单词 | 廉租屋 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 廉租屋 noun —low-cost housing nSee also:廉—honest • incorruptible • surname Lian • side wall of a traditional Chinese house (old) • investigate (old) 租屋 n—market intervention n 租 v—rent v • hire v 屋 n—house n • room n
但是,相 對地,如果香港沒有廉租屋,以 香港高昂的地價、地租而言,一定會令工人 的工資成本增加。 legco.gov.hk | If low-cost housing had not been available, the high land price and land rent of Hong Kong [...] would have caused enormous increases in the wage cost of workers. legco.gov.hk |
我們一 直都知道,過往政府推行廉租屋,其 實是要為居民提供廉價租金,從而為香 港社會提供較低廉的勞動力,也從而促進整個經濟發展。 legco.gov.hk | We all know that the Government [...] introduced low-cost housing in the past with the aim of offering low rent to tenants, thereby [...]providing relatively [...]low-cost labour to give impetus to the overall economic development. legco.gov.hk |
政府可否告知本局,在這 160000 [...] ㆟內,其㆗有多少㆟是居住在私㆟發展的樓宇,又有 多少是居住在政府所提供的廉租屋和 居 者有其屋? legco.gov.hk | Will the Administration inform this Council how many of these 160 000 people will be living [...] in private residential developments and how many will be [...] living in public housing units and Home [...]Ownership Scheme flats? legco.gov.hk |
由於公屋的對象都是低下 [...] 階層的升斗市民,所以租金一直都處於相宜及居民可負擔的水平,而公屋又 有“廉租屋”的別稱。 legco.gov.hk | Since PRH caters for the general public of the [...] lower class, the rent has always remained at a low and affordable level, hence, it [...] is also known as "low-cost housing". legco.gov.hk |
7.11 馮檢基議員質疑,為何代繳租金的建議不適於由香港平 民屋宇有限公司擁有和管理的私營 廉租屋 邨 大 坑西新邨。 legco.gov.hk | 7.11 Mr Frederick FUNG questioned why the rent payment proposal was not applicable to Tai Hang Sai Estate (THSE) which [...] was a private low-cost housing estate owned and managed by the [...] Hong Kong Settlers Housing Corporation [...]Limited (HKSHCL). legco.gov.hk |
我再次呼籲各位議員,從香港長治久安出發、從維護基層市民的民生出 發、從關心他們可在廉租屋內安 居樂業出發。 legco.gov.hk | I urge Members again to consider from Hong Kong's long-term peace and stability, from the protection of the livelihood of grassroots and from [...] a caring perspective of ensuring that the [...] grassroots who live in PRH flats can live peacefully [...]and work in contentment. legco.gov.hk |
今天的 [...] 老闆能夠以數千元聘請一名員工,應該歸功 於 廉租屋 , 低 廉 的 租金其實是社 會工資的一部分,補助了基層市民的收入。 legco.gov.hk | The fact that an employer is able to use several thousand dollars to employ a [...] worker can be attributed to low-cost housing. legco.gov.hk |
因 為有了廉租屋,便 可以少付工資,有助商界發展。 legco.gov.hk | Why do they [...] oppose it? With low-rent housing, they may pay less [...]wages to workers, and this must be beneficial to the development of the business sector. legco.gov.hk |
這項措施涉及開支二十二 億元」,當局可否告知本委員會:上述向不同租戶提供代繳租金的詳細開支分布 為何;預計最快推出免租的時間;政府會否考慮同時向香港唯一私 人 廉租屋 邨大坑西邨的租戶代繳兩個月租金;若否,原因為何? legco.gov.hk | This measure will involve an expenditure of $2.2 billion,” will the Administration inform this Committee of: the detailed breakdown of the expenditure on paying rent for the above-mentioned tenant groups; the estimated earliest time to introduce the rent waiver; whether the [...] Government will also consider [...] paying two months’ rent for the tenants of Tai Hang Sai Estate, the only private low-cost housing estate in Hong [...]Kong; if not, what are the reasons? legco.gov.hk |
「㆚類屋 及前政府廉租屋 及前政府廉租屋 及前政府廉租屋 及前政府廉租屋 租金檢討」 租金檢討」 租金檢討」 租金檢討」,石籬 ,石籬 ,石籬 legco.gov.hk | (c) of the reasons for not placing Shek Lei Estate in [...] the list of estates for rent increase in the recently published "Rent Review for Group B and Former Low-cost Housing Estates"? legco.gov.hk |
公屋住戶的最高收入約為每月 7,400 元,而 廉租屋住戶通常每月約繳 230 元至 300 元的煤氣費和電費,多付 20 元至 30 元,應不會是過份沉重的負擔。 legco.gov.hk | The maximum earnings of a family [...] in public housing are $7,400 per month; a low-cost housing tenant usually pays [...]about $230 to about [...]$300 per month for gas and electricity; so an extra $20 to $30 should not be an overly heavy burden. legco.gov.hk |
