

单词 廊坊地区

See also:


Langfang prefecture level city in Hebei

地区 n

area n
region n
country n
district n
section n
place n

地区 pl

regions pl
territories pl

External sources (not reviewed)

中心将设地球物理地球化 学勘查研究所内(IGGE)(中国 廊坊 , 065000,金光道 84 号)。
The Centre will be housed within the Institute of
[...] Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration (IGGE) located at 84 Jinguang Road, Langfang, 065000, China.
中华人民共和国政府建议在中廊坊 建 立 全球尺 地 球 化 学国际研究中心,作为由教 科文组织赞助的第 2 类机构。
The Government of the People’s Republic of China has proposed the establishment of
an International Centre on
[...] Global-scale Geochemistry in Langfang, China, as a category 2 [...]
centre under the auspices of UNESCO.
在中廊坊拟建全球尺地球化 学国际研究中心 具有很高的可行性,教科文组织的理事机构应给予充分的考虑。
The feasibility of the proposed International Centre on
[...] Global-scale Geochemistry in Langfang, China, is high and [...]
UNESCO’s governing bodies
should give it due consideration.
我们的教区设在1 Finlayson Green和143 Cecil Street(GB大厦),分别距离莱佛 坊地 铁 站 和丹戎巴葛地铁站仅几分钟的路程。
Our classrooms
[...] are located at 1 Finlayson Green and 143 Cecil Street (GB Building), just minutes away from Raffles Place MRT and Tanjong [...]
Pagar MRT stations respectively.
每个月,学校会举办至少两次工坊 , 并向 本 地 的 外籍 社 区 开 放 ,为外籍人士提供资讯服务。
Every month YCIS holds at least two parent workshops open to the entire Beijing community in order to provide an informative service to the local expatriate community.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中
国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan
[...] multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内地区之间建起一条交通廊;以 及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 [...]
铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal
project that will create a
[...] transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the [...]
Dawei Development Project
which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
In order to overcome these limitations, these countries should
increasingly seek financing for integrated trade and transport
[...] infrastructure projects with a subregional corridor approach.
建议大会第三十七届会议批准在中 廊坊 建 立 全球尺 地 球 化 学国际研究中心, 作为由教科文组织赞助的第 2 类中心,并授权总干事签署相关的协定。
Recommends that the General Conference, at its 37th session, approve the
establishment of the
[...] international centre on global-scale geochemistry in Langfang, China, as a [...]
category 2 centre under the
auspices of UNESCO, and that it authorize the Director- General to sign the corresponding agreement.
在若干因素的推动下,支助费用会增加,这些因素包括:行 区 的 地 理面 积扩大;气候条件;缺乏安全保障;基础设施薄弱;要求作战部队灵活机动;难 以在战争环境中使用平民承包商;无法在索马里南部(例如基斯马尤)短期就近使 用海港,从而不得不绕行或靠季节性 地 走 廊 运 输 供给(见 S/2012/74,第28段)。
The increase in support costs will be driven by
several factors, including the larger
[...] geographical area of operations, climatic conditions, lack of security, weak infrastructure, mobility requirements of a dynamic combat force, the difficulty of using civilian contractors in a war environment, and the lack of access in the short term to a proximate seaport in southern Somalia, such as Kismaayo, necessitating the use of circuitous and seasonal land corridors for supply lines [...]
(see S/2012/74, para. 28).
芬尼湾的 北领地博物馆及廊 侧 重于土著艺术收藏品,陈列有来自提威群岛(Tiwi Islands)和安地区(Arnhem Land)的雕刻和树皮画。
A highlight of the Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern Territory in  Fannie Bay is the Aboriginal art collection, with carvings and bark paintings from the Tiwi Islands and Arnhem Land.
虽然没有明确的空间交易规则,但根据官方指导文件推介,改 地 点 应 位于核心生区域或走廊。
There are no explicit spatial trading rules but official guidance
documents recommend that mitigation sites should be located in
[...] what has been identified as core habitat areas or corridors.
关于在中廊坊建立全球尺地球 化学国际研究中心的建议 总干事建议的项目
Proposal for the
