PCC Limited (formerly known as KGR Absolute Return PCC Limited), which was listed on the London Stock Exchange, during the period from October 2005 to April 2011.
建屋合作社」是非牟利法人組織-通常是一間公司,擁有一座或多座 [...]
A  housing  cooperative  is  [...]
a  non‐profit  legal  entity  —  usually  a  corporation—that  owns real estate, consisting of one or more residential buildings.
下午时段的论坛嘉宾是新加建屋局 局 长蔡君炫博士、IBM新加坡分公司董事经理洪月霞、新加坡网络电视 (Clicknetwork.tv) 创办人兼创意总监陈翠玲、飞艺娱乐 (Fly Entertainment [...]
Pte Ltd) 创办人洪爱玲。
Panelists for the afternoon
[...] networking forum were: Cheong-Chua Koon Hean, Chief Executive Offer of the Housing Development Board; [...]
Janet Ang, Managing Director
of IBM Singapore; Gillian Tan, Founder and Creative Director of Clicknetwork.tv; and Irene Ang, Founder of Fly Entertainment Pte Ltd.
[...] 亚洲最大的现代物流基础设施提供商与服务商普洛斯(GLP)日前宣布,其位于苏州的普洛 建屋 工 业 园成功将1.45万平方米的物流设施租赁给一家全球最大的糕点、食品和饮料集团之一的跨国企业。
Singapore, 30 January 2012 - Global Logistic Properties Limited (“GLP”), the market leader in modern logistics facilities in China and Japan, announced that
it recently has leased
[...] 14,500 square metres at GLP Park Suzhou Industrial (Genway) to one of [...]
the largest global confectionery,
food and beverage conglomerates.
紅莫爾頓建屋局; AVW傑克遜,猶太百科全書; é赫茨菲爾德, Zoroaster和他的世界;反相Masani [...]
,宗教的幸福生活,拜火教;傑杰奧莫迪的宗教儀式和習俗Parsees ; M爾博伊斯, “拜火教”在歷史Religionum 。
JH Moulton, HDB; AVW Jackson, Jewish [...]
Encyclopedia; E Herzfeld, Zoroaster and His World; RP Masani, The Religion of the Good
Life, Zoroastrianism; JJ Modi, The Religious Ceremonies and Customs of the Parsees; M Boyce, "Zoroastrianism," in Historia Religionum.
目前积极参与生态城建设的新加坡政府机构包括市区重建局(UR A) 、 建屋 发 展局(HDB)、建设局(BCA)、国家环境局(NEA)、陆路交通管理局(LTA)、国际企业发展局(IE [...]
Singapore agencies which are currently actively involved in the Tianjin Eco-city include the
Urban Redevelopment
[...] Authority (URA), Housing and Development Board (HDB), Building and Construction [...]
Authority (BCA), National Environment
Agency (NEA), Public Utilities Board (PUB), Land Transport Authority (LTA) and IE Singapore.
目前重點仍屬財務支援,政府贊助的官方網站詳述民眾在各種財務條件下,可申請何種貸款方案,不過未多說 建屋 選 項 與內容,民眾若已擁有土地,只是單純 建屋 , 則有另一套房貸專案;若是尚未購地,政府打算釋出公有地興建。
The financing spread gives separate prices for those who already own land and simply want to build a house there.
建纬在苏州律师担任中海、华润、招商 建屋 、 中新置地、圆融、朗诗等众多大中 型房地产企业和日立、维讯、珉泰克、世达普、龙腾光电等重要国际客户的常年法律顾 问,并为包括苏州工业园区管委会大楼、苏州国际博览中心及苏州科技文化艺术中心在 内的众多重大项目提供优质法律服务。
CDLF prides itself with possessing a team of internationally trained and experienced attorneys and legal personnel who have real local ties to Suzhou and the surrounding areas.
房屋署只設 1 個總工程師職位,實在不足以 應付這些職責及建居屋方面 的新增工作,以及其他房屋措施和日趨 複雜的公營房屋規劃及發展工作帶來的額外工作量,包括:高樓屋 邨重建;工 程可行性研究不斷增加;積極參與公眾諮詢;基本工程儲 備基金總目 711 項下的支援項目愈來愈多;更多基建改善工程及合約 管理工作;為符合新的環保及工程規定而進行的工程發展和標準研究 與日俱增;以及提升土地測量服務水平。
One CE post is grossly insufficient to cope with these duties
together with the additional workload due
[...] to resumption of HOS as well as those arising from other housing initiatives and the increased complexity in public housing planning and development works, such as the redevelopment of aged estates; [...]
increasing number
of engineering feasibility studies; active participation in public consultations; increasing number of supporting projects under CWRF Head 711; more infrastructure improvement works and contract administration works; increasing number of engineering researches on development and standard to meet new environmental and engineering requirements; and enhancement of land surveying services.
提交人是埃塞俄比亚公民,奥罗莫族,在亚的斯亚贝巴长大,学习建筑之 后作为屋建筑商工作。
2.1 The complainant is an Ethiopian
citizen of Oromo ethnicity who grew up in Addis Ababa
[...] and worked as a building constructor after studying architecture.
加冷屋建于 1970至1980年,根据选择性大楼重建计划(SERS)一些组屋大楼作为重建工作之一。
The housing estate of Kallang is built by Housing Development Board [...]
and were built in 1970 to 1980, some of the blocks of
HDB are been reconstructed under the Selective En bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS) which is done to redevelop the area.