梁家傑議員:主席女士,香港的公共房屋(“公屋”)發展,可追溯至政府 在上世紀五十年代興建徙置大廈,當時興建這些徙置大廈,是為受天災或清 [...] 拆影響的寮屋居民提供一個藏身之所,並同時興建環境較徙置大廈為佳 的廉 租屋。 legco.gov.hk | MR ALAN LEONG (in Cantonese): Madam President, the development of public housing in Hong Kong can be dated back to the '50s of the last century, when resettlement blocks [...] were built by the Government to provide shelters to people affected by natural calamities [...] and clearance of squatter areas. legco.gov.hk |
據我 理解,香港的公屋一向的目的,最基本當然是好像剛才同事所說的歷史般, 例如在火燒馬場後,政府興建廉租屋 等 ,這些我不想重複。 legco.gov.hk | I do not wish to repeat all these. However, from my own observation, I think the [...] prime overall [...] objective of public housing is to enable those disadvantaged socially groups and those who cannot afford private housing to have dwellings. legco.gov.hk |
這其實早於上一世紀五十年代便已開始,而且在過往數十年 間,公屋一直發揮着廉租屋的作 用,在為市民提供基本住屋需要之餘,同時 也為社會提供大量廉價勞動力,支持本港不同行業的發展。 legco.gov.hk | This in fact started as early as the '50s of the last century; and during the past few decades, public housing has always provided low cost housing to Hong Kong people. legco.gov.hk |
我們當時是十分開心的,我們原本在徙置區居 住,接着搬入廉租屋,其 後因為進了香港大學,而大學有租金優惠,所以我 們便租住私人樓宇,把原本石蔭邨(那時候,我們是由大窩口搬往石蔭邨) [...] 的公屋交回政府。 legco.gov.hk | Later on, after securing a job in the [...] University of Hong Kong, I became [...] entitled to a rent allowance. So we moved into a rented private [...]flat, and in the meantime, we [...]surrendered the PRH flat in Shek Yam Estate (we moved from Tai Wo Hau to Shek Yam Estate) to the Government. legco.gov.hk |
南車站施工後,加上 1899 年興建華盛頓街高架鐵路,在華埠邊緣便有非住宅發展, 許多廉租屋因為 製衣工業擴展而被夷平。 bostonredevelop...ntauthority.org | Non-residential uses developed on the edges of Chinatown following construction of South Station and, in 1899 of the Washington Street elevated subway line. bostonredevelop...ntauthority.org |
故此,長遠房屋策略的論據是,雖然租金處於可負擔水平 的 廉租屋 可 能 永遠都有需求, 但亦須滿足公屋及私營樓宇的住戶對自置居所的日漸殷切期望。 legco.gov.hk | The Long Term Housing Strategy is thus based on the premise that [...] while there may always be a demand [...] for low-cost housing at affordable rent, rising aspirations [...]for home ownership from households [...]living in public and private housing need to be met. legco.gov.hk |
1840 年代,原住本區的居民開始遷出市區,以愛爾蘭人、義大利人、 猶太人及敘利亞人為主的新移民得以遷入,他們將單戶住宅改成多單位 的 廉租屋。 bostonredevelop...ntauthority.org | In the 1840s, the area’s original residents began to move out of the city, making way for newcomers who [...] were mainly Irish, Italian, Jewish, and Syrian immigrants who [...] converted the single-family homes to multiple unit tenements. bostonredevelop...ntauthority.org |
如果讓我選擇從何處 手解決問題,我會選擇解決市民對 廉租 房 屋 的 需 要,因為這 項需要是顯而易見,毋須進行調查。 legco.gov.hk | Given the choice of where to start [...] on the problem I would opt for tackling [...] the need for low rent housing because the [...]need is so evident that it scarcely needs an investigation. legco.gov.hk |
以往不少人可透過公屋或廉租屋,令他們的生活有所改善,也有條 件在有片瓦遮頭下、在政府提供較廉宜租金的房屋政策下,透過不斷努力, [...] 向社會的不同階層爬升。 legco.gov.hk | In the past, people were able to improve their [...] standard of living under the [...] protection of public housing or low-cost housing. As they had a shelter [...]and benefited from the [...]inexpensive rent made possible under the Government's housing policy, people were able to work their way up the social ladder with their own efforts. legco.gov.hk |
自這時期開始,公屋租金佔住戶入息中位數便超過了 10%的法定 水平,一個低下階層家庭的成員即使在此期間被減薪,甚至失業,卻仍要向 政府繳交千多二千元的廉租屋租金。 legco.gov.hk | Even if a family member of the lower class suffered a [...] wage cut or even unemployment during this period, he [...] still had to pay a rent of around $2,000 for his low-cost housing. legco.gov.hk |