[...] establishment in Langfang, China, of an international centre on global-scale [...]
论坛将着重探讨该地区这一作为古老文化和经济联系轴心的独特文化廊,这其中包含了地区各个 国家和人民的物质与非物质文化及历史遗产,可以作为地区协 [...]
The forum will focus
[...] attention on the unique cultural corridors in the region, which are [...]
axes of age-old cultural and economic
links that include the tangible and intangible cultural and historical heritage of the countries and peoples and may serve as a framework for regional accords and cooperation.
加强支助尤其是关于发电项目地理 测绘和资源发展 廊 的 区 域 合 作;加强 就大型科研基础设施融资项目进行谈判的能力;加强促进环境和社会管理做法的 能力;并帮助小型矿业风险投资公司采用可持续和商业上可行的矿业做法。
There should be
[...] enhanced support for regional cooperation for geo-mapping and resource development corridors, especially [...]
in respect of power projects;
strengthened capacity for negotiating large mining infrastructure-financing projects; enhanced capacities to boost environmental and social management practices; and assistance to small-scale mining ventures to promote sustainable and commercially viable mining practices.
沿着Contemporary by Angela Li 艺术空间游走中环荷里活道,途经文武庙、中区警署建筑群、穿梭具香 地 道 特 色的旧唐楼群、然后是华洋汇集的苏 区 与 兰 桂 坊 , 观 众将在短短十数分钟的路程中沉淀思潮,客 地 审 视城市发展与个人、社会文化及未来下一代的关系。
Start off from Contemporary by Angela Li on Hollywood Road in Central, by way of the Legislative Council Building, Tamar site, Wanchai Waterfront Promenade, and finally reaching the Jockey Club Atrium located inside Hong Kong Arts Centre in Wanchai, viewers will take time to be buried in thoughts, contemplate the connection between urban development and individuals, social culture, and future generations.
各 方应通过设立中区或走廊,以 供畅通无 地 运 送人 道主义援助,来表现出这种尊重,从而使平民能够安 全撤离或得到援助,而其福祉不受威胁。
Those parties should manifest such
[...] respect by creating neutral zones or corridors for the unimpeded delivery [...]
of humanitarian assistance,
so that civilians may be safely evacuated or provided with assistance without threats to their well-being.
尤其令人担忧的是, 最近在被选用开发所谓的 E1 定居点廊的地区有大 批人流离失所,一旦工程完 工,将破坏建立领土毗连的巴勒斯坦国的前景。
Particularly worrying are the recent
[...] displacements from the area slated for the development of the so-called E1 settlement corridor, which when [...]
completed will destroy
the prospects for a contiguous Palestinian State.
因 此,人道主义机构将维持其目前的援助水平,特别是在阿夫戈耶 廊 和 中 部 地区。
Consequently, humanitarian agencies will continue with their current level of assistance, particularly in
[...] the Afgooye corridor and in the central regions.
需要这条廊 来确定该地区地质的 确实性质,决定最佳的施工方法,并制订隧道工程的预测费 用和工作时间表。
This is needed to establish the exact
[...] nature of the geology in the area, determine the best construction [...]
method and refine the cost
and timeline forecasts for tunnel construction.
這包括 (i) 向企業提供資助共 5 億 元;(ii) 向香港生產力促進局提供 5,500 萬元,以成立專責隊伍,負 責「專項基金」個別企業資助部份的管理、行政支援及項目監察工作; (iii) 向香港生產力促進局提供 400 萬元,以舉辦各項推廣及宣傳活 動、工坊及研討會,出版指引作教育及分享經驗,及支付其他必需 的相應開支如審計費;以及 (iv) 香港生產力促進局作為政府的執行 伙伴,提供總額相等於 1,700 萬元的專業人手支援、地租金及其他 輔助、技術及支援服務。
This includes (i) $500 million of funding support to be provided to enterprises; (ii) $55 million to be provided to the HKPC to set up a dedicated team for programme management, administrative support and project monitoring; (iii) $4 million to be provided to the HKPC to conduct various publicity and promotional activities, organise seminars and
symposia, publish guidebooks for education
[...] and experience sharing, and meet other necessary expenses such as audit fees; and (iv) $17 million to be contributed by the HKPC as the implementation partner in terms of professional manpower support, venue rentals and other ancillary, technical and support services.
1998年12月,其使命为培训众人像基督门徒,裕廊福音站推出了英语崇拜,将所有崇拜,搬到 廊坊 购 物 中心嘉华文礼戏院厅,从那时起,也包括对儿童和青年方案,以满足其成员的需要。
In December 1998, garbed with a
mission to disciple all persons to
[...] Christlikeness, Jurong Preaching Point launched [...]