步入当地村落时,纯真的传统屋建 筑 定将让您赞叹不已,令您充分体验民俗村落丰富多彩的文化风情。
Experience the rich culture of the village tribes as you enter their homes and marvel at the ingenious architecture of the traditional houses.
(c) 條例草案不應該不公平地以中小企為打擊 對象,因為現行法例已能夠打擊中小企或 會採用的不當營商手法,例如與建 租住 公屋裝修 工程有關的不良營商手法或競投 舊樓修葺工程時所採用的圍標手法,而中 小企在市場上亦非處於可讓他們從事掠奪 [...]
(c) SMEs should not be unfairly targeted by the Bill because illegal trade practices which they might commit, such as those
related to decoration
[...] works at new public rental housing (PRH), or bid-rigging for repair works for old buildings, could already [...]
be tackled by existing
laws, and SMEs were not in a dominant position in the market to enable them to engage in predatory pricing.
根據我們不斷推展的最新五年公營 屋建 設 計 劃,從2010/11年度起,我們預期未來五年落成的新公屋單位約共75 [...]
000個,意味每年平均落成約15 000個新單位。
According to our latest
[...] rolling Public Housing Construction Programme for the [...]
five years starting from the year 2010/11, we anticipate that new PRH production in the coming five
years will be about 75 000 flats, meaning  average annual production of about 15 000 units.
非常重要的是,要以着眼于建设 海地政府长期能力的方式来做这些工作,这包括委员
[...] 会确立的透明度,以便使捐助方能真正充满信心,而 海地人民能看到一栋栋屋建造起 来,海地人被聘 用,以及海地企业成为合作伙伴。
It is very important that all this be done in a way that builds the long-term capacity of the Haitian Government and that includes the transparency set up by the Commission, so that donors
have real confidence and the people of
[...] Haiti can see the houses going up, the [...]
Haitians being hired and the Haitian businesses
being brought into partnership.
(c) 关于土地标准价和土地购置的第1308号法律(1997年7月25日通过)是适 用于下列情况的主要法律文书:(a)土地购置包括私有化建筑占用的土地或正在
[...] 人)的决定以及与土地所有权人签订的协议中规定的未完工建筑占用的公共土地 以其法定资本价值参股屋建设项 目;(c)占用耕地或林地、农用土地流转以及 将耕地和林地转为其他类土地;(d)强迫转让土地;(e)租赁关系。
(c) The law on the normative price and the purchase of land, No. 1308 from 25.07.1997 is the main legal document which is applied to cases of (a) purchase of land, including lands of privatised buildings or which are in the process of privatisation, of the lands of private enterprises, as well as the lands of unfinished constructions; (b) inclusion of the value of the public property lands of unfinished buildings and constructions specified at letter a) in their statutory capital, following the decision of the share holders (founders) and with the agreement of
the land owner, as a participation
[...] share in the building or construction; (c) exclusion of [...]
the lands from the category of
agricultural lands and forest lands, as well as from the agricultural circulation, and their transferral to other categories of land; (d) forced alienation of lands; (e) lease relations.
集体建房会可雇用一个经办人办理必要手续,包括会员的 屋建 筑 的 经营管理和 领导等手续,经办人参与这一程序但并不影响建房会的基本原则,而且自始至终都 [...]
The solicitor will be part of the process
without interfering on the basic principles of
[...] the cooperative housing; only the members [...]
of the housing association have the power
to decide on a general assembly the basic guidelines of operation with the solicitor’s assessment.
屋建在英 国殖民时代战争前已经白色的墙壁和黑色的支柱,因此得名,黑色和白色房屋的遗产是一所房子与影响从亚洲的遗产和文化,包括巴利岛概念。
The houses built before the war during [...]
British colonial times which had white walls and black post supports, hence the name,
Black and White House; and the Heritage House which is a house made with influences from the Asian heritage and culture, including Balinese concepts.
我/我們/本號〕現確認,在提交本投標表格時,除以下備註所指的豁免通訊外,〔我/我 們/本號〕並沒有建議繳 納的租金金額傳達 屋 署 以 外的任何人士、透過與任何其他人士的安 排 調 整 任建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本號〕或該人應否提交投標表 格作出任何安排,或以其他任何方式與任何其他人士串通;並承諾,在上述舖位招租後,直至 房 屋 署 通 知 競 投 者 招 租 結 果 的 任 何 時 間 , 除 以 下 備 註 所 指 的 豁 免 通 訊外,〔我/我們/本號〕不 會建議繳納的租金金額傳達屋署 以 外的任何人士、透過與任何其他人士的安排調整任建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本 號 〕 或 該 人 應否競投作出任何安排,或以 其他任何方式與任何其他人士串通。
I/We/Our company] had not communicated to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjusted the amount of
any quotation by
[...] arrangement with any other person, made any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should submit a Form of Tender or otherwise colluded with any other person in any manner whatsoever and undertake that at any time thereafter in the letting of the above premises until the bidder is notified by HD of the outcome of the letting exercise and other than the Excepted Communications referred to in the remark below of this Form of Tender [I/we/our company] will not communicate to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjust the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, make any arrangement [...]
with any other person
about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should bid or otherwise collude with any other person in any manner whatsoever.




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