這並不是 甚麼新事物,香港自 [...] 五 十 年 代 起 ,政府已為 市民提 供 廉 租 屋 、 廉 價 醫 療服務 和九年 免費教育等 , 以 [...]照 顧 一 低 收 入 人士,讓 他 們可以 繼續過活。 legco.gov.hk | This is nothing new at all. Ever since [...] the 1950s, the Government has been [...] providing low-cost housing, inexpensive medical services [...]and nine-year compulsory education [...]to the low-income people to help them get by. legco.gov.hk |
所以,這次修改法例根本是要改變過往數十年 政府的公共房屋廉租政策,令公屋加租再無任何限制。 legco.gov.hk | What is more, it is a rent adjustment mechanism that allows incessant increases without any limits. Therefore, this amendment legislation is actually an attempt to change [...] the Government's [...] low-cost public housing policy that has been implemented during the past few decades, thus making PRH rents no longer subject [...]to any constraints. legco.gov.hk |
自由黨成員建議公屋的售價必須仔細研究,使之能夠真正吸引到目前支付非常 低 廉租金 及有居住保障的公屋居民購買。 legco.gov.hk | Members of the Liberal Party propose that the selling price of flats to sitting tenants should be worked out in such a way that it [...] would offer a real [...] incentive to the tenants who after all are paying very low all-inclusive rents and have virtual [...]secure tenure. legco.gov.hk |
市民 必須先有租金廉宜的房屋,然 後才能儲夠錢支付買樓所需的訂金以及償還樓宇按揭 貸。 legco.gov.hk | Only when [...] citizens can get the low-rent housing will they be able [...]to save money and then be able to put down a deposit and mortgage for a flat. legco.gov.hk |
我們絕對不可以忘記租金低廉的公共 房 屋 在 促進本港過去經濟成就㆖所扮演的角 色。 legco.gov.hk | We must never forget the part [...] played by lowcost public housing in our past economic successes. legco.gov.hk |
我想請教局長,好像馮檢基議員所說的現象,即醫生面對昂貴租金 而被迫遷離公共屋邨,所引致的後果是,第一,屋邨居民生病時,屋邨 內便沒有醫生為他們診症;第二,由於以前房署的 低 廉租 金 , 所以能確 保屋邨裏 有足夠醫生在當地為居民服務,這情況已經不復存在。 legco.gov.hk | Concerning the phenomenon mentioned by Mr Frederick FUNG, that is, doctors are forced to move away from PRH estates because of expensive rents; as a result, first, when PRH tenants fall ill, there are no doctors in PRH estates to give them treatment; second, since the [...] Housing Department used [...] to charge lower rents, it managed to ensure that there were sufficient doctors in PRH estates to [...]serve the residents. legco.gov.hk |
土㆞發展公司並沒有房屋協會和房屋委員會的有利條 件,備有大量價格或租金低廉的房屋 或 臨 時房屋,可供進行清拆時使用,不 過該公司㆒直致力購入㆒些私㆟單位,並予以改建,以協助最有需要的㆟士。 legco.gov.hk | The Land Development Corporation does not have the advantage enjoyed by the Housing Society and the Housing [...] Authority of a substantial pool of [...] low-priced or low-rental or temporary housing to [...]assist in its clearances, but it has made [...]considerable efforts to buy and adapt flats to assist those most in need. legco.gov.hk |
面對社會上這些要求,民建聯建議政府應充分利用各區 公 屋 的 空 置單位 或空置停車場,以低廉租金租 予社會企業開辦夜間託兒服務,以及針對 6 至 12 歲兒童而設的兒童教育社等,方便要外出工作而夜歸的父母,亦有助鼓勵 [...] 婦女及家庭照顧者自力更生。 legco.gov.hk | In view of these demands in society, the DAB suggests that the Government should make full use of the vacant [...] units or vacant car [...] parks in public housing estates and provide spaces for social enterprises at low rents to operate night-time [...]child care service [...]and education centres for children aged six to 12 for the convenience of working parents who can come home only very late at night, and this will also help encourage women and family carers to become self-reliant. legco.gov.hk |
然而我們不要忘記公屋資助政策 [...] 的目的是要幫助真正有需要的市民,而 不是幫助市民累積財富或者製造特權階級,「富 戶」租住廉價的公屋單位 是㆒種嚴重的社會資源的浪費。 legco.gov.hk | However, we must not forget that the aim of the [...] housing subsidy policy is to help those [...] in desperate need of housing rather than facilitating [...]people to accumulate wealth or [...]creating a privileged class of people. legco.gov.hk |