the English Worship Service and proceeded
to move all its services to the cinema halls of Boon Lay Golden Village at Jurong Point Shopping Centre.
在中国政府提出关于在中廊坊建立 由教科文组织赞助的全球尺 地 球 化 学国 际研究中心的建议后,作为评估建立拟议中心可行性的组成内容,2012 年 11 月派出 了一个教科文组织考察团。
Following a proposal by the Government of China to establish an International Centre on Global-scale Geochemistry under the auspices of UNESCO in Langfang, China, a UNESCO [...]
mission was undertaken
in November 2010 as a part of the evaluation of the feasibility of establishing the proposed Centre, which would specialize in and lend support to international cooperation in the field of global geochemical studies.
如今大部分亚洲国家只有在大城市中 地区 可 以 享用时尚的欧洲美食,可在琅勃拉邦的斯沙 坊 ( S i sa vangvong road),当地厨师和烘焙师既会做法式甜点,又会制作老挝糯米饭和生肉色拉。
Where most of Asia’s urban centres have only recently begun to embrace and master trendy European culinary [...]
treats, chefs and bakers in local kitchens
along Luang Prabang’s Sisavangvong Road are as comfortable preparing fine French pastries as they are with sticky rice and larb.
文件还强调必须开发陆地交通运输 廊 , 以 便向边 地区 传播繁荣的成果,并主张建立一种雄心勃勃的金融构架,从而能够通过相 关渠道,把亚太区域大量的储蓄用于消除各国间在基础设施发展方面 的巨大差距。
The document also highlights the
importance of developing
[...] land transport corridors for spreading the fruit of prosperity through the hinterlands, and advocates [...]
the development of
an ambitious regional financial architecture that could channel the region’s large savings to close its huge cross-country infrastructure development gaps.
廊坊培训 中心的关注和重视就是一个例 子。
The attention and
[...] emphasis upon the Langfang training centre [...]
is one example.
泽布从那些曾发生过惊人历史却又不起眼的地方汲取灵感——演唱会 地 、 独 立企业的密室,或者 区 会 所的 前 廊 , 然 后采用工业铸造材料制造一组组环境。
An installation by Zeb Smith sets the stage for this portrait of the city, using industrial and found materials to produce an environment that draws
inspiration from the
[...] unassuming places where incredible history was made – the concert venue, the back room of an independent business, or the front porch of a neighborhood [...]
club house.
在 2010 年担任欧洲安全与合作组 织(欧安组织)轮值主席期间,哈萨克斯坦将努力 推动欧亚运输廊和欧安组区域内 可持续又安全 的运输连线的发展。
In its capacity as Chair-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in 2010, Kazakhstan would seek to
promote the development of
[...] Eurasian transport corridors and sustainable, secure transport connections within the OSCE region.
郭家麒議員問及起動九龍東辦事處曾否接觸 九龍東的藝術機構,發展局起動九龍東專員回應時 表示,該辦事處曾於2012年 7月在觀塘海濱舉辦文 化藝術地營造工作坊,約 有70名來自該等機構的 從業員參加了上述工作坊。
In response to Dr KWOK Ka-ki's enquiry on whether EKEO had been in touch with arts establishments in Kowloon East, Head/EKEO/DEVB advised that the Office had organized a workshop on place-making for arts and culture along Kwun Tong Waterfront in July 2012 and about 70 participants from these establishments had joined the event.
本期『价值衡量』特别为亚洲金融论坛2012期间举行的德勤工 坊 “ 人民 币 区 之 崛 起 - 未来十年的贸易、投资及资产管理﹕金融服务行业与企业的未来路向”而撰写,总结了工作坊的实时投票结果。
It leverages the polling results collected from the Asian
Financial Forum 2012 Deloitte Workshop
[...] titled “Rise of the RMB Zone – Trade, Investment, [...]
and Asset Management in the coming decade:
Way forward for financial services industry and businesses”.
本馆位于胡志明市 Tan Phu 区 Phu Thanh 坊 Luy Ban Bich 街416 号,在西贡,虽然这里不是唯一拥有这么吸引的空间,但限于 Tan Phu 区来说,这里凭着古典中有一点现代性的建筑以及玄秘而奇妙的风格故成为一个完全新颖、独到并且是一个理想 地 点。
Located at 416 Luy Ban Bich Street, Phu Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City, this café is not the only place in Saigon that offers a garden space of that charm and attractiveness, and yet within the Tan Phu area it should be completely new and strange architecture with classical feature mixed [...]
with little modernity,
which is a perfect destination for diners by the mystery and magic that it can bring.